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dee eight
Dec 18, 2002

The Spirit
of Maynard

I'm keeping a promise here. Pics of Finnish Wool Leg Socks:

gently caress my image skillz lag

Only registered members can see post attachments!


Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
i bet those things are warm as heck

Sep 9, 2008

shame on a kitty who try to run game on a kitty

wu buck wild wit tha trigga

those are some killer socks
Mar 2, 2002

100% digital native web developer

Pleads posted:

Charlie does his best to make sure we immediately fold and put away any laundry in the house. He's slowly training us.

thanks charlie

Orange floor cats might be the best cats. All cats should be petted, obviously, but orange floof is first among equals. Or Tortie floofs. Which is in no way biased because my two cats are floofy, and one each orange and tortie. :3:

Funhilde posted:

Elmer is KILLING me with cuteness the past couple of days. Our final house guest of the holidays just left so he may just be missing them. Elmer rarely sits close enough to me for petting but he just spent the last several minutes next to me on the couch. :3:

He also has been really cute in his napping.

Elmer owns. Look at those feets :kimchi:

holy poo poo i would pet this cat so much you have no idea

also is he wearing a tie

dee eight
Dec 18, 2002

The Spirit
of Maynard

yeah they are i put them on my feets while i was working in the garage

thank you mrs rosoboronexport-in-law i think

i had a bunch of pics but imgur and tinypic both dont like me

mod sassinator
Dec 13, 2006
I came here to Kick Ass and Chew Bubblegum,
and I'm All out of Ass posted:

Which is in no way biased because my two cats are floofy, and one each orange and tortie. :3:

post them cattes

Jul 1, 2009 posted:

holy poo poo i would pet this cat so much you have no idea

also is he wearing a tie

Yeah. It's part of the collar
Mar 2, 2002

100% digital native web developer

mod sassinator posted:

post them cattes

Here's a lovely webcam pic of Jaide, the orange one, who just happened to be on my lap when I saw this post:

I posted this once before, but this is the Tortie, Tink-Tink (they're shelter cats, we didn't name them). Her main thing is that she ran away for like a month last year before coming back:

I'm charging my SLR right now so I should have better cat pics soon.

edit: the cat on my lap has fallen asleep. :3

Robert Denby
Sep 9, 2007
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt, huh? Nah, get fucked mate.

Jun 12, 2001
Phoebe you're ludicrous :3:

Oct 9, 2003

dee eight posted:

I'm keeping a promise here. Pics of Finnish Wool Leg Socks:

gently caress my image skillz lag

finnish technology ain't nothin to gently caress with.

mod sassinator
Dec 13, 2006
I came here to Kick Ass and Chew Bubblegum,
and I'm All out of Ass posted:

Here's a lovely webcam pic of Jaide, the orange one, who just happened to be on my lap when I saw this post:

I posted this once before, but this is the Tortie, Tink-Tink (they're shelter cats, we didn't name them). Her main thing is that she ran away for like a month last year before coming back:

I'm charging my SLR right now so I should have better cat pics soon.

edit: the cat on my lap has fallen asleep. :3

pro cattes

mod sassinator
Dec 13, 2006
I came here to Kick Ass and Chew Bubblegum,
and I'm All out of Ass
kitties are awake and restless!

god drat they are adorable

mod sassinator
Dec 13, 2006
I came here to Kick Ass and Chew Bubblegum,
and I'm All out of Ass
the one with the batman mask is apparently bishop, she is a cutie

Dec 12, 2011
I like the big one with the black face and socks with the white toes and grey body. I wish I could have him.

Dec 20, 2003

Tasoth posted:

I like the big one with the black face and socks with the white toes and grey body. I wish I could have him.

That biggest floofiest one is Ash.

Newt is the one with the white collar of fur that goes all the way around her neck.

The one with the clearer spots is Parker and the one with the faded spots is Dallas

right arm
Oct 29, 2011

kittens don't like flash

mod sassinator
Dec 13, 2006
I came here to Kick Ass and Chew Bubblegum,
and I'm All out of Ass
aaaaaand it's nursing time again

Jun 1, 2011

Cats Love Me.
love this guy.

Oct 11, 2012


mod sassinator posted:

the one with the batman mask is apparently bishop, she is a cutie

i literally said "oh gosh" in a high-pitched whisper

Oct 4, 2004

we have catte

Yo Reuben are you asleep dog

Okay well I'm just gonna scritch your belly

Aww yiss cat hugs

Jun 25, 2006

Novus Ordo Seclorum
Kebab is currently being terrorised by our new roomba. I am looking forward to coming home and finding that he has left a turd somewhere for it to paint our floors with.

The Store
May 2, 2009

friend's cat Minnie

Oct 4, 2004

we have catte

good cat

Smugdog Millionaire
Sep 14, 2002

8) Blame Icefrog
is trophy one of those meme faces now?

El Gar
Apr 12, 2007

Hey Trophy...

every meme cat is my cat she just wears cat masks to look like other cats sometimes

Oct 11, 2012

Florentine cat brings little gifts to owner's tomb:


A gray and white cat named Toldo has been visiting his beloved master’s tomb, bringing all kinds of little presents, since the day of Reno Iozzelli’s funeral. “He brings little twigs, leaves, toothpicks, plastic cups. A bit of everything really,” said Reno’s widow Ada via AFP from Montagnana, a mountain village near Florence.

Renzo passed away back in September 22, 2011, aged 71. He took in Toldo from a cat colony when he was only three months old and the two became very close to each other.

Ada told Corriere Fiorentino that no one noticed the cat’s behavior when he followed Iozzelli’s funeral procession until later when he began to make his regular trips to the cemetery, bringing little sprigs and gifts to the gravestone. “Sometimes he comes with me and sometimes he goes on his own,” Ada added.

The day after the funeral, they found a sprig of acacia on the grave, then later that evening, they saw Toldo standing guard at the grave. The story quickly spread out in the village. Many people also witnessed it. “The whole town knows about him now,” Ada said.

“He loved my husband. It was something else! Now it’s just me, my daughter and my son-in-law and he’s very affectionate with us too"...

Huh, who knew: :mason:

The Symbolism Wiki posted:

The acacia is a genus of shrubs and trees. These plants are also known as thorntrees or wattles.
It is a symbol for Platonic love and Concealed love.

The acacia is a symbol associated with Freemasonry. It is used to represent purity and endurance of the soul, as well as funerary symbolism regarding resurrection and immortality.

HEY GUNS fucked around with this message at 18:11 on Jan 9, 2013

Oct 9, 2003

this is a Good Post™

axolotl farmer
May 17, 2007

ᛗᚹᛊᛇᛖᛁᛃ loves you!

Smugdog Millionaire posted:

is trophy one of those meme faces now?

oh they all look the same to you don't they?

axolotl farmer fucked around with this message at 18:54 on Jan 9, 2013

Oct 22, 2005

I'll eat your fucking eyeballs if you're not careful

Grimey Drawer

duTrieux. posted:

this is a Good Post™

good post good catte

Jan 14, 2003

I just want to be pure
Hitler cat has been captured and jailed before he could unleash genocide on the unclean cattes of the world.

Oct 11, 2012


Migishu posted:

good post good catte
but the cat is a mason

i mean, probably

Nintendo Kid
Aug 4, 2011

by Smythe

Cocoa Crispies
Jul 20, 2001

Vehicular Manslaughter!


proceeds will be used to buy a goddamn vacuum cleaner

Aug 22, 2002

Smugdog Millionaire
Sep 14, 2002

8) Blame Icefrog

axolotl farmer posted:

oh they all look the same to you don't they?


Sep 17, 2006

One big, stumpy family

Oct 27, 2010

Bread Liar

refurb :allears:

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

first draft of the News Of The World cover


Feb 5, 2006



(it can be rewound if they're boring atm)

coffeetable fucked around with this message at 22:57 on Jan 9, 2013

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