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Jan 12, 2001


D-Pad posted:

Not only is this true, but the true point of the program is not to fill jobs there aren't enough Americans for, although that is the stated purpose and a real benefit. The real purpose is pulling the best and the brightest from around the world strengthens America AND weakens other countries.

Bingo. There's a huge amount of really talented engineers in other countries, either we hire the top talent here and they pay taxes here, or they will be working or starting businesses elsewhere. America's technical dominance has relied upon being able to bring people here and still does. There isn't some tightly-held critical knowledge like in certain high-end manufacturing that we can hold on to and expect to maintain some lead, and in most of those cases there's usually some major subsidizing going on in the name of national security anyways.


twice burned ice
Dec 29, 2008

My stove defies the laws of physics!

John Wick of Dogs posted:

Not believing that accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt is also an admission of guilt.

Correcting my posts is also an admission of guilt

This post is an admission of guilt.

Doctor Butts
May 21, 2002

Quinton posted:

As someone who's worked as a Software Engineer for 20+ years and had the misfortune of trying to hire Software Engineers in this country, no, there are not in fact enough qualified folks out there to do all the jobs.

Have you tried offering them at least market value for their skills?

Is training not a thing anymore or do all employers expect everyone else to bear the cost of that?

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost

davecrazy posted:

Totally healthy.

the biden laser eye thing was clearly republican projection yet again

Sep 13, 2005

The worker and the soil

Aineris posted:

You're completely incapable of critical thinking.

The point of the government is to protect its citizens. Now, obviously our path to citizenship to foreigners is loving insane and could use an overhaul, but nevertheless the USA owes diddly squat to non-citizens. Obviously you are not in the tech industry, but basically a lucrative career path for American citizens has been undermined by H-1B Visa abuse. The entire loving point of the visa employment system is to let foreign works in the country to do jobs where there aren't enough skilled workers in America to do them. It turns out that there are in fact enough tech workers in America to do the jobs, but there are consulting firms that exclusively hire foreign workers and undercut the American workforce in this industry.

I realize that all of you idiots have your head up your liberal asses so far that you can't see the world around you, but these are the facts on the ground.

American isn't about being a perfect free-market capitalist system. Only libertarian morons believe that poo poo. Actually, America is all about protecting the rights of American citizens. So importing cheap foreign labor that undercuts our own loving people is a huge problem, and it just so happens that the Trump administration, loving horrible as they are, are the only ones that are trying to actually do anything to combat the problem.

Again, the rest of you idiots are completely ignoring that the entire loving goddamn point of a debate form is to have people with different points of view that discuss these things. I'm really pissed off at how you run off everyone that thinks differently.

Either rename this poo poo "Liberal Echo Chamber" or loving ban me. This poo poo is so loving dumb.

I disagree.

Jun 19, 2005

Aineris posted:

You're completely incapable of critical thinking.

The point of the government is to protect its citizens. Now, obviously our path to citizenship to foreigners is loving insane and could use an overhaul, but nevertheless the USA owes diddly squat to non-citizens. Obviously you are not in the tech industry, but basically a lucrative career path for American citizens has been undermined by H-1B Visa abuse. The entire loving point of the visa employment system is to let foreign works in the country to do jobs where there aren't enough skilled workers in America to do them. It turns out that there are in fact enough tech workers in America to do the jobs, but there are consulting firms that exclusively hire foreign workers and undercut the American workforce in this industry.

I realize that all of you idiots have your head up your liberal asses so far that you can't see the world around you, but these are the facts on the ground.

American isn't about being a perfect free-market capitalist system. Only libertarian morons believe that poo poo. Actually, America is all about protecting the rights of American citizens. So importing cheap foreign labor that undercuts our own loving people is a huge problem, and it just so happens that the Trump administration, loving horrible as they are, are the only ones that are trying to actually do anything to combat the problem.

Again, the rest of you idiots are completely ignoring that the entire loving goddamn point of a debate form is to have people with different points of view that discuss these things. I'm really pissed off at how you run off everyone that thinks differently.

Either rename this poo poo "Liberal Echo Chamber" or loving ban me. This poo poo is so loving dumb.

I agree. Goons posting here have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

Oct 21, 2004

There Bias Two posted:

Looks like he popped a blood vessel.

One eye being bloodshot is one of the covid symptoms. :tinfoil:

Gros Tarla
Dec 30, 2008

Solid thread title god drat

Jul 24, 2004
Infrastructure week!!

Nov 25, 2011

Kyle Schwarber: World Series hero, Beefy Lad, better than you.

Illegal Hen

BigRoman posted:

I agree. Goons posting here have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

lol no, Goons aren't "good people."

I, for one, absolutely suck. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

Nov 25, 2004

I'm an insufferable shitposter who does not deserve to root for such a good team. Also, this is what Matt Harvey thinks of me and my garbage posting.


Eight of the patients had chemosis, which is inflammation and swelling of your conjunctiva. Your conjunctiva is the transparent lining that covers the front of your eyeball and the inside of your eyelids. Normally, you shouldn’t be able to see your conjunctiva, unless you have super-vision or are exceedingly small and can see the very fine blood vessels that course through your conjunctiva.

Three had conjunctival hyperemia, which blood flow to your conjunctiva causing them to appear red. And seven of the patients had eye secretions. None of the patients had experienced blurring of their vision though.

Mystic Mongol
Jan 5, 2007

Your life's been thrown in disarray already--I wouldn't want you to feel pressured.

College Slice

Aineris posted:

You're completely incapable of critical thinking.

The point of the government is to protect its citizens. Now, obviously our path to citizenship to foreigners is loving insane and could use an overhaul, but nevertheless the USA owes diddly squat to non-citizens. Obviously you are not in the tech industry, but basically a lucrative career path for American citizens has been undermined by H-1B Visa abuse. The entire loving point of the visa employment system is to let foreign works in the country to do jobs where there aren't enough skilled workers in America to do them. It turns out that there are in fact enough tech workers in America to do the jobs, but there are consulting firms that exclusively hire foreign workers and undercut the American workforce in this industry.

I realize that all of you idiots have your head up your liberal asses so far that you can't see the world around you, but these are the facts on the ground.

American isn't about being a perfect free-market capitalist system. Only libertarian morons believe that poo poo. Actually, America is all about protecting the rights of American citizens. So importing cheap foreign labor that undercuts our own loving people is a huge problem, and it just so happens that the Trump administration, loving horrible as they are, are the only ones that are trying to actually do anything to combat the problem.

Again, the rest of you idiots are completely ignoring that the entire loving goddamn point of a debate form is to have people with different points of view that discuss these things. I'm really pissed off at how you run off everyone that thinks differently.

Either rename this poo poo "Liberal Echo Chamber" or loving ban me. This poo poo is so loving dumb.

Anyone remember Maddox?

Jan 2, 2001

Goodnight Moon

Nap Ghost
Imagine being an American citizen and part of the special club and letting outsiders in and having them take your jerbs cause you weren’t able to or willing to compete against their zeal to succeed and offer value as good or greater and make sacrifices to go through a long arduous process to be a citizen to have a safer better life while being hated on and you have to have the government bail you out to protect your weak inferior lazy rear end, lmao, just imagine. Because that’s clearly what America is, a special clubhouse that doesn’t owe treating human beings well and justly even when they pay taxes. How great a nation.

Sep 13, 2006

Doctor Butts posted:

Have you tried offering them at least market value for their skills?

Is training not a thing anymore or do all employers expect everyone else to bear the cost of that?

The only way to grow profits is to cut expenses by any means.

Jul 18, 2012
please give me anything to talk about besides the fact that democrats are allowing millions of americans to be evicted from their homes

Arcsquad12 posted:

If Pence wants to needle Harris over a gaffe then Harris should ask him what his mother thinks about him getting rear end hosed by a horse.

Any reason you assume it was a gaffe rather than taking part in the common meme that Tupac is alive?

Unrelated, I thought the bit about Americans having trauma reactions to the unending horror that is their lives was interesting:


I tell my European and Asian and Canadian friends, in return, that America really is different. It’s a place where death stalks people breathing down their necks every single day of their lives. What else do you call a thing hospital bills in the hundreds of thousands? “Medical bankruptcies”? A lack of healthcare is a very real form of violence, too.
What does living amidst omnipresent violence — the very real fear of death, otherwise known as trauma — do? It shuts your brain off. It triggers your fight or flight response. It fills you with adrenaline, fear, anger. You’re on a hair trigger. Rational thinking shuts down. The frontal cortex slows to a halt.

Is it the endless brutality and cruelty of American life that’s made Americans Idiots, then? There are the other forms of violence — the more visible ones. School shootings became just another normalized, accepted part of American life. America is the only country — the only country — in the world where masked men burst in, pretend to shoot little kids, and they have to pretend to die. What on earth? This doesn’t happen anywhere else — not even, say, Pakistan or Iraq, places where there’s religious violence, sure, but not regular school shootings.

You see, America has long normalized and accepted mass death on a scale that would have ruined any other society. Can you imagine school shootings regularly in, say, France or Canada? The government would have fallen in weeks. Americans shrug — and make their kids do “active shooter drills.” So maybe it’s no surprise that Americans don’t get that this wave of mass death is needless because they live in an ultraviolent society of it anyways, and have become resigned, apathetic, blind. They don’t even see, anymore, that mass death is an aberration — not a thing to be tolerated, normalized, shrugged away. That’s what my European and Asian friends hint at — but can’t quite say. Violence of a kind that exists nowhere else in the world by now has left Americans incapable — perhaps genuinely physiologically — of rational thought, of anything but responding in kind, brutality met with brutality, cruelty with cruelty. How else do you get to “lunch debt” and daily school shootings?

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

Darkrenown posted:

Any reason you assume it was a gaffe rather than taking part in the common meme that Tupac is alive?

Unrelated, I thought the bit about Americans having trauma reactions to the unending horror that is their lives was interesting:

probably because she's weirdly lied about listening to tupac before he was performing to try to pretend she's just a normal weed smokin person and not the lady who brutalized people for doing it.

Sep 11, 2011

There Bias Two posted:

Looks like he popped a blood vessel.

Yup. I've had that before. Funny enough it was when I had H1N1 and coughed so much and so hard my eyes looked like that.

Aug 2, 2004

The Oath Breaker's about to hit warphead nine Kaptain!
A friend of mine had eyes like that while she was pregnant. She was popping blood vessels from puking so much.

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound

Jul 1, 2008

So what do people think the Biden administration is going to be like? I predict there's a honeymoon period over Summer 2021 where the media congratulates itself for saving democracy, but by year's end Biden's approval ratings will be as bad as Trump's or worse. They'll pass an inadequate climate bill, a healthcare bill that just adds more subsidies to Obamacare and maybe expands Medicaid, but no more major legislation. The Dem Congressional delegation will be dysfunctional such that they won't even successfully pass governmental upkeep and housekeeping stuff like refunding IRS and re-staffing federal agencies etc. As the mood sours, the media will crank up the screaming at red rose twitter to record levels and ignore the far right which will continue to grow. Can't say if Dems will lose in 2022 or 24 but it seems ominously likely

icantfindaname fucked around with this message at 02:53 on Oct 8, 2020

Sep 21, 2014

To make yourself feel better, you make it so you'll never give in to your forevers and live for always.

Lipstick Apathy
"I'm speaking."

I loving love seeing ratfuckers being put in their place for interrupting.

JT Jag
Aug 30, 2009

#1 Jaguars Sunk Cost Fallacy-Haver

icantfindaname posted:

So what do people think the Biden administration is going to be like? I predict there's a honeymoon period over Summer 2021 where the media congratulates itself for saving democracy, but by year's end Biden's approval ratings will be as bad as Trump's or worse. They'll pass an inadequate climate bill, a healthcare bill that just adds more subsidies to Obamacare and maybe expands Medicaid, but no more major legislation. The Dem Congressional delegation will be dysfunctional such that they won't even successfully pass governmental upkeep and housekeeping stuff like refunding IRS and re-staffing federal agencies etc. As the mood sours, the media will crank up the screaming at red rose twitter to record levels and ignore the far right which will continue to grow. Can't say if Dems will lose in 2022 or 24 but it seems ominously likely
Biden will never be less popular than Trump, one of the big reasons moderates hate him so much is that he's just loving annoying and won't go away

Data Graham
Dec 28, 2009


lmao someone sure doesn't like hearing Indian accents on his Zoom calls

Jan 18, 2009

Would you like to play a game?

icantfindaname posted:

So what do people think the Biden administration is going to be like? I predict there's a honeymoon period over Summer 2021 where the media congratulates itself for saving democracy, but by year's end Biden's approval ratings will be as bad as Trump's or worse. They'll pass an inadequate climate bill, a healthcare bill that just adds more subsidies to Obamacare and maybe expands Medicaid, but no more major legislation. The Dem Congressional delegation will be dysfunctional such that they won't even successfully pass governmental upkeep and housekeeping stuff like refunding IRS and re-staffing federal agencies etc. As the mood sours, the media will crank up the screaming at red rose twitter to record levels and ignore the far right which will continue to grow. Can't say if Dems will lose in 2022 or 24 but it seems ominously likely
I don't know if they'll be that bad, but I do think that they are not going to do what is needed to rescue the economy.

Jul 24, 2007

You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance.

Gatts posted:

Imagine being an American citizen and part of the special club and letting outsiders in and having them take your jerbs cause you weren’t able to or willing to compete against their zeal to succeed and offer value as good or greater and make sacrifices to go through a long arduous process to be a citizen to have a safer better life while being hated on and you have to have the government bail you out to protect your weak inferior lazy rear end, lmao, just imagine. Because that’s clearly what America is, a special clubhouse that doesn’t owe treating human beings well and justly even when they pay taxes. How great a nation.

This is the first time I've really thought about the work visas, but isn't it anti-labor and pro-capitalist regardless, whether it's for software engineers or farmworkers? Artificially increasing the worker pool to drive wages down and make people desperate to take what they can get, with the side benefit of I guess some poor foreign workers can come to America to be poor here instead?

Also, why is it so controversial to say that a country is supposed to look out for its own citizens first? I'm not trying to do a slippery slope thing here, but shouldn't maintaining a decent quality of life for American workers take precedence over allowing more immigration?

Oct 2, 2013

Basic as hell

icantfindaname posted:

So what do people think the Biden administration is going to be like? I predict there's a honeymoon period over Summer 2021 where the media congratulates itself for saving democracy, but by year's end Biden's approval ratings will be as bad as Trump's or worse. They'll pass an inadequate climate bill, a healthcare bill that just adds more subsidies to Obamacare and maybe expands Medicaid, but no more major legislation. The Dem Congressional delegation will be dysfunctional such that they won't even successfully pass governmental upkeep and housekeeping stuff like refunding IRS and re-staffing federal agencies etc. As the mood sours, the media will crank up the screaming at red rose twitter to record levels and ignore the far right which will continue to grow. Can't say if Dems will lose in 2022 or 24 but it seems ominously likely

What is the basis for this? I don't see any reason to assume a dysfunctional dem congress- the situation where nothing gets passed is if the Republicans keep the senate. Even the last few lovely blue dogs were making the right noises about defending USPS, I don't think any of the pedestrian stuff like that is going to be a meaningful hurdle and if the wave is as strong as it looks there might be 52 or so Dems in the senate, which gives enough hall passes that virtually anything popular can get to 50. The only real concern would be if they keep the filibuster for some reason, but given that the current senate is going to push for ACB instead of doing any actual legislation to deal with corona I think decorum-lovers are going to be fed up with this poo poo too

Phenotype posted:

This is the first time I've really thought about the work visas, but isn't it anti-labor and pro-capitalist regardless, whether it's for software engineers or farmworkers? Artificially increasing the worker pool to drive wages down and make people desperate to take what they can get, with the side benefit of I guess some poor foreign workers can come to America to be poor here instead?

Also, why is it so controversial to say that a country is supposed to look out for its own citizens first? I'm not trying to do a slippery slope thing here, but shouldn't maintaining a decent quality of life for American workers take precedence over allowing more immigration?

The reason this doesn't hold water is because companies can be multiple places at once but people can't be. If you refuse to allow immigration to fill roles, at some point companies just set up a second office somewhere with lower wages. Trying to make sure that your limited pool of people have the highest wages possible without considering other nations eventually leads to lower global wages and higher national unemployment. The only way to improve lives for workers is to improve lives for ALL workers. If we make immigration to the US easy enough, it starts to exert pressure on other countries to improve their standards of living, workplace safety, etc to try to match or exceed ours. If we make immigration difficult, we reinforce global class immobility.

It would be better if we also raised our minimum wage and so on, but the existence of a tech work visa in the US could be considered an ancillary cause of the growing middle class in India and other places where outsourced jobs landed. While the initial outsourced jobs paid much less, the existence of the US work visa as an alternative for those who picked up the skills gave the top talent a bargaining position. Had the threat of relocation to the US not existed, the may not have had a real bargaining position.

(Note: I am not an expert and would be glad to be corrected by one, but this is the general trend that seems to have emerged in the last several years based on what I have picked up from anecdotes and cursory reading).

BougieBitch fucked around with this message at 03:15 on Oct 8, 2020

small butter
Oct 8, 2011

There Bias Two posted:

Looks like he popped a blood vessel.

It's covid.

Aug 10, 2009

Doctor Butts posted:

Have you tried offering them at least market value for their skills?

Is training not a thing anymore or do all employers expect everyone else to bear the cost of that?

Training is not a thing anymore.

Fister Roboto
Feb 21, 2008

Phenotype posted:

Also, why is it so controversial to say that a country is supposed to look out for its own citizens first? I'm not trying to do a slippery slope thing here, but shouldn't maintaining a decent quality of life for American workers take precedence over allowing more immigration?

The problem is that's a false dichotomy. We can do both. We can ensure a high standard of living for everyone within our borders, whether they were born here or not. Allowing immigration doesn't inherently make things worse for American citizens, and presenting it as such is what makes it controversial.

Mr Luxury Yacht
Apr 16, 2012

Phenotype posted:

This is the first time I've really thought about the work visas, but isn't it anti-labor and pro-capitalist regardless, whether it's for software engineers or farmworkers? Artificially increasing the worker pool to drive wages down and make people desperate to take what they can get, with the side benefit of I guess some poor foreign workers can come to America to be poor here instead?

Also, why is it so controversial to say that a country is supposed to look out for its own citizens first? I'm not trying to do a slippery slope thing here, but shouldn't maintaining a decent quality of life for American workers take precedence over allowing more immigration?

I think one important distinction I'm not sure anyone has mentioned was that the salary floor to qualify for an H1B visas prior to Trump was 60,000 USD per year. Less than an average software or IT salary? Probably. Was it some desperate pittance of a salary? No. The real issue of abuse I would say was the fact that the visa was tied to your employer and not easy to switch to a new one. Better not complain or you'll be fired and deported!

The farm worker one is an entirely different beast though.

e: Looks like it was mentioned but I still stand by my point.

Mr Luxury Yacht fucked around with this message at 03:12 on Oct 8, 2020

Jul 1, 2008

JT Jag posted:

Biden will never be less popular than Trump, one of the big reasons moderates hate him so much is that he's just loving annoying and won't go away

Yeah but at a certain point the combination of escalating global crises will get bad enough that even bubble-ensconced suburban moderates won't be feeling good anymore. They have no positive attachment to Biden, they just dislike him less than Trump. Active disapproval of Biden won't be as high as Trump, but active support for him will probably be even lower, certainly lower than Obama, and Obama was at 40% overall approval for much of his term. The right wing media machine is not going to go away and will be full crank against the Dems from November 4

BougieBitch posted:

What is the basis for this? I don't see any reason to assume a dysfunctional dem congress- the situation where nothing gets passed is if the Republicans keep the senate. Even the last few lovely blue dogs were making the right noises about defending USPS, I don't think any of the pedestrian stuff like that is going to be a meaningful hurdle and if the wave is as strong as it looks there might be 52 or so Dems in the senate, which gives enough hall passes that virtually anything popular can get to 50. The only real concern would be if they keep the filibuster for some reason, but given that the current senate is going to push for ACB instead of doing any actual legislation to deal with corona I think decorum-lovers are going to be fed up with this poo poo too

You've got way more faith in the median Democratic Senator or Congressperson than I do. I also think the housekeeping stuff is harder than it sounds, which is partly why it wasn't really done under Obama when Dems controlled things for those 2 years. They could end up being more competent, but they've shown no real reason to think that yet. Chuck and Nancy are still going to be in charge of things

Mar 26, 2015

by Fluffdaddy
Well the twist on that was that the 60-70k directly replaced professionals who made 110k in high cost of living eras like Southern California. Not only were you bonded labour, but you also we used to tremendously under cut wages because you’d live in a bunkhouse.

Wilbur Swain
Sep 13, 2007

These are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.

Yeowch!!! My Balls!!!
May 31, 2006

freeasinbeer posted:

Well the twist on that was that the 60-70k directly replaced professionals who made 110k in high cost of living eras like Southern California. Not only were you bonded labour, but you also we used to tremendously under cut wages because you’d live in a bunkhouse.

basically H1-B is a hot issue because it is a type of immigration that impacts the job market for urban professionals, and as such when the subject comes up some otherwise very nice liberal people suddenly find themselves to the right of Attila the Hun

Feb 12, 2008

Mike Pence got a little wet when he thought Kamala Harris was taking the bait on the court packing question

Feb 18, 2011

icantfindaname posted:

So what do people think the Biden administration is going to be like? I predict there's a honeymoon period over Summer 2021 where the media congratulates itself for saving democracy, but by year's end Biden's approval ratings will be as bad as Trump's or worse. They'll pass an inadequate climate bill, a healthcare bill that just adds more subsidies to Obamacare and maybe expands Medicaid, but no more major legislation. The Dem Congressional delegation will be dysfunctional such that they won't even successfully pass governmental upkeep and housekeeping stuff like refunding IRS and re-staffing federal agencies etc. As the mood sours, the media will crank up the screaming at red rose twitter to record levels and ignore the far right which will continue to grow. Can't say if Dems will lose in 2022 or 24 but it seems ominously likely

It depends on the Senate. I don't think the house will suddenly fall into disarray, and there's plenty of major things the democrats are united on doing, like major changes to voter rights and redistricting, the public option that Lieberman blocked, serious spending of the environmental infrastructure and stimulus kind, adding more courts, DC statehood, 15 dollar minimum wage, as well as things like anti-corruption stuff to address things that we all thought was actually illegal but turns out it wasn't.

If, though, the Senate maintains the filibuster as it is now, nothing will get done because the republicans already have a playbook to stop it; threaten to filibuster everything. They can't be negotiated with in good faith, either, its now super obvious that they don't actually have any positions other than "gently caress you" and "we get to do what we want."

There is a possibility of an incredible punchline to all this, a Biden administration marked by historic reform and progress. Biden's platform isn't nearly as ambitious as Bernie's, but there's serious moves that the campaign says they want to make and a congress that is absolutely ready to pass some laws. But if the Senate is allowed to be a gigantic barrier to anything getting done again, I think poo poo's going down in flames.

Grondoth fucked around with this message at 03:23 on Oct 8, 2020

Boris Galerkin
Dec 17, 2011

I don't understand why I can't harass people online. Seriously, somebody please explain why I shouldn't be allowed to stalk others on social media!

freeasinbeer posted:

Well the twist on that was that the 60-70k directly replaced professionals who made 110k in high cost of living eras like Southern California. Not only were you bonded labour, but you also we used to tremendously under cut wages because you’d live in a bunkhouse.

Oh no. I guess they’ll have to settle for working with any other tech company for 95% of that salary.

Jul 29, 2017

I take it Cotton Hill is utterly melting down like Chernobyl based on the law of "anything Trump says is a lie"

Jan 20, 2005

I've gotta stop fantasizing about Lee Majors...
Ah, one more!

Slowpoke! posted:

Mike Pence got a little wet when he thought Kamala Harris was taking the bait on the court packing question

Mike Pence only gets wet for Jesus

Also Seabiscuit


sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

TulliusCicero posted:

I take it Cotton Hill is utterly melting down like Chernobyl based in the law of "anything Trump says is a lie"

I watched for like five minutes and turned it because they both suck so loving much, so it'll be a wash as both sides say 'actually our sputtering idiot was cool, it was yours that was bad'.

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