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nothing awful
Mar 14, 2009

donJonSwan posted:

I'm totally for creating more skateparks, but the efforts for 'legalization' of what is essentially vandalism is a bit much and will get you nothing but grief from anyone in a position of power.

There are a lot of really good ways to get attention from your local city council, but honestly an online petition isn't going to be one of them.

You need real life signatures, as well as a noticeable presence in your local city council meetings. Also, there is no real need to recreate the wheel here, there are dozens of online resources out there to help you get a grassroots skatepark campaign underway.

Not trying to bum you out or anything, but it really looks like you need to do a lot more research before moving forward.

Thanks for the honest words and I suppose you're right. I'm going to have to rethink my plan, with a bit more realism.


May 9, 2007

After readin Mullen's biography and watching some freestyle skating videos I really want to get into it, but all i have it 'normal' street skating boards. Do they even make freestyle boards anymore? I'm afraid I'll just utterly destroy my current boards with truckstands and all that stuff, eh

Altared State
Jan 14, 2006

I think I was born to burn
here's a site that has them

May 9, 2007


Golem II posted:

here's a site that has them


Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

Goddammit, skating is harder than I thought. I'm still not able to Olli over things, I've got some psychological block that makes me jump off the skateboard or not Olli at all. We're not talking two feet obstacles, this happens with a piece of wood as well.

Doesn't really matter how high, it's more the fact that I have to jump over something at a certain point. I think I have to get used to timing.

On a positive note, I managed the pop-shove-it twice today. I'm really proud. It looks cool, with your board whirling around like poo poo and then you land on it, heh.

Sep 1, 2009

by XyloJW

mike12345 posted:

Goddammit, skating is harder than I thought. I'm still not able to Olli over things, I've got some psychological block that makes me jump off the skateboard or not Olli at all. We're not talking two feet obstacles, this happens with a piece of wood as well.

Doesn't really matter how high, it's more the fact that I have to jump over something at a certain point. I think I have to get used to timing.

On a positive note, I managed the pop-shove-it twice today. I'm really proud. It looks cool, with your board whirling around like poo poo and then you land on it, heh.
I went through the same thing when I first starting skating. Really, the only advice I can give you is to just force yourself to go for it. You'll either A) Land it first try, B) Come close and realize that you can do it or C) Slam, get pissed, and then go for it again because you're upset.

Unfortunately, C is what happened with me most of the time.

Jun 5, 2006

foastwab posted:

I went through the same thing when I first starting skating. Really, the only advice I can give you is to just force yourself to go for it. You'll either A) Land it first try, B) Come close and realize that you can do it or C) Slam, get pissed, and then go for it again because you're upset.

Unfortunately, C is what happened with me most of the time.

foastwab pretty much got it spot on. I always try tricks I have no business landing and get option B or C... very rarely A though (never) :(

Dec 2, 2002

Fun Shoe

zeroordie posted:

Also2, Jimmy Carlin is really loving good.

I had to watch this like 10 loving times. Flip tricks are getting so nuts these days.

Ghetto Blaster
Jul 25, 2006

Get more comfortable doing ollies over nothing, increase speed until you are happy, then go for obstacles.

Sep 1, 2009

by XyloJW

zeroordie posted:

Also2, Jimmy Carlin is really loving good.
Jesus, that was nuts. Especially that double dolphin, which I think was a double varial flip.

I can't even imagine landing anything close to that. Has this guy been to the Berrics?

Nov 14, 2004

leica posted:

Just ordered my Kracked Skulls longboard.

46" Scimitar, polished 180's, 83mm Flywheels, OUST bearings, no logo.

Came to just over $200 with shipping (also used a discount code if anyone needs it)

I'm so excited I feel like a little girl :allears:

How's that working out for you?

Dec 8, 2008

Where is your 24-70?
Went out this past weekend to film this specific trick. This spot is so awesome, its a school secluded off the road and no one comes by. We were there for an hour an a half before we got it. I took the pictures and the skater is a guy I've known since the 3rd grade. It's starting to get to the point where we keep getting older and everyone else stays the same age. Unfortunately I haven't been keeping up with my skating skills, but I love filming.

click through for the whole sequence.

Jun 5, 2006
That's a good trick!

shark week
Dec 22, 2007

Hoooooooooooooooly poo poo Cole vs Busenitz

Applebees Appetizer
Jan 23, 2006

DELETED posted:

How's that working out for you?

It's great, can't beat it for the price. The turning radius is probably 3x my old board, the wheels are huge and carry good momentum, although it doesn't seem that much faster than my old board....Could be because I haven't really pushed it as hard as I can yet, I live in the NY boondocks now and just have a country road to ride on, but once I get back to FL next month it will get the real test.

Here's a pic in comparison of my old board:

You can tell how much lower it is to the ground, my old board looks like a lifted 4x4 haha. Also the new wheels are nearly twice the size. The KS board is concave which is a nice change from the old flat board. All I need to do is order a sheet of Fly Paper (best grip tape IMO) and I'm set.

Sep 20, 2002

foastwab posted:

Has anything else big happened in the skate scene in the past 4-5 years?

The Berrics

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate

shark week posted:

Hoooooooooooooooly poo poo Cole vs Busenitz

Dude, seriously.

It's going to be hard for the finale to beat that poo poo, I'm still in shock.

Dec 8, 2008

Where is your 24-70?

giantaw posted:

The Berrics

this times a million. place is unreal. forget all the mtv/nike pRod ice cube poo poo all over youtube.

Jan 1, 2005
So I just broke my new Girl deck that I literally bought a week ago doing a flatground heelflip. Skateboarding is an expensive sport. Anyone have any tips on which decks are the most durable? I don't want to go through this again.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate

link50 posted:

So I just broke my new Girl deck that I literally bought a week ago doing a flatground heelflip. Skateboarding is an expensive sport. Anyone have any tips on which decks are the most durable? I don't want to go through this again.

Land bolts, yo.


Sorry though, that does suck. Real boasts some unique construction methods that's supposedly stronger than average.

Apr 27, 2006

link50 posted:

So I just broke my new Girl deck that I literally bought a week ago doing a flatground heelflip. Skateboarding is an expensive sport. Anyone have any tips on which decks are the most durable? I don't want to go through this again.

I don't really believe all the hype that some companies push in the construction of their decks, (Uberlight, fiberlight, resin-9, and etc.) have that much impact on how well they perform during actual skateboarding since there are so many variables. The reality is that boards will break for weird reasons, I once snapped a Girl deck from doing a kickflip off a two stair which was two days old but have never snapped a blank deck from my local shop. Of course I haven't used every single brand in existence.

As far as which decks to buy, I think the best route is to buy blanks from your local skateshop which are significantly cheaper than any pro model boards, at least then it won't bust the bank if you happen to snap one.

I Pledge The Legence
Sep 18, 2009

Gleaming the Cube
Reading through this thread has encouraged me to get out and about again.
I skated as often as I could for about 8 years, but haven't really been out for the last 4 now.

Got straight back into it this last weekend.
It felt weird dropping in on a miniramp again, and I've got so out of shape it's not funny.

It was good though, I've really missed it.
I feel a homebrew inside miniramp project coming on, the skatepark is a bleak (and wet) place in the Scottish wintertime.

Applebees Appetizer
Jan 23, 2006

Mest0r posted:

As far as which decks to buy, I think the best route is to buy blanks from your local skateshop which are significantly cheaper than any pro model boards, at least then it won't bust the bank if you happen to snap one.

Or get sponsored :)

Sep 20, 2002

Josh Kalis is leaving Alien Workshop to join fellow Love Park icon, Stevie Williams over at DGK. Kalis had been skating for AWS for over a decade.

Josh Brooks, a blogger for (:raise:) seems to have gotten the first interview.

Aug 27, 2004

Josh Kalis had such a good part in Mindfield too, I nearly lost it when he did that shove-it back tail on that brick ledge in New York. That ledge is so cool looking.

I've been riding a local shop's boards since they opened nearly five years ago now. I love the shape and the store was started by one of my closest friends.

In other news, here's an awesome picture of my friend Auby (Adam) Taylor:

Click here for the full 500x667 image.

Also, after nearly five years of trying and dreaming of it, I finally learned one of my dream tricks last night: nollie tre. Very weird, I can inconsistently make them switch and pretty consistently nollie now, but I could't land a regular 360 flip if my life depended on it.

And on one last note, gently caress theberrics today.

Dec 8, 2008

Where is your 24-70?
i bought a new blank deck from my local shop today. i did not know that they were designing boards where the tail is narrower than the nose, it feels really good and pops well. now i need to remember how to really push those backside 180s like i did in high school.

Dec 8, 2008

Where is your 24-70?
edit:double post somehow

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
God I hate backside 180's, they're my bane.

Frontside feels soooo much better.

Aug 27, 2004

donJonSwan posted:

God I hate backside 180's, they're my bane.

Frontside feels soooo much better.

It's all in the shoulders, try learning them off a curb first. I first learned them down a two stair (:whatup:) and a year or so later was able to figure out how to get the rotation on flat.

Fievel Goes Bi
Dec 8, 2008

Hey everybody, this thread has given me the itch to go out and try skateboarding for once I love watching it but never really got out there to try it. So after thinking about it for a few weeks I really want to try my hand at a longboard I like the style of skating that can be done with it. so were should I start in choosing one for me, I am over whelmed at the dozens of styles, sizes, wheels, trucks and what have you. for me I am looking for something to get around on campus with and do some mild carving on in my free time. so thanks for any help you goons can give.

Aug 6, 2006
The official account of NFL Tackle Phil Loadholt.

Let's talk Football.
Dear Neckbeards with Broken wrists,

If you live in the Twin Cities feel free to come out to this. Movie I worked on is finally coming out/getting a premiere.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate

carpenstein posted:

Hey everybody, this thread has given me the itch to go out and try skateboarding for once I love watching it but never really got out there to try it. So after thinking about it for a few weeks I really want to try my hand at a longboard I like the style of skating that can be done with it. so were should I start in choosing one for me, I am over whelmed at the dozens of styles, sizes, wheels, trucks and what have you. for me I am looking for something to get around on campus with and do some mild carving on in my free time. so thanks for any help you goons can give.

Get some big soft wheels with it, and have fun. Don't over think it - just ride as soon and as much as possible.

Dec 8, 2008

Where is your 24-70?
did you guys see this poo poo on theberrics? I'm pretty sure this poo poo is for real, wtf.

edit: ha, nevermind! its a stunt. i feel like a dumbass.

AIIAZNSK8ER fucked around with this message at 23:23 on Oct 2, 2009

Jeff Wiiver
Jul 13, 2007


did you guys see this poo poo on theberrics? I'm pretty sure this poo poo is for real, wtf.

edit: ha, nevermind! its a stunt. i feel like a dumbass.
The two "cops" are from the CBS show Cold Case.

Jun 5, 2006

Jeff Wiiver posted:

The two "cops" are from the CBS show Cold Case.

Yeah that was insane I was tripping out the whole time thinking like, "what the gently caress..."

Has anyone seen Theotis Beasely clip on the altamont site? This is probably the nicest dude in skateboarding, doesn't have a single bad thing to say about anybody. The part about gator had me cracking up when Theotis stumbled.

Sep 25, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
Goons help me out.

Whats good beginners practice consist of and where?

I've had my board for a while it's just I'm just to much of a wussy to get on it. Not because of falling, but because of those drat skate prodigy 9 year olds. I can see the laughter coming from there eyes.

I'm about to get serious with something for my life and I want it to be skating. Plus, gas is still crazy expensive. I might as well skate where I need to go.

So far all I got down is standing on the board. Other then that I completely suck.

:smith: any help to get me going is much appreciated.

(besides the whole, "stop being a wuss about it" thing)

I Pledge The Legence
Sep 18, 2009

Gleaming the Cube
When I was younger I'd just head to any empty car parks and skate kerbs, banks and ledges for hours with a couple of friends. It got me really confident on a board and used to skating real streets.

After that I'd hit the parks first thing in the morning. I don't know what it's like over there, but for a lot of lazy-arse skaters in the UK skating before 11AM is like breaking a secret rule. I'd head down to the bowls at 7 in the morning and I'd have the park to myself for hours.

I'm finding myself doing the same now I'm getting out again.
You can't beat going out on a Sunday evening to an empty out-of-town industrial park for a cruise around or to practice stuff. Finding your own hidden spot is half the fun sometimes.

Just get confident riding your board. Once you've got ollies down and you can skate up and down a street everything else is gravy.

Once you're fine just being on a board, you won't feel weird heading to the parks and popular places. You'll find everyone will be trying to learn something anyway.

Aug 27, 2004

Shortymrbig posted:

Goons help me out.

Whats good beginners practice consist of and where?

Honestly, the most important thing is spending time on a board. I learned the foundation for all of my tricks either in my garage or on the sidewalk in front of my parents house.

It's pretty amazing how much you can learn on a sidewalk. I've found that learning is much easier when you have obvious goals. I learned manuals by taking it one sidewalk square at a time, then once I had that down, trying two, then three, and so on. I dont know, I've done some stupidly long manuals. Then do the same for nose manuals.

When you want to learn ollies, put a stick on the ground. Once you can get over it, put another stick on top of it. I could never figure out how to get the tail off the ground until I started trying to get over hockey sticks. It takes some work, but stick with it and it will come.

All the time you spend on a board will help you, whether you're trying to roll down ramps at a local park or roll in a straight line for thirty feet in front of your house. Just go have fun with it, that's the most important part.

Dec 8, 2008

Where is your 24-70?

Shortymrbig posted:

Goons help me out.

Whats good beginners practice consist of and where?

I've had my board for a while it's just I'm just to much of a wussy to get on it. Not because of falling, but because of those drat skate prodigy 9 year olds. I can see the laughter coming from there eyes.

I'm about to get serious with something for my life and I want it to be skating. Plus, gas is still crazy expensive. I might as well skate where I need to go.

So far all I got down is standing on the board. Other then that I completely suck.

:smith: any help to get me going is much appreciated.

(besides the whole, "stop being a wuss about it" thing)

I would head down to your local park and just start making friends. For me skating has been largely social. Do you already have a group of people you can skate with? I can't imagine going to a park and being made fun of. Just keep practicing your ollies up and down curbs, once your feet get comfy on the board, kickflips and shuvits will start to make sense. Finding smooth pavement is also going to make your life easier at first. And watch tons and tons of skate videos. I would watch the same parts over and over, get myself hyped and then go outside.


Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate

Shortymrbig posted:

Goons help me out.

Hit the parks early, you'll have the place to yourself, and anyone there is bound to be 25+ and we're a friendly bunch - honest.

Do you have a house? Backyard? If so, build something. It's not hard. A small quarter pipe (3 feet tall, mellow transition) will do wonders to your balance.

Practice tic tacs - regular and switch, don't stress over a single trick. Spend lots of time on the board.

When you want to ollie, re-read the advice in this thread - there is a ton of it. I personally learned by setting up a hose in my backyard and slamming into it over and over again until I finally got them down. Don't learn anything standing still IMO, it's harder.

It just takes time - don't give up and the sooner you stop thinking about other people the quicker you'll learn to enjoy yourself.

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