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Aug 7, 2010

[in Russian] Oof.



Sep 11, 2007

dings is wonderful. hope peace can be achieved with the kittens eventually

Smugdog Millionaire
Sep 14, 2002

8) Blame Icefrog

Eggplant Wizard
Jul 8, 2005

i loev catte

McDragon posted:

dings is wonderful. hope pics can be achieved with the kittens eventually

Solus M.D.
Oct 17, 2007

what did i just post?

Kirk posted:

fort dings once again has a garrison

please ignore my owning wikinomics, it was a christmas gift

scanning the horizon, all seems safe

trouble begins to brew, dings has spotted an approaching envoy

"we come in peace"

the meeting does not go well and the messenger is forced to flee to the safety of his bretheren

everything about this post
Jan 23, 2008

What is this??
Are you some kind of hypnotist??
Grimey Drawer
im the freezies box under the tv stand in kirk's house

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
how did Dings get he name?

Jun 9, 2005

pew pew pew

Yodzilla posted:

how did Dings get he name?

cats don't check distance to next car over when opening the door in the parking lot

Squeezy Farm
Jun 16, 2009

Yodzilla posted:

how did Dings get he name?

he's named after powerful Fyad poster 'dings'

fork bomb
Apr 26, 2010



Sep 22, 2003

crusty posted:

he's named after powerful Fyad poster 'dings'

this is true but only because another fyad poster was at my house when she was named "dinger" and kept calling her dings and we were both like "heh"

Oct 13, 2005

agg stop posting
College Slice

milquetoast child
Jun 27, 2003

one time back in dallas, the maintenance guys were in my apartment fixing the water heater and esteban was assisting their work, and one of the maintenance guys asks me my cats name and I say "oh his name is esteban" and the guy is like "that's my name" and i'm like "oh, it's a pretty good name" and he just glared and went back to work.

and now he thinks i'm racist.

both estebans.

Jun 1, 2011

Cats Love Me.

JosephStalinVEVO posted:

one time back in dallas, the maintenance guys were in my apartment fixing the water heater and esteban was assisting their work, and one of the maintenance guys asks me my cats name and I say "oh his name is esteban" and the guy is like "that's my name" and i'm like "oh, it's a pretty good name" and he just glared and went back to work.

and now he thinks i'm racist.

both estebans.

My first name is similar to a popular dog's name. Nothing like hearing your name as an admonishment.

Sep 22, 2003

Funhilde posted:

My first name is similar to a popular dog's name. Nothing like hearing your name as an admonishment.

ur parents named yall "scout"?? lmao

Eggplant Wizard
Jul 8, 2005

i loev catte
PYF catte thread delivers

Livingston posted:

I woke up this morning, and the pregnant stray outside had this guy, and another just like it except all black. I guess I have some cats to keep warm during the Canadian winter :3: Don't worry, I'm going to get her fixed as soon as it's safe.

milquetoast child
Jun 27, 2003

my friend was dating a girl named ginger and oh man that was awesome. she was a teacher's assistant at the time, and at PTA days or whatever kids would come up to her with their parents and be like "mommy mommy, this is ginger, she has the same name as our dog/cat!"

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Kirk posted:

ur parents named yall "scout"?? lmao


Jun 1, 2011

Cats Love Me.

Kirk posted:

ur parents named yall "scout"?? lmao


Feb 17, 2011

Cat thread, I found a cat.

She has an unfortunate case of the blur.

Squeezy Farm
Jun 16, 2009

Kirk posted:

this is true but only because another fyad poster was at my house when she was named "dinger" and kept calling her dings and we were both like "heh"

nice my cats name is Hitler 1488 ss

Feb 27, 2007

My grandpa didn't like my mom. He got a dog and named her my mom's name. Holidays were awkward for awhile.

Sep 22, 2003
imo, 14/88 is the proest number combo because it reflects the values and beliefs of an entire generation

El Gar
Apr 12, 2007

Hey Trophy...

Funhilde posted:

My first name is similar to a popular dog's name. Nothing like hearing your name as an admonishment.

we named the dog indy :newlol:

Sep 22, 2003

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch

argh my cred

Stay Safe
Sep 1, 2008

by FactsAreUseless

i call this "le chatte tranquille"

and this one "forme de félimme"


Apr 19, 2007

come post with us, forever and ever and ever
This :420: trap brought to you by Kick Stix

Aug 23, 2007

:3: SCALE ITCH :3:

Another night, another hour of fetch with Mercredi.
I think I might buy her a new mouse tomorrow if I can swing it. This one just looks ... sad.

Star War Sex Parrot
Oct 2, 2003

tokomon posted:

Another night, another hour of fetch with Mercredi.

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Star War Sex Parrot
Oct 2, 2003

A+ nose

would boop

Aug 13, 2003

Dec 20, 2003


Jul 27, 2004

Startyde posted:

This :420: trap brought to you by Kick Stix

that's a good lookin cat

Aug 23, 2007

:3: SCALE ITCH :3:

I'll try... my camera sucks balls and it's dark. :ohdear:

Oct 13, 2005

agg stop posting
College Slice
The dark is scary

Aug 23, 2007

:3: SCALE ITCH :3:

She's winding down and wandered off to go get some food, so have a misfire that didn't work out. I can only record a few seconds of video at a pop, so derp.

fork bomb
Apr 26, 2010



teh z0rg
Nov 17, 2012

tokomon posted:

She's winding down and wandered off to go get some food, so have a misfire that didn't work out. I can only record a few seconds of video at a pop, so derp.


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