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Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
They should get Nick to do Mistborn.

"The last time I watch Nickelodeon...again."


Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

Cartoon Man posted:

The Shadesmar is the plane of existence that ties all the worlds together. Supposedly the Worldsingers (Hoid) use it to cross back and forth through the different books. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that "hell" is located there.

What does that say in the upper left? Expanse of the densities?

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

Maytag posted:

Except you can't affect metal in another person's body.
That applies to people burning metals, not to Magneto, duh.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

Koryk posted:

He probably eats while he writes.

Edit: Just think how fat he'd be if he could drink coke or mountain dew
Mormons actually can drink both of those, although many do not.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
I think Sanderson is too much of a nice guy to do humor well. I think to do humor for adults you have to be at least a bit of a dick, or at least able to assume a dickish mindset.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
The's the power of the mormon work ethic! :eng101:

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
Monday's almost over, where is this book??

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.


Stephen Leeds, AKA "Legion," is a man whose unique mental condition allows him to generate a multitude of personae: hallucinatory entities with a wide variety of personal characteristics and a vast array of highly specialized skills.
So basically Killer 7: The Book?

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
Who's Brent Weeks and what's wrong with him?

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
New Dresden Files and Iron Druid books just came out.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
The Something Awful Forums > The Finer Arts > The Book Barn > Brandon Sanderson: You don't sleep until you ride out the Avalanche.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

treeboy posted:

i see you've been practicing your high-imperial
I only recently picked up Alloy of Law and I laughed out loud when Sanderson made this 'joke'.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

Paracelsus posted:

I'm ashamed to admit that it wasn't until around page 130 that I got the Wax/Wane joke.

edit: In my defense, I basically turn off my brain when I read fiction.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
So this year he's got:

January 8 - A Memory of Light
May 14 - The Rithmatist
September 24 - Steelheart
November 12 - Stormlight 2

Clearly Brandon is more machine than man.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
It's a part of the shardverse (and on the same planet as the excellent The Emperor's Soul) so just slog through. DO IT.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
I liked Hrathen's, as a mormon it was very obviously inspired by Sanderson's experience as a missionary in Korea and probably more generally informed by knowledge of church history.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

treeboy posted:

I must've missed the "convert or die" portion of training at the MTC :)
To me it felt like a mormon missionary "sincere but calculating" mindset, but transplanted onto an evil empire.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

Superstring posted:

Shelled out for Rithmatist because, hey, I'm not reading anything else at the moment. Not that far into it yet, but yeah, this is the pro-Starcraft one, haha. Sanderson, you are a super-nerd among nerds.
I love Starcraft so now I am seriously considering buying this. :retrogames:

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

Mahlertov Cocktail posted:

Thankfully that's not the cover, but rather a poster.
Although there is a picture of the cover within the poster. The cover looks pretty neat.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

snooman posted:

I'm sure it will be explained later in the series, but it doesn't make a ton of sense that Epics using their power turns them evil. There's got to be a hard ceiling somewhere or Epics that constantly use their power would be gibbering, insane psychopaths. Conflux must have always had his power active and he was mild to the point of meekness so there may be some unrevealed subclass of Epics who are able to use their power without going batshit insane.
I thought this was explained by Prof at the end. Gifting your powers reverses the effect. Conflux was gifting more or less constantly.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
Sanderson is too nice of a guy to do a lot of 'gritty' stuff like swearing, crippled people, torture, and humor that has any kind of edge to it. Or maybe it just seems that way since I recently binged on Abercrombie. Going from Red Country to Steelheart was quite the culture shock.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
I don't see how The Way of Kings is an apocalyptic hellscape. Yeah there's terrible parts to the world and a big bad thing coming but that's pretty much always true in high fantasy.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

Tunicate posted:

Ah, he's hitting Seattle exactly a week from now. Would it be too much to ask for you to record it, or at least write down any questions you ask him?

EDIT: I just spammed half the thread in PMs. I hope this is acceptable - I heard apparently they look down on people begging publicly or something.
How do these usually work? They do questions, then signing at the end?

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

theshim posted:

I'll second The Black Prism by Brent Weeks. It uses a system of color magic that I describe to my friends as Sandersonesque - by which I mean it's got consistent rules and a full system all planned out ahead of time, just like Sanderson's magic systems (or at least it sure seems so). And this is color magic where different colors all do different things, as opposed to Warbreaker where it was simply color in general.
Yeah so based on this recommendation I read The Black Prism. Pretty good book. Then I started reading The Blinding Knife; not done yet, but so far it's really good. Feels like Sanderson with more of an edge. Sometimes it feels like Sanderson can't make his protagonists meaningfully flawed in a way that may evoke dislike or disgust from the reader, and Weeks clearly does not have that problem.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

Strumpy posted:

I can't do this to myself. I am forcing myself to wait it out so I can read the book in one disgusting binge.
You and me both, brother.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
When's the next Rithmatist because I just bought and finished it yesterday on a whim and I want more.

Also since I'm a serious Starcraft player and a programmer, the most interesting bits to me were the images in the chapter breaks, I kept thinking about how to translate the rules into an actual game.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
I hope someone sends that to/tweets that at Sanderson.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
Wait, Words of Radiance is up on Google Books?

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
Huh, looks like I may want to stay out of this thread for a while. Don't want to inadvertently spoil myself when I accidentally mouse-over something.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

The Glumslinger posted:

So, I just saw that on thursday, Brandon is doing a book signing literally less than two blocks from where I live. Guess I'll just have to take a long lunch break that day :v:

EDIT: Just downloaded to my Kindle :hellyeah:

Do I need to change my phone to EST??

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
I really like the drawings in this book.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

Wolpertinger posted:

Then again, that would actually be interesting if it doesn't mind control you into becoming a horrible monster like Steel Inquisitors - but after seeing what they did to the Parshendi I wouldn't count on it.
Rlain seemed to be doing ok in the form.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

Notorious QIG posted:

Rlain was in stormform? I thought he hadn't switched over.
Oh, never mind then, I must've misread.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
The Book Barn > Brandon Sanderson: Now with multiple climaxes!

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

Augster posted:

The most anime thing about the book is Szeth, who is described as having big, round eyes. There.
Also his shardblade is the closest one to a katana in design, I think.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

Augster posted:

I thought the Parshendi basically look like Darth Maul, but with some white marbling in with the black and red?
They're either black/red or white/red I think:


The Parshendi as observed by Alethi warriors have black or white skin[2] marbled with red and very muscular builds
(warning: spoilers inside) -

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

Law Cheetah posted:

Question about the parshmen (possible plot hole): Since parshmen don't have mate form, how do they reproduce? Parshmen are unawakened parshendi, right? They're stated to be similar to Parshendi dull form, anyway.
It's never said that Parshendi outright can't reproduce when not in mateform. It's just that being in mateform makes it hard to focus on anything else. Just like it's not physically impossible to fight when not in warform, or to work when not in workform.

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

MildShow posted:

Brandon just announced on Twitter that he's completed the first draft of a sequel to Legion, hoping for a fall release.
But is it going to be a novel or a novella?

Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.
This is adorable and awesome. :3


Dec 17, 2003

Jumpjet, melta, jumpjet. Repeat for ten minutes or until victory is assured.

Rumda posted:

so its more likely that is's a soulcast duplicate which fits better.
Kawarimi no Jutsu!

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