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fork bomb
Apr 26, 2010


laratron posted:

The proudest cat.

tail puffin in the air


Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

fork bomb posted:

ugh fishmech that is too sad. give me some happy.

adopt cat!!

fork bomb
Apr 26, 2010


fishmech posted:

adopt cat!!

gis for 'adopted cat'

Jul 20, 2000

shit wizard dad

bacon :cool:

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Oct 2, 2003

I am taking care of three kittens one of the neighborhood cats abandoned, the littlest one didn't make it through the night...

hold me yospos :/

Sep 9, 2008

shame on a kitty who try to run game on a kitty

wu buck wild wit tha trigga

DOOMocrat posted:

I am taking care of three kittens one of the neighborhood cats abandoned, the littlest one didn't make it through the night...

hold me yospos :/

i'm sorry buddy. that's really terrible. :(

here's a picture of my newest one. excuse the giant tub of cheese balls, we'd just had a bunch of people over for nhl opening night and it was like six bucks at costco.

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP


Jul 20, 2000

shit wizard dad

relative_q posted:

i'm sorry buddy. that's really terrible. :(

here's a picture of my newest one. excuse the giant tub of cheese balls, we'd just had a bunch of people over for nhl opening night and it was like six bucks at costco.

put catte in jar and shake = instant ginger tom :o:

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
so i saw one of my alley kitten's siblings. it's much bigger than the one i rescued and was happily tormenting a mouse that it had caught in my alley. i think i'll let it live out there and be useful

Mar 3, 2007

Sweet 'N Sour
Steel Beams

fishmech posted:


adopt all cattes

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
a cat bit my hand and then the bite got infected and now I'm at the doctors office waiting for the doctor to look at the bite on my hand :(

Col. Mustard
Nov 26, 2000

Initech Administrator
H2O2 would have cleaned that up. GG health care user.

Nigel Danvers
Oct 29, 2009

rotor posted:

a cat bit my hand and then the bite got infected and now I'm at the doctors office waiting for the doctor to look at the bite on my hand :(

But what about the cat, is it alright?

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer

rotor posted:

a cat bit my hand and then the bite got infected and now I'm at the doctors office waiting for the doctor to look at the bite on my hand :(

oh snap boy you got the fiv

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
what did you do to make that catte mad

Apr 26, 2006
i would have thought you'd be immune to everything by now.

Tom Collins
Aug 25, 2000

Shaggar posted:

i would have thought you'd be immune to everything by now.

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
we're remodeling the downstairs and he got down there somehow and got underneath the subfloor and we had to get him out like THEN because there were 4 guys waiting with sawzalls to cut poo poo up and I sorta grabbed him by the first thing that i could grab. unfortunately, this was his spine and he didn't take kindly to being grabbed by it.

but yeah, he's ok. the subfloor is demoed. i'm on antibiotics.

ps: i poured peroxide all over it right after the fangs went in but, well, here i am

sleepy gary
Jan 11, 2006

rotor posted:

we're remodeling the downstairs and he got down there somehow and got underneath the subfloor and we had to get him out like THEN because there were 4 guys waiting with sawzalls to cut poo poo up and I sorta grabbed him by the first thing that i could grab. unfortunately, this was his spine and he didn't take kindly to being grabbed by it.

but yeah, he's ok. the subfloor is demoed. i'm on antibiotics.

ps: i poured peroxide all over it right after the fangs went in but, well, here i am


Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

DNova posted:


this was my wifes reaction as well :smith:

Dec 23, 2002

by T. Butt
Hay um mister computer guy, look, there's a cat it's probably yours its all down in the baseboards and Billy and Stan wanted to cut anyways cuz they figure the cat will get out of the way but Mike was pretty sure you'd be mad if we cut your cat up Mike used to have a cat and he says cat people get mad about that sort of thing so can you come down here and get it somehow and if it takes longer than 10 minutes we're gonna just go ahead and go to lunch early and still charge you for the time

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
seriously though who the gently caress GLUES a subfloor to the floor joists, what was wrong with those people

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch


Hay um mister computer guy, look, there's a cat it's probably yours its all down in the baseboards and Billy and Stan wanted to cut anyways cuz they figure the cat will get out of the way but Mike was pretty sure you'd be mad if we cut your cat up Mike used to have a cat and he says cat people get mad about that sort of thing so can you come down here and get it somehow and if it takes longer than 10 minutes we're gonna just go ahead and go to lunch early and still charge you for the time

i see you've dealt with contractors before

what is this
Sep 11, 2001

it is a lemur


Hay um mister computer guy, look, there's a cat it's probably yours its all down in the baseboards and Billy and Stan wanted to cut anyways cuz they figure the cat will get out of the way but Mike was pretty sure you'd be mad if we cut your cat up Mike used to have a cat and he says cat people get mad about that sort of thing so can you come down here and get it somehow and if it takes longer than 10 minutes we're gonna just go ahead and go to lunch early and still charge you for the time

Dec 23, 2002

by T. Butt
I mean like I feel bad asking you to get the cat you know if it was a dog we'd just call it out or get it with some of Stan's sandwich but it's a cat it's just sitting there hissing at the back of the joist gap and Mike is the only one who knows anything bout cats but he's been outside smoking since Billy made that joke about cutting through the cat and we've got that tile job over on Bilcrest we gotta get to after lunch so really I can't afford to have my guys all standing around

Aug 13, 2003

Spenny has discovered that PCs generate warmth

Panty Saluter
Jan 17, 2004

Making learning fun!
lum are those sennheiser hd500s?

Aug 13, 2003

Yes they are.

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch


I mean like I feel bad asking you to get the cat you know if it was a dog we'd just call it out or get it with some of Stan's sandwich but it's a cat it's just sitting there hissing at the back of the joist gap and Mike is the only one who knows anything bout cats but he's been outside smoking since Billy made that joke about cutting through the cat and we've got that tile job over on Bilcrest we gotta get to after lunch so really I can't afford to have my guys all standing around

im not really sure what your gettin at here graham

Panty Saluter
Jan 17, 2004

Making learning fun!

Lum posted:

Yes they are.

sweet, i have the same cans :hfive:

Dec 23, 2002

by T. Butt
Look mister I dunno this is all way too touchy feely for me but you said you wanted the subfloor up today and I need Mike to get that done for you and ever since the cat was all hissing and the other boys were joking about cutting it up well he's been outside and he won't come in he is just sitting on the back bumper of the truck chain smoking and i figure it's some kinda ga... er... cat person thing so I was hoping maybe you could go and talk to him, you know, cat guy to cat guy, as it were

Oct 2, 2003

current rescue status: the brothers made it through the workday okay :)

grandfather put them out back because he was tired of hearing them meow but they were getting eaten up by mosquitos, quick bath & dry later they ate like champs and are finally lapping at formula

MIGHT have a home for one of them


Dec 17, 2009

I am Grumpypuss

what is this "skrait" bidness in terms of cattes? i know it means straight but why the sk :confused:

Tom Collins
Aug 25, 2000

Yakattak posted:

what is this "skrait" bidness in terms of cattes? i know it means straight but why the sk :confused:

yeah its new idk either

here's a survey i did today

gregor samsara
Apr 7, 2007

I'd prefer not to answer.


Dec 17, 2009

I am Grumpypuss

Tom Collins posted:

yeah its new idk either

here's a survey i did today

i do all of those cept the last 4, im a cat so i mean its no big deal

Oct 2, 2003

current rescue status: one adopted, one coming to look :D

Feb 17, 2006


Tom Collins posted:

I've only done two of those. Which two is an exercise for the avid poster.

LooseChanj fucked around with this message at 01:03 on Oct 12, 2010

fork bomb
Apr 26, 2010


Yakattak posted:

what is this "skrait" bidness in terms of cattes? i know it means straight but why the sk :confused:

its just how i like to say 'straight' when it comes to the kitties


Dec 17, 2009

I am Grumpypuss

fork bomb posted:

its just how i like to say 'straight' when it comes to the kitties

idgi but w/e :3:

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