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Mar 30, 2011

Capri Sun Tzu posted:

That is definitely NOT a tiny app mate

Yeah, figured. Sorry, is there a better place to post that?


Nov 9, 2004

Try posting this on a WordPress developers forum, there might to be enough off the shelf plugins that a developer ought to be able to put it together for you for $1500-3000 plus maintenance fees. What you're describing would bill for at least 100 hours including initial setup and support.

There's a bunch of software as a service sites that might offer what you're looking for in the $5-75/mo range

Mar 30, 2011

Hadlock posted:

Try posting this on a WordPress developers forum, there might to be enough off the shelf plugins that a developer ought to be able to put it together for you for $1500-3000 plus maintenance fees. What you're describing would bill for at least 100 hours including initial setup and support.

There's a bunch of software as a service sites that might offer what you're looking for in the $5-75/mo range

Thank you, I'll see what I find. Again, sorry for the initial post. I don't know a ton about this field.

Mar 3, 2009

Nichael posted:

Humble Request
Problem: I work on a political campaign and need something simple that could interact with volunteers.
Description and requirements: I admittedly don't know much about software design but if possible I'd like something that has a newsfeed of events and updates from the campaign that someone on our staff could periodically update, as well as the possibility of sending push notifications to people. Finally, I was thinking it could have in-app purchases that act as donations to the campaign, which can take Play and Apple credits.

I admit this probably is demanding, but I was thinking we could work out a payment scheme based off of donations gotten through the application. And in my opinion, this would be used for a good cause as this is a grassroots campaign funded by small donations.
Nice to have features:
-Push notifcations
-News feed
-Donation mechanism (in-app purchases?)

I don't know much about Facebook, but these requirements to me look like everything Facebook does. Or is it twitter? Nah, Facebook probably.

Aunt Beth
Feb 24, 2006

Baby, you're ready!
Grimey Drawer

Nichael posted:

Humble Request
Problem: I work on a political campaign and need something simple that could interact with volunteers.
Description and requirements: I admittedly don't know much about software design but if possible I'd like something that has a newsfeed of events and updates from the campaign that someone on our staff could periodically update, as well as the possibility of sending push notifications to people. Finally, I was thinking it could have in-app purchases that act as donations to the campaign, which can take Play and Apple credits.

I admit this probably is demanding, but I was thinking we could work out a payment scheme based off of donations gotten through the application. And in my opinion, this would be used for a good cause as this is a grassroots campaign funded by small donations.
Nice to have features:
-Push notifcations
-News feed
-Donation mechanism (in-app purchases?)
There's software for this already, though it costs money. Look at NationBuilder. It's basically a butt-based CRM for political campaigns. If you're in the USA and this is a Democratic campaign, SmartVAN is also an option, though has less of the volunteer management. I've used both. The mobile app integration and turf cutting for canvassing is better with SmartVAN but NationBuilder is the better "general" campaign solution. If you need free, CiviCRM is an option though it is a lot more work to get up and running.

e: also depending on your role and the nature of the campaign, I'd be happy to offer advice. I ran a campaign for a grassroots candidate last year. I can buy platinum or whatever I need for DM's or I can just give you an email address.

Mar 30, 2011

Aunt Beth posted:

There's software for this already, though it costs money. Look at NationBuilder. It's basically a cloud-based CRM for political campaigns. If you're in the USA and this is a Democratic campaign, SmartVAN is also an option, though has less of the volunteer management. I've used both. The mobile app integration and turf cutting for canvassing is better with SmartVAN but NationBuilder is the better "general" campaign solution. If you need free, CiviCRM is an option though it is a lot more work to get up and running.
You're right, but there's various reasons those don't work for us. We are using a platform that is equivalent to NationBuilder and SmartVAN but their mobile software isn't quite appropriate for this.

I'm always looking for advice though. Want to PM me on Twitter? @PerennialFuckUp.
Or buy PMs here, Lowtax needs the cash.

Volguus posted:

I don't know much about Facebook, but these requirements to me look like everything Facebook does. Or is it twitter? Nah, Facebook probably.
It does, but in my mind, every added step of engagement (such as installing something like that), is good for motivating people.

Jul 17, 2002

quack quack bjork
Fun Shoe
Humble Request
Problem: I have to take several full-size screenshots from lots of different video files
Description and requirements:

  • The idea would be that there would be a GUI that I could drop each file on to, and then the app would use something like ffmpeg to extract screenshots at some configurable interval (e.g. "Take a screenshot every 5 minutes") in PNG format and then dump the screenshots from each video into the same folder that the video is in.
  • If the video file was titled "Movie_1.mkv", the files would be named similarly but with the timestamp of the where in the video it was taken, like: "Movie_1-01:00:00.png", "Movie_1-01:05:00.png", etc.
Nice to have features:

  • A slider, similar to VirtualDub where you could manually select the frame would be awesome but since I know just enough about programming to be dangerous but not enough to make this app, I have a feeling this could be way outside the realm of "tiny app"

nexxai fucked around with this message at 21:56 on Apr 28, 2018

Nov 4, 2011

Request Fill
Name:Video Snapshot
Download link:
Source Code:
Features and Usage: Takes snapshots of videos at the interval specified in the time box. Files can either be dragged into the window or added using the + button.

Requires .net 4.5 and having ffmpeg set up on your PATH.
Disclaimer. I've never used C# before, I've never made a GUI before, this hasn't been thoroughly tested, I'm a shameful programmer and the source will probably make people upset.
That said, let me know if there are any problems.

Jul 17, 2002

quack quack bjork
Fun Shoe

Ptarmigans posted:

Request Fill
Name:Video Snapshot
Download link:
Source Code:
Features and Usage: Takes snapshots of videos at the interval specified in the time box. Files can either be dragged into the window or added using the + button.

Requires .net 4.5 and having ffmpeg set up on your PATH.
Disclaimer. I've never used C# before, I've never made a GUI before, this hasn't been thoroughly tested, I'm a shameful programmer and the source will probably make people upset.
That said, let me know if there are any problems.

I want to make love to your face

Thank you!

The only weirdness has to do with what I'm assuming is some kind of Regional setting:

If you look at the "Time between captures", it's like it's reading it as a clock time, rather than an interval, to the point where if you replace the "12" with "00", it goes back to 12 automatically. What you're seeing actually does function as a 5 minute interval, so it's not like it's broken, it's just kind of funny to look at.

nexxai fucked around with this message at 17:40 on Apr 29, 2018

Nov 4, 2011

nexxai posted:

If you look at the "Time between captures", it's like it's reading it as a clock time, rather than an interval, to the point where if you replace the "12" with "00", it goes back to 12 automatically. What you're seeing actually does function as a 5 minute interval, so it's not like it's broken, it's just kind of funny to look at.

Oh, lol. I used the time/date picker to avoid having to do any data validation, I guess that's what I get. This should fix it, let me know if it doesn't. Glad it's working other than that.

Oct 27, 2004

Somebody start needing something.

gary oldmans diary
Sep 26, 2005
Would someone take another crack at this? It works and I actually use it all the time, but it crashes a lot now.

Also if file size and CRC-32 are the same is a 3rd check really necessary in normal circumstances?

Hogburto posted:

Is making a duplicate file finder a little too large in scope for this thread?
Others exist and work, but the best one I can find gets an md5 from every single file under a directory instead of only getting the md5 of files that have matching file sizes in the first place. It takes an unnecessarily loooong time. Ironically, it has an option to ignore files with sizes below X.

Hoborg posted:


Sorry I beat you to it, ToxicFrog.

This program gathers all files then groups them by their size in bytes, then it computes the CRC-32 of files with the same length (CRC-32 is much faster than cryptographic hashes like MD5 or SHA). Finally, for each file with the same CRC-32 it compares the raw binary contents and when it spots the first difference it aborts and marks the files as being different.

The "Save Report" button is disabled because I didn't implement that feature yet.

gary oldmans diary fucked around with this message at 01:21 on Aug 8, 2018

Oct 23, 2006
128-bit approved
What would be the desired output format from this? Do you need to machine read it or do you just want the list of duplicates for human consumption? How do you use the output?

Yes, the 3rd check is necessary because you can't know if the files are the same without actually checking if they are the same inside. The most you can do without is to say for sure they are not the same (e.g. because contents cannot match if checksum does not match).

EssOEss fucked around with this message at 10:03 on Aug 8, 2018

gary oldmans diary
Sep 26, 2005
The previous program had a function to delete all but 1 file from each matched set that I used to use after double-checking the file list for anything strange.

EssOEss posted:

contents cannot match if checksum does not match
That's what I'm thinking. After narrowing potential matches down by file size then CRC-32, it didn't seem like a full byte for byte comparison would be necessary on what remained.

Oct 23, 2006
128-bit approved
So the goal is to delete duplicates? Does it matter which one? This seems like an easy app to make but having some more specific requirements on what it needs to do would be good. Be as specific as you can.

The byte for byte comparison is necessary if the checksums match. A matching checksum says "these might be the same" - you need to check the contents to make sure.

Oct 27, 2004

I think it looked like this before? Might help in the duplication process.

Bobbin Threadbear
May 6, 2007

gary oldmans diary posted:

Would someone take another crack at this? It works and I actually use it all the time, but it crashes a lot now.

Also if file size and CRC-32 are the same is a 3rd check really necessary in normal circumstances?

Upload the program; if it's written in C# I'll be able to fix it. Helps if you can give me an example case of when it crashes too.

Bobbin Threadbear fucked around with this message at 22:53 on Aug 13, 2018

May 10, 2008
Can anyone make me a tampermonkey plugin which automatically replaces SA emote abbreviations with the correct image?
The specific use-case is that I'm reading an old LP from the archives where the author used more emotes than are now supported by the forums, so in longer posts they just start showing up as the bare text, which annoys me.

Edit: NVM, I hacked together something horrifying. Here, if anyone wants it.

The_White_Crane fucked around with this message at 10:38 on Aug 17, 2018

Oct 27, 2004

The_White_Crane posted:

Can anyone make me a tampermonkey plugin which automatically replaces SA emote abbreviations with the correct image?
The specific use-case is that I'm reading an old LP from the archives where the author used more emotes than are now supported by the forums, so in longer posts they just start showing up as the bare text, which annoys me.

Edit: NVM, I hacked together something horrifying. Here, if anyone wants it.

SA Smilies for the Web may be of use to you. You'd have to modify the @exclude since the idea is to apply Smilies to other sites, I wasn't familiar with a limit on the forums itself.

You probably couldn't find it on greasyfork because the sourcecode is too long and it doesn't exist there.

Chunjee fucked around with this message at 13:39 on Aug 18, 2018

Jun 17, 2007

Are you looking at me Senpai?

Grimey Drawer
Humble Request

Problem: I, like probably every other IT professional and other disciplines, get emails from offshore recruiters that don't read what I do and offer crappy positions. I never want a 3-month helpdesk contract in Boise. I own a house in New Jersey. This is all in Gmail.

Description and requirements: I want to have some kind of one-click solution to take the domain name they're sending from and instantly create a filter which will then mark all future emails from that domain get marked as read and then deleted. I'd rather not report them as spam because I worry the filter will block legit recruiters. It needs to be easier than the current manual steps: select "filter messages like this," change From to "*", clicking "Create Filter," then selecting "Mark as read" and "Delete it" then clicking "Create filter." If it helps, I'll screen-record an example.

Nice to have features: Make it a single button that's clickable as a Chrome extension. I leave it to the request filler as to how this will work. Another good feature: your Paypal or Venmo address to receive $20 from me for doing this. I'd also like to be able to share it with other professionals; whoever creates this would be a hero to many people.

MJP fucked around with this message at 15:04 on Sep 13, 2018

Jun 1, 2009

I won't be the one to make a solution to it, but I imagine anyone else doing it will want to ask:
Which mail service or client?

Jan 16, 2004

I would just like to say that 8-9 years ago, someone in one of these threads wrote me a quick program that literally shaved 2 hours off of every retarded and repetitive task that I had at my remote office at work every day, and I hope this (type) of thread keeps keeping on.

My 20 years of SA were worth that one little script. TGFSA. Keep helping folks y'all :black101:

May 22, 2015

barf barf i am a dog, barf on your carpet, barf

DoggPickle posted:

I would just like to say that 8-9 years ago, someone in one of these threads wrote me a quick program that literally shaved 2 hours off of every retarded and repetitive task that I had at my remote office at work every day, and I hope this (type) of thread keeps keeping on.

My 20 years of SA were worth that one little script. TGFSA. Keep helping folks y'all :black101:

That's awesome, could you please give us some more details about the script? Now I'm curious

Jun 17, 2007

Are you looking at me Senpai?

Grimey Drawer

nielsm posted:

I won't be the one to make a solution to it, but I imagine anyone else doing it will want to ask:
Which mail service or client?

Gmail, my bad

Jul 7, 2012

Humble Request
Problem: have excel list of movie library, all in one column in format: Movie (Year), like Return of the Jedi (1983). Want to add from IMDb into adjacent columns: director, top actors, synopsis, avg rating, number of raters.
Description and requirements: csv input/output is fine, or whatever format I can export to which is easiest for you. command line is perfectly fine.
Nice to have features: for updating the list, can limit scrape to items newly added.

SA gift certificate will be your reward!


KOTEX GOD OF BLOOD fucked around with this message at 22:01 on Sep 23, 2018

Oct 27, 2004


Problem: have excel list of movie library, all in one column in format: Movie (Year), like Return of the Jedi (1983). Want to add from IMDb into adjacent columns: director, top actors, synopsis, avg rating, number of raters.

The input is your Excel/csv file and the output is what exactly?
Do you prefer to add new movies with a GUI or just adding to Excel and re-running?

Just thinking out loud:
Should be doable with IMDB data, but user will need their own API key which I think is free. A quick google search tells me there are two other movie databases but similarly neither respond to anonymous requests. May as well use IMBD if that is the case.

I think the way I would do it is; take Excel input, populate all the titles and rate limited fill them in depending on the API's rules. Maybe show a progressbar or simple GUI with all the titles filling with data, then export when done. Maybe store the discovered data for any future executions because I'm thinking things would get hairy if supplied a 1000 row excel.

Jul 7, 2012

Chunjee posted:

The input is your Excel/csv file and the output is what exactly?
Do you prefer to add new movies with a GUI or just adding to Excel and re-running?
A new spreadsheet, I suppose, or a modified spreadsheet, with the data added as new columns alongside the movie names. I'm happy to just add the new movies to the sheet and re-run it to populate in the data.

Chunjee posted:

Just thinking out loud:
Should be doable with IMDB data, but user will need their own API key which I think is free. A quick google search tells me there are two other movie databases but similarly neither respond to anonymous requests. May as well use IMBD if that is the case.

I think the way I would do it is; take Excel input, populate all the titles and rate limited fill them in depending on the API's rules. Maybe show a progressbar or simple GUI with all the titles filling with data, then export when done. Maybe store the discovered data for any future executions because I'm thinking things would get hairy if supplied a 1000 row excel.
There's some good info on it here: There are currently about 1800 rows in the sheet if it matters.

Thanks so much for looking at this and hope you will give it a shot! There are a lot of old fogies out there who keep track of their movies this way, so I think it would be useful for more than just my oddball setup.

Oct 27, 2004


There are currently about 1800 rows in the sheet if it matters.


I wanna give this a shot today. One other question I have is do you only care about "director, top actors, synopsis, avg rating, number of raters"? Do you want everything they offer or just the data defined by the top column?

Jul 7, 2012

Runtime and genre tags would be cool too. Thanks!!! I'm really excited.

Aug 6, 2006

U.S. Marine
I'd like a copy of this if it gets completed (my spreadsheet has 3600 rows, though). I think you'll run into issues not being able to determine which IMDB entry belongs to which movie. Even with Plex scraping and fairly good movie names I had to manually identify about 100 of the 3600 entries on mine. Maybe if the entries had IMDB tags (i.e. tt3778644) but without that I think the margin of error can be quite high on scrapes.

I really wish there was a way to export the Plex metadata for a library (info, album art, etc).

Jul 7, 2012

Ceros_X posted:

I'd like a copy of this if it gets completed (my spreadsheet has 3600 rows, though). I think you'll run into issues not being able to determine which IMDB entry belongs to which movie. Even with Plex scraping and fairly good movie names I had to manually identify about 100 of the 3600 entries on mine. Maybe if the entries had IMDB tags (i.e. tt3778644) but without that I think the margin of error can be quite high on scrapes.

I really wish there was a way to export the Plex metadata for a library (info, album art, etc).
I use Infuse, but, same.

I doubt there's a way around the need to manually review every entry, but I don't mind. It should be fairly clear just flipping through it if the scrape is wrong. On the bright side, it probably helps that I have my sheet in Movie (Year) format rather than filenames.

e: I guess one way to do it would be to make the script interactive and prompt you to either confirm or provide a correct IMDb link if it's not very confident that it has a match, kind of like FileBot? Or to have an interactive mode where you have to do this for every entry?

KOTEX GOD OF BLOOD fucked around with this message at 22:20 on Sep 24, 2018

Jul 7, 2012

Just wanted to say I can offer $40 to whomever fulfills the above request!

Oct 27, 2004

Coincidentally I finally got to coding the thing. needs another hour or so but it turns out I don't have Excel installed at home so chances are it'll have to wait for tomorrow morning.

Oct 27, 2004

Request Fill
Name: SA-omdbcloner
Download link:
Source Code:
Features and Usage: Check settings and run the .exe
It opens an Excel file and query titles found in Column A for data online at a rate of one per second.

- "key" must be generated from
- "excelfilename" defines the Excel file to use, it must be in the same directory as the .exe
- "titlematchsimilaritythreshold" controls how closely the match must be before it'll be accepted for use in the Excel output. Including the (Year) in cloumn A should increase positive matches
- "datapoints" specifies what data will be copied into Excel

The Excel file is not saved automatically, and must be done by the user once complete.
Columns are not labeled automatically, but that wouldn't be too hard to add.
Incorrect movie titles ("Mask" should be "The Mask") will not be corrected.
Only searches movies.


Jul 7, 2012

Holy poo poo I can't believe this works!! Thanks so much.

Is there any way to increase the likelihood it will find a match? It seems to be finding info probably 75% of the time. How does the threshold value work?

Also PM me your paypal address. Thanks again, very excited about this!

Oct 27, 2004

I think the best way to get a match would be to ensure every movie has a year. But you can adjust the "titlematchsimilaritythreshold" to a higher number as well. Sadly the API doesn't provide it's own confidence indication on searches.

If you can't seem to get some movies to match please post or PM them and I'll take a look.

One thing that is I forgot to make clear; that API has a limit of 1,000 queries per day so it'll take at least 2 to fill your sheet. The script is not smart enough to stop but it will just stop editing the Excel when it stops getting valid data back.

Jul 7, 2012

Yeah, I got myself an upgraded api key through their patreon account good for 120,000 queries a day for $1.

Thanks for the offer, hopefully I’ll be able to figure it out on my own and just plug in the rest manually. Interestingly, setting the threshold value to 1 seems to yield the best results.

Oct 27, 2004


setting the threshold value to 1 seems to yield the best results.

This concerned me so I re-wrote the scoring mechanism. I'm uploading a new release shortly which uses a different algorithm for measuring the string similarity.

I also added an error message for those cases to provide some insight:

French Canadian
Feb 23, 2004

Fluffy cat sensory experience
Humble Request
Problem: I need to append two or three characters to the end of a PDF before sending to a vendor. But after doing this manually in explorer for many dozens of times it gets old. Example original PDF name is "part.pdf".
Description and requirements: I would like a Windows Explorer right-click pick list that lets me rename the PDF as "part_-.A.pdf" or "part_1.pdf". The list ideally has a list of options from A-Z for the first format, and 0-10 for the second. The list is just long and doesn't require clicking arrows or scrolling. I have a big monitor...
Nice to have features: Makes a fart noise to cheer me up. But the fart noise can be disabled. Or it magically knows where to look in the PDF file itself to see what the rename should be, because it's in a revision control block. The latter sounds implausible.

Note: this isn't really something for a batch software I think. The PDFs are generated throughout the day and it's onesie twosies.

French Canadian fucked around with this message at 14:27 on Oct 14, 2018


Oct 27, 2004

At first I was thinking explorer context menu editing would be hard and to only solve by reading the pdf content (which I do know how to do) but it turns out editing that right-click menu is possible. I'll see what I can come up with.

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