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Feb 13, 2012

Oh great, another bookah.
I always disable analysis for live games, I want to learn to read better so if analysis is disabled I have no choice. I never disable it for correspondence games though (can it even be disabled for those?) - conditional moves are too useful.


Feb 13, 2012

Oh great, another bookah.
I think I need to learn some more joseki, but I have no idea which ones are important and there's far too many of them to just start going through everything in Kogo's dictionary. Anybody got any tips on how to pick which ones to study?
Basically, I know how to approach 4-4 stones, and I know what to do and what result to expect when my own 4-4 stones are approached, but recently I've been seeing a lot of 3-4 stones in my games, and I have no idea what the common patterns are with those or what results to expect from different approaches, so I think 3-4 stones are a huge weakness for me and I always get nervous when my opponents first and second moves are on the 3-4 points.

Sep 22, 2008

Wine can of their wits the wise beguile,
Make the sage frolic, and the serious smile.
I use a lot in media res a lot. Basically, I know a fair number of standard joseki now, but if I see a situation where I don't know how to react or if I want to see which invasion joseki suits me best, I mess around with it and see what I like. I have a decent memory so a lot of the variations I look up tend to stick so I use it less and less as time goes on.

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
i use

i play a lot of correspondence games and everytime im not sure what to do i look up all the options. eventually from doing that enough it starts to stick and when i play a real game of go i can remember a lot more

Jun 15, 2011

Whiskey Powered
I found 38 basic joseki + a decent joseki reference (I use Rui Naiwei's Essential Joseki) to be a nice starting place. Basically, 38-basic gives you a good idea of what you're trying to get out of a corner, what an even exchange looks like, and when you might steer one direction or another. Then you play games, and after the game, look at a somewhat longer reference like Essential Joeski to find out "what should I have done in this corner I butchered?". The online references are of uneven quality - I like them as an additional "what do some people do here", but, for me, they're hard to use for more than that.

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
w lose on move 2??

Sep 22, 2008

Wine can of their wits the wise beguile,
Make the sage frolic, and the serious smile.
I guess this was announced some time ago, but we all seemed to miss it.

"Ars Technica posted:

Google's DeepMind AI division will face off against humanity's number one Go player, Ke Jie, according to Chinese state news agency Xinhua. Ke Jie is currently the top-ranked Go player in the world.

DeepMind's Go-playing program AlphaGo played against Go grandmaster Lee Se-dol in March. Lee lost to the computer 4-1. Although Lee was the world's top-rated Go player between 2007 and 2011 and is widely considered to be one of the greatest Go players the world has ever seen, he was only ranked number four in the world when he played against AlphaGo.

For the last couple of years the world's best Go player (by Elo score) has been Ke Jie, a Chinese child prodigy. Back in March, after AlphaGo had won the first game of the match with Lee, Ke said that “I don’t want to compete with AlphaGo because judging from its matches with Lee, AlphaGo is weaker than me. I don’t want AlphaGo to copy my style." He did some bragging on his Weibo account, too: “Even if AlphaGo can defeat Lee Se-dol, it can’t beat me."

Later, after AlphaGo had picked up three games in a row from Lee, 18-year old Ke revised his stance a little: “AlphaGo was perfect and made no mistake. If the conditions are the same, it is highly likely that I can lose.”

Now it seems that Ke Jie will get to find out for certain whether he's still the best Go player in the world. According to Xinhua, International Go Federation executive member Yang Jun’an announced on Sunday that Ke Jie will play against AlphaGo before the end of the year. No further details were given as to where the games might be played—only that discussions are ongoing and both sides are "inclined to make it happen."

When asked for confirmation by Ars, a Google DeepMind spokesperson said that the DeepMind team is "still exploring options for AlphaGo's next steps, but don't have anything to share at this time."

Jan 15, 2009

I don't know how to make analogies
"I'll play Go today!"

First opponent stops playing after ~10 moves.
Second game times me out despite saying I have 8 seconds left.

"Maybe I won't play Go today!"

Jul 13, 2013


IT BEGINS posted:

"I'll play Go today!"

First opponent stops playing after ~10 moves.
Second game times me out despite saying I have 8 seconds left.

"Maybe I won't play Go today!"

I bet it was OGS

Jan 15, 2009

I don't know how to make analogies

AdorableStar posted:

I bet it was OGS

Yup. Is this normal on OGS?

Jul 13, 2013


IT BEGINS posted:

Yup. Is this normal on OGS?

OGS is kind of terrible I will admit.

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
i dont think 'admit' is the right word in your case. maybe try 'preach'

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
so how the hell did i win the 'SA securities cup' with 1 win, 1 loss, and 1 bye ??

seamus won all three of his games, one of them being against me..... ... ?

i d g i

Jul 13, 2013


I miss Go Seigen

AdorableStar fucked around with this message at 23:58 on Jul 13, 2016

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
i miss when people posted in this thread

Jan 26, 2004
I'm around 10k (OGS, mostly correspondence; vacillates between 9k and 11k depending on whether or not I'm a winning streak or a losing streak), and I've been stuck at 10k for around 8 months, after having made consistent monthly progress before that.

I feel like my openings are generally better than my opponents', and (if we get there) I usually play a better endgame than they do (I can usually see a few mistakes they make, and it seems like I typically make up around 10 points in the endgame). When I lose, it seems like it is because I screwed up fighting in the middlegame. I don't typically lose big groups (though it happens), but often let a few important stones get cut off and captured, or give my opponent huge influence, or nullify my own influence, etc.

I have Davies' "Tesuji" but struggle to use it (I also have the companion "Life and Death" and find the problems in that much easier to read out, even though it's supposed to come afterwards). I also have Kageyama's book, which maybe I should revisit again. Should I just be powering through these problems I already have, or is there something else I should be studying to either fix my bad middlegame fighting or learn a style in which fighting is less important?

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
get some of your recent games reviewed, a dan player should be able to point out some bad habits and maybe some concept youve been missing will click. if you ask for a review in chat on ogs, or post a thread asking for one, someone will usually give at least a brief look to it and point out obvious flaws.

impulse 7 effect
Jun 2, 2011
Has the KGS room died or have I just been barred. Asking for a friend

Oneday for Life
Feb 2, 2004
Shoe. Explode?!
KGS room was deleted. Not enough people logging on possibly? I am recreating it.

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
what we need is about six new go servers

sensual donkey punching
Mar 13, 2004

Nap Ghost
I've emailed the KGS admins about ITGO. Maybe it will return.

Jul 13, 2013


Oh ITGO dissapeared? It hought it was the SA room

sensual donkey punching
Mar 13, 2004

Nap Ghost
Both gone..

Jul 13, 2013


An era has passed

Dec 2, 2015
Fear not for ITGO is risen anew like a phoenix! We are also categorized as a club this time!

Oneday for Life
Feb 2, 2004
Shoe. Explode?!
Message me here or message Aeroplane, Peantoo, elementc, Wuchou, or wossname on KGS to get readded.

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
i have reached 5k on ogs. yayyyyyyyyyy me

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
soju is kind of awful

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
i guess i need to be added to itgo again

Jul 13, 2013



o.m. 94
Nov 23, 2009

Could someone invite me to ITGO you know the name! Thanks!

Sep 2, 2008

Fan of Britches

o.m. 94 posted:

Could someone invite me to ITGO you know the name! Thanks!

Aug 28, 2002

Went to add all of the above and looks like someone did it already but didn't post back, you guys should be good. Also, reminder that we're under Clubs instead of Social now.

Zero The Hero
Jan 7, 2009

I'm looking for a good android go app. Anyone have a recommendation? I'm looking for things like tesuji, L&D, bot games, tutorials, whatever, really.

impulse 7 effect
Jun 2, 2011
Elygo is cool, many l&d problems for you. There's a KGS client for android, too. I've also got Master of Go installed.

Elygo for lot and lots of L&D seems the best, though?

doug fuckey
Jun 7, 2007

hella greenbacks

o.m. 94 posted:

Could someone invite me to ITGO you know the name! Thanks!

me too it's 'zestym'

I've played a couple live games and reviewed them and I think I'm actually getting a tiny bit better :)

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
i was in korea for 10 hours and didnt see or do anything related to go

thanks, goodbye

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy


Sep 22, 2008

Wine can of their wits the wise beguile,
Make the sage frolic, and the serious smile.
I saw someone on I-95 today that was from, I think, NC. Their license plate said TESUJI.

Which one of you was it and was JOSEKI already taken?


Emo Rodeo
Dec 28, 2006

This is one mystic quest
Who removed me from ITGO, I will have your heads! Seriously though, add Hestler back...

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