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Main Moderators
General Bullshit - This is the general discussion forum for discussing things, generally. Genesplicer, Seth Pecksniff, Tarquinn, Infidel Castro, Solefald, Karma Comedian, CaptainSarcastic, Jestery, AARD VARKMAN
Post Your Favorite: Carefully Curated - SA's second favorite place for posting lists and spreadsheets HelloIAmYourHeart, The Saddest Rhino, Nuns with Guns, Philippe
BYOB: BYOB BYOB BOYB BBOY YOBB YBOB BBYO?? - the last person to post in this forum is going to be a billionaire Goons Are Gifts
Discussion Moderators
Video Games - Blessed are we for the abundance of games received this year, 2023, the GOAT. VideoGames, HopperUK, Mode 7, Kaysette
Traditional Games - You wouldn’t download a game, would you?
SUBFORUMS: The Game Room
Leperflesh, Antivehicular, dwarf74
Debate & Discussion - A chill place where you can come in and have a nice chat among friends. Goatse James Bond, Epic High Five, Baronash, Angepain, Koos Group, Rigel
C-SPAM - It's not my job to re-educate you. Precambrian Video Games, Crusty Nutsack, fosborb, Vox Nihili, Shear Modulus, Jazerus, lobster shirt
Ask/Tell - Ask other people on the forums about making life decisions for you. Do it. It's a fabulous idea. Grand Fromage, Cyrano4747
Serious Hardware/Software Crap - Computer hardware, software, coding, and other technical issues. Internet Explorer, movax
Inspect Your Gadgets - Cellphones, iThings, etc CaptainSarcastic
Sports Argument Stadium - I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith, as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos and that'll be a home run. And so that'll make it a 4-0 ballgame. I don't know if I'm going to be putting on this headset again. harperdc, Dexo
You Look Like Shit - The diet, fashion, and fitness subforum for all your magic shakes and designer pantaloons and shit. Shine
The Great Outdoors - Goonscouts: all of the cookies none of the merit Verman, Safety Dance
Goons with Spoons - We Define Sandwiches angerbot
Automotive Insanity - If you've been probed for more than 6 hours in the terrible car stuff thread you might be entitled to compensation. Ouija board lowtax for more information.
SUBFORUMS: Cycle Asylum
CAT INTERCEPTOR, Somewhat Heroic
Hobbies, Crafts, & Houses - Design and build stuff! Post here about your home improvement, hobby, and other do-it-yourself projects. H110Hawk, corgski
Pet Island - Post about your pets, livestock, husbandry, corgis, and giant cocks here. Pictures welcome. RoboRodent
Internet VFW - Veterans of Forum Wars: You don't have to be enlisted, but it doesn't help. McNally
The Finer Arts Moderators
Imp Zone - The treasure behind the waterfall. None
The Sci-Fi Wi-Fi - You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. josh04, sebmojo
Cinema Discusso - Talk about movies old, new and forthcoming; share your opinions and belittle everyone else's.
SUBFORUMS: The Film Dump
No Music Discussion - Talk about music and bands here, or discuss music making in the Musician's Lounge. Henchman of Santa
Creative Convention - Art with a capital F.
SUBFORUMS: The Dorkroom
Sitting Here, sebmojo
The Book Barn - Books and Book Accessories Bilirubin
TV IV - Television Doesn't Stop OldSenileGuy
Rapidly Going Deaf - The what's up hot dog memorial forum for discussing podcasts, radio shows and the people who make both. Junpei Hyde
BSS: Bisexual Super Son - The original Zack Snyder containment zone. X-O, JordanKai
VEGETA - Discuss Anime, Manga, and other Japanese and Asian Media here. Fluffdaddy
Archives Moderators
Comedy Goldmine - The best of the best threads. Pragmatica
General Bullshit - This is the general discussion forum for discussing things, generally. Genesplicer, Seth Pecksniff, Jestery, AARD VARKMAN