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empty whippet box
Jun 9, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

JayMax posted:

The AlphaGo documentary is now on Netflix. Coming from a bad/very casual player, I thought it was a really enjoyable watch.

Oh poo poo!!!! Thanks for the heads up!

e: it was excellent, game 4 of Sedol vs Alphago was probably the coolest moment in go history. The fact that it's progressed vastly since this is pretty insane, not sure we'll ever beat alphago again.

empty whippet box fucked around with this message at 20:46 on Jan 6, 2018


May 26, 2008
So I'm just starting to learn the game, just had my first in person game yesterday. In a couple weeks my wife and I will pick up a set, but I was wanting to try playing on an Android app when I have time, are there any recommendations?

Feb 29, 2012

Gently enveloping the target with indiscriminate love.

Elblanco posted:

So I'm just starting to learn the game, just had my first in person game yesterday. In a couple weeks my wife and I will pick up a set, but I was wanting to try playing on an Android app when I have time, are there any recommendations?
Generally the only go I play on Android is making correspondence moves on the ogs website, and solving go problems with the gogrinder app.

If you have a large enough display that playing 19x19 becomes acceptable, I think igs/pandanet has the best app. The one for wbaduk seems OK,too. But I haven't really used it.

If you insist on playing against a computer (which is a mistake) I would recommend playing 9x9 with the pachi app.

May 26, 2008

tonberrytoby posted:

Generally the only go I play on Android is making correspondence moves on the ogs website, and solving go problems with the gogrinder app.

If you have a large enough display that playing 19x19 becomes acceptable, I think igs/pandanet has the best app. The one for wbaduk seems OK,too. But I haven't really used it.

If you insist on playing against a computer (which is a mistake) I would recommend playing 9x9 with the pachi app.

What's bad about 9x9 I thought new players were recommended to play on smaller boards?

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
nothing bad about 9x9. its good for learning fighting by playing a lot of games quick, since games are short and all fighting pretty much. but imo it gets old quick, and pretty much all lectures, classes, pro games, tournaments, ratings, anything go related are all about 19x19, so you'll want to play the full size board to get the 'real' game experience.

what is bad (which is what tonberry was saying) is playing against AI all the time, especially the low kyu bots. They don't play like a human, and you'll learn bad habits if you play against ai all the time. the low ai's make ridiculous stupid nonsensical moves in order to have a lower kyu rating, that no human would play.

Under 15
Jan 6, 2005

Mr. Helsbecter will you please stop shooting I am on the phone

Elblanco posted:

What's bad about 9x9 I thought new players were recommended to play on smaller boards?

Yes, the main advantage of 9x9 for a new player is you can play a lot of games quick and gain experience. At a low-level you're going to learn 1-2 new things a game, so why not make it a 9x9 that takes ten minutes instead of a 19x19 that, at irresponsible time sittings, could take 90

It's like riding a bike... if you never get the initial speed going, you won't get anywhere and that will be the end of it.

Feb 29, 2012

Gently enveloping the target with indiscriminate love.

Elblanco posted:

What's bad about 9x9 I thought new players were recommended to play on smaller boards?
You should switch to playing 19x19 against real humans as soon as possible.

After a few days or at most weeks of playing 9x9 is basically equivalent to solving randomly generated go-problems.

My point was that if you insist on playing against bots, play them on 9x9 because their downsides overlap.

Sep 2, 2008

Fan of Britches

Fig. 2 is straightforward. But can Black force a ponnuki as in Fig. 3, or does White have a better line? (Assuming the rest of the board makes Fig. 3 okay for Black.)

Oct 16, 2012
White can play 1-2-3-8-9-5 in the third diagram and catch your left stone.

empty whippet box
Jun 9, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Got promoted to 5k on pandanet tonight :woop: all-time high! I was stuck at 6k since early november. I'll probably get smashed back down to 6k in short order but - progress!

Under 15
Jan 6, 2005

Mr. Helsbecter will you please stop shooting I am on the phone

empty whippet box posted:

Got promoted to 5k on pandanet tonight :woop: all-time high! I was stuck at 6k since early november. I'll probably get smashed back down to 6k in short order but - progress!

thine whippet box runneth over

empty whippet box
Jun 9, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

empty whippet box posted:

Got promoted to 5k on pandanet tonight :woop: all-time high! I was stuck at 6k since early november. I'll probably get smashed back down to 6k in short order but - progress!

aaaand now I've lost 16 games in a row and I have to face the fact that I have never been, and will never be, any better than 13k at the absolute best. I honestly think I'll never win a game again :\

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
Reread fundamentals

sensual donkey punching
Mar 13, 2004

Nap Ghost
wew nearly 10 years in

played some go yesterday lads. was alright

May 7, 2008
i forgot about this thread. I dont really play go anymore. well bye

sensual donkey punching
Mar 13, 2004

Nap Ghost
cheers mate

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
i reached 2k on correspondence games on OGS. yay me. doesn't feel like im really very good though cause it's only correspondence.

Jun 8, 2013

Ensign, raise the beariscope.

I'm really intrigued by Go, but kind of disheartened by the fact that this thread has only managed 149 pages in ten years. Why is the interest level so low?

I'm going through the L2P puzzle series on OGS, where should I start playing afterwards? I see like half a dozen apps/servers mentioned in the last two pages.

Mar 18, 2006


It's a loving hard game that basically requires a lifetime to get even remotely decent.

It's also one of the best games ever.

Apr 17, 2003

Your Loyal Vizier posted:

I'm really intrigued by Go, but kind of disheartened by the fact that this thread has only managed 149 pages in ten years. Why is the interest level so low?

I'm going through the L2P puzzle series on OGS, where should I start playing afterwards? I see like half a dozen apps/servers mentioned in the last two pages.

KGS or OGS I suppose, we also have a Discord server somewhere that you can pop into.

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
No one in the west has ever heard of it so finding anyone to play irl is difficult, and also the learning curve is like a cliff face so 95% of people you introduce it to will quit

May 3, 2005

Mark it zero!

tonberrytoby posted:

Generally the only go I play on Android is making correspondence moves on the ogs website, and solving go problems with the gogrinder app.

If you have a large enough display that playing 19x19 becomes acceptable, I think igs/pandanet has the best app. The one for wbaduk seems OK,too. But I haven't really used it.

If you insist on playing against a computer (which is a mistake) I would recommend playing 9x9 with the pachi app.

IS there a large enough display that 19x19 becomes acceptable?

Sep 21, 2004

Helping goons with math

Your Loyal Vizier posted:

I'm really intrigued by Go, but kind of disheartened by the fact that this thread has only managed 149 pages in ten years. Why is the interest level so low?

In addition to what others have said, you don't see the thousands of pages worth of content of chat and people reviewing games for each other on KGS, etc.

The Letter A
Nov 8, 2002

just utterly i have no idea what i am doing in any game i am playing

I understand the whole you have to lose 100 games before you're a beginner thing but when you suck so bad you dont even know what you're doing wrong i dont feel like i'm doing anything productive playing on ogs against real people

Sep 21, 2004

Helping goons with math
Get games reviewed. I got to like 14k (or better?) in like 30 games on a full board but I got all but one reviewed by someone who could talk me through strategy and what I should focus on in my mext game.

Oct 9, 2007

Fear is the glue that holds society together. It's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear is power.

And at the end of fear, oblivion.

dirby posted:

Get games reviewed. I got to like 14k (or better?) in like 30 games on a full board but I got all but one reviewed by someone who could talk me through strategy and what I should focus on in my mext game.

Play some games.

Read Fundamentals of Go.

Play some more.

Watch some good tutorials (I like Dwyrin's, others like Nick Sibicky or others)

Play some more.

Get reviewed by dan level players.

Play some more.

Read some more books (Attack and Defense)

May 3, 2005

Mark it zero!

The Letter A posted:

just utterly i have no idea what i am doing in any game i am playing

I understand the whole you have to lose 100 games before you're a beginner thing but when you suck so bad you dont even know what you're doing wrong i dont feel like i'm doing anything productive playing on ogs against real people

You win a game by having areas surrounded, so try to do that. In an efficient manner. Without letting the opponent do it better than you.

It's a simple game, really.

Book recommendation: The Second Book of Go. Despite the title, "Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go" is NOT a book for beginners. (And "Attack and Defense" is, to put it mildly, not exactly easy either, holy poo poo.)

uXs fucked around with this message at 11:26 on Apr 17, 2018

Feb 29, 2012

Gently enveloping the target with indiscriminate love.
I would recommend Fundamentals as a first book. Because you can get to the level where it starts at with just a few teaching games/reviews, if you are fast you can get there in the time it takes the book to ship.

Attack and Defence is not a beginner book, certainly.
Shape up is also a great book, and it is free:

It is where I finally learned why hane at the head of 3 stones is a proverb.

Jan 26, 2004
I don't think Fundamentals is a good first book either, even though it's my favorite book overall. I think it's a great book once you're solidly like 15k or so, but I don't think you can get there in "only a few teaching games" unless you're kind of a go prodigy or think "a few" means dozens of games. The reason it's so good is that it rewards rereading every couple of kyu, in a way that other books don't, but Kageyama doesn't do a great job of explaining why all sorts of the lines which a weak DDK would think of aren't actually playable. I actually think Attack and Defense might be easier than Fundamentals in parts (but I also think Attack is easier than Tesuji which is a minority opinion, for what that's worth).

The Second Book of Go is a great first book (you no longer really need what it considers a "first" book, since there are so many free rules overviews on the internet).

I'm looking forward to rereading Shape Up, also--glad it got a link.

Oct 9, 2007

Fear is the glue that holds society together. It's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear is power.

And at the end of fear, oblivion.

I've read both fundamentals and attack and defense. Fundamentals is great from 18k to 1k. I cant see a player really getting good use out of a&d until they reach ~13k. Some of the basics in a&d are covered in fundamentals, and the more advanced stuff can get kinda esoteric or require decent direction skills and reading.

That, and it's a lot less fun to read, which might matter more for newer players.

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
hi friends, so, sacrilege or whatever but i'm trying to get into chess. i know there is a chess thread but i like you guys so if you want to play the 'other' game with me i'm on as jonasd12321. i'm not quitting go i still have 20 games going at all times, just want to play with friends more. so uh yeah, that's that. go is the best.

May 7, 2008
i played go

May 7, 2008
from now on whenever I feel like it i will play blitz go (~10 sec per move) or do some really easy tsumego on gochild or scroll through some pro games. these are the go things I like to do :hai: :effort:

May 7, 2008
ooh I will also watch videos like this (subtitles):

Oct 9, 2007

Fear is the glue that holds society together. It's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear is power.

And at the end of fear, oblivion.

mycophobia posted:

ooh I will also watch videos like this (subtitles):

That was a very cool game.

May 3, 2005

Mark it zero!
I played Leela Zero with 7 stones and won, and then 5 stones and lost. I'm pretty sure that makes me a pro now, please confirm.

Jun 15, 2011

Whiskey Powered
Started playing again after a very long time off; it's been fun getting back into the game. One key motivation was that Janice Kim has moved into town; she did a game review session with local go players today, and it was fabulous. :)

Jul 13, 2013


I just realised I might could stand to play go if I was constnatly smoking throughout a game.

Aug 24, 2008

I just had a pretty interesting position come up in one of my (7k) games recently. I'm white, and needed to live in the corner here:

I'm not totally sure that it's possible to live unconditionally here, but I did end up living in the end via W P17, B O18, W O17, B P15, W N18. I'm curious what the thread would do here in my position, or how you would respond to my above moves as black.


Apr 17, 2003
I keep getting a ko to live for you but it's kind of a hard to say since I don't necessarily play either color optimally. Might be a fun one to review live on KGS.

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