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Jun 16, 2014

Isn't Costco one of those stores where you need to like pay, to be able to pay them?


a hole-y ghost
May 10, 2010

Helpimscared posted:

Isn't Costco one of those stores where you need to like pay, to be able to pay them?
You are thinking of another place, friend. Costco is the place where you pay to partake in a transcendent experience where you commune directly with the spirit of America :911:

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

Helpimscared posted:

Isn't Costco one of those stores where you need to like pay, to be able to pay them?

It's called an offering, and I am proud to offer!

big dyke energy
Jul 29, 2006

Football? Yaaaay

Helpimscared posted:

Isn't Costco one of those stores where you need to like pay, to be able to pay them?

not if you're loving an employee or family member of one :c00l:

Dec 31, 2005

Magikarpal Tunnel posted:

not if you're loving an employee or family member of one :c00l:


Pennywise the Frown
May 10, 2010

Upset Trowel

a hole-y ghost posted:

Theres a different reason, that everyone is snickering at that post.

Not me I don't think. :shrug:

edit: If it's about mentioning Kirkland Brand Hot Dogs then that's just stating a fact.

edit2: loving lol. I skipped over blue buffalo. Ok now that's priceless. I just assumed savages was kids. Ho boy, jokes on me this time.

edit 3: I'm very sick. That must be it.

edit 4: I'm also very dumb. That must be it.

Pennywise the Frown fucked around with this message at 01:52 on Jun 13, 2017

Dr. Capco
May 21, 2007

Went to the Costco and bought a bunch of golf polos + new shorts for cheap and followed up by eating a big ol dog with the classic pep and parm. That's my story, thanks!

Jul 10, 2009

by Fluffdaddy
you shouldn't feed your kids dog food tho, that's not cool

Sep 11, 2005

by FactsAreUseless
Young Orc

Harald posted:

you shouldn't feed your kids dog food tho, that's not cool

Primate chow is too expensive. It's good enough

Sep 11, 2005

by FactsAreUseless
Young Orc
Also in before "furbabies"

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Visited the Holy Land, the blast of cool air on a hot day was orgasmic.

Apr 9, 2014
Hey. Them Kirkland pima cotton boxer briefs y'all. Gotta get'em.

Feb 13, 2008



Obsurveyor posted:

All this thread has taught me about Costco is a shop. need to get a membership come fall.

Pennywise the Frown posted:

:stare: You feed your kids 10lbs of hot dogs a week? I mean, sure Kirkland Brand Hot Dogs are wonderful.... but I think you may be unknowingly murdering your children. Check out the produce section maybe.

A couple 'stco Dogs a Day Keep them dANG doctors away.

Magikarpal Tunnel posted:

hi i'm a goon and i super duper care about what other people put on their own food that they paid for with their own real money and that i will never eat because i'm a loving child and don't understand that different people like different things

Me too. Thanks for posting about your worries. This is a place of love and harmony. Praise be the glorious quarter pound plus. Shall you, nor any other thirsty one seeking a free refill, forget that. Ketchup on, Ketchup off, We Are All One With The Dog.


Prokhor Zakharov
Dec 31, 2008

This is me as I make another great post

Good luck with your depression!
"I disapprove of your dogs toppings, but I will defend to the death your right to eat it"

- Voltaire, member since 2011

Nov 1, 2005

We already - What about sticking our middle fingers up... That was insane
Fun Shoe

Obsurveyor posted:

Nice meltdown

Weren't you the guy who had tears well up in his eyes because some one made fun of your condiment choices

Anybody ever taken one of those vacations? (Costcations?)

ElGroucho fucked around with this message at 12:00 on Jun 13, 2017

Squashy Nipples
Aug 18, 2007

Yes, I did once, and my parents have taken several CostcoTravel vacations. You don't even have to be a member to buy one!

I'm a JetBlue junkie, so I bought my own plane tickets separately, but the vacation packages they sell include some nice stuff, like free transfers from the destination airport to your hotel.
Also, they only take a small deposit up front, and then don't charge your card until a few weeks before the trip.

Dec 31, 2005

ElGroucho posted:

Weren't you the guy who had tears well up in his eyes because some one made fun of your condiment choices

Anybody ever taken one of those vacations? (Costcations?)

I am taking a cruise out of England in September thru Costco Travel. Called and lowered the price 3 times due to price matching before making the final payment a few weeks ago. Price matched to the NCL website price, but then Costco offers a roughly 10% cashcard on top to sweeten the deal.

El Puerco
Feb 18, 2017
Ingram = Scumbag

Dr. Capco
May 21, 2007

I went to an all inclusive Cancun resort via Costco and everything went off without a hitch plus it was reasonably priced*

*This goes without saying, lol

Jul 15, 2002

Dr. Capco posted:

I went to an all inclusive Cancun resort via Costco and everything went off without a hitch plus it was reasonably priced*

*This goes without saying, lol

Same. I went there (Omni resort) on a September holiday and spent less going there than it would have cost to rent a condo in Destin, and that's not counting the free food and drinks.

When I booked my trip I called the Costco travel agency, and they upgraded my room for free from there so booking over the phone might do you some good.

Mar 11, 2007

I like costco for the free samples. are those still a thing?

Jan 28, 2009
Pick a number, any number

SuperSlacker posted:

I like costco for the free samples. are those still a thing?
They're still a thing but depending on where the samples are located they might as well not be. So like if you wanna try out their new pita chips or healthier snack bars then sure you got options but if they're in the frozen section cookin up some fried and processed stuff you'd be too ashamed to get a full box of goodluck cause there will inevitably be fat families blocking the whole aisle while they camp out waiting for the next batch so they can immediately take the entire tray for themselves.

Math You
Oct 27, 2010

So put your faith
in more than steel
As a rule I only take samples that are already in the little paper thingies. Leave your cart OUT OF THE WAY before approaching the table so you have a quick entrance / exit.

You see a lot of people kind of crowding in oblivious fashion, all getting in each other's way.. or people camping out samples that aren't ready yet.. or people eating the samples in front of the table and then feeding their kid one, again in front of the table.
These people are inconsiderate and annoying, but they are still people.

I've been working for Costco for six years, only 1.5 of them in a warehouse, but the office is beside one so I'm there practically every day, and I JUST witnessed my first sample hoarder. This CREATURE was not "people".
It parked its disability scooter in front of some poor soul doing sausage samples in such a way that no one else could approach the table, and then grabbed 4 samples at a time until it had consumed the entire tray. The creature then moved its lips and I'll never forget what it said.....
"How long till the other flavour is ready?"...

Jun 9, 2001

by Smythe
i dread the days i show up and there are samples being served for all the already listed reasons

people are poo poo

costco is good

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
I love samples because I walk up take one and eat it and don't worry myself with the lesser denizens.

Jul 15, 2002

I usually eat at the food court first so my frozen goods won't melt, and I won't have the appetite to try a sample then.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

You eat a giant bomb of food before getting a cart, this will save you hundreds of dollars in impulse and hunger purchases. :eng101:

Jan 21, 2017

Most people are pretty decent about samples, but there is always 'that' person who is being an rear end and ruining it for everyone else.

Anton Chigurh
Mar 18, 2008
Can't post for 9 years!

Dely Apple posted:

You eat a giant bomb of food before getting a cart, this will save you hundreds of dollars in impulse and hunger purchases. :eng101:

As others have noted, the smart thing to do is eat your $1.50 hot dog (with FREE refill!) before doing your shopping. Not only will it fill you up so you don't buy too much food, you won't be one of those scumbags who takes their cart into the Costco food court line. You also won't have to worry about any cold or frozen food your purchased getting too warm while you jam a hot dog down your gullet.

Dec 31, 2006

tfw you're peeing next to someone in the lineup and they don't know

ArbitraryC posted:

They're still a thing but depending on where the samples are located they might as well not be. So like if you wanna try out their new pita chips or healthier snack bars then sure you got options but if they're in the frozen section cookin up some fried and processed stuff you'd be too ashamed to get a full box of goodluck cause there will inevitably be fat families blocking the whole aisle while they camp out waiting for the next batch so they can immediately take the entire tray for themselves.

This is horrifyingly true, and it's arguably the shittiest difference between "old Costco that was for business people" and "new Costco for loving everyone".

Samples used to be a cordial affair unless there was something insanely good like crab cakes or something. Now you literally have whole families just sitting there waiting for the next round of samples right in the middle of the aisle with no shame whatsoever, making it impossible to move anywhere near the frozen section and the cold section.

This year I've just started moving people's carts out of the way who are waiting for samples, both because their disregard for basic human decency disgusts me and because you literally cannot get past them if you don't.

The good news is that these people are often living in such a haze of stupidity that they don't notice you're messing with their cart, or by the time their sluggish brains process what's happening you're long gone.

In any case I no longer take samples out of principle.

The only thing shittier than the sample-guzzling morons are the salespeople they've littered the floor with to sell you phones, cable service, house renovation, etc etc etc. I'm already spending $200 on groceries and paid for a membership, gently caress off.

Costco has really changed a ton. It reached its peak about 15 years ago. It's still the best store ever but most changes made in the last 10 years have been negative for the consumer experience.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
actually its really good

binge crotching
Apr 2, 2010

The problem I had with trying to use the Costco vacation packages is that it only lets you price a couple of destinations online, for anything else you need to call them. I'm far too lazy to call and speak to someone, I'd rather do my trip planning online.

Big Grunty Secret
Aug 28, 2007

Just one question, though. Is there a way to take off my pants?
Does anyone else think Costco should modify the carts to have a dog/pizza holder so you can chew while you cruise?

Dec 31, 2005

binge crotching posted:

The problem I had with trying to use the Costco vacation packages is that it only lets you price a couple of destinations online, for anything else you need to call them. I'm far too lazy to call and speak to someone, I'd rather do my trip planning online.

Trust them. I am an online planner also and when I called with questions about cruises, they offered options and stuff that I never even considered.

Dec 31, 2005

Big Grunty Secret posted:

Does anyone else think Costco should modify the carts to have a dog/pizza holder so you can chew while you cruise?

Can't imagine how nasty that would be after a full day of people using it. People, even Costco folks, are slobs.

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
Talk to the people at Costco, hell, get a line to the manager and let them know you're unhappy with the sample blocking nonsense. They'll probably actually listen and try to fix it, because they're paid well enough to actually want to do their job. One of the great things about the Costco is that they care what their customers think.

Pennywise the Frown
May 10, 2010

Upset Trowel

Anton Chigurh posted:

As others have noted, the smart thing to do is eat your $1.50 hot dog (with FREE refill!) before doing your shopping. Not only will it fill you up so you don't buy too much food, you won't be one of those scumbags who takes their cart into the Costco food court line. You also won't have to worry about any cold or frozen food your purchased getting too warm while you jam a hot dog down your gullet.

I'm a "get the dog after my shopping as a reward" guy. I don't bring my cart into the line. I put it out of the way. I don't have to worry about anything melting because I slam that dog down. Also, I know it's supposed to be a better idea to eat before you do any grocery shopping, but if I don't then I won't want to buy anything. It's weird.

Before or after, the dog is always there for you.

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

actually its really good

Oh right. This too.

Pennywise the Frown fucked around with this message at 22:33 on Jun 13, 2017

Sep 11, 2005

by FactsAreUseless
Young Orc

Math You posted:

As a rule I only take samples that are already in the little paper thingies. Leave your cart OUT OF THE WAY before approaching the table so you have a quick entrance / exit.

You see a lot of people kind of crowding in oblivious fashion, all getting in each other's way.. or people camping out samples that aren't ready yet.. or people eating the samples in front of the table and then feeding their kid one, again in front of the table.
These people are inconsiderate and annoying, but they are still people.

I've been working for Costco for six years, only 1.5 of them in a warehouse, but the office is beside one so I'm there practically every day, and I JUST witnessed my first sample hoarder. This CREATURE was not "people".
It parked its disability scooter in front of some poor soul doing sausage samples in such a way that no one else could approach the table, and then grabbed 4 samples at a time until it had consumed the entire tray. The creature then moved its lips and I'll never forget what it said.....
"How long till the other flavour is ready?"...

In the news there was a guy who shot someone for hogging the samples at Costco. He was an American hero, imo

May 29, 2011


In the news there was a guy who shot someone for hogging the samples at Costco. He was an American hero, imo

His spirit lives on among the brave of Doghalla


Pennywise the Frown
May 10, 2010

Upset Trowel


In the news there was a guy who shot someone for hogging the samples at Costco. He was an American hero, imo

I think this falls into the "is it ok to punch a non-violent nazi in the face" category.

The answer is yes, always punch a nazi.

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