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Jen X
Sep 29, 2014

To bring light to the darkness, whether that darkness be ignorance, injustice, apathy, or stagnation.

Welcome to the worst mafia game idea ever conceived on these forums, Choose Your Own Role Social Justice Mafia! I was coerced into creating it, and disavow all ownership of the idea. In fact, I have a much more elaborate, much more interesting setup entirely developed, so this one is just to pass the time.

You, the players, are all trying to join the prestigious Social Justice Warriors adventuring party/academic debate group, but some of you are nasty, nasty bigots who want to undermine the hallowed work of our brave protectors!

:siren:On signing up, please publicly post the fantasy adventurer occupation of your choice; D&D character classes are especially advised. I'll make roles out of them, then distribute the Social Justice Class roles randomly.:siren:

I'll probably make a discord server for the game once I have any idea of what this setup will look like. Role Madness, though, without question.

Standard rules apply, more or less, though nights are open to non-game chat. 48 hour days, 24 hour nights, etc.

Oh, and executions/lynches will, obviously, be cancellations.

Do not expect balance. I'm not doing a drat thing about lurkers, either, you're on your own.

I'm only a bit sorry.


Aspiring SJWs:
  1. A Sometimes Food
  2. Anomalous Amalgam
  3. Bifauxnen
  4. Dancer
  5. GenericGirlName
  6. GulagDolls
  7. Jon Joe
  8. Mr. Humalong
  9. Natural 20
  10. peramene
  11. SalTheBard
  12. SolusLunes
  13. spacing in vienna
  14. Toalpaz
  15. yuming


1. Max
2. Sniper

Please ignore the existence of this thread in trad games, I was an idiot

Jen X fucked around with this message at 23:06 on Sep 14, 2019


Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
I shall fight for justice.... of the social variety.....

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

Toalpaz posted:

I shall fight for justice.... of the social variety.....

Oh assassin, assassin for justice....

Oct 10, 2011

I now have several regrets.


sure i'll fuckin' play this

i am the mighty appelomancer, with power over words and titles

Jen X
Sep 29, 2014

To bring light to the darkness, whether that darkness be ignorance, injustice, apathy, or stagnation.

SolusLunes posted:

sure i'll fuckin' play this

i am the mighty appelomancer, with power over words and titles

you're a bard

Oct 10, 2011

I now have several regrets.


Jen X posted:

you're a bard

bards are dumb

i refuse to bard

Oct 20, 2011

Lovely night, no?
Grimey Drawer
Social Justice Drunken Master

Aug 12, 2010

Curses! Foiled again!

SolusLunes posted:

bards are dumb

i refuse to bard

Be sure to use this your advantage by catching the bigot scum who insist on identifying you by your deadclass!

As for me though, I'm the Social Justice Red Mage

Jen X
Sep 29, 2014

To bring light to the darkness, whether that darkness be ignorance, injustice, apathy, or stagnation.

SolusLunes posted:

bards are dumb

i refuse to bard

fine, happy now?

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
game wen

Oct 10, 2011

I now have several regrets.


Jen X posted:

fine, happy now?

why the reluctance to refer to me as my chosen class

is mod the scum

do we have to cancel the mod

Jen X
Sep 29, 2014

To bring light to the darkness, whether that darkness be ignorance, injustice, apathy, or stagnation.

SolusLunes posted:

why the reluctance to refer to me as my chosen class

is mod the scum

do we have to cancel the mod

Because it’s not an actual class, bitch

Oct 10, 2011

I now have several regrets.


Jen X posted:

Because it’s not an actual class, bitch

d&d classes are only ADVISED

did you not read your own OP, oppressor

Jen X
Sep 29, 2014

To bring light to the darkness, whether that darkness be ignorance, injustice, apathy, or stagnation.

SolusLunes posted:

d&d classes are only ADVISED

did you not read your own OP, oppressor

D&D isn’t the point

A reasonably extant fantasy adventurer occupation is, however

Oct 10, 2011

I now have several regrets.


Jen X posted:

D&D isn’t the point

A reasonably extant fantasy adventurer occupation is, however

it is reasonably extant in the world of oglaf, yes

A Sometimes Food
Dec 8, 2010

I'd like to play.

Aug 12, 2010

Curses! Foiled again!

Jen X posted:

Because it’s not an actual class, bitch


##vote JX

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

A Sometimes Food posted:

I'd like to play.

whats your character class ASF

A Sometimes Food
Dec 8, 2010

Toalpaz posted:

whats your character class ASF

Oh uh


Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

Blue Mage

Oct 13, 2015

by Fluffdaddy
Death Knight

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
Filling up fast

spacing in vienna
Jan 4, 2007

people they want us to fall down
but we won't ever touch the ground
we're perfectly balanced, we float around
til no one is here, do you hear the sound?

Lipstick Apathy
I will sign up so long as it's understood that I intend to play as FF8's extra AF Rinoa Heartilly, who is extremely more woke than you and super into saving Timber and so serious, it hurts.

Class: Sorcerer/ess, natch

Aug 12, 2010

Curses! Foiled again!

drat, that's good, Social Justice Sorceress does have a nice ring to it

Jen X
Sep 29, 2014

To bring light to the darkness, whether that darkness be ignorance, injustice, apathy, or stagnation.

Bifauxnen posted:

drat, that's good, Social Justice Sorceress does have a nice ring to it


Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
Filling up fast

spacing in vienna
Jan 4, 2007

people they want us to fall down
but we won't ever touch the ground
we're perfectly balanced, we float around
til no one is here, do you hear the sound?

Lipstick Apathy

I just want everyone to know that every Galbadian citizen is complicit in the atrocities committed by their own government and their inaction is inexcusable considering the horrific violation of Timber's sovereignty.

Also please tell my father that I am not speaking to him because I do not associate with war criminals.

Apr 10, 2012

Why did you post that?
Social Justice Artificer - I don't see color, but I absolutely can turn anything into a moment of performative wokeness using my white ingenuity and understanding that I come from a position of privilege.

spacing in vienna
Jan 4, 2007

people they want us to fall down
but we won't ever touch the ground
we're perfectly balanced, we float around
til no one is here, do you hear the sound?

Lipstick Apathy

GenericGirlName posted:

Social Justice Artificer - I don't see color, but I absolutely can turn anything into a moment of performative wokeness using my white ingenuity and understanding that I come from a position of privilege.

*slow clap*

That's loving beautiful.

Apr 10, 2012

Why did you post that?
I just feel so lucky to be able to use this platform to spread more awareness of issues for people with less privilege than myself. JenX, thank you so much for hosting this gathers. As my beautiful African sisters would say, "Yas, Queen!"! :)

(I hope I didn't over step there, I asked her if it would be okay to use in this context and she agreed. Of course, I know she doesn't speak for ALL black people, but I value her input regardless.)

Anyway, this is so embarrassing but I need to step out for a moment. Those planned parenthood counter protests won't arrange themselves! :angel:

spacing in vienna
Jan 4, 2007

people they want us to fall down
but we won't ever touch the ground
we're perfectly balanced, we float around
til no one is here, do you hear the sound?

Lipstick Apathy

GenericGirlName posted:

I just feel so lucky to be able to use this platform to spread more awareness of issues for people with less privilege than myself. JenX, thank you so much for hosting this gathers. As my beautiful African sisters would say, "Yas, Queen!"! :)

(I hope I didn't over step there, I asked her if it would be okay to use in this context and she agreed. Of course, I know she doesn't speak for ALL black people, but I value her input regardless.)

Anyway, this is so embarrassing but I need to step out for a moment. Those planned parenthood counter protests won't arrange themselves! :angel:

You know, I feel it's really important here not to marginalize the presence of the LGBTQIIAAAPPKGNC++ community in that phrase's origins. It wasn't just a POC space that started "Yas queen" - it was a queer POC space. This erasure is a harmful microaggression. It's just one example of the kind of cultural appropriation and straightwashing that LGBTQIIAAAPPKGNC++ have to endure every day.

Maybe next time you should check your privilege before you speak??? I mean I'm not trying to be rude here, it just seems like maybe you should try being a little more woke in the future. :rolleyes:

Oct 13, 2015

by Fluffdaddy
death to the living

Oct 10, 2011

I now have several regrets.


oh god these posts, i'm dying

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

None of your palates are as woke as mine

Jan 26, 2005

I forgot to post my food for USPOL Thanksgiving but that's okay too!

Fallen Rib
EDIT: Jesus I"m loving dumb


Jan 26, 2005

I forgot to post my food for USPOL Thanksgiving but that's okay too!

Fallen Rib

SolusLunes posted:

bards are dumb

i refuse to bard

Hey gently caress you buddy

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
I wanna be a druid!

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
Filling up fast

Anomalous Amalgam
Feb 13, 2015

by Nyc_Tattoo
Doctor Rope
Social Justice Kensei


May 23, 2011
poo poo, I just missed it. I'll be up to replace.

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