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May 15, 2004

aaag sheets
I'll be sure to send in a complaint about their lack of grooming while busy keeping my cat alive


mod sassinator
Dec 13, 2006
I came here to Kick Ass and Chew Bubblegum,
and I'm All out of Ass
oh man I was lying on my stomach and Carmen jumped on my back and started walking around--felt great like a massage. Someone should start a cat massage parlor where big and small cats walk all over your back

May 15, 2004

aaag sheets
She's not in any pain, her organs are all working. I'd be against keeping her alive too if it meant discomfort for her. She's so happy and sweet all the time, except for these times her delicate system gets out if balance.

Jul 3, 2011

Dogs have owners,
cats have staff
You're doing your very best, quadpus, ignore the ignorants. Everybody gets a hairdo and puts on makeup when bedridden, except in your home.

Mademoiselle Elena, hang in there. If love can heal, you've got freaking master doses of that.

Apr 21, 2007

Gus Hobbleton posted:

god that kitty is scruffy lookin

who you callin scruffy looking

Mar 28, 2004

All I needed was that fatty blunt...

King of Breakfast
elena as a cat is like a grandma at age 78 who will live to 92 but just has had a cpl hiccups and needs some help now and then getting to bingo night but theres a ton more bingo nights so shut your whore mouth about just taking away those bingo nights from her

mod sassinator
Dec 13, 2006
I came here to Kick Ass and Chew Bubblegum,
and I'm All out of Ass

teh z0rg
Nov 17, 2012
grandma why?

Dec 30, 2010

Thanks Ape Pussy!
Moo status: at the airport, not happy

Mar 11, 2001

elena's in good hands

oc status:

Jun 9, 2005

pew pew pew

holocaust bloopers posted:

Moo status: at the airport, not happy

Oh man, cat on a plane? Car is bad enough I can't imagine air travel.

Godspeed, Moo.

Dec 30, 2010

Thanks Ape Pussy!

Pleads posted:

Oh man, cat on a plane? Car is bad enough I can't imagine air travel.

Godspeed, Moo.

This is her fourth flight and third with me. She flew 18 hours from Dallas to Anchorage by herself with no trouble. She drew a crowd at security. Lot of people making kitty noises at her.

Pretty sure her internal monologue is more like this:

mod sassinator
Dec 13, 2006
I came here to Kick Ass and Chew Bubblegum,
and I'm All out of Ass

beatlegs posted:

elena's in good hands

oc status:

oh drat that is a great pic

Jun 20, 2005

OC is actually Jonesy from Alien

teh z0rg
Nov 17, 2012

holocaust bloopers posted:

She flew 18 hours from Dallas to Anchorage

i wanna be sedated.

Happy Noodle Boy
Jul 3, 2002

ijustam posted:

OC is actually Jonesy from Alien

cant be. the alien would know better than to gently caress with OCs shitter cleaner and food bringers

Base Emitter
Apr 1, 2012


glad elena's doing better

Mar 15, 2008

Look at that post.

holocaust bloopers posted:

This is her fourth flight and third with me. She flew 18 hours from Dallas to Anchorage by herself with no trouble. She drew a crowd at security. Lot of people making kitty noises at her.

eeee :3:

when I moved like a year ago I flew with Beauregard and we were sitting next to a mom with a toddler in her lap. at one point the kid started crying and nothing his mom could do was making him stop but the noise woke Beau out of his drug-induced stupor and he poked his head up to where I had his carrier open to see what was going on. the kid saw him and immediately stopped crying and started going "a kitty! mommy look, a kitty!"

it was pretty much the best

Dec 20, 2003

quadpus posted:

She's not in any pain, her organs are all working. I'd be against keeping her alive too if it meant discomfort for her. She's so happy and sweet all the time, except for these times her delicate system gets out if balance.

I am sure you are doing the right thing. There's no problem going gently caress you nature and keeping kitties alive with the power of mad science if they're not in discomfort.

Yay Elena!

Oct 22, 2005

I'll eat your fucking eyeballs if you're not careful

Grimey Drawer
Please give Elena lots of hugs when she gets home for me, tia

Smugdog Millionaire
Sep 14, 2002

8) Blame Icefrog

Aug 22, 2002

Everything that has transpired has done so according to my design. Your friends, up there on the sanctuary moon, are walking into a trap, as is your Rebel fleet. It was *I* who allowed the Alliance to know the location of the shield generator. It is quite safe from your pitiful little band. An entire legion of my best troops awaits them. Oh, I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive.

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer

Migishu posted:

Please give Elena lots of hugs when she gets home for me, tia
This and then give her some more. Always hug Elena.

Mar 24, 2007

How old is Elena? We have cats at work who are like 21 and look nearly dead but are medically pretty spry. My old lady cat is 17 or 18 and has had one or two seizures before, I believe. She has chronic renal failure but looks fab for her age.

Nora old.

Dec 20, 2003

Misty went to 19 years and 11 months (:argh:) and aside from looking pretty skinny was spry and happy up until the last, despite needing a crapload of medication. To her, medication was just yay more chunks of meat with oddly chewy centres. (We improvised pill pockets out of beef)

None of it ever actually affected her day to day. She was a bit creaky and slower at settling herself down into the sunbeam for a roll-around, but that was about it.

Also she wasn't allowed to eat dry food anymore but I personally think that her throwing that up had nothing to do with her getting old and everything to do with not bothering to chew it, lazy sod. She was very obviously not.

MikeJF fucked around with this message at 11:59 on Apr 28, 2013

Adult Sword Owner
Jun 19, 2011

u deserve diploma for sublime comedy expertise


Shifty Pony
Dec 28, 2004

Up ta somethin'

sadie woke me up this morning with headbutts and purrs. the best alarm clock :3:

Mar 7, 2006

6 am is when pepper gets fed.

She started complaining at 6:02. How do they know. :catstare:

axolotl farmer
May 17, 2007

ᛗᚹᛊᛇᛖᛁᛃ loves you!

quadpus posted:


yay :unsmith:

Dec 30, 2010

Thanks Ape Pussy!
Moo status: meowed a lot. Great during a red eye.
Mar 2, 2002

100% digital native web developer

Happy Noodle Boy
Jul 3, 2002


gonna repost cinnamon getting tonged now kthxbye

Shifty Pony
Dec 28, 2004

Up ta somethin'


best frame:

Feb 17, 2006


Shifty Pony posted:

best frame:


Dec 20, 2003

cats with cravats own bones

Aug 17, 2005


mod sassinator posted:

oh man I was lying on my stomach and Carmen jumped on my back and started walking around--felt great like a massage. Someone should start a cat massage parlor where big and small cats walk all over your back

Ne is a cat masseuse, if I lie on my stomach, he will jump on my back and start making biscuits most of the time :3:

Base Emitter
Apr 1, 2012


is that smaug

Janitor Prime
Jan 22, 2004


What da fuck does that mean

Fun Shoe

Aug 17, 2005


Old but still funny.


Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer
Flopcat strikes again as I exit the bathroom.

In the last one she's pulling herself over the carpet by dragging herself with her front claws.

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