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May 31, 2006

this house is full of madness

Did the Far East Skate Network "Overground Broadcasting" video ever come out? The trailer is here, featuring some sick-rear end tech poo poo that I've never seen anywhere else, but I've never been able to find anywhere that sells the actual video.


Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate

BrianBoitano posted:

I almost feel like I'm limiting myself if I get anything other than a 7.5" street board, since I know flip tricks just aren't feasible on anything else, yet I pretty much only board at the park. Is there any board that will really fly around the bowls and yet still be good for flip tricks? Is the Ceviche worth anything?

If I'm just building a 7.5" or 8", the thread seems to suggest getting a local deck, Indy trucks with Bones medium bushings, Bones red (or black??) bearings, and I have no idea what wheels would be good for my purposes.

Thanks again for the thread and for any help you can give!

For park wheels on a 8" to 8.5" board with 1/4" risers I really like the 56mm Rockin Rons Black Hole wheels, you can get them from Concrete Disciples.

I wouldn't recommend them if the concrete at your park is rough - if it is maybe some 57mm 98a Rainskate wheels (the yellow ones). Either way you're going to be stoked, I promise.

If you want to buy local and you can't find these wheels at your shop Bones SPF wheels are drat good.

...if budget isn't a concern you could always just get a second board for flatground, a 7.5 one with some 50mm wheels - Bones STF, or any set of spits.

donJonSwan fucked around with this message at 08:51 on Jun 28, 2009

Jun 5, 2006

BrianBoitano posted:

I almost feel like I'm limiting myself if I get anything other than a 7.5" street board, since I know flip tricks just aren't feasible on anything else, yet I pretty much only board at the park. Is there any board that will really fly around the bowls and yet still be good for flip tricks? Is the Ceviche worth anything?

If I'm just building a 7.5" or 8", the thread seems to suggest getting a local deck, Indy trucks with Bones medium bushings, Bones red (or black??) bearings, and I have no idea what wheels would be good for my purposes.

Thanks again for the thread and for any help you can give!

You can flip any board really, it's a matter of preference. I'm skating a local team 7.75 right now and I skate everything (bowls, ledges, rails, rocks, trees). That park looks like a lot of fun, you should just go into your shop and see what you like whether it be a 7.5, 7 3/4, 7 7/8, 8 or whatever.

Also Battle at the Berrics 2 is up this weekend, Mike V. was a thumbs down game for me, he didn't really seem too stoked to be there and playing (I wouldn't either if I was playing Chris Cole...) The Busenitz vs. Jamie Thomas game was pretty good, Busenitz has such good style. I have him losing against Chris Cole when they play in the 2nd Round though.

Dick Jones
Jun 20, 2002

Number 2 Guy at OCP

Shakey Shake posted:

Just stumbled across this image on google, thought I'd share.

I remember in the following issue they had an angry letter from someone worried that some impressionable Hensley wannabe out there would try and fling themselves off an overpass. Apparently the part with the transition wasn't that high off the ground.

Shakey Shake
Oct 12, 2005
I was born this way.
I swapped the Danny Way issue to get the Henley issue with a mate, I was in complete awe of Hensley and the H-Street team.

You can tell that it ain't a big drop because the photograph was taken on the embankment.

Applebees Appetizer
Jan 23, 2006

ttam posted:

Goddamn. Turf was so loving awesome. I spent way too much time there in the late 80's/early 90's.

Last I heard the bowls got filled in with dirt and gravel and it's a lawn and garden store now. What a loving shame, it really pains me. Apparently no one could afford the liability to keep it open, if I knew it was for sale I would have bought it and lived there rather than let some dickweed fill the bowls and sell fertilizer out of it. :argh:

R.I.P Clover Bowl


Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
Hey guys/girls, I just bought me a deck from da internets.

What I can tell you is that it's a custom design and made by South central Skatebaord manufacturing. It's basically just a deck really and I was wondering if you guys can help me build it up for skatin' n' poo poo yo! And or falling on my face. Either way! I need some helps.

I like it and that's what counts :colbert:

I need the whole deal here. Trucks wheels ext ext. I might just make this my cruise around board and leave my zooyork as my fall on my face board.

Sorry if it seems a bit silly to ask for help, but it's just I never done this before :smith: My last board was pre-built.

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

I'm 31 and thinking about starting to skate again after, uh, 18 years. Me and a friend decided to master an Ollie by the end of this summer, still need to buy a board though. (Yesterday we practiced for the first time, apparently I managed to jump 20 cm (!), but then my 18 year old board broke).

But the reason I'm posting is to ask for advice on being a Mongo foot. It just feels more natural and comfortable to me. I think I never did it any other way. Should I really try and change this? Is it really such a handicap? I mean I've just had one day of practice yet, so I guess there's still room for change.

May 25, 2001

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

You can't really be "mongo foot" you can push "mongo" but your stance for that will change depending on whether or not you skate goofy or regular. Mongo is pushing with your front foot instead of your back foot, and if people mock you it shouldn't matter as long as you're having fun.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate

highme posted:

You can't really be "mongo foot" you can push "mongo" but your stance for that will change depending on whether or not you skate goofy or regular. Mongo is pushing with your front foot instead of your back foot, and if people mock you it shouldn't matter as long as you're having fun.

Exactly, gently caress it, have fun.

That said, there is no reason not to practice pushing with your back foot just to help build balance.

May 25, 2001

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

I forgot to mention that "mastering the ollie" should be an end of the day goal, not an end of the summer goal. It's not hard, I can do it, I suck, and have always sucked. Make your goal to be able to ollie on to something, a curb or planter etc., it gives you a tangible goal and prevents you from overthinking the actual ollie.

Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
I see people push mongo everywhere. I guess after so long of doing it they become good at it. I still find it kinda amazing to see a kid skate mongo up a hill with out shooting his board forward and falling on his rear end.

I have a hard enough time skating regular :v: What I need now is a skate buddy.

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

highme posted:

I forgot to mention that "mastering the ollie" should be an end of the day goal, not an end of the summer goal. It's not hard, I can do it, I suck, and have always sucked. Make your goal to be able to ollie on to something, a curb or planter etc., it gives you a tangible goal and prevents you from overthinking the actual ollie.

Yeah, I want to be able to jump over a beer crate by the end of this summer. Who knows, maybe it will happen sooner. Then I'll just start with the kickflip or another basic trick.

EDIT: My concern with mongo was not if it looks cool or not, but whether some tricks will become harder to pull off? I just started watching Tony Hawks Tricks and Tips, and to him it's a bad habit.

mike12345 fucked around with this message at 09:12 on Jul 5, 2009

Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
As long as both feet are on the board you should be able to do any trick you like (If you can DO any tricks that is)

Mongo is just a way to gain speed and momentum, just as pushing goofy and regular footed are.

Doing a one foot manual will be pretty awesome if you can learn to do that :v:

VVVVVV what he said

ShortyMR.CAT fucked around with this message at 22:31 on Jul 5, 2009

Jan 30, 2005

You think the truth will set you free...
The thing about mongo is that your back foot will be over the bolts while pushing, which means when you prepare for an ollie you have to first move your front foot on to the board and then move your back foot onto the tail. If you're pushing regular all you have to do is bring your back foot onto the tail. This isn't a great disadvantage if you're just practicing kickflips or whatever on flat land but it's annoying when you're skating obstacles because you have to set up that bit earlier.

Shakey Shake
Oct 12, 2005
I was born this way.

mike12345 posted:

I just started watching Tony Hawks Tricks and Tips, and to him it's a bad habit.

So says a vert skater. That guy shits me.

shark week
Dec 22, 2007

I'm assuming doing short run ins as a mongo rider is going to be super tough but thats way down the line. Any kind of rough surface is going to be annoying when pushing mongo. Cobblestones is going to make the nose bounce all over the place.

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

Ok, thanks guys. I'm still waiting for my mail-order board to arrive, so hopefully by the end of this week I can give mongo and not-mongo another try. Oh and those recommended videos in the first post are really cool, I think I'm in love with the opening sequence of "fully flared" (poo poo explodes).

shark week posted:

I'm assuming doing short run ins as a mongo rider is going to be super tough but thats way down the line. Any kind of rough surface is going to be annoying when pushing mongo. Cobblestones is going to make the nose bounce all over the place.

Cobblestones?! I didn't even know you could drive over that stuff. :psyduck:

shark week posted:

So says a vert skater. That guy shits me.

Ah so he does vert. I don't know anything about him, except the shitload of videogames featuring his name.

Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
One of the oldest skaters out there. Started young in comps and won alot of bowl' comp blah blah did a 900 spin yadda yadda Won many vert comps.

Overall even if you've never heard of skateboarding, chances are you heard of Tony Hawk. Which is funny because I really don't know any other pro skaters out there...

My mail order board is almost here too. :v::hf::v:

Oct 3, 2008

Yeah mongo isn't too bad when starting out, but it's terrible down the line when you need to set up. I even taught myself how to push and ride in switch properly so I could avoid riding mongo when I'm doing switch/fakie.

Anyway I just got my new setup last night which means today should be fun if it stops raining.

FAKEEDIT: Tony Hawk is overrated. ;)

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
Tony Hawk is a legend who has done an insane amount of work to get skateparks built all over the world.

Have any of YOU skated in the White House?


Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
He's p. Cool.

Gotta admit to that.

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

Well compared to the pool skaters in "Chlorine" (just watched it), he seems pretty grounded. Alba, Alva & Co. come off as the melancholic bunch, proud that they never sold out and somewhat bitter that they actually didn't. If that makes any sense.

I liked all of those people, but it's kind of sad when you see a 40-year old boasting that he's better than all the eleven-year-olds at the skate park.

Nov 15, 2006

this is fine

Well, I've got my new board, and it is sweet as gently caress. hosed up my heel bone (?) two weeks ago and it still hurts, but it's manageable. Also, that "don't fall on your hands, goddammit" advice is the best you can get. I'm just glad it's my left wrist that takes the fall, or else I wouldn't even be able to hold a pencil.

Thanks for all the advice on board components and riding! I've done my first couple of drop-ins and ollied another board thanks to the advice here! I'll be sure to contribute more when I know two shits about this sweet hobby :)

Oh, and does anyone have some used Pro-Designed pads? I've been told that one set lasts a lifetime, so I'm really hoping to find some used, since brand new is way out of my price range.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
I don't have any used ones, but I love my PD wrist and elbow pads.

Definitely worth the price.

mike12345, if you dug Chlorine Northwest is equally awesome. It's all about the DIY scene, focused mostly around the Portland Burnside crew.

Q-Man is pretty rad, skate army for life.

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

donJonSwan posted:

I don't have any used ones, but I love my PD wrist and elbow pads.

Definitely worth the price.

mike12345, if you dug Chlorine Northwest is equally awesome. It's all about the DIY scene, focused mostly around the Portland Burnside crew.

Q-Man is pretty rad, skate army for life.

Q-Man is awesome, and so is Northwest. BTW, I hope this is not :filez:, but you can watch Northwest on Youtube, split into five parts. I'm currently watching part one, and I have to say that is the coolest skate park ever. And to think they built it all by themselves? Awesome.

Not to derail the thread, but Northwest reminded me of my other favourite found-footage-vid on youtube, :nms: Anxiety Hangover by Eyehategod:nms:. In related news, I've managed to stationary Olli a couple of times yesterday, will try do the same thing now rolling.

Applebees Appetizer
Jan 23, 2006

Haha, that's awesome. I saved it in my "philosophy" folder in favorites.

Q-man is the quintessential philosopher :v:

May 25, 2001

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

mike12345 posted:

Q-Man is awesome, and so is Northwest. BTW, I hope this is not :filez:, but you can watch Northwest on Youtube, split into five parts. I'm currently watching part one, and I have to say that is the coolest skate park ever. And to think they built it all by themselves? Awesome.

Holy gently caress. I'm on part two and just got to the segment about Donald, Or. I cannot emphasize how poo poo hole small that town is. My wife's family has been farming in that part of Oregon (about 30 min south of downtown Portland) for a long time. Donald is on the 3rd or 4th tier of tiny rear end towns. I had no idea such a rad pool was there, I'm going to have to go hit that poo poo up.

Shakey Shake
Oct 12, 2005
I was born this way.
I know that there was talk about longboarding a few pages back, but The Blue Suit Bombers are so bad rear end that if this was linked before it needs to be done again.
The speed they pick up straight away is insane and the way they move the camera between each other while keeping the shot is as well.

May 25, 2001

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!


Applebees Appetizer
Jan 23, 2006

That's crazy. I wonder how you prevent speed wobble at those speeds. I'd be wearing full leathers that's for sure.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate

Shakey Shake posted:

I know that there was talk about longboarding a few pages back, but The Blue Suit Bombers are so bad rear end that if this was linked before it needs to be done again.
The speed they pick up straight away is insane and the way they move the camera between each other while keeping the shot is as well.

Totally agree, I've got this linked as the longboarding video in the OP.

Those guys are loving insane.

May 13, 2004


donJonSwan posted:

Those guys are loving insane.

This is pretty much the only thing I can say.

Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
I get speed wobbles going down the street :smith:


Altared State
Jan 14, 2006

I think I was born to burn

leica posted:

Last I heard the bowls got filled in with dirt and gravel and it's a lawn and garden store now. What a loving shame, it really pains me. Apparently no one could afford the liability to keep it open, if I knew it was for sale I would have bought it and lived there rather than let some dickweed fill the bowls and sell fertilizer out of it. :argh:

R.I.P Clover Bowl


There is an article and photos in the Thrasher photo issue about the park

Shakey Shake
Oct 12, 2005
I was born this way.

leica posted:

That's crazy. I wonder how you prevent speed wobble at those speeds. I'd be wearing full leathers that's for sure.

The trucks are a lot wider than normal ones so you wouldn't get speed wobbles like you do on a standard deck.

Dick Jones
Jun 20, 2002

Number 2 Guy at OCP

highme posted:

I forgot to mention that "mastering the ollie" should be an end of the day goal, not an end of the summer goal. It's not hard, I can do it, I suck, and have always sucked. Make your goal to be able to ollie on to something, a curb or planter etc., it gives you a tangible goal and prevents you from overthinking the actual ollie.
That's how Natas Kaupas learned to ollie except I think he also had older kids threatening to beat him up if he couldn't ollie up to the 2nd stair next time they ran into him.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
Paul Rodriguez is a loving beast.

His new commercial for Nike SB is pretty drat good too.

Jun 5, 2006

donJonSwan posted:

Paul Rodriguez is a loving beast.

His new commercial for Nike SB is pretty drat good too.

That switch tre flip was amazing. I love the Ice Cube cameo too.


Dick Jones
Jun 20, 2002

Number 2 Guy at OCP

donJonSwan posted:

Paul Rodriguez is a loving beast.

His new commercial for Nike SB is pretty drat good too.
The cop in the passenger seat looks a lot like Lance Mountain.

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