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Smugdog Millionaire
Sep 14, 2002

8) Blame Icefrog
my parents' cat looking 100% dignified


Smugdog Millionaire
Sep 14, 2002

8) Blame Icefrog
that cat really needs to be shorn, he's gotten too old to properly care for his huge amounts of fur so there's clumps of matted up hair on his belly. what's the proper way to shear a cat?

Hugh G. Rectum
Mar 1, 2011

Mar 11, 2001

Roosevelt posted:


how's OC doing anyway?

I posted some pics yesterday:

he's doing great, just spends his summer days sleeping outside in the shade, comes in every once in awhile for pets & headbutts

he's also gotten into the habit of spooning with me under the covers every morning

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

humming this all morning:

kitty kitty kitty, can't you see
sometimes your fluff just hypnotize me
and i just love your fluffy ways
guess that's why they're broke and you're amaze

Dec 20, 2003

mod sassinator posted:

i'm kinda tempted, but i dunno how well carmen would do with an older lady as competition

How old is Carmen? Kari's probably barely a year if that.

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

World z0r Z
May 26, 2013


Gunshow Poophole
Sep 14, 2008


Josh Lyman posted:

humming this all morning:

kitty kitty kitty, can't you see
sometimes your fluff just hypnotize me
and i just love your fluffy ways
guess that's why they're broke and you're amaze

unabomber manifesto

Darkman Fanpage
Jul 4, 2012

i love my dead gay cat

Shifty Pony
Dec 28, 2004

Up ta somethin'

sadie, master of disguise, dons part of the local foliage to seamlessly blend in with the background.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Shifty Pony posted:

sadie, master of disguise, dons part of the local foliage to seamlessly blend in with the background.

where's the cat in that picture I can't see her

Sep 27, 2009

Should you find yourself here one day... In accordance with your crimes, you can rest assured I will give you the treatment you deserve.

Shifty Pony posted:

sadie, master of disguise, dons part of the local foliage to seamlessly blend in with the background.

Grats on owning a moogle

Sep 17, 2006

One big, stumpy family
Reminder: I will be mailing out Refurb autographs tomorrow and am still waiting on addresses from:

Shifty Pony
Base Emitter

Send me a PM or mail goldenidbl07 at hotmail dot com if you want an autograph

Jun 21, 2012


Aug 17, 2005

Bald cats look like yodas

Dec 31, 2003

"Sooner or later, every curse is a prayer."

morcant posted:

Grats on owning a moogle

An inverted moogle

a elgoom

Palette swap
Mar 29, 2010

"There is a professional misconduct hearing over here with your name on it"
I hope it's not too late for a Refurb autograph

See this? I had to go to a bank, fill a deposit slip and wait in line like an animal because this country sucks for online banking.

Anyway have cats in boxes

And Betty.

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Palette swap posted:

I hope it's not too late for a Refurb autograph

See this? I had to go to a bank, fill a deposit slip and wait in line like an animal because this country sucks for online banking.

Anyway have cats in boxes

And Betty.


Sep 17, 2006

One big, stumpy family

Palette swap posted:

I hope it's not too late for a Refurb autograph

See this? I had to go to a bank, fill a deposit slip and wait in line like an animal because this country sucks for online banking.

Anyway have cats in boxes

And Betty.

Luckily, you are not too late. I'll still add anyone who donates before Saturday morning (central time) on the chance that some of you that haven't taken part will get drunk enough tonight to donate.

user on probation
Nov 1, 2012


Palette swap posted:

See this? I had to go to a bank, fill a deposit slip and wait in line like an animal because this country sucks for online banking.

did you just post your bank account number

Sep 9, 2008

shame on a kitty who try to run game on a kitty

wu buck wild wit tha trigga

tehloki posted:

did you just post your bank account number

totally tryin to clean out a chilean bank account right now

Mar 7, 2006

livin' the life

Palette swap
Mar 29, 2010

"There is a professional misconduct hearing over here with your name on it"
Since I have a ton of cats, my house probably counts as a shelter, so you are all free to donate how much you want.
(that's the shelter account, it's on their page so whatever)

A couple more pics.

Maybe :nws:

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

catte train coming into the station! choo choo!

Nov 4, 2009
wonderful yet strange smell

devmd01 posted:

livin' the life

see when I say I just sat around all day and chilled, I feel like I didn't reach this level at any point

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Mr. Fish posted:

see when I say I just sat around all day and chilled, I feel like I didn't reach this level at any point

were you in a sunbeam? that seems p. important.

Sep 27, 2009

Should you find yourself here one day... In accordance with your crimes, you can rest assured I will give you the treatment you deserve.

that nose itself looks like a catte.

May 11, 2007


Adult Sword Owner
Jun 19, 2011

u deserve diploma for sublime comedy expertise
pabst lou ribbon

Nov 4, 2009
wonderful yet strange smell

Dead Inside Darwin posted:

pabst lou ribbon

Oct 18, 2005

I know you know how to do this.
Get up.

Dead Inside Darwin posted:

pabst lou ribbon


dee eight
Dec 18, 2002

The Spirit
of Maynard


Chorrax posted:


i cain't think of no place i druther be than right here
with my red neck, white socks, and blue ribbon beer

Adult Sword Owner
Jun 19, 2011

u deserve diploma for sublime comedy expertise
is it or did my cat drag her ribbon into the shape of another cat

sorry for the filth we were packing to go caming

Feb 24, 2011

my desire to just be a FUCKING IDIOT all day long is rapidly overtaking my ability to FUNCTION

i suspect that means i'm MENTALLY ILL

Dead Inside Darwin posted:

pabst lou ribbon

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Chorrax posted:


Dead Inside Darwin posted:

pabst lou ribbon


May 11, 2007


Dead Inside Darwin posted:

pabst lou ribbon

Jul 18, 2009

I'm looking for the man who shot my paw.

dee eight posted:

i cain't think of no place i druther be than right here
with my red neck, white socks, and blue ribbon beer

friday night motherfuckers

Happy Noodle Boy
Jul 3, 2002

Dead Inside Darwin posted:

pabst lou ribbon



Aug 22, 2002

Dead Inside Darwin posted:

pabst lou ribbon


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