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Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?
Is it worth binge watching the other episodes or waiting for them to come out normally? Sure you've watched four in a row, but now you have to wait five weeks for an update.

I'll probably watch them.


Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?
They both got a firey crouch.

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?
Oh Hey.

I'd give her my Iron Throne.

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?
This show has pretty much sucked the last few episodes. Is this all supposed to be like this, or is this all a diversion from the story? (Didn't read the books).

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?

sky shark posted:

Rape Cures Sansa

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?

it's HBO. I think it's implied you will be showing titties. Or killed off quickly if you don't. Makes sense.

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?
You are in fact the hottest woman I've ever seen, during the course of this episode that is. Please show me your tits.

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?
So no more mother of dragons tits huh? Guess the rumors were true.

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?

TCD posted:

would be like GoT's version of spring break Cancun.

Would watch.

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?
Thought that might have been a baby-bump in that scene at first, but guess not. Rape babies GOT style is always a hoot.

Also, give me twenty men and I'll end this poo poo right here. :smug:.

Untagged fucked around with this message at 09:08 on Jun 1, 2015

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?
So are the zombies zombies, and the white/blue eyes ones white walkers? Or does every north of the wall army conscript have white eyes, and only the pure blood baby converts are technically white walkers. Because this ep throws a bit of a wrench in to that whole thing.

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?


The zombies in season 1 all had magic glowing blue eyes. Everyone gets magic glowing blue eyes. Wights and Walkers. No wrench.

Oh aiight. Thanks buddy :glomp:.

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?
Heard Arya Stark turned 18. :pedo:.

I'm always amazed they can make certain actors/actresses play characters that are much younger than they are appear so accurate.

Untagged fucked around with this message at 01:16 on Jun 4, 2015

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?

Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

get the gently caress out

The way this shows been going there's no telling if any of the characters are safe from the child predator writers. Just warning you.

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?

ded posted:

makeup & costume

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?

holocaust bloopers posted:

can we go back to maergery

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?
that ep was p f cool. for a moment i was thinking arya was gonna be the "younger" girl they tried to grab in the brothel, and she'd let it rip and slice and dice on those dudes :getin:. maybe next time.

also, dragon riding.

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?
gently caress the plot line across the narrow sea, gently caress the North they get what they deserve, gently caress Dorne and their hot chicks with lovely petty jealously. All the cool people are pretty much dead. End it with Tyrion riding a dragon in the war against the White Walkers and let the show be done. gently caress this show.

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?
Arya is totally boned right? Guess that plotline is toast too.

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?

Zeroisanumber posted:

I don't think that it's a spoiler to tell you that throwing adversity at Arya just leads to her becoming even more badass.

Yeah, I wasn't aware she was supposed to loose it. Book chat.


Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?


What kind of guy looks at a pair of skinny suit pants and thinks, "Yeah, that's the epitome of class and style right there."


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