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Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP


Bicycle SexFucker
Aug 15, 2007

I have zero interest in marriage.

Jonny 290 posted:


on a streak the last 2 days.

Moxie Omen
Mar 15, 2008

Yodzilla posted:

iron dis catte

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
no, dont! :ohdear:

Bicycle SexFucker
Aug 15, 2007

I have zero interest in marriage.

Jorsh posted:

iron dis catte

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Neu posted:

Sep 22, 2003
meowth! that's right!

Oct 13, 2005

agg stop posting
College Slice
dog but yospos as gently caress

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
i'm sorry but i dont believe 'dancing the merengue' qualifies - nor do i believe it ever has qualified - as 'yospos as gently caress'

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer
on the other hand "dog but yospos as gently caress" is an anagram for "yospos fucks a dog but"


Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

Trig Discipline posted:

on the other hand "dog but yospos as gently caress" is an anagram for "yospos fucks a dog but"


Jul 4, 2004

So hot ...

rotor posted:

i'm sorry but i dont believe 'dancing the merengue' qualifies - nor do i believe it ever has qualified - as 'yospos as gently caress'

it knew, therefore it dogged

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
yospos fucks a dog but

Aug 13, 2003

Tatsujin posted:

lol I dunno what this catte's problem is mine loves to chill in the tub even if it is grody and needs to be cleaned.

The quality makes it hard to see, but if you look very closely, you can see ripples when the cat first puts its paw down, so I suspect the bath has a low level of water in it, hence why after putting it's foot down, it starts trying to climb back out but can't.

Chris Knight
Jun 5, 2002

No wheels, man.

Fun Shoe
leave messages on catte board

Oct 12, 2008

this is what happens when you take UI design away from engineers and give it to a bunch of hipster art student "designers"

Chris Knight posted:

leave messages on catte board

looks like my hvac filter after shedding season

Apr 26, 2004

lol that episode of king of the hill

sleepy gary
Jan 11, 2006

Apparently this catte hangs out at one of the local airports. He comes and goes as he pleases and nobody has any problem with it. He is friendly and likes being petted. A good catte.

Chasing some birds next to a taxiway.


Too hot outside? Go inside the airport lounge and chillax in true catte style.

Dec 17, 2009

I am Grumpypuss

Neu posted:

haha holy poo poo :3: wanna pet dat metal catte

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal
The Stainless Steel Cat

Aug 13, 2003

Oct 22, 2005

I'll eat your fucking eyeballs if you're not careful

Grimey Drawer

Jun 25, 2000



got dat wmd
Apr 28, 2009
is anyone archiving this thread

Sneaking Mission
Nov 11, 2008

got dat wmd posted:

is anyone archiving this thread

i got the hook ups in da library of congress. don't worry.

hot dog meat burger
Nov 20, 2009

by mons al-madeen

is that a 2407wfp becuase if so, nice

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

someone get that cat a touch screen

hot dog meat burger
Nov 20, 2009

by mons al-madeen

rotor posted:

someone get that cat a touch screen

the touch screen has been destroyed

fork bomb
Apr 26, 2010


Sneaking Mission posted:

i got the hook ups in da library of congress. don't worry.

idk if you're joking or not. you always come with the yospos data breakdown so i'm really hoping this is true.

Mar 28, 2004

All I needed was that fatty blunt...

King of Breakfast

hot dog meat burger posted:

is that a 2407wfp becuase if so, nice

nah the 2407wfp has the plugs on the left, and they are taller because of media card reader too.

Dec 17, 2009

I am Grumpypuss

this thread is literally everything good about PI, but better :3: :allears: :3:

z0rge Costanza
Jul 30, 2006

My's shit Jerry! Shit!

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
there's a skinny black catte that hangs out near my house. he keeps staring at my front door and i want to give him food but i'm afraid i might attract too many cattes or possibly homeless people :saddowns:

Moxie Omen
Mar 15, 2008

Yodzilla posted:

there's a skinny black catte that hangs out near my house. he keeps staring at my front door and i want to give him food but i'm afraid i might attract too many cattes or possibly homeless people :saddowns:

what the gently caress wrong with you??? free catte

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
there's this crazy old army guy down the street who feeds the cattes (and stares at me) and they follow him around everywhere but this one black catte with yellow eyes really likes my house for some reason. i can't bring him inside due to two other cattes

z0rge Costanza
Jul 30, 2006

My's shit Jerry! Shit!

Yodzilla posted:

there's this crazy old army guy down the street

i can't bring him inside

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Yodzilla posted:

there's this crazy old army guy down the street who feeds the cattes (and stares at me) and they follow him around everywhere but this one black catte with yellow eyes really likes my house for some reason. i can't bring him inside due to two other cattes

find catte a home

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
so many cattes around my house. maybe i'll stick a catte bowl with some food out in my backyard slab of concrete. i know they hang out back there since i see them sleeping in my neighbor's flower boxes

loving cattes poopin' in my alleyway though :argh:

hot dog meat burger
Nov 20, 2009

by mons al-madeen
Congrats on living at the zoo


Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
i wish i lived at the zoo

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