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Final Fart Buttball
Jun 24, 2005
I've only heard Sonic Youth's Daydream Nation and their new album The Eternal, and I've slept on most of what this band has done for way too long. Any thoughts on what other albums to check out?


Hunkty Krunkty
Jun 13, 2007

Through this stance, you channel the quiet dignity of a circus clown in the midst of a thunderstorm.

Final Fantasy Baseball posted:

I've only heard Sonic Youth's Daydream Nation and their new album The Eternal, and I've slept on most of what this band has done for way too long. Any thoughts on what other albums to check out?
Try "Goo" if you like the dirtier, noisy aesthetic. If you like the the softer melodic stuff try "Murray Street", namely the first three tracks. "Sister" is also good.

I know Sun Ra has been mentioned, but can anyone suggest some of his stuff similar to Lanquidity? I liked that album a lot but I don't know what else of his is like that.

Jan 20, 2006

I look like this IRL,
but, you know,
more Greg Land-y.

etard knievel posted:

MSI people usually say "Frankenstein Girls Are Strangely Sexy" is their best but i cant stand them so take it as you will

I was never a big fan of it either, but I greatly enjoyed both You'll Rebel to Anything and If. I think the only song I really liked off of Frankenstein Girls was bitches.

Nut Bunnies
May 24, 2005

Fun Shoe

Hunkty Krunkty posted:

Try "Goo" if you like the dirtier, noisy aesthetic. If you like the the softer melodic stuff try "Murray Street", namely the first three tracks. "Sister" is also good.

Yeah do this, but also try out EVOL, an album that's loving great but is usually thrown to the wayside for Daydream/Goo/Sister.

texting my ex
Nov 15, 2008

I am no one
I cannot squat
It's in my blood

omgwtfitszee posted:

Does anyone know where to start with:
Mindless Self Indulgence

Their most accessible album would be If, so try that, then work your way backwards.

Jan 17, 2009

The Master of Magnetism
Where do I start with Animal Collective? I'm tempted to work backwards but is there anything I should really avoid?

Mary Annette
Jun 24, 2005

Amazon Review posted:

Siouxsie And The Banshees. I've heard some songs, and am intrigued, but I need people on the internet to verify my interests. :colbert:

DasNeonLicht posted:

I was in your shoes this January. I started with Juju (1981). This worked out very well for me. I followed that up with the rest their albums that have John McGeoch on guitar: Kaleidoscope (1980) and A Kiss in the Dreamhouse (1982). Maybe that was a somewhat arbitrary decision, but I have the impression that those three albums are when they really solidified their identity. And McGeoch really is quite good.

This is the correct answer.

Sep 10, 2008

Ever present.
Good place to start with Metric anyone?

Jun 6, 2007

by angerbeet

Rhg0061r posted:

Good place to start with Metric anyone?

"Old World Underground" and "Live It Out", their new one Fantasies is also great but their first two are equally good.

Jun 27, 2008

I would usually judge a whole artist by their discography, but since I don't have the time/have lost my iPod, I need some direction for:

John Mayer
The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Steely Dan
The Arcade Fire
The Chrystal Method
World's End Girlfriend

Even just a single favorite album would do just fine, because my half-loaner iPod is just a 4gb nano, so I can't fit everything on there. ... Help?

Mar 2, 2009

Fail-Bot posted:

Steely Dan

I'd recommend Countdown to Ecstacy, maybe Katy Lied to start. If you like it, you shouldn't have trouble finding something to like about any of the rest. (Aja might be a little less accessible and Gaucho doesn't quite live up to the others in my opinion, but they were a pretty consistent band throughout the main phase of their career.)

Apr 6, 2008

Saturated Fats

Starsnostars posted:

Where do I start with Animal Collective? I'm tempted to work backwards but is there anything I should really avoid?

In my opinion, you should start with Strawberry Jam. Then go to Merriweather Post Pavilion, and after that Sung Tongs and Feels. If you find yourself loving all of them, Here Comes The Indian is worth checking out too. I'm not crazy over anything pre-dating that though.

Nov 15, 2007

fun leads to abortions!

Fail-Bot posted:

I would usually judge a whole artist by their discography, but since I don't have the time/have lost my iPod, I need some direction for:


Happy Songs for Happy People is a fabulous place to start. You can check out Come On, Die Young or Mr. Beast next; either one will work.

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

Fail-Bot posted:

The Mighty Mighty Bosstones

I'd say Pay Attention.

Sep 10, 2008

Ever present.

Fail-Bot posted:

The Chrystal Method
World's End Girlfriend

Mogwai - Young Team -> Mr Beast -> The Hawk is Howling -> Happy Songs for Happy People

The Crystal Method - Tweekend, as it has the most well known and popular songs on it.

World's End Girlfriend - Hurtbreak Wonderland -> The Lie Lay Land in my opinion, but if you're already into post rock, the album he did with Mono, Palmless Prayer, Mass Murder Refrain is absolutely stellar.

Farts Domino
May 8, 2004

Rhg0061r posted:

The Crystal Method - Tweekend, as it has the most well known and popular songs on it.
Really? Way back when I listened to Crystal Method I would have said that about Vegas, and I barely listened to Tweekend

Raccoon Leaf
Jul 5, 2005

It's like 60 Minutes on acid.

Fail-Bot posted:

The Arcade Fire

They have two albums. Buy either one. Then buy the other if you like it.

Jive One
Sep 11, 2001

HAI posted:

The dude released, what, four albums? How bloody difficult is it to pick one of them, maybe the one that has some songs you've already heard and liked? Not that I even know what you're on about in the HAY DOOD part, they're all good songs.

You're quite the insufferable shithead. These forums would be much better off had you been born on the end of a coat-hanger.


Ras Het
May 23, 2007

when I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child - but now I am a man.
That's a pretty strong opinion to have about the harmony of The Goon Community.

Daryl Fucking Hall
Feb 27, 2007

Daryl ohhhhhhhh Daryl

Jive One posted:

You're quite the insufferable shithead. These forums would be much better off had you been born on the end of a coat-hanger.

These forums would be much better off if people would realize that sometimes canonical artists are canonical for a reason, and there isn't some magical secret hip recording of them that reveals a whole other side of them as an artist and makes every mainstream fan of theirs seem like babbling retards.

Daryl Fucking Hall fucked around with this message at 01:13 on Jun 3, 2009

Oct 12, 2007

by Cyrano4747

Sandwolf posted:

I'd say Pay Attention.

Jackknife to a Swan and More Noise are better

Pay Attention is a good third album

Jun 27, 2008


ackapoo, A Violence Gang, Stonewolf, rhg0061r, Farts Domino, Raccoon Leaf, and Dickeye posted:

Wonderful, wonderful insight

Thanks everyone for pointing me in the right direction! (If anyone has suggestions on John Mayer, I would be more than thankful). Once I listen to everything I'll let you all know how I felt about them.

Nov 28, 2007
I am Jacks self hatred
Been wanting to get into the house scene through Happy Hardcore and Hardcore a while but since the community makes me want to take a flamethrower to it I think I'll ask here. What are some good groups or even albums for that kind of music. I have a preference for hard marching beats and ominous vocal samples. (Headhunterz - End of My Existence or The Sacrifice for example).

Normally I'm an alternative fan but you can't really dance to Radiohead's Exit Music.

Ras Het
May 23, 2007

when I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child - but now I am a man.

XTimmy posted:

Been wanting to get into the house scene through Happy Hardcore and Hardcore a while but since the community makes me want to take a flamethrower to it I think I'll ask here. What are some good groups or even albums for that kind of music. I have a preference for hard marching beats and ominous vocal samples. (Headhunterz - End of My Existence or The Sacrifice for example).

Normally I'm an alternative fan but you can't really dance to Radiohead's Exit Music.

Shut Up And Dance - the first 20 singles

Nov 28, 2007
I am Jacks self hatred

HAI posted:

Shut Up And Dance - the first 20 singles

Thanks but that's a tad to light.
God I hate that name, must they have a z on the end?

XTimmy fucked around with this message at 08:10 on Jun 4, 2009

Jun 27, 2008

So as lame as it is, I really like Insane in the Membrane by Cypress Hill. I'm wondering if the rest of their stuff is worth listening to, and where to begin?

Sep 21, 2004

sting like a byob

Fail-Bot posted:

The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
The really famous one is Let's Face It. A lot of people got burnt out on that album, but I still find myself listening to this one most. I'd say start there. I also like A Jackknife To A Swan, but that's another minority opinion. If you want their older, harder stuff, try Devil's Night Out. Medium Rare is B-sides and such, I thought it was a pretty good listen. I don't like Pay Attention very much, although it has its moments.


Steely Dan
To me the top three are the first three: Can't Buy A Thrill, Countdown To Ecstasy and Pretzel Logic.

Apparently the consensus is that Can't Buy A Thrill was better than Countdown To Ecstasy, but I prefer the latter. Pretzel Logic was my first and is my favorite, but it's not quite as easy to get into. I'd say go Countdown To Ecstasy, Pretzel Logic, Can't Buy A Thrill. From there try Aja if you still like what you're hearing.

Oct 12, 2007

by Cyrano4747

guppy posted:

The really famous one is Let's Face It. A lot of people got burnt out on that album, but I still find myself listening to this one most. I'd say start there. I also like A Jackknife To A Swan, but that's another minority opinion. If you want their older, harder stuff, try Devil's Night Out. Medium Rare is B-sides and such, I thought it was a pretty good listen. I don't like Pay Attention very much, although it has its moments.

Pay Attention has High School Dance and She Just Happened

Therefor, best album

Jan 23, 2005

Fail-Bot posted:

The Mighty Mighty Bosstones

I'd have to recommend Question the answers, probibly give it a listen after their album lets face it.

I've recently gotten into Blues, mostly from the Black Snake Moan soundtrack. Some of the artists on it are John Doe, and R.L. Burnside. Ive also heard and enjoyed the Black Keys. Anyone have any advice on where to go from here in my blues discovery?

Elguapo fucked around with this message at 19:41 on Jun 4, 2009

Ras Het
May 23, 2007

when I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child - but now I am a man.

Fail-Bot posted:

So as lame as it is, I really like Insane in the Membrane by Cypress Hill. I'm wondering if the rest of their stuff is worth listening to, and where to begin?

Their first two LPs are classics, nothing to be embarrassed about...

Feb 19, 2007

by FactsAreUseless
Where do I start with Ben Folds (with or sans Five)?

Sep 21, 2004

sting like a byob

Yoshifan823 posted:

Where do I start with Ben Folds (with or sans Five)?
Start with the first Ben Folds Five album. It's consistently my most listened to. The whole thing is pretty great. Then go to Naked Baby Photos if you like that.

Nut Bunnies
May 24, 2005

Fun Shoe
Absolutely not. Whatever and Ever Amen->Rheinhold Messner->Self titled->NBP if you feel like it.

If you don't feel like it, move onto Ben's solo albums in chronological order.

Bobby The Rookie
Jun 2, 2005

Captain Charisma posted:

Absolutely not. Whatever and Ever Amen->Rheinhold Messner->Self titled->NBP if you feel like it.

If you don't feel like it, move onto Ben's solo albums in chronological order.
That's kind of a weird flow- Reinhold Messner is a completely different sound from Whatever or the S/T.

I suggest starting out with the S/T as well, though, Whatever and Ever is nice, but I've never been as big on it as with the S/T or Rockin' The Suburbs.

Nov 20, 2007

Fail-Bot posted:

So as lame as it is, I really like Insane in the Membrane by Cypress Hill. I'm wondering if the rest of their stuff is worth listening to, and where to begin?

So is their third (Temple of Boom). Don't miss it. After those three, they start to suck. The first album can be skipped as well (my opinion, obviously).

Aug 27, 2008

Fail-Bot posted:

Thanks everyone for pointing me in the right direction! (If anyone has suggestions on John Mayer, I would be more than thankful). Once I listen to everything I'll let you all know how I felt about them.

Hmm I'd say go for his newest live album 'Where the light is' It showcases the 3 main parts of him as an artist, his big band, his blues band and his solo acoustic stuff. From there work out which songs of his you really like and go for the albums they're on. If you already know you like his pop stuff then I'd go in the order - Room for Squares -> Continuum -> Heavier Things

Mar 14, 2006

You don't yank on the Spine of God
What's a good place to start with Hawkwind? I always hear their name come up as a big influence on Monster Magnet, but I don't really know where to begin.

Same goes for Hot Water Music.

Uncle Boogeyman
Jul 22, 2007

ozymandius1024 posted:

Same goes for Hot Water Music.

I'd say just start with Forever and Counting and move forward. Finding the Rythms is okay, but not essential. They really hit their stride with Forever.

Apr 9, 2004

by zen death robot
For Hot Water Music, their 'classic' album is Fuel for the Hate Game.


Mar 24, 2009

...your cybernetic implants, the only beauty in that meat you call "a body"...
Grimey Drawer

XTimmy posted:
God I hate that name, must they have a z on the end?

I'm no expert on Hardcore, but that reminds me alot of I Justified. Wait until 2 minutes, or at least 1:40 when listening to it before X-ing out.

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