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Dec 17, 2009

I am Grumpypuss


Sneaking Mission
Nov 11, 2008

Yakattak posted:

[img ][/img]

Chris Knight
Jun 5, 2002

No wheels, man.

Fun Shoe
i love dj roomba!

Jul 15, 2005

Dec 17, 2009

I am Grumpypuss

Sneaking Mission posted:

yeah it's like a 7 meg gif, so i just hosted it on my own

Aug 10, 2004

by Ozma

Yakattak posted:

move bitch get out da way

Sep 22, 2003
what about a nice catbernet

May 25, 2010

Kirk posted:

what about a nice catbernet

I ate his liver with some meow mix and a nice catsip

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

nail posted:

jesus christ

this is what the comics pages used to look like

*weeps openly*

Sep 22, 2003

Sep 22, 2003
don't hit me i'm only a kitten :ohdear:

Sep 22, 2003
jesus no wonder bill watterson got depressed whenever he glanced at the funnies

Sep 22, 2003

Sep 22, 2003

yeah i dont care if i posted a bunch of posts in a row these comics all own to an extraordinary degree

Jul 15, 2005

good work kirk :D

yeah they were all in color too

rotor posted:

jesus christ

this is what the comics pages used to look like

*weeps openly*

Moxie Omen
Mar 15, 2008

johndis posted:

just remembered this video last night:

0:56-1:13 is the best

want to murder allt hose dudes

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

nail posted:

good work kirk :D

yeah they were all in color too

only on sundays like now, at least in most papers

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts


Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Tom Collins
Aug 25, 2000

Kirk posted:

jesus no wonder bill watterson got depressed whenever he glanced at the funnies

yeah society has become a little bit more base and stupid hasn't it

limitless access to information and yet this is what passes for a comic

we should all weep for humanity

May 8, 2007
146 page thread of cat pictures.

Tom Collins
Aug 25, 2000

wwry posted:

146 page thread of cat pictures.

Jun 23, 2009

by Ozmaugh

wwry posted:

146 page thread of cat pictures.

well actually a full page is 40 posts so its really only ~145.5 pages

hot dog meat burger
Nov 20, 2009

by mons al-madeen

Tom Collins posted:

yeah society has become a little bit more base and stupid hasn't it

limitless access to information and yet this is what passes for a comic

we should all weep for humanity

*monocle explodes into amillion pieces with guitars shredding in the background * awwwww yea another reminder that tom collins is a retard

May 8, 2007
no words like that thrown around in YOSPOS please! us yosposters are pretty chill...if you give us a reason HINT: buy some forums chemo for your cancer you loving mongoloid.

Apr 21, 2007

there's a catte in my shoe box

lifetime supply of Pocky
Aug 19, 2003

gently caress SNEEP posted:

there's a catte in my shoe box

tuxedo cat in sneaker box

Apr 21, 2007

The shoes were black and white too :3:

Jun 10, 2001

Praise the siamese
I took a picture of my cat next to my desk and then MY WIFE said to post it so here I am

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Cidrick posted:

I took a picture of my cat next to my desk and then MY WIFE said to post it so here I am


Oct 22, 2005

I'll eat your fucking eyeballs if you're not careful

Grimey Drawer
Friend of mine found a wild kitten in his garden, so he adopted it. Apparently there's another kitten but momma cat took him away. If they see the kitten again, they're gonna adopt it too:

Moxie Omen
Mar 15, 2008

Migishu posted:

Friend of mine found a wild kitten in his garden, so he adopted it. Apparently there's another kitten but momma cat took him away. If they see the kitten again, they're gonna adopt it too:

thats how i got my catte


Oct 22, 2005

I'll eat your fucking eyeballs if you're not careful

Grimey Drawer
That is one chille catte

Oct 26, 2007
I am a bit disappointed that this adorable creature

grew up into this rat like animal

Oct 22, 2005

I'll eat your fucking eyeballs if you're not careful

Grimey Drawer
Wanna hang that enterprise shuttle

Oct 26, 2007
it's even better w/ nimoy wishing a merry christmas whenever you press a button on it, which that loving stupid cat would play with endlessly so I think it's broken now.

That picture is the last time I ever put up a Christmas tree so 6 years later I dunno if my family even has it anymore :(

edit2: better video of one

Mozzie fucked around with this message at 16:05 on Aug 20, 2010

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Mozzie posted:

Catte's Log, stardate: *purrrrrrr*

Dec 17, 2009

I am Grumpypuss

Cidrick posted:

I took a picture of my cat next to my desk and then MY WIFE said to post it so here I am

is that a ragdoll catte? :3:

Sep 22, 2003
picking up a ragdoll is weird


Sep 22, 2003
its like trying to scoop up a bunch of very thick liquid in your arms

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