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Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
Yeah, that's definitely Lance Mountain.

I think the other cop is an old-schooler too, I just can't think of his name for the life of me.


Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
Good to know even pros get snagged on rocks and eat poo poo. :gbsmith:

Though it was staged...

Applebees Appetizer
Jan 23, 2006

donJonSwan posted:

Yeah, that's definitely Lance Mountain.

I think the other cop is an old-schooler too, I just can't think of his name for the life of me.

Chris Miller maybe? Could be just an actor though, I've never seen a fat skater, even an old school skater.

Altared State
Jan 14, 2006

I think I was born to burn

leica posted:

Chris Miller maybe? Could be just an actor though, I've never seen a fat skater, even an old school skater.

Tim Gavin is pretty fat now

Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
I'm so bad at skating :smith:

I guess I'll just stick with playing Skate 2.

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

I did some skating on a mini-ramp last week, and it was a load of fun. Now I'm thinking about buying a helmet, and I thought maybe an army helmet could do the trick? Or ist that too cheesy / too heavy?

I'm currently eyeing a steel helmet from the danish army, in orange:

it would go well with my board


mike12345 fucked around with this message at 19:56 on Jul 27, 2009

Dec 28, 2000

I wouldn't trust my head in a fall to something designed to protect against bullets and shrapnel.

Snap Your Fingers
Dec 16, 2006
I've been insightful for about 17 years.
DO NOT use army helmets. They're not designed for absorbing the shock of falls. It will not protect you.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
Bern Helmets are my favorite, they're lightweight and look good.

I've got the Macon.

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

Snap Your Fingers posted:

DO NOT use army helmets. They're not designed for absorbing the shock of falls. It will not protect you.

Yes, that's probably true. Well it was a fun idea. Those Bern helmets are not available where I live, so I'll probably go with the 20 Euro cheapo-ones from Titus.

Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
Why are soccer flips so hard?

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
What's a soccer flip?

Casual Combustion
Jan 12, 2003

soccer flips (if i'm thinking of the right thing) are kind of this old school flatland trick where you hop off the board while it's rolling and flip it around from underneath to land back onto it

Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy


soccer flips (if i'm thinking of the right thing) are kind of this old school flatland trick where you hop off the board while it's rolling and flip it around from underneath to land back onto it

Exactly this.

I've decided while on my free time trying to learn to skate (sadly still bad at it) I'd learn some old school tricks.

Turns out it's pretty hard, also turns out I stub my toe trying these every time.

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

Ha, that looks fun. Am I wrong or are tricks where you hop off the board generally considered old-school? Haven't seen em in any of the newer vids.

Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
Well,to be honest I don't know. I do know it's more of a freestyle thing.

I guess most comps now a days lean towards the vert/street style of skating.

Unless there's some freestyle comps still around I could be wrong.


Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

Wow, that's like... ballet. Especially when he does that that flip-thing and lands like a ballerina.

Jun 5, 2006
The extended version of P.Rods commercial is out.

Feb 20, 2003

Now here comes the fun part...
Really liking Josiah Gatlyn's Recruit edit that just went up on Berrics

May 25, 2001

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

Danny Way is a loving monster. Jacked up knee and ankle and still switch 50-50s a giant rear end rail at the X-games.

Also, Sal Masekela is still the corniest black man alive.

highme fucked around with this message at 07:10 on Aug 1, 2009

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate


Really liking Josiah Gatlyn's Recruit edit that just went up on Berrics

That is a pretty rad part. I just got home from a drat good session. The usual spot I skate was blown out, loads of cars everywhere and a bunch of people there. I think it was some sort of graduation.

So instead of heading back to my apartment complex to session the same ol' parking block my friend and I just got on our boards and took off.

First spot was a really fun parking garage, two really nice manny pads and a decent enough incline to do some pretty fast carving. From there we found a little gap to minuscule dirt trail. Ate poo poo on that, but had fun with it regardless.

Next was a tiny set of stairs (my old knees can't do much more than 3 or 4 jumps). From the stairs I spotted a big rock statue that was like a really rough bank, we didn't stay at the bank long because there was a security guard lurkin. Beat rear end tired I remembered a church parking lot down the street having some janky rear end quarter pipes in the parking lot so we got in the car and drove that way.

We got to the church and it was totally empty, the ramps were pretty hosed up - but still a whole lot of fun. We skated until we were ready to pass out. I was totally expecting to get kicked out, but no one said a word. We'll be going back there for sure. Next time I'll bring a camera and snap some shots.

Since I started skating again regularly I've spent most of my time in parks, or at the same school hitting up the exact same things. Today reminded me how much fun it can be to just get on the loving board and explore.

donJonSwan fucked around with this message at 23:09 on Aug 2, 2009

Feb 15, 2001

Did anyone watch the X-games? The "jam" formats they have going now are a lot more interesting to watch but they are really lovely for replays. Also they either didn't do or just didn't show any skate best trick contests.

Sep 24, 2005

leica posted:

...if I knew it was for sale I would have bought it and lived there rather than let some dickweed fill the bowls and sell fertilizer out of it...

I think I may have found my loving calling.

Mar 20, 2009
Hello everyone, I've got a longboard question for ya'll. So last christmas I bought my skateboarding girlfriend this:
(It shows up on the right-hand side)

After summer finally arriving in MA I decided to take it out on the street for a bit having never skateboarded in my life. Well it was an amazing experience and I somehow did decent enough at it that I was able to go down a few slight hills and such. Anyway, I've been practicing on my girlfriends board for the last few weeks and she's starting to get pissed off that I'm stealing her ride so she's making me finally buy my own. I have absolutely no idea where to start other then saying that I really liked her board but maybe would like it if it had a sharper turn? If anyone needs any more info I'll post it!

Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
Sharper turns? Loosen the trucks a bit. Actually, I take that back. I have no idea if that would be the same with a long board as it is a regular board :psyduck:

I'm not much of a long board rider :v:

Tight tucks make for a fast stable ride, but harder turns. Loose trucks make for better carving, but tend to get unstable when going fast giving ya the speed wobbles.

Some one let me know if this is the same with long boards or completely wrong.

May 25, 2001

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

qirex posted:

Did anyone watch the X-games? The "jam" formats they have going now are a lot more interesting to watch but they are really lovely for replays. Also they either didn't do or just didn't show any skate best trick contests.

I like the new jam formats, and Tony Hawk probably does the best "action sports" play by play I've heard.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate

Flea606 posted:

I have absolutely no idea where to start other then saying that I really liked her board but maybe would like it if it had a sharper turn?

Hey Flea, that's awesome you're getting into it dude. Longboarding is all sorts of fun.

My recommendation based on the size of your girlfriends board is a Loaded Vanguard or a Loaded Dervish.

I'm partial to these boards because they've got a narrow nose and tail letting the wheels cut up above the board allowing for a real deep carve. They've got a lot of flex to them so you'll need to do a little research into the brand so you can get the right type depending on your weight.

Look around your local shops and see if they've got any boards you can try out. Worse case scenario is that they'll only let you stand on them inside the shop - but at least you'd get a feel for the flex and such.

Shorty is totally right though, you can change the feel of any board by loosening the trucks or changing the bushings out. My current longboard setup is a Loaded Dervish with Paris Trucks and Khiro Orange and Blue barrel bushings. is pretty much the goto site for Longboards, head over that way if you really want to geek out over the particulars.

Sep 24, 2005

Shortymrbig posted:

Sharper turns? Loosen the trucks a bit. Actually, I take that back. I have no idea if that would be the same with a long board as it is a regular board :psyduck:

I loving love that longboarding is so loving foreign to you.

I mean it is to me too. But I still find it funny. Like I picture a bunch of skaters sitting around talking and then one asks a longboarding question and they all look absolutely loving confused.

partipo fucked around with this message at 23:28 on Aug 5, 2009

Jun 5, 2006
...So looser trucks on a longboard doesn't mean sharper turns?! :psyduck:

Shakey Shake
Oct 12, 2005
I was born this way.
They haven't redesigned the long board truck from scratch, it's just a little wider so less speed wobbles. If you loosen them they will turn easier.

Applebees Appetizer
Jan 23, 2006

No such thing as a sharp turn on a long board :v:

Loosening the trucks will help though, no doubt.

Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

partipo posted:

I loving love that longboarding is so loving foreign to you.

I mean it is to me too. But I still find it funny. Like I picture a bunch of skaters sitting around talking and then one asks a longboarding question and they all look absolutely loving confused.

I try my best not to talk out my rear end :v: I think to much into it really.

My mind jumps all around thinking if what I said makes any sense or is even possible to do with a long board. Some boards are longer then others some are wider some have small noses some have huge tails some are just a 2x4 with trucks.


If it makes you feel better I'm still terrible at skating.

ANYWAY, time for a beginner skate question.

You guys wouldn't to have any tips on how to do a "running start" with a board do ya? I'm afraid if I try it's gonna make me fly forward and shoot my board backwards.

ShortyMR.CAT fucked around with this message at 07:57 on Aug 8, 2009

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

Any way to fix this? Duct tape? Glue (if so, what kind of glue)?

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Altared State
Jan 14, 2006

I think I was born to burn

mike12345 posted:

Any way to fix this? Duct tape? Glue (if so, what kind of glue)?

don't worry about it. it will not really affect anything

Jun 5, 2006
You will lose 1 CM of pop when doing any nollie or fakie tricks. It might get bad and start to peel off... I just try and stomp the chip back in if it's not too big.

Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
Think of it as a battle wound that you can show off to everybody. I've seen people skate on even more damaged boards then this just fine.

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

According to the guy at the skate shop, I can expect to buy a new board every month. IF I keep using it a lot. That leaves me a little bit worried. I think me practicing pop-shove-its was the culprit, some awful foot positioning there (when landing/trying to land).

Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
Depends on how hard you ride the board or what your doing to it on a daily bases.

I suggest getting your self a board just for getting places and then keep the one you have for tricks and what not.

Or just stockpile a bunch of decks. Either way :v:

Jun 5, 2006
I went up North this weekend to visit a friend of a friend that has a mini ramp in his barn.

Sorry for the "lifestyle" shot but it's the only one I could find with a good view of the ramp and barn atmosphere.

Click here for the full 1072x712 image.

It got pretty gnarly at one point, there was a crazy storm and the power would go on and off. Not to mention we were in a barn with a ton of hay, one spark would have been deadly. If you look closely you can see the little fire extinguisher ready for action.

Click here for the full 1072x712 image.

Here's a blunt to fakie,

Click here for the full 740x1115 image.

My friend got himself a Nikon D90 and a fisheye, it definitely makes everything look better.

Some more pictures on his photoblog. Overall it was a pretty fun 3 day excursion of drinking and hanging out with the guys. We played a lot of Starfox 64 too, Andross is still a scary motherfucker.


Jan 7, 2001

mike12345 posted:

According to the guy at the skate shop, I can expect to buy a new board every month. IF I keep using it a lot. That leaves me a little bit worried. I think me practicing pop-shove-its was the culprit, some awful foot positioning there (when landing/trying to land).

You'd have to be skating incredibly hard or have awful technique to go through boards that quickly. I've been skating for about 15 years and get a new board about once a year. Even when I was younger and used to throw myself down stairs It was only like once every six months.

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