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Jul 21, 2004


D.N. Nation posted:

Columbia legit smells. I don't know if it's the river or what.

My favorite part of the town:

Yeah, it's a low-grade funk I couldn't ever put my finger on every time I had to work there. They also have an astonishing lack of decent restaurants for a mid-size Southern city.

Charleston also actually used to be an incredibly smelly city before they got rid of the paper mills and decided to be Savannah v2.0. I was there as a young kid, and 90% of what I remember about it is the poisonous fart smell.


Jun 24, 2005

On sight

D.N. Nation posted:

Every Clemson fan I've ever known has been fun-loving and grounded about their football team. They're having a lot of fun this year, and good for them. I went to UGA @ Clemson 2003 (game owned BTW) and all those people seemed fine, if pretty depressed at the time.

The "living in the 80s" portion of the fanbase is way bigger for UGA than it is for Clemson.

If by some act of God we manage to get in and somehow win the NCG then yeah, a lot of people are going to be arrogant for years to come... But I guess that just comes with the territory.

Also, that game did not own... That game was Tommy Bowden at his most Tommy Bowden-est. :smith:

Thermos H Christ
Sep 6, 2007


MourningView posted:

I mean this is mostly true but it is not to nearly the same degree.

Kansas really is impressively bad. Charlie Strong ran up the score on them. He couldn't manage to run out the clock without scoring 59 points in the process.

Aug 6, 2011

Kansas is at the level of a middling-to-bad FCS team, right down to number of players on scholarship.

Mar 27, 2007

(Trophy Feline Lifting Crew)

LeeMajors posted:

I get lots of poo poo for not being a UF alum, but I took a full ride to another school (CofC), so I'm not sure that was a bad decision.

I've exclusively been a Gator since I was 5, so I hope that's good enough. :shobon:

27 years of rabid fanhood.

Can't blame you for that since I am the same. I'm a canes fan since basically birth, and most of my family went there. I didn't because I went to a Division 3 school up north, so I can still root for them as my primary :getin:

Aug 2, 2005

GD_American posted:

Yeah, it's a low-grade funk I couldn't ever put my finger on every time I had to work there. They also have an astonishing lack of decent restaurants for a mid-size Southern city.

Charleston also actually used to be an incredibly smelly city before they got rid of the paper mills and decided to be Savannah v2.0. I was there as a young kid, and 90% of what I remember about it is the poisonous fart smell.

I went to a bachelor party in Charleston this year (for this first time). Spent first day doing brewery tours in the loving ghetto. Was confused as to why everyone loved the city so much.

Then I realized there are two Charlestons. Downtown, and rundown

Jun 24, 2005

On sight

Ungratek posted:

I went to a bachelor party in Charleston this year (for this first time). Spent first day doing brewery tours in the loving ghetto. Was confused as to why everyone loved the city so much.

Then I realized there are two Charlestons. Downtown, and rundown

Trust me, it would have been even more dramatic just 3-5 years ago. The north-central and neck areas of the peninsula have become gentrified as gently caress and in another 5 it's going to be indistinguishable from the rest of downtown.

Feb 3, 2007
Speaking of obnoxious fan a non-Buckeye fan living in Ohio I have been pleasantly surprised with Buckeye fans post-NCG. I was ready for armageddon after they won because after 2002 they all came out of the woodwork. They really never left. But I know a ton of Buckeye fans, a lot of them can be pretty annoying, and I cant recall anyone boasting or talking poo poo or anything during the offseason. Maybe they were all just pleasantly surprised by their title run, or maybe I've just lowered my sensitivity to it in the 13 years since 2002. Or maybe after getting demolished in 2 NCGs, they learned to not talk much poo poo.

Dec 20, 2007

GD_American posted:

Yeah, it's a low-grade funk I couldn't ever put my finger on every time I had to work there. They also have an astonishing lack of decent restaurants for a mid-size Southern city.

Charleston also actually used to be an incredibly smelly city before they got rid of the paper mills and decided to be Savannah v2.0. I was there as a young kid, and 90% of what I remember about it is the poisonous fart smell.

I'm not a Columbia or SC native, but I lived in Columbia for 13 years and didn't find it terrible so much as I found it very boring. It's just kind of nondescript and generic, especially for a capital city. My parents still live there, so between them and SC games, I go back quite a bit and it's come a long way even in just the past five years. There's more of a beer/food/arts scene now than there ever was, and I find myself actually thinking things like "Whoa, I need to check that place out next time I go." Columbia still has substantial progress to make, but it feels like it's finally trying to be interesting.

Jun 24, 2005

On sight

RumbleFish posted:

I'm not a Columbia or SC native, but I lived in Columbia for 13 years and didn't find it terrible so much as I found it very boring. It's just kind of nondescript and generic, especially for a capital city. My parents still live there, so between them and SC games, I go back quite a bit and it's come a long way even in just the past five years. There's more of a beer/food/arts scene now than there ever was, and I find myself actually thinking things like "Whoa, I need to check that place out next time I go." Columbia still has substantial progress to make, but it feels like it's finally trying to be interesting.

I want to say they actually hired the planner who was behind Greenville's redevelopment. Hopefully they can do the same for Columbia what they did for Greenville.

Mar 16, 2001

Ungratek posted:

Then I realized there are two Charlestons. Downtown, and rundown

And that rundown part seems to go on forever

Apr 22, 2011

Mahoning posted:

I think every Notre Dame fan is cheering for OU to win out.

Yea. That Texas loss is going to be almost impossible for OU to overcome.

Jun 24, 2005

On sight

Sash! posted:

And that rundown part seems to go on forever

Well it's confusing because there's actually a separate city named North Charleston. So there's the northern part of Charleston which is currently undergoing transformation, and North Charleston which is just a shithole of industry and unending strip-malls (excluding Park Circle which is pretty cool).

Apr 12, 2006

Ben Has Tiny Weenus posted:

Mississippi State pregame hype video vs. Alabama:

It is really, really good. We have a fantastic video department.

Did you see Alabama's?

Feb 27, 2004

Getting up in arms about fans not being alums of the school they root for is the dumbest thing.

By that logic, anyone under the age of 18 can't be a fan of a college team....

Jun 24, 2005

On sight

Scrapez posted:

Getting up in arms about fans not being alums of the school they root for is the dumbest thing.

By that logic, anyone under the age of 18 can't be a fan of a college team....

I don't think anyone is saying that someone who is a non-alum can't be a fan... Just that the WORST fans are almost always non-alums.

Proud Christian Mom
Dec 20, 2006
After last year I can't believe yall are still arguing over 'quality wins and losses'

Feb 27, 2004

Scarf posted:

I don't think anyone is saying that someone who is a non-alum can't be a fan... Just that the WORST fans are almost always non-alums.

That hasn't been my experience with Iowa fans. A lot of the worst fans are the ones that got their undergrad from Iowa in 1973 so they think that entitles them to declare Ferentz should be fired or to cancel their season tickets because "We're not doing things the way I want them done."

I understand your point, too, though. The people that are the worst fans to OTHER fanbases are typically non-grads. I don't know...I think there are terrible fans in either category.

I'm an alum of a 9-0 team and a lifelong fan of a different 9-0 team so.... :smug: I'm the best fan. (I graduated from OK State as an old man, though.) Iowa is my team.

Feb 19, 2007

by FactsAreUseless

Scrapez posted:

That hasn't been my experience with Iowa fans. A lot of the worst fans are the ones that got their undergrad from Iowa in 1973 so they think that entitles them to declare Ferentz should be fired or to cancel their season tickets because "We're not doing things the way I want them done."

I understand your point, too, though. The people that are the worst fans to OTHER fanbases are typically non-grads. I don't know...I think there are terrible fans in either category.

I'm an alum of a 9-0 team and a lifelong fan of a different 9-0 team so.... :smug: I'm the best fan. (I graduated from OK State as an old man, though.) Iowa is my team.

You just wanted to claim that your alma mater and your hometown team have all of the wrestling titles, didn't you?

Dec 30, 2005

National champion, Heisman winner, King crab enthusiast
I truly love being an FSU fan living far away from Florida. The fans I do run into are typically alum or affiliated with the school and are cool as hell. Same goes for the many UF fans I've seen here and in Colorado. I spent 2 weeks in Colorado this summer and almost every day I ran into an FSU and UF fan, it was crazy. There's usually a little bit of razzing, then talking about football/non-football topics like normal people.

That being said, the most obnoxious FSU fan I know is an alum. He got cussed out by a couple nice old lady Auburn fans at the NCG and deserved every bit of it. If you're reading this, gently caress you Jason.

In conclusion: gently caress all non-alum fans like LeeMajors ;)

Dattserberg fucked around with this message at 19:45 on Nov 11, 2015

Feb 3, 2007
The worst fans of any fan base are the dumbest ones. And by their very nature dumb people don't have ANY college degree let alone one from the university they support in football. So there you have it.

Sep 2, 2006

Is this Heaven?

Scrapez posted:

That hasn't been my experience with Iowa fans. A lot of the worst fans are the ones that got their undergrad from Iowa in 1973 so they think that entitles them to declare Ferentz should be fired or to cancel their season tickets because "We're not doing things the way I want them done."

Well I mean people should be allowed to cancel their tickets for whatever reason they want. It is not like there is a requirement that you must pay a bunch of money to watch a team play just because you're a fan of them. I would have been hesitant to buy tickets before this year too if I were back in Iowa, especially if I wasn't in the Iowa City/Cedar Rapids area where it was easy to get to games every week (I did have basketball tickets at the nadir of the Lickliter era, so I am apparently not opposed to supporting a terrible product, but they were also cheap because I was a student and I could walk to games)

Feb 11, 2008

Yo, peep that shit

Dattserberg posted:

I truly love being an FSU fan living far away from Florida. The fans I do run into are typically alum or affiliated with the school and are cool as hell. Same goes for the many UF fans I've seen here and in Colorado. I spent 2 weeks in Colorado this summer and almost every day I ran into an FSU and UF fan, it was crazy. There's usually a little bit of razzing, then talking about football/non-football topics like normal people.

That being said, the most obnoxious FSU fan I know is an alum. He got cussed out by a couple nice old lady Auburn fans at the NCG and deserved every bit of it. If you're reading this, gently caress you Jason.

I was in Boston with an FSU hat and saw a Miami fan with a jersey on. I told him in all earnestness "Dude, congratulations on firing Al Golden" and he hugged me.

Jan 20, 2005

I've gotta stop fantasizing about Lee Majors...
Ah, one more!

GD_American posted:

Yeah, it's a low-grade funk I couldn't ever put my finger on every time I had to work there. They also have an astonishing lack of decent restaurants for a mid-size Southern city.

Charleston also actually used to be an incredibly smelly city before they got rid of the paper mills and decided to be Savannah v2.0. I was there as a young kid, and 90% of what I remember about it is the poisonous fart smell.

The smelliness of Charleston has always been the stupid carriage tour horsepiss/poo poo smell. Before that, it was the diesel smell from the shipyards. As far as I know, the papermills were always pretty far from Charleston-proper. But you were born in 1876, so I can't vouch for the early 20th century. E: Had it in my mind you were Det. Fack.

Savannah (and all of coastal Georgia), by contrast, is loving Papermill City.

Sash! posted:

And that rundown part seems to go on forever

Eh. Not really. The neck has always been a poor shithole and you can blame slavery for that. When industry faded after the navy pulled out we were left with....rundown, crumbling industrial bullshit peppered with strip clubs and fire stations--but most of that is in North Charleston.

Ungratek posted:

I went to a bachelor party in Charleston this year (for this first time). Spent first day doing brewery tours in the loving ghetto. Was confused as to why everyone loved the city so much.

Then I realized there are two Charlestons. Downtown, and rundown

Which breweries? Most of the industrial location/feel of breweries here are due to draconian zoning laws that banish them to poorer parts of town because they are a :airquote: factory. :airquote:

Honestly, that's really true of most cities for breweries that are not also restaurants.

Nov 8, 2002

College Slice

MourningView posted:

Well I mean people should be allowed to cancel their tickets for whatever reason they want. It is not like there is a requirement that you must pay a bunch of money to watch a team play just because you're a fan of them. I would have been hesitant to buy tickets before this year too if I were back in Iowa, especially if I wasn't in the Iowa City/Cedar Rapids area where it was easy to get to games every week (I did have basketball tickets at the nadir of the Lickliter era, so I am apparently not opposed to supporting a terrible product, but they were also cheap because I was a student and I could walk to games)

There's still well over 10k tickets left for Iowa's last home game next weekend, which seems insane to me.

Megaconferences have destroyed schedules though. If I were an Iowa fan I wouldn't have bought season tickets for that home slate either.

Aug 2, 2005

LeeMajors posted:

Which breweries? Most of the industrial location/feel of breweries here are due to draconian zoning laws that banish them to poorer parts of town because they are a :airquote: factory. :airquote:

Honestly, that's really true of most cities for breweries that are not also restaurants.

I really only recall Revelry. Brewery tours bore the heck out of me. Been on one, been on almost all of them.

And that's true as well. DC has dumped most of their breweries in the NE hood as well, away from places that are "desirable" to live.

Jan 20, 2005

I've gotta stop fantasizing about Lee Majors...
Ah, one more!

Ungratek posted:

I really only recall Revelry. Brewery tours bore the heck out of me. Been on one, been on almost all of them.

And that's true as well. DC has dumped most of their breweries in the NE hood as well, away from places that are "desirable" to live.

Yeah, brewery tours are generally boring. I'd rather get bombed in the taproom. Walking around looking at the process, beyond the first time, is time spent not efficiently drinking.

I love Revelry though--their West Coast DIPA called Back Off Warchild really appeals to my Point Break sympathies.

Dec 24, 2003

Dallas Mavericks: Generations

Spacemonkey57 posted:

If the Big 12 got screwed last year because they don't have a conference championship game then I think Notre Dame should be screwed for not playing in one and also for being Notre Dame.

At least they play a good schedule.

Nov 8, 2002

College Slice

Spacebump posted:

At least they play a good schedule.

Notre Dame has the best out of conference schedule in the country.

This is a thing I actually expect to come out of Arkansas's athletic directors mouth at some point in the next few weeks.

Proud Christian Mom
Dec 20, 2006

Spacemonkey57 posted:

If the Big 12 got screwed last year because they don't have a conference championship game then I think Notre Dame should be screwed for not playing in one and also for being Notre Dame.

The Big XII got screwed because the playoff is a money making venture and 100 times out of 100 you take Ohio State over teeny tiny TCU and Baylor.

Dec 24, 2003

Dallas Mavericks: Generations

Thoguh posted:

Notre Dame has the best out of conference schedule in the country.

This is a thing I actually expect to come out of Arkansas's athletic directors mouth at some point in the next few weeks.

Just want to say I actually like what Iowa State did for their OOC games this season. An instate tuneup, a rival from a major conference (currently one of the better teams in the country), and one of the better mid-majors.

Oct 20, 2010

Three games, thousands of playthroughs. 90% of the players don't know I exist. Still a redhead saving the galaxy with a [Right Hook].


pillsburysoldier posted:

I was in Boston with an FSU hat and saw a Miami fan with a jersey on. I told him in all earnestness "Dude, congratulations on firing Al Golden" and he hugged me.


Look Sir Droids
Jan 27, 2015

The tracks go off in this direction.

Scrapez posted:

Getting up in arms about fans not being alums of the school they root for is the dumbest thing.

By that logic, anyone under the age of 18 can't be a fan of a college team....

Alum fans are just at the top of the fan food chain. I'm fine with long time townies, fans of the college their parents went to, and fans that live in or are from the state. But any one of those types of fans over the age of 25 that trash talk and act like a dickhead fan better be prepared to eat some poo poo when they get asked when they graduated from the school they root for.

College isn't far removed from high school. Would you root for a high school you didn't go to and had no real connection to? You'd be pathetic and weird as gently caress.

Look Sir Droids fucked around with this message at 20:15 on Nov 11, 2015

Nov 8, 2002

College Slice

Spacebump posted:

Just want to say I actually like what Iowa State did for their OOC games this season. An instate tuneup, a rival from a major conference (currently one of the better teams in the country), and one of the better mid-majors.

That's what ISU does every year. In fact, the surest way to know in advance what mid majors will soon be on the rise is to see what G5 schools Iowa State has coming up in 3-5 years. ISU has played 3 of the current top 10 and 5 of current the top 15 this year. And somehow we always end up with a top 5 or so FCS team as well.

Thoguh fucked around with this message at 20:21 on Nov 11, 2015

Sep 2, 2006

Is this Heaven?

Thoguh posted:

There's still well over 10k tickets left for Iowa's last home game next weekend, which seems insane to me.

It's pretty much entirely because they were so far behind on season tickets. It's pretty hard to sell out games through single game tickets, unless it's something really special like this week where it's a rivalry game at night with the outdoor wrestling thing during the day before. They've actually been selling as many single game tickets as they ever have but they were in a huge hole to start.

This season was a pretty underwhelming slate (largely because expansion goofed up the schedule, before that we were playing Michigan and Michigan State, although I don't know whether they'd have been home or road games) and the buzz around the team was as low as it's been since Ferentz got there. Last season ended horribly, the offense looked awful in the pre-season, and they seemed to be stuck in a rut where they'd win 6-8 games every year in the most frustrating and boring way possible. No one saw something like this coming

MourningView fucked around with this message at 20:27 on Nov 11, 2015

Rad Valtar
May 31, 2011

Someday coach Im going to throw for 6 TDs in the Super Bowl.

Sit your ass down Steve.
Paul Finebuam is really upset about Iowa being ahead of Baylor. I endorse the College Football Playoff Committee.

May 4, 2006

Look Sir Droids posted:

Alum fans are just at the top of the fan food chain. I'm fine with long time townies, fans of the college their parents went to, and fans that live in or are from the state. But any one of those types of fans over the age of 25 that trash talk and act like a dickhead fan better be prepared to eat some poo poo when they get asked when they graduated from the school they root for.

College isn't far removed from high school. Would you root for a high school you didn't go to and had no real connection to? You'd be pathetic and weird as gently caress.
To extend it, you would be pathetic and weird for being a dickhead about something you weren't even part of too. You didn't even suit up. Stop all this "we" talk.

Not that I agree with that, but trying to act superior and that you some additional rights over some other people because you went to a school 5-10-xx years ago is just as silly.

stuxracer fucked around with this message at 20:31 on Nov 11, 2015

Sep 2, 2006

Is this Heaven?

Rad Valtar posted:

Paul Finebuam is really upset about Iowa being ahead of Baylor. I endorse the College Football Playoff Committee.

I can see thinking Okie State should have jumped us I guess but Baylor has played one of the worst schedules in the country to this point and looked just as underwhelming this week against a fairly equivalent opponent. If they win out they'll jump us but right now they are if anything too high.

Their reasoning for Baylor ahead of us last week was literally "well they have a prettier looking offense" and I guess they've since realized that was kinda silly.

Look Sir Droids posted:

Alum fans are just at the top of the fan food chain. I'm fine with long time townies, fans of the college their parents went to, and fans that live in or are from the state. But any one of those types of fans over the age of 25 that trash talk and act like a dickhead fan better be prepared to eat some poo poo when they get asked when they graduated from the school they root for.

College isn't far removed from high school. Would you root for a high school you didn't go to and had no real connection to? You'd be pathetic and weird as gently caress.

if you are establishing some sort of code for why you can or cannot root for a team you are taking sports way too seriously

I didn't go to Iowa for undergrad because I could get into better schools and didn't feel like I should pick a school based on which football team I watched (I eventually wound up there for law school, but I rooted for Iowa all through undergrad and wouldn't have stopped even if I had gone to law school somewhere else). Stepping foot on another campus did not suddenly snuff out all the time I had invested watching and rooting for Iowa before that. I imagine that is the case for a lot of people who root for teams at schools they did not attend. It's a regional pride thing, especially in a lot of areas without pro teams.

Short of "don't be a dickhead" there is no right or wrong way to watch sports. Sports are in inherently silly thing we do because it's fun. Root for whoever the gently caress you want for whatever reason you want. It doesn't matter.

MourningView fucked around with this message at 20:36 on Nov 11, 2015

Look Sir Droids
Jan 27, 2015

The tracks go off in this direction.

stuxracer posted:

To extend it, you would be pathetic and weird for being a dickhead about something you weren't even part of too. You didn't even suit up. Stop all this "we" talk.

Can't tell if you're talking to me or just adding to what I said, but I try not to say "we" and only occasionally slip up and use it as shorthand.

MourningView posted:

if you are establishing some sort of code for why you can or cannot root for a team you are taking sports way too seriously

I didn't go to Iowa for undergrad because I could get into better schools and didn't feel like I should pick a school based on which football team I watched (I eventually wound up there for grad school, but I rooted fro Iowa all through undergrad and wouldn't have stopped even if I had gone to law school somewhere else). Stepping foot on another campus did not suddenly snuff out all the time I had invested watching and rooting for Iowa before that.

I'm not establishing a code for who can and can't root for a team. I'm establishing a pecking order for who is the most and least justified trash talking or being rude. Ideally no one should be rude. But if anyone is, I'm giving easier passes to alums. No one here is legit rude, so this isn't some thinly veiled insult.

Look Sir Droids fucked around with this message at 20:37 on Nov 11, 2015


Sep 2, 2006

Is this Heaven?
"we" is easier to say/type than the name of the team, I have no idea why people care about that so much. I think most people realize they are not literally part of the team

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