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Jan 11, 2007

Oh God im actually thinking about playing this again. Already bored with Diablo 3. Im loving the fact that fungi prices nosedived from even six or seven months ago. I could actually afford to kit out a twink pretty darn well - the only thing on my wishlist I would not be able to afford are crazy things like a Cloak of Flames.


Jan 11, 2007

Had a minor panic attack because my main character didnt have any plat on him, and thought maybe I had been hacked or something. I had forgotten that I had moved it to a mule account because I thought I would have to sell my main character to afford good stuff.

Question I asked on the p1999 boards and got some strange answers. If you had to pick a weapon setup for a twink monk what would you use: T-staff or Stave of Shielding/Adamantite Club? Im kinda leaning towards the T-staff because tracking down one rare item is easier and probably a little cheaper than the other two. And traditionally I liked using 2hb because you get hit with fewer ripostes.

I already have a FBSS, which of course I had bought when prices were higher :argh:

Jan 11, 2007

Actually saw someone selling a Cloak of Flames in EC tunnel today, dont remember ever see that before. Anyone got an extra 50k plat they dont want?

Im thinking at this point id just buy a fungi, maybe a lower end weapon (like a jade mace) and save every other copper for higher end haste.

They must have tweaked npc aggro, or Solusek A because the normally docile goblins nearly killed me when I cruised through there. Before they were so green they wouldnt aggro unless I like sat down near them. That would have been embarassing.

Jan 11, 2007

My twink set is nearly complete. I bought a knuckle duster (hope 900 wasnt too much to pay) and im looking to pay 1800-2000 for a jade mace. Got the chest item I wanted :black101:. Ive still got a decent amount of plat left over I could possibly buy a RBB, but maybe thats overkill. That would also preclude me from buying higher end monk weapons like a T-staff.

Oh and for the person who needed a Prickly Pear ive been seeing someone selling them for 1k. A little steep to be sure but could beat the alternative.

Jan 11, 2007

I dont suppose anyone has any Wu's armor they are willing to sell? Need the shoulder, wrist x2, legs, feet ill pay like 80pp each or whatevs

Jan 11, 2007

I played a shameful amount of eq today, but I gotta get that 2x exp while I can. Monk twink is level 17 now.

Jan 11, 2007

At this point Velious is really the only thing that will bring hundreds of players back. Maybe im just being selfish but im ok with the longer delay between Kunark and Velious because im still so far behind.

Jan 11, 2007

Ugh just got done grinding through level 30 which must have been a hell level. Some dude tried to horn in on my exp spot earlier today and got killed despite being a twink.

My memory isnt the best, but I dont remember hitting this hard on live. Like I only recall being able to do (weapon damage * 2) + damage bonus as a max hit.

Jan 11, 2007

SoleilEquil posted:

Are there good reasons to play this even as someone who never played EQ originally?

Maybe if you are a real masochist gamer, but I doubt too many people would put up with this game without the heavy dose of nostalgia.

Jan 11, 2007

SoleilEquil posted:

That bad, huh? I might give it a shot if I'm bored here one day.

Well the price is certainly right, and you never know you may love it. I just remember not being able to get any of my friends to play it past about level 15, and thats when the game was new and considered the big new thing.


Now im level 31 and looking for new xp spots. Id prefer something close to Cabilis, any suggestions?

Jan 11, 2007

aparmenideanmonad posted:

At that level range I've seen the most groups available in Mistmoore, but you have pretty much zero options for friendly banking and shopping on Faydwer, though as a monk it's still doable with sneak and FD.

Zones in that level range that are close to Cabilis: OT, Dalnir, Nurga, and FM, though none of them seem to be very popular for groups. OT has people in it but it's mostly caster/bard soloers. OT has a bad ZEM anyway though so I wouldn't bother with it if I were you.

Personally I'd just hitch a ride to Faydwer, catch a bind at the wiz spires in GFay, and go to Mistmoore. GY/Pit and then Castle Entrance groups were great XP for my on my iks monk until 37 or so, and killing in MM has the added bonus of getting you non-KOS with Kunark dragons (no Gorenaire surprises running across DL until you start killing her pals on raids). If you want a ride over just hit me up - my wiz has an OT hammer so it's easy to get to the Cabilis area.

Ive been having some surprising luck finding deep blues in Swamp of No Hope of all places, but that probably wont last another level. I tried soloing at the entrance to Dalnir, but I couldnt kill the cleric npcs, which seem to always be up maybe ill try again after I ding. So OT really has an exp penalty? that sucks because that was on my list of places to try when I got a couple more levels. Mistmoore is interesting, but man Faydwer would be a drag. Eventually ill probably camp the crap out of the yeti caves in the Dreadlands, but that wont be for a while yet.

Jan 11, 2007

Pillow Armadillo posted:

Swamp of No Hope is one of my favorite (and least appreciated) newbie zones in the game. There are a number of named leeches, Iksar, and Frogloks in the 15-25 level range that roam the zone and have very rewarding drops. Soblohg, a 26 warrior mob, has a relatively predictable spawn cycle in the Northern half of the zone and can drop gems that sell very well to players in East Commonlands.

As for Dalnir, the dungeon itself is a difficult one for the 25-35 level range, but has become slightly easier with the fixes to mob pathing in the most recent server patch. Crescent armor (linked here: is a great armor set for monks that I could help you acquire with minimal effort on your monk. /tell Skullmonkey next time you're in the area and we'll go there together to round out some of your armor slots.

Since I was already in zone I found Soblohg like 4 times but no drops other than more coin than usual. Ive killed all sorts of named and never got anything better than a 4 plat Topaz. Havent seen Sob spawn again lately, does he have a PH or do I need to check the western part of zone too?

Ok I think I figured it out, but 12 or so kills now and still no gems :(

Lakedaimon fucked around with this message at 06:23 on Jun 25, 2012

Jan 11, 2007

SoleilEquil posted:

Well it certainly is the best price for trying something out... may be able to set up and jump on it this upcoming weekend when I have some free time. Everything has been boring me recently due to it all being such a "blitz to end-game now ram your face into your keyboard until you kill ULTRABOSS on legendary mode or whatever excuse of re-hashing content we came up with" game strategy.

I remember a friend quite literally not leaving his house for three days out of the blue when it first came out (neighborhood kids playing) and we all thought he died.

well when you make your character let us know who you are and we can do our best to help you out. I can do ports or maybe scare up some crummy gear and a few elfbucks for ya

Jan 11, 2007

Sorry about that im used to referring to imaginary in-game money as spacebucks in EVE and whatnot, and that isnt really applicable to a game like EQ. Well unless they added the Luclin expansion I suppose (which they wont).

Trip Report SONH:

had some serious success yesterday, but after someone interrupted me to tell me all about the horrible, soul-melting pedofurry characters you can make in TERA I went on a major cold streak. Still I should be several thousand plat richer.

Jan 11, 2007

aparmenideanmonad posted:

Nice! Every time I try to camp Soblohg I get jack poo poo, but I've gotten 4-5 BD/Diamonds just knockin him off on the way to Seb or wherever.

Unfortunately now he is light blue to me and I dont think even I could stomach grinding through a level camping him anymore. Managed to get two black sapphires and a diamond though, and I made a harrowing run to Karnors in order to transfer them to my main. So ill probably try Dalnir zone in now to keep the exp bar moving.

Jan 11, 2007

Ok so I lie like a cheap rug. I dont have a ton of playtime during the week so ive just been camping that drat frog. At least I got another black sapphire. This weekend I should be able to go find a proper exp spot

Yeah as far as advice to a new player... do we try to steer them away from hybrids and their ridiculous 40% exp penalty? Probably Ranger at least.

Jan 11, 2007

Oh god please tell me 35 was a hell level. I shoulda just stayed in the swamp. Ended up grinding out the last orange in the Overthere against blues that hit like freight trains. Maybe it really is time to get myself over to the old world.

Im not super familiar with rogue weapons. Is Gloompoon the best available weapon in that price range? I know Bone Razors have plummeted in price down to like 2k, but im sure there has to be something decent im forgetting.

Jan 11, 2007

EQ Mac is free? Thats cool. But I think I can live without Luclin and PooP.

Hit 37 in the monk, still just crawling along but ive made some serious bank. Has anyone here done the Jboots MQ before? I was fortunate to get the boots from Drelzna on my original character (first spawn too lol). And the monk could really use them. Just wondering how much of a pain it will be, ive got the 5k no problem.

Jan 11, 2007

ohno posted:

I did the jboots MQ on my P1999 monk 8 months ago or so, when he was around level 20. It worked like normal, and then I proceeded to fear kite giants until "ding 50".

sorry for the dumb questions but im just curious what the standard procedure is as far as payment - after the quest is complete or before? I dont think ive ever MQd a quest except through like friends or guildmates. its not exactly convenient for a lizard monk to run around with 5500 plat in antonica, so im hoping to pay using my wizard parked in the same spot.

Jan 11, 2007

A week of Tundra Yeti genocide has me up to level 45 now. Just bought JBoot MQ, went as well as I could have hoped. Just need to buy a Tstaff for when I hit level 50.

Not sure where to solo now or if I am gonna break down and finally start looking for groups.

Jan 11, 2007

yeah I was gonna hit the Raster camp last night but a 60 was already there. At least I didnt waste the time running down there and back first. I tried at like level 37 or 38 and it wasnt really possible I pulled aggro through walls over huge distances. Took so much flopping to get out it looked like the NBA finals.

Ive got a couple stacks of bandages on me but the Fungi actually makes them hard to use because I get back over 50% so quickly. I know first world problems right?

Jan 11, 2007

Well how do you like that, took me less than 2 hours to get a Raster once I finally found the camp open. Sure he almost killed me but I did it! Bandages used 0

Jan 11, 2007

TouchToneDialing posted:

I seriously think raster spawns more on this server than on live. Iv done it three times and I didnt spend more than a few hours each go.

Fine just pee all over my good fortune why dont you?

I remember the first time I camped Raster on live for the idol and it took me I think 7 hours before he popped. I was never a huge poopsocker, so that was probably my longest eq session back then, and I was telling a friend about it, who immediately began to heap abuse on me. We were going to hang out once and I was trying to get a Ssra emperor raid finished up before he came over. Of course we had to wait on slow people and the raid ran over. He had to sit and watch me finish the raid for about 45 minutes and gave me a ton of crap about it. Other than this incident, there was only like one occasion where I actually blew off hanging out with my friends for EQ.

Fast forward to today. He discovered WoW in like 2007 and promptly sank 400+ days of his life into it. If he has the next day off work he will play whatever MMO he is currently into until like 8am the next morning, or until he passes out in his computer chair whatever comes first. He no longer has any other “offline” friends and never socializes with anyone outside of work. Ill foolishly try to get lunch or something on his days off once in a while but it usually dosent work out since im not willing to wait until he wakes up at 4:30 in the afternoon. He did find a girlfriend, but she has absolutely zero redeeming qualities, unless you consider having no other prospects and therefore a high tolerance for MMOs a big plus. He will now spend more time grinding reputation or running the same instances over and over again than I ever did at Raster on virtually a daily basis. All for a vanity pet or a different colored mount or whatever so he can impress his harem of online boyfriends.

Jan 11, 2007

Got my snuggie (RotLC) the other day! Too bad I am incredibly lazy and havent bothered exp'ing lately.

Jan 11, 2007

Fewd posted:

In as Oompharg the troll shaman :shobon:

Oh my how all the terrible things come back to mind as I run away from a level 2 froglok that's kicking my rear end.

Also, I might be really blind here but how do I see the a tooltip or whatever for items and spells? I get no information regarding anything no matter what I try.

Spells dont really tell you what they do in-game, you will probably just have to look on a spoiler site if you dont remember or dont want to use the old trial and error method. Also bear in mind that the lower level spells were buffed over the many expansions since Velious, and P1999 has the "classic" damage values, so some spoiler sites may have different info.

Up to 54 now, and close to my epic. Gotta keep grinding!

Jan 11, 2007

got my monk epic, then promptly cut back on eq time because of borderlands 2.

Jan 11, 2007

I think im the only active goon in <Divinity> anymore

Jan 11, 2007

Prophecy120 posted:

Probably. I didn't realize there were any other's besides me in the guild. I haven't logged on in ages but I still follow the forums for some reason.

its Thoth :p i thought we went way back man

Jan 11, 2007

oh god im getting an itch to twink out a rogue - anyone got Gaunts of Potence / Thick Banded Belt or Ragebringer MQ for sale?

Jan 11, 2007

aca posted:

That would be awesome if you could hook me up with some extra plat.. I'm in desperate need of some. How can I get a hold of you.

whats your name in game? i can spare a few bucks

Jan 11, 2007

I convinced some dude to make <Flaming Gaze> back during the early days of p99, so its probably not available anymore. Goon Platoon would be my suggestion.

Jan 11, 2007

just megatwinked a Rogue (now level 17) named Palestina

Jan 11, 2007

Hey P99 goons, I havent logged in for about six months. So it sounds like Velious is still not out, and TMO (almost) disbanded over duping? I was in Divinity, are they still raiding stuff?

Jan 11, 2007

Havent played in over a year, thought the flurry of new posts indicated that Velious actually came out. I am pretty shocked at the raid rotation policy, was that forced on them from above or did they actually come together and work that out?

Jan 11, 2007

oh god just reinstalled this on a new computer after not playing in a year+

minor miracle I remembered any of the passwords, now I just gotta spend some time fixing the UI.

so I hear that Staves of Shielding (on blue) are dirt cheap now - how much for those and what about Fungi tunics?

Jan 11, 2007

Siets posted:

Fungi tunics are a mere 20k plat on Red (where you should be playing with the rest of us! :pedo:)

Yeah I never really played a Necro past like level 4 so I think ill make a lizard one on Red. Probably a lizard so is there anyone I need to look for to get a group or possibly a tag?

Jan 11, 2007

Sigh well I am playing this again. Sure its awfully tempting to jump over to red and play with all you guys but I just have too much cool stuff on blue. Got to finally kill Trakanon, Eye of Veeshan, etc. Trying to finally grind through 59 and its going better than I expected. Anyone else playing on blue and if so what names/guilds?

Jan 11, 2007

hell yes finally got my Tear of Quellious for sky belt.

Jan 11, 2007

gepgepgep posted:

Awesome, turn it in for belt yet!? Such great stats on that thing for monks...their Sky loot is incredible.

Also, who is your monk and who do you raid with? (Seems like you came back to raid guild)

Been in <Divinity> forever. Just waiting to get the tradeable pieces so I can finish the turn in.

Back before Kunark I made insane plat as a level 45+ Wizard killing trash in Sol A. I would just one-shot all of the named mobs or placeholders. As long as I didnt sit near anything, I was too high level to draw aggro (but I think they changed this in a patch at some point). I figure I was making roughly 1k an hour after selling Impskin Gloves, Plat Dragon Totems, Obsidian Shards, Foreman Tunics, Plat Armbands etc. It was just a lotta work selling all that crap. But I made enough to twink my monk with a Fungi and Runed Bolster Belt


Jan 11, 2007

gepgepgep posted:

I can see if we can part with an Aged Nectar for some plats, if you're interested. We have a decent number of them. Writ we only have a few, so not sure they'd really part with it. Let me know.

Oh wow thanks, I just did the turn-in though, had to wait for someone with access to our sky bankers to log in. Then of course when I got up to sky the quest mob was already used/despawned and another monk was there waiting ahead of me. Had to do my turn-in at 7am heh. Now maybe if you had some brass knuckles for the Tranquil Fist laying around... lol

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