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Stroop There It Is
Mar 11, 2012

:stroop: :gaysper: :stroop:

2spooky4me posted:

Aaaannd the shambling corpse of Roxxxy Andrews lives to exist another day.


Noise Machine
Dec 3, 2005

Today is a good day to save.

Did they just say the crowning was next week?

The Berzerker
Feb 24, 2006

treat me like a dog

:lol: Alaska offering $10,000 via Paypal to stay in

:lol: Rolaskatox bullsh

100% pulling for Katya

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

watching Ru's physical reaction to Detox' decision was kind of hilarious. what other times have we seen her react so strongly to something?

team Katya for days, man. I thought Rolaskatox died a few years ago.

Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.


e: Was this the end of the Spoiler?

Aug 11, 2004

Alyssa is such a good sport. She knew that Rolaskatox was never going to turn on each other, and might as well go out with a good attitude and possibly win Miss Congeniality.

Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots
I'd pay money to see Alyssa or Katya but not those other three. I know my money doesn't mean much but that was all very...unattractive of Alaska.

I mean, I'm not going to post death threats on their Twitter pages but I'm not a fan of them anymore.

Feb 27, 2007


Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

I mean, it's only been a few hours, but check out them RTs and hearts:


Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

I love Katya and drat but she's been killing it, but she hasn't quite had the star moment that's made me go "hell yes, I want to crown that" the way Alyssa, Tatianna, Alaska, and Detox have had at one point or another in the competition. (Sorry Roxxxy, Coco, and whoever else was on this season.) She keeps getting into the LFYL, starting off strong, and then piddling out.

Still deserves to win over Rolaskatox, although Alaska still has an awesome track record. I think a lot will come down to everyone's performances in the final episode.

The way Alaska came off tonight was really weird? Who the gently caress has a Phi Phi-esque meltdown after being the obvious frontrunner the entire season? Shades of Season 5 :spooky:

Feb 18, 2013

I think Alaska was worried she would be eliminated because she was the big frontrunner. Also, if one of the queens was still judging on whoever did worst that day Alaska would be the pick.

That being said, for as camera savvy as Alaska has seemed this season; these last two episodes have not been good for her. From her meltdown tonight and her continued insistence that she couldn't eliminate Roxxxy because of the shirt I think Alaska has burned a lot of good will.

Feb 20, 2003

Oh man, what must it have been like this last week for Detox watching how Alaska got dragged for saving Roxxxy knowing this was in the can.

Brutal loving episode for the Dead Parents crew, though, drat. Good ol' light-hearted episode of Drag Race! :sigh:

Gotta agree that I love Katya but that Lip Sync was awful; I kept waiting for her to do anything.

Sep 2, 2011

what a humorous anecdote.
I think part of Alaska's meltdown is that it's the first time she's ever been in the bottom, she never once had to lipsync in Season 5 except for the final episode. Nearly 2 seasons of never being in the bottom, then suddenly having the biggest target painted on her back (in front of her mother no less) got the better of her.
Still wasn't cute.

Is Roxxxy just not allowed to go home or something? Is this her drag purgatory? Roxxxy Andrews the infini-contestant?

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Deathlove posted:

Gotta agree that I love Katya but that Lip Sync was awful; I kept waiting for her to do anything.
She mentioned she threw the first lip sync, so I wonder if she ended up throwing all of them, this one being especially garbage.

Alaska talking a mile a minute is something I didn't even know could happen.

the truth
Dec 16, 2007

That was a messy episode. I can't believe Roxy is still on the drat show. What a loving waste.

Poor Alyssa

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Goddaaaaaaaamn this show is so good.

EDIT: I think we can all poinpoint the exact moment Alaska spilled the beans to her ex.

caligulamprey fucked around with this message at 05:51 on Oct 7, 2016

the truth
Dec 16, 2007

Rolaskatox alliance is the worst thing that ever happened to this show. Ugh.

Feb 15, 2003

Voted most likely to be tied to train tracks 2007 - 2008
Slippery Tilde
It is incomprehensible to me that Roxxxy is still in the competition. Seriously, 5/7 episodes she has been up for elimination. It doesn't make her look bad, but god does it make Alaska and Detox look bad. The editing on this episode was such that I honestly can't judge the runways too much. I think the voguing showed up for maybe 30 seconds on screen. Did Alyssa deserve to go home? I don't think so, but at least she gave a loving great exit interview. I hope she does well off of appearing in this season.

Jul 11, 2005

psycho killer
qu'est-ce que c'est?
what in the world happened with alaska geez girl

shadow puppet of a
Jan 10, 2007


Did Detox at least get the $10k from Alaska's paypal?

What a mess of an episode.Whathername judge celeb girl was as useless as todrick once she delivered her one line.

Hopefully Katya's rabid fanbase can break up Rolaskatox. People are living her her "party" quip right now.

Jan 1, 2007

How many times must I remind you to WASH YOUR HANDS?

I'm watching this for the first time now. It's only been like two minutes since her introduction and I already adore Katya's mother.

Edit: "I still cry when I don't get my way." Oh god this is foreshadowing isn't it.

tudabee fucked around with this message at 15:41 on Oct 7, 2016

Feb 20, 2003


endolithic posted:

I'm watching this for the first time now. It's only been like two minutes since her introduction and I already adore Katya's mother.

"Which one am I?" oh yeah you are completely katya's mom

Jan 1, 2007

How many times must I remind you to WASH YOUR HANDS?

endolithic posted:

Edit: "I still cry when I don't get my way." Oh god this is foreshadowing isn't it.

I knew but was not prepared.

This show has the most savage editors and I love it.

Also WoW's #teamkatya post now has 8.3K retweets and 9.7 hearts. :lol:

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Welp, Alaska's Horcrux is apparently hidden in RuPaul's NDA

Coyote Ugly
Nov 14, 2006

There was something I noticed while watching this season so far, is it just me or have they really not showed much of Katya's performances during the lip syncs? It seemed like they edited it to focus more on the other girl Katya was up against, and not so much so on Katya's getting much screen time, which kind of lends to me thinking she didn't do much.

And Jesus Christ, Roxxxy just needs to go already. Send her the hell home. It's like beating a dead horse several times over and lost its cuteness. Alaska's tantrum really just turned me off from last night's episode. I'm just ready for there to be a crowned winner and I pray it ain't her.

Feb 20, 2003


Coyote Ugly posted:

And Jesus Christ, Roxxxy just needs to go already. Send her the hell home. It's like beating a dead horse several times over and lost its cuteness. Alaska's tantrum really just turned me off from last night's episode. I'm just ready for there to be a crowned winner and I pray it ain't her.

I thought when they were in the workroom and RuPaul said something like "You need to win today", there was going to be some runway "yo i know the winner usually chooses but you really really need to go so bye", but oh well, another week with Roxxxy for everyone I guess!

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer
Really Detox, really?


Eight Dollars
Nov 14, 2012

Pretty pictures in small frames
Man that lip sync was terrible on both sides of things, but it's not like they could have done any better with how awful the song choice was too. Did they run out of money or something?

It was pretty amazing when Alaska was complaining about possibly going home if the top 2 voted by who did the worst that episode when she was one of the people who pushed that elimination criteria in the beginning.

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer
Between Alaska and Adore this is apparently the season of insecure meltdowns from surprising people.

Not Today Satan
Apr 18, 2007

Tendai posted:

Between Alaska and Adore this is apparently the season of insecure meltdowns from surprising people.

Agreed. That Alaska meltdown was not cute but Alyssa's exit was super classy.

Would it be possible to get a gif of Ru's reaction when Detox pulls out the lipstick with Alyssa's name on it? I think the majority of viewers also had the same expression, because what the hell?

Jan 1, 2007

How many times must I remind you to WASH YOUR HANDS?

So Katya was interviewed by Tom and Lorenzo (of ye olde Project Rungay Blog if anyone read it when people still watched Project Runway) here (at 64:00 ish).

Talks about lots of stuff, is Katya.

Lawrence Gilchrist
Mar 31, 2010

Katya went on a lil tangent in one of her periscopes about how this season feels like a microcosm of the world lately.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


endolithic posted:

Also WoW's #teamkatya post now has 8.3K retweets and 9.7 hearts. :lol:

12k/15k as of now, and not a single other queen has broken 1000 in either metric.

This might be the best part of that episode.

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
My wife and I are very upset. I don't think I've ever felt like this about a reality TV show.

the truth
Dec 16, 2007

The presence of Roxy and absence of Alyssa in the finals, all because of Rolaskatox bullshit, has soured me on an otherwise great season of grown men dressing up as women and doing silly poo poo.

Sep 13, 2010

Oh look, the consequences of my prior actions are finally catching up to me.

the truth posted:

The presence of Roxy and absence of Alyssa in the finals, all because of Rolaskatox bullshit, has soured me on an otherwise great season of grown men dressing up as women and doing silly poo poo.

Thank you for voicing exactly what was in my head.

big black turnout
Jan 13, 2009

Fallen Rib
my wife doesn't want to watch the show anymore after tonight and we've been watching since s2. this episode soured me on alaska which is p goddamn impressive bc ive always loved her to death. ive never liked detox tbh and being around her irl once really reinforced that, so whatever, but loving roxxy should've gone home so many times now.

i guess i'm #teamkatya now :sigh:

That Damn Satyr
Nov 4, 2008

A connoisseur of fine junk
Am I the only one that felt like Katya kind of threw that lip synch? Normally she's doing dead drops and splits and poo poo, and this time around she just bumbled around the stage. Like, I guess maybe she didn't want to get blamed if she busted up Rolaskatox? :/

Nov 11, 2006
Canadian Santa Extraordinaire
Hoooly crap that tantrum. And the bribe!? What on earth was that? The candid shot of Alaska not wearing nails was just icing on the cake

And Katya's leading the fan polls by landslide! This season sure has been a roller coaster

Detox totally took the safest non answer she had, which I didn't really appreciate much either
How many times does Roxxxy need to be in the bottom before performance trumps friendship?

That drat Satyr posted:

Am I the only one that felt like Katya kind of threw that lip synch? Normally she's doing dead drops and splits and poo poo, and this time around she just bumbled around the stage. Like, I guess maybe she didn't want to get blamed if she busted up Rolaskatox? :/

This is a bit of a tough sell for me- she's clearly dying to win a lip sync, there's $10000 on the line, and what does she get in return, maybe hoping that the fans interpret her almost winning all season is good enough?

Poulpe fucked around with this message at 05:48 on Oct 8, 2016


Apr 27, 2006

That drat Satyr posted:

Am I the only one that felt like Katya kind of threw that lip synch? Normally she's doing dead drops and splits and poo poo, and this time around she just bumbled around the stage. Like, I guess maybe she didn't want to get blamed if she busted up Rolaskatox? :/

In the latest Total Rucall, Katya admits she didn't know the words and didn't practice the song because she thought she was going to be in the bottom. I am #teamkatya all the way. She started a bit uneven this season, but she has really come into her own. Her spray commercial was a turning point that made me hope that snatching the crown from Alaska (the chosen one) was possible.

Also, her callback to Alaska calling her Adore at the beginning of the episode with her deadpan "Party." was loving genius. You can see Katya's holding back a laugh since it was obviously an attempt to lighten the mood, but Alaska was just too stressed to even smile. Girl, please.

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