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distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

I say that but there's no reason to do it here instead of say France or ee


Jun 29, 2002

I, for one, welcome our new mouse overlords.

pointsofdata posted:

open an office here and take advantage of that cheap offshore labour without the language barrier

But the spelling barrier...

Emacs Headroom
Aug 2, 2003

qhat posted:

Maybe you're right, I wonder what an A-list company, say Amazon, pays an engineer in London. Let's have a look then:

SDE I: £38-49k, average £42k
SDE II: £44k-67k, average £56k
SSDE: £52k-97, average £81k

Welp. But sure it's "easy" to get £80k+ as a freaking noob in London because. Lol.

What are they issueing in RSU?

I know in the US Amazon has a company-wide salary cap of like $175k, with RSUs and bonuses (in proportion and timing designed to maximize retention) making up an increasingly large amount of comp as you climb the ladder.

Mar 29, 2008

Emacs Headroom posted:

What are they issueing in RSU?

I know in the US Amazon has a company-wide salary cap of like $175k, with RSUs and bonuses (in proportion and timing designed to maximize retention) making up an increasingly large amount of comp as you climb the ladder.

it's something like 165-170 in seattle, and around 180 in sf. less elsewhere in the country/world. an sde 1 is probably making around ~10-20% of their total income off RSUs, whereas an sde 2 is closer to 40% and sde 3 is 50+.

from what i saw on glassdoor for seattle last time i looked, these ranges seem to include either pretty out of date info or people who only put in their salary.

Jan 2, 2011

this company has mandatory fields to asking you what % and $ amount you want to invest in the company. this is a job application.

what's the EU equivalent of the SEC?

Emacs Headroom
Aug 2, 2003

PleasureKevin posted:

this company has mandatory fields to asking you what % and $ amount you want to invest in the company. this is a job application.

it's a test, clearly

the correct answer is "zero: I act rationally and decouple my investments from my employment so that I minimize exposure to a single company or industry"

Mar 30, 2012

Grimey Drawer

Emacs Headroom posted:

it's a test, clearly

the correct answer is "zero: I act rationally and decouple my investments from my employment so that I minimize exposure to a single company or industry"

that doesnt sound like a Euro amount

Mar 30, 2012

Grimey Drawer
also how could you give a percentage answer to that question lol

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

Valeyard posted:

also how could you give a percentage answer to that question lol

I mean, it can't be something absurd like 100%. In the mind of the person who formulated that question, what does a right answer look like?

Mar 29, 2008
i dunno, how much do they need to reduce their run rate by to make it to next month

Mar 30, 2012

Grimey Drawer

qhat posted:

No loving chance you're getting £80k in London unless you're a technical lead. 2 years should expect no more than 45k imho.

you can get that in scotland with 2 yhears experience, in places that are much cheaper to live in than London,

Jul 6, 2015

Valeyard posted:

you can get that in scotland with 2 yhears experience, in places that are much cheaper to live in than London,

Maybe, but idk Scotland apart from everyone there has blood on their knuckles

Emacs Headroom
Aug 2, 2003

qhat posted:

Maybe, but idk Scotland apart from everyone there has blood on their knuckles

and you'll have to take vitamin d supplements unless your skin is translucent

Jul 6, 2015

Edit, misread

qhat fucked around with this message at 23:36 on Jan 11, 2018

Wiggly Wayne DDS
Sep 11, 2010

we're supposed to be getting that imported in 2019

Jan 2, 2011

Emacs Headroom posted:

it's a test, clearly

the correct answer is "zero: I act rationally and decouple my investments from my employment so that I minimize exposure to a single company or industry"

field validation only allows integers, but maybe i can put this on one of the other fields like "age", "gender" or "nationality"

i wish i was kidding this is a smorgasbord of things not to put on an application. i don't know what EU laws are though.

Jan 2, 2011

like if this is a crime someone tell me who to report to

i like to cause problems.

The Leck
Feb 27, 2001

Captain Foo posted:

post the interview questions that were in the op of the other thread or this one is worthless

i don't remember who posted them originally, but here they are, and they're great:


- who do you work with on a daily basis / describe the day to day role

translation : are you working with a well-defined team that puts out consistent work or is this place a clusterfuck with people coming and going on a weekly basis because management is incompetent

- how are decisions made / how will [team] be asked to accomplish things / who makes those decisions

translation: are the people making decisions that impact your work accountable to you / your team and do you have the ability to influence them or are they dictated from on high or even worse forced upon you by a hostile entity

- what are the company's primary values? what characteristics are you looking for in a candidate in relation to those primary values?

translation: if they say 'uhhhhhhhhhh' here it's a red flag. if they throw gibberish at you it's not a red flag but it's not a good look either. this should get a human bean answer

- what would be expected of me for the first / three / six months? What will success look like in this position, how will it be measured?

translation: same as the last one.

- what sort of training/mentoring/career dev things are here

translation: they should also be able to answer this without thinking. if they hesitate or bullshit you it's a red flag

- what's the most impressive thing you've seen out of someone else you've interviewed recently

translation: what qualities are people here impressed with. what caliber of candidates are you also considering.

- What do you see as the most challenging aspect of this job?

translation: every job has some bullshit aspect to it. this is their chance to lay it on softly and your chance to decide if it's a particular brand of bullshit you can put up with

- how do you set milestones/deliverables for projects and how does your team react when it's clear they won't be met

translation: are you going to work me like a slave when we don't hit the deadline we never agreed to

- when was the last time you took pto / how much did you take / what did you do

translation: without fail lovely interviewers for lovely companies will try to deflect this one. if they try to say 'oh no don't worry about that' or respond with their actual pto policy just reiterate that they didn't answer your question. when was the last time YOU took pto

Mar 7, 2007

Don't you just hate when you wind up in a store with people who are in a socioeconomic class that is pretty obviously about two levels lower than your own?

qhat posted:

Maybe, but idk Scotland apart from everyone there has blood on their knuckles

Scotland is going to secede from the UK, remain part of the EU, and become another glorious Scandinavian style social democracy

they also make kick-rear end booze

why wouldn’t you want to go to Scotland over London?

(Scotland is where the most left voters in the UK are so when it secedes the UK will start rapidly spiraling the drain trying to be “America lite”)

Arcteryx Anarchist
Sep 15, 2007

Fun Shoe
So it will turn into Australia then? :getin:

Jul 6, 2015

eschaton posted:

Scotland is going to secede from the UK, remain part of the EU, and become another glorious Scandinavian style social democracy

they also make kick-rear end booze

why wouldn’t you want to go to Scotland over London?

(Scotland is where the most left voters in the UK are so when it secedes the UK will start rapidly spiraling the drain trying to be “America lite”)

I went to Canada instead where weed is basically legal

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

eschaton posted:

Scotland is going to secede from the UK, remain part of the EU, and become another glorious Scandinavian style social democracy

Scandinavian countries are highly educated and not poor though. Ireland is probably a better model.

champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


The Management posted:

Scandinavian countries are highly educated and not poor though. Ireland is probably a better model.

Scandinavian countries also have rights for women making the comparison less apt

Jun 26, 2015

PleasureKevin posted:

this company has mandatory fields to asking you what % and $ amount you want to invest in the company. this is a job application.

what's the EU equivalent of the SEC?

Name and shame

Jul 25, 2007

PleasureKevin posted:

... smorgasbord ...

i always find it so funny to read that word in english

smörgåsbord becomes s'more gas bord, sounds like someones having a ministroke midsentence

Jul 25, 2007

would be cooler if you said sandwich table instead

Mr SuperAwesome
Apr 6, 2011

im from the bad post police, and i'm afraid i have bad news

The Leck posted:

i don't remember who posted them originally, but here they are, and they're great:

they are very good

i printed them out and took them to interviews (in a folder along with my CVs) and asking these questions seemed to impress people

Mr SuperAwesome
Apr 6, 2011

im from the bad post police, and i'm afraid i have bad news

Valeyard posted:

you can get that in scotland with 2 yhears experience, in places that are much cheaper to live in than London,

£80k in scotland? wat

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
E: oh, I see there is another page where this was already answered

Jan 2, 2011

hey folks i did this interview and liked the company. they asked me to do a coding test, which i usually decline because github. but it seemed neat, however, it's pretty obvious this is a real need for them and it took quite a long time to do. they also said of the test "you'll be doing 99% of your job before you even get hired" by doing the test.

i've of course installed a bunch of my own packages in the app so if they try steal the code without hiring me i'll take remote control of their servers lol.

should i ask to get paid for this though?

Emacs Headroom
Aug 2, 2003
coding test _after_ the onsite is unusual. how long did it take you? is this a super small start up who's nervous about making a hire?

i wouldn't ask for money, that would be super weird (and would have been something you negotiated -- like a "contract to hire" position -- before you agreed to do the coding test)

Jan 2, 2011

Emacs Headroom posted:

coding test _after_ the onsite is unusual. how long did it take you? is this a super small start up who's nervous about making a hire?

i wouldn't ask for money, that would be super weird (and would have been something you negotiated -- like a "contract to hire" position -- before you agreed to do the coding test)

there was no onsite, just a Skype interview.

it took me probably 12 hours, but i'm gonna lie and say it took 6 to seem cool.

Emacs Headroom
Aug 2, 2003

PleasureKevin posted:

there was no onsite, just a Skype interview.

it took me probably 12 hours, but i'm gonna lie and say it took 6 to seem cool.

tell them how long it actually took; 12 hours is too long and they should shorten it in the future

edit: i've reviewed a shitload of take-homes in my day, and if one I assigned was on the too-long side, I'd appreciate the candid feedback (and the fact that you went ahead and did it anyways) more than I would be impressed by a candidate lowballing their self-reported time estimate. if you can get poo poo done and be honest that's pretty valuable

edit 2: if they're hostile to candidate feedback, or attempt to "explain" your feedback away, that's a pretty clear sign you might want to avoid working there

Emacs Headroom fucked around with this message at 22:39 on Jan 13, 2018

Jul 6, 2015

One company I interviewed at was really open to feedback on the interview and honestly even though I didn't get the job, I respected them a lot for it. The homework was way too thorough and I outright told them, and they honestly hadn't realised because at the end of the day it was based around their use cases which they are very familiar with and hence a bit blinded by their own experience.

Dec 30, 2004

Kudaros posted:

I'm wrapping up my PhD this month and applying for jobs. Mostly Data Science jobs. I've got a variety of past experience in things such as spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, etc, that don't quite make sense to generic healthcare company data scientist #69. Should I peel all irrelevant skills like that off of my resume?

I have a more recent LaTeX formatted resume that I submit in PDF form. I was wondering why I was only getting callbacks from smaller companies, looked into it, and whatever machine reading tech larger companies use spits back incomprehensible garbage, which may explain my unfortunate callback rate. So I'm updating an old resume from a couple of years ago.

i'd figure out what skill sets various title/industry combos like, and comment out all but the one you're using. latex is cool like that.

Dec 30, 2004
so if a company offers feedback after a rejection then ghosts, should you follow up or just take the hint?

hypothetically, if this same company also tried to call you on the wrong day for the interview, then changed the time a second time after confirming the original agreed upon time was confirmed, should you follow up?

i normally don't write anything on glassdoor just use it for salary info but i'm sorely tempted to light them up, and maybe a happy medium is a terse "hi company, here's some feeback for you

i'm mostly venting, i will continue never insinuating outside the space between my ears that any interviewer is anything but perfection because god forbid i be labeled that guy and even a polite but true glassdoor review can bite you in the rear end down the road

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

maskenfreiheit posted:

so if a company offers feedback after a rejection then ghosts, should you follow up or just take the hint?

if they offered you feedback after a rejection, that is the opposite of ghosting you

what else is there to say after that? it's not a hint. they rejected you. and told you why.

maskenfreiheit posted:

hypothetically, if this same company also tried to call you on the wrong day for the interview, then changed the time a second time after confirming the original agreed upon time was confirmed, should you follow up?

if it pisses you off, don't?

maskenfreiheit posted:

i normally don't write anything on glassdoor just use it for salary info but i'm sorely tempted to light them up, and maybe a happy medium is a terse "hi company, here's some feeback for you

never put anything on glassdoor

it can only hurt you

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

PleasureKevin posted:

should i ask to get paid for this though?

you have negotiate pay before agreeing to do it

Dec 30, 2004

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

if they offered you feedback after a rejection, that is the opposite of ghosting you

what else is there to say after that? it's not a hint. they rejected you. and told you why.

if it pisses you off, don't?

never put anything on glassdoor

it can only hurt you

no what i'm saying is they sent a polite rejection and offered to send feedback, i said thank you for the quick followup and i'd love feedback anddddd..... nothing. for weeks now.

i think that counts as ghosting?


Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

maskenfreiheit posted:

no what i'm saying is they sent a polite rejection and offered to send feedback, i said thank you for the quick followup and i'd love feedback anddddd..... nothing. for weeks now.

i think that counts as ghosting?

no that's still quite polite. the cruel and nasty thing to do is to never send the rejection.

i mean you can ask again but i wouldn't expect to hear anything

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