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Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
set posting to stun


Nov 28, 2007
The Joe Buck of Posting
Dinosaur Gum

rotor posted:

set posting to stun

i wonder if stun ever killed anyone with a weak heart

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal

Sweeper posted:

i wonder if stun ever killed anyone with a weak heart

tasers do it so probably

hot dog meat burger
Nov 20, 2009

by mons al-madeen
they deserved it

hot dog meat burger
Nov 20, 2009

by mons al-madeen
if i was a star trek id be hella racist and violate the prime directive (and my female senior officers) constantly

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Shaggar posted:

works fine for me in IE8. maybe u should upgrade your browser?

catte thread is a no gimmick zone d00d

Asshole Masonanie
Oct 27, 2009

by vyelkin

tmesis posted:


more like catte & roger

Apr 26, 2006

Casao posted:

catte thread is a no gimmick zone d00d

not a gimmick

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts lol wtf


Buffalo police rescued a cat from a Cheektowaga man who apparently was planning to make a meal out of his pet because he thought it was ill-tempered, authorities said Monday.

When Ferry-Fillmore District officers pulled over a car driven by Gary L. Korkuc on Sunday night during a traffic stop, they said they heard a cat crying from inside the trunk and investigated.

What they found has left animal lovers at the SPCA Serving Erie County in shock.

The cat, according to police, was in a cage “marinating” in a mixture of crushed red peppers, chili pepper, salt and oil.

“It’s disgusting. It surprises me every day what people are capable of when it comes to violence, whether it is animals or people,” said Gina M. Browning, the SPCA’s director of public relations. “I’ve never heard of anything like this before.”

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP


Jan 1, 2005

yeah, i woulda done a lemon sauce, serve over rice

Jan 1, 2005

not a cat but it almost looks like one

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Sep 22, 2003

hot dog meat burger posted:

if i was a star trek id be hella racist and violate the prime directive (and my female senior officers) constantly

seems like youd be a regular cast member

Aug 13, 2003

Casao posted:

serious question is anyone else having weird issues where imgur things that link to imgur don't show up, but i.imgur ones do? it's weird and it means like, half the pictures in this thread don't show up :(

I had this problem, think it was with imgur. It turned out to be that path MTU discovery was broken on their end and I had jumbo frames enabled on my end, since my home network is all gigabit.

The fix is to either disable jumbo frames on your PC, or if your router supports max MTU rewrite, set that to somewhere between 1460 and 1500.

Col. Mustard
Nov 26, 2000

Initech Administrator
Cute lil tard

Oct 13, 2005

agg stop posting
College Slice
i want a CH cat they're so cute and i like special needs kitties mine is special needs they make me :love: them even more :3:

Aw fuck.
Jun 30, 2007

Using Ubuntu
is awesome

that is pretty much exactly my cat

Oct 13, 2005

agg stop posting
College Slice

Mar 4, 2008


ShadowHawk posted:

giant easements like that are a trademark of suburbs that don't want dense development

in other words they suck

around here the suburbs like this just forego sidewalks entirely

a couple years back one of them decided to put sidewalks in and hoo boy were some paranoid white people mad about that

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

clamiam posted:

around here the suburbs like this just forego sidewalks entirely

a couple years back one of them decided to put sidewalks in and hoo boy were some paranoid white people mad about that

ahahahha what

Panty Saluter
Jan 17, 2004

Making learning fun!

fishmech posted:

ahahahha what

white people get mad about anything

Tom Collins
Aug 25, 2000

how in gently caress

white people around here wouldn't put up with not having sidewalks

well, except for redneck white people but we put them on the other side of the river mostly

Mar 28, 2004

All I needed was that fatty blunt...

King of Breakfast

fishmech posted:

ahahahha what

youre obv not thinking ahead..

today its sidewalks, tomorrow those razer scooter things.... then before you know if, loving skateboarders

Sneaking Mission
Nov 11, 2008

Tom Collins posted:

how in gently caress

white people around here wouldn't put up with not having sidewalks

well, except for redneck white people but we put them on the other side of the river mostly

sidewalks = people who walk = people who don't have cars = poors = ???

Dec 23, 2002

by T. Butt

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong


Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
sidewalks are just another way brown people can get near my house and children and, well,

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal
gently caress car culture

Sep 22, 2003
420 walk to work and back every day

Sep 22, 2003

Tom Collins posted:

well, except for redneck white people but we put them on the other side of the river mostly

Meanwhile, in the Fleetwood Arms Pub, a man shakes with rage upon reading something on the screen of his iPhone and crushes it in his hands.

Dec 22, 2004

The internet is the universal sewer.
it's fuckin hot


3 legged cat supremacy

Stringent fucked around with this message at 07:12 on Aug 13, 2010

Oct 22, 2005

I'll eat your fucking eyeballs if you're not careful

Grimey Drawer

Wanna hug dis catte all day long :(

Jun 23, 2009

by Ozmaugh

Migishu posted:

Wanna hug dis catte all day long :(


Moxie Omen
Mar 15, 2008

gonna waltz into the nearest shelter and be like ayo gimme one of them retard cattes

Jun 23, 2009

by Ozmaugh
"i will take one of the retardedest cattes you have goon sirs!!"

Oct 13, 2005

agg stop posting
College Slice

Migishu posted:

Wanna hug dis catte all day long :(

there's nothing to be sad about the cat will live a long normal life aside from walking like a goof the only sad thing about CH kitties are all the ones who don't get a chance because most humane societies will put them down immediately :(

I said come in!
Jun 22, 2004

My brothers catte has been really sick. Its my favorite one so I hope its okay. :( But apparently he will be able to go home today after being in the vet for 2 days. They just wanted to get his fever down. Don't ask what the vet bill is... :( I offered to pay for some of it though.

Jan 1, 2005

wobblekitten :3

Oct 13, 2005

agg stop posting
College Slice

Coffee Quack posted:

wobblekitten :3

dubstepkitten :3


Moxie Omen
Mar 15, 2008

johndis posted:

"i will take one of the retardedest cattes you have goon sirs!!"

oh you want one of the wobblecats sir? heh heh do you have stairs in your house perhaps????

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