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MC Fruit Stripe
Nov 26, 2002

around and around we go

Fetus Tree posted:

Cool. I wonder how they're going to handle Return of the Jedi being released in 1983 next season. I assume it will play a fairly prominent role
Is this a subtle joke because I missed it


Fetus Tree
Feb 2, 2003
Can't post for 2 years!

MC Fruit Stripe posted:

Is this a subtle joke because I missed it

...its the third Star Wars movie. It came out in 1983.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Is Lucasfilm a communist front or something

Fetus Tree
Feb 2, 2003
Can't post for 2 years!
Well, it would be pretty stupid on their part to exclude what is arguably the most important cultural development that happened that year. But this show is pretty savvy so I'm not too worried. I'd hate to see them muck up something so obvious though.

Dec 16, 2003

Mein Fuhrer! THEY WON!

The plucky rebels defeat the (Evil) Empire. Don't think that was lost on us in '83.

Jan 6, 2003

Mu Zeta posted:

Is Lucasfilm a communist front or something

Quite the opposite. Return of the Jedi was when the full merchandising potential of the series was realized with the inclusion of the ewoks and a bunch of made for tv ewok-oriented spinoffs and toys etc. It is celebrated worldwide as the victory of Capitalism over Art.

MC Fruit Stripe
Nov 26, 2002

around and around we go

Fetus Tree posted:

...its the third Star Wars movie. It came out in 1983.
I just don't know if we're disagreeing over what a "fairly prominent" role, like, Nina has a fairly prominent role, Return of the Jedi might be a poster they walk past.

Oct 22, 2003

Earwicker posted:

I wouldn't be surprised if he was planning to defect

I did half expect Stan to be told the reason he couldn't kill him was because he was an asset. That would have been a bit too much of a twisty twist though.

Just caught up on last week. Good episode.

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames
Oh come on you just know there will be an episode where Henry is all like "DAD YOU HAVE TO TAKE ME TO SEE THE NEW STAR WARS MOVIE". Because trust me, I was there, every kid in the entire country was all over that poo poo.

Sep 25, 2007

me @ ur posting
Fallen Rib
They talked about Raiders of the Lost Ark this season, so why not Jedi next season?


Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

drunkill posted:

They talked about Raiders of the Lost Ark this season, so why not Jedi next season?


The guy was saying ROTJ would play a prominent role in the show. When I think prominent it's like the Reagan assassination attempt last season or with the Contras this season. With ROTJ someone will mention it maybe.

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

I could definitely see some plot revolving around Henry wanting to go see ROTJ but Phillip and Elizabeth have spy stuff to deal with so they can't take him, causing Henry to sneak out of the house and having "adventures"

Jun 7, 2013
Philip and Elizabeth investigate Able Archer while dressed up as Han and Leia during Halloween. Their contact at a party is dressed like Chewbacca, but so is Stan.

Will they choose the right Wookie?

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames
What happened before the intro? I forgot it was Wednesday.

Jun 7, 2013
Philip driving the truck. Security guard not finding Elizabeth in the back of it.

Apr 4, 2009

Fun scary
They're going to realize how good a cover mission trips can be now aren't they?

EDIT: Nope :stare:

DarklyDreaming fucked around with this message at 03:26 on Apr 24, 2014

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames
Uh holy poo poo Philip


Jun 5, 2011

This is no time to
remain stagnant!
Jesus, give Matthew Rhys all the goddamn awards. He's coming off as downright scary.

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

Phillip is completely unhinged tonight, drat.

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames
Ahaha Dr. Ruth.

Apr 4, 2009

Fun scary
Phillip what the actual gently caress are you doing?

Feb 14, 2011

Don't lose your head over it.
"I'm not good at seduction." drat, Clark is brutal to Martha. She is going to be devastated personally and professionally if (when) Philip and Elizabeth are exposed.

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"
Ugh. Why do I have the feeling that the whole reason Paige is ~On Fire For Jesus~ now is so Ollie loving North could put what was basically a cross between a Chick Tract and that ludicrous scene from every Catechism/teen Sunday School VHS tape about what to do if your parents are atheists and you're a person of faith. Seriously, I swear I remember the exact "you'll respect Jesus but not us" line from one I got fed during my own Catechism.

And then to ram it home, Philip basically goes and basically mortally threatens the pastor/preacher wearing his 'walking probable cause' MurderSuit(tm), STILL threatens the guy to stay away from his daughter even after a representative of the/a church tells him he'll *cut him a loving check* for the donated money (which requires a bit of suspension of belief in and of itself)...just...ugh.

grrarg posted:

"I'm not good at seduction." drat, Clark is brutal to Martha. She is going to be devastated personally and professionally if (when) Philip and Elizabeth are exposed.

Let's not kid ourselves, Martha's doubtful to last the rest of the season now that Philip's basically pushed the 'gently caress you' button. She'll gently caress up even quicker now. If anything, the only way she's getting out of this alive is if Phil and Liz frame her as a Directorate S mole.

BIG HEADLINE fucked around with this message at 05:24 on Apr 24, 2014

Jun 17, 2003

Nobody move and nobody gets hurt.


Ugh. Why do I have the feeling that the whole reason Paige is ~On Fire For Jesus~ now is so Ollie loving North could put what was basically a cross between a Chick Tract and that ludicrous scene from every Catechism/teen Sunday School VHS tape about what to do if your parents are atheists and you're a person of faith. Seriously, I swear I remember the exact "you'll respect Jesus but not us" line from one I got fed during my own Catechism.

You know North didn't write a word of the script, right? He just gave them a bunch of insider info on Martial Eagle, to such an extent that they gave him a "Story by" co-credit. Tracey Scott Wilson is the credited writer.

Nov 7, 2012


Ugh. Why do I have the feeling that the whole reason Paige is ~On Fire For Jesus~ now is so Ollie loving North could put what was basically a cross between a Chick Tract and that ludicrous scene from every Catechism/teen Sunday School VHS tape about what to do if your parents are atheists and you're a person of faith.

I've got the same concern. The way he reacted to the guy saying he believes there's forgiveness for everyone, I'm concerned it's going to get a little goofy.

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"

ShakeZula posted:

You know North didn't write a word of the script, right? He just gave them a bunch of insider info on Martial Eagle, to such an extent that they gave him a "Story by" co-credit. Tracey Scott Wilson is the credited writer.

I stand corrected, then. But I still thought the Chick Tract stuff was exceptionally hokey.

Apr 4, 2009

Fun scary

Accretionist posted:

I've got the same concern. The way he reacted to the guy saying he believes there's forgiveness for everyone, I'm concerned it's going to get a little goofy.

I honestly don't think we're going to get an arc involving Phillip praying to Jesus for forgiveness of all his sins and renouncing his life of spying (Though ironically praying it doesn't happen either). It must be said though, Phillip thought that was going to go down considerably different. He has his beliefs and he dedicated twenty years living a life that isn't his for those beliefs, even when he thought about defecting it was to secure a better life for his family rather than a decision that capitalism is better than communism. To encounter someone who believes in something just as hard as he does but not have the same beliefs scares the poo poo out of him.

As a minor digression, Oleg is a walking demonstration of this. He has a self-awareness of his place as a piece on the board in the game that was the Cold War, and that self-awareness has so far put everyone he encounters on edge. At the residentura they're thinking "He goes to Blondie concerts, he's going to defect" and when he talks to Stan he's thinking "He just talked to me as a person, Nina must be in danger"

I could also waste another paragraph saying there is a significance to the pastor inviting Phillip and Elizabeth on a mission trip because it ties into this season being about Contras. The short version is that the American government, the Soviet Union, and Christian missionaries do the same basic thing all the time: Offer help to countries like Nicaragua, just as long as you swear loyalty to their side

That turned out to be longer than I expected

Mar 2, 2013

That preacher was a real creep. Who takes $600 from a teenager without contacting their parents?

Nov 7, 2012

cenotaph posted:

That preacher was a real creep. Who takes $600 from a teenager without contacting their parents?

Seriously. That's a lot today but inflation adjusted from '86 it's worth ~$1,300.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

The actor playing the pastor is wearing a wig. Don't trust him.

May 26, 2001

I really like the inclusion of religion this season. I wondered a few times what the family does about religion given it is an easy way to seem American but something they obviously would have a distaste for. Add in their concerns about becoming more American and their kids it seemed kind of natural this season.

Apr 4, 2009

Fun scary

cenotaph posted:

That preacher was a real creep. Who takes $600 from a teenager without contacting their parents?

Good point but really who rebels against their parents by donating 600 to the local church? That's not exactly an everyday occurrence so if I was in his position I'd assume the money was approved.

Hand of the King
May 11, 2012
Phil's line, "You respect Jesus, but not us!?" was so great.

Sep 11, 2001

Hand of the King posted:

Phil's line, "You respect Jesus, but not us!?" was so great.

Jesus is destroying Phillip and Elizabeth more than US counterintelligence.

Mar 26, 2010

goddamn the music was loving awesome

and :wtc: was Stan's Mrs watching

nzspambot fucked around with this message at 03:18 on Apr 25, 2014

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"

nzspambot posted:

goddamn the music was loving awesome

and :wtc: was Stan's Mrs watching

Doktor Wroooth!

Fun fact: Dr. Ruth was a trained Israeli scout sniper because she was so loving short she could worm her way into great blinds. She says she never killed anyone, though, which I doubt, although she was injured in 1948 from a shell and it put her out of the fight.

BIG HEADLINE fucked around with this message at 03:56 on Apr 25, 2014

May 5, 2005

"Here's a big, beautiful avatar for someone"
I just watched the second episode of Fargo, and I'm glad to see that FX managed to fit an on-screen poop into it also.

Mar 2, 2013

DarklyDreaming posted:

Good point but really who rebels against their parents by donating 600 to the local church? That's not exactly an everyday occurrence so if I was in his position I'd assume the money was approved.

It really doesn't have anything to do with rebellion and everything to do with being a responsible adult. You can't assume anything with kids, especially teens, especially when you're in a position of (presumably) respected authority.

cenotaph fucked around with this message at 04:18 on Apr 25, 2014

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Dr.Caligari posted:

I just watched the second episode of Fargo, and I'm glad to see that FX managed to fit an on-screen poop into it also.

I've always wanted to see/hear Billy Bob take a poo poo


Jan 17, 2007
Out of curiosity, is this airing in Russia currently? Because that would be interesting, if only to get a few more people talking about the propaganda from the era on both sides of the pond.

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