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Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
k snype then im out


Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
we captured one of the feral kittens and it's currently locked in my bathroom. its sibling escaped us :ohdear:

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Yodzilla posted:

we captured one of the feral kittens and it's currently locked in my bathroom. its sibling escaped us :ohdear:

> pet catte

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
it slashed up my gf pretty good with its sharp kitty claws and right now we're just letting it chill because it's really scared. i've sent out emails to some shelters and organizations around the philly area and i'm going to try to find it a nice home instead of having it starve in my alley

i'll poast a photo later once it's a little less freaked but at least now it's not going to starve

Thug Bonnet
Sep 22, 2004

anime tits ftw

be careful capturing feral cattes they are just as likely to hurt themselves as they are to hurt you please use a catte trap in the future

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
oh to be sure. if it were a full grown catte we would have def used a trap but this one is only a few months old and as i've been watching i swear it looked like it was starving so i was legitimately afraid for its well being

Thug Bonnet
Sep 22, 2004

anime tits ftw

aw i didnt realize it was a baby good on u for catchin+feedin <3

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer
idk about philly but most places i've been the no-kill shelters have long waiting lists, so maybe congratulations on your new cat

Oct 13, 2005

agg stop posting
College Slice
no-kill shelters are terrible and a shame on human emotion

Aug 22, 2002

Yodzilla if you probably keep the wilde catte and take him to the vet he's going to get a de-wormer and your little catte will poop and puke worms just to warn you so you don't freak out, because it's really loving gross.

fork bomb
Apr 26, 2010


Mar 28, 2010

I'm a swimming cat. Have you heard of a candy that gives courage and strength to weaklings? No? I see. But you're a strong goon, so I doubt you would need any.

fork bomb posted:

I obey, my fluffy masters.

*puts out the kitten milk*

Feb 14, 2009

let me just check my figures real quick here
Grimey Drawer

Oct 26, 2007

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch

El Jackalope posted:

Yodzilla if you probably keep the wilde catte and take him to the vet he's going to get a de-wormer and your little catte will poop and puke worms just to warn you so you don't freak out, because it's really loving gross.


Trig Discipline posted:

idk about philly but most places i've been the no-kill shelters have long waiting lists, so maybe congratulations on your new cat

yeah most likely. i've got some people i'm going to talk to about it and i'm almost certain i'll be able to find a home for the guy (girl?). sadly its sibling is still lurking in the alleys around my steet

Thug Bonnet posted:

aw i didnt realize it was a baby good on u for catchin+feedin <3

codename: Venom

it was p freaked yesterday but we left it along overnight and it's actually moving around now in my bathroom and eating so that's good. here it is after climbing up onto some shelving :3:

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Yodzilla posted:

it was p freaked yesterday but we left it along overnight and it's actually moving around now in my bathroom and eating so that's good. here it is after climbing up onto some shelving :3:

cat is :3: as gently caress and you need to keep him.

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
we'll see. depends on how he/she

1) learns to interact with people
2) gets along with the other two cattes. we've kept them completely separate for now as i don't want to take any chances if the kitten is sick or anything

Jun 10, 2005

Only women bleed

Yodzilla posted:

2) gets along with the other two cattes. we've kept them completely separate for now as i don't want to take any chances if the kitten is sick or anything

Good idea, my friend just rescued a catte, and after a bunch of vette bills, found out catte is feline HIV+. . .

No good for other catte in house.

Mar 4, 2008

feline hiv??? :gonk:


aw man now we need a post the saddest thing you can find on wikipedia thread :smith:

seriously there's one that affects goats

Thug Bonnet
Sep 22, 2004

anime tits ftw

clamiam posted:

feline hiv??? :gonk:


aw man now we need a post the saddest thing you can find on wikipedia thread :smith:

seriously there's one that affects goats

you havent heard of feline hiv? they keep hiv+ cattes and those without it separated at the shelter here you cant go from one room to another without washing your hands with anti-bac while an attendant watches

Panty Saluter
Jan 17, 2004

Making learning fun!
my old cat had fiv and one of my great aunts was surprised that there were gay cats

Dec 23, 2002

by T. Butt

Detroit Q. Spider posted:

my old cat had fiv and one of my great aunts was surprised that there were gay cats

i've never had a male cat that wasn't a gay rapist of other male cats

and yes all of them are fixed

Apr 26, 2006
pets tend to take on the traits of their owners.

Dec 23, 2002

by T. Butt

Shaggar posted:

pets tend to take on the traits of their owners.

well then yours are wrong constantly

of course you being wrong constantly means you're wrong about this and it's just another form of anthropomorphism and they don't actually do it

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Detroit Q. Spider posted:

my old cat had fiv and one of my great aunts was surprised that there were gay cats

seriouspost: there are gay cats ?

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong
pretty much all animals are known to have gays.

especially ducks.

Thug Bonnet
Sep 22, 2004

anime tits ftw

graph posted:

seriouspost: there are gay cats ?

idk i assume so

Jul 15, 2005

my three cats are all girls and spooky is always sticking her nose in the other ones' butts lol

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

fishmech posted:

pretty much all animals are known to have gays.

especially ducks.

well i know about ducks

Mar 4, 2008

dogs can establish dominance between themselves by exhibiting "homosexual" behavior

i put it in quotes because sometimes a female will be the one doing the humping and it's not like they do it for pleasure

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
how do you know?

Thug Bonnet
Sep 22, 2004

anime tits ftw

Sep 22, 2003
touch the star and kill the that owns you

Kirk fucked around with this message at 06:16 on May 17, 2023

Thug Bonnet
Sep 22, 2004

anime tits ftw

Kirk posted:

touch the star and kill the human being that owns you

nobody "owns" sugsie we are roommates THANKS

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
there was a supervisor in SF who sponsored and passed legislation that stated that in no place was the term "pet owner" to be used and instead "pet guardian" would be the term. It cost SF like $10k in printing costs to throw away and reprint all their brochures and poo poo.

btw this guy was the green party candidate for VP an election or two ago.

Apr 26, 2006
SF is why everyone hates white people.

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

Shaggar posted:

SF is why everyone hates white people.

your posting is why everyone hates white people

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
hey I'M white people!!

Thug Bonnet
Sep 22, 2004

anime tits ftw

Yodzilla posted:

hey I'M white people!!



Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal

rotor posted:

there was a supervisor in SF who sponsored and passed legislation that stated that in no place was the term "pet owner" to be used and instead "pet guardian" would be the term. It cost SF like $10k in printing costs to throw away and reprint all their brochures and poo poo.

btw this guy was the green party candidate for VP an election or two ago.

is this the same person who ordered the computer industry to find new terms for master and slave IDE drives

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