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mod sassinator
Dec 13, 2006
I came here to Kick Ass and Chew Bubblegum,
and I'm All out of Ass

oh my


mod sassinator
Dec 13, 2006
I came here to Kick Ass and Chew Bubblegum,
and I'm All out of Ass
quoting teddy kitten pics for top of new page

dur posted:

i just took pictures of the pictures.

Mar 11, 2001

are those pics from the 80's? drat, teddy has aged remarkably well

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts


Elder Postsman
Aug 30, 2000

i used hot bot to search for "teens"

beatlegs posted:

are those pics from the 80's? drat, teddy has aged remarkably well


they're from around 2000, when my wife got him. probably shot with a crappy disposable film camera.

slingshot effect
Sep 28, 2009

the wonderful wizard of welp

graph posted:

i want 2 pet this cat

squirrel would welcome more patting

she's the only cat i've ever had that loves belly rubs and never beartraps your hand. also you can blow raspberries on her and all she does is purr. a fundamentally broken cat.

the bsd boys
Aug 8, 2011
Can't post for 103 days!

Josh Lyman posted:

someone's been watching too much hannibal

Stay Safe
Sep 1, 2008

by FactsAreUseless

May 19, 2013
Hello Bandit! You're enjoying the sun, I see.


What, you're going to take pictures of me? The shutter noise is scary.

But I'm sleepy.

Eh, whatever.

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

dur posted:

i just took pictures of the pictures.

as the owner servant of floofcattes, sometimes i get jealous that leo and cj aren't as famous as teddy, but this has got to be the proest loving post of all time

Dr. Despair
Nov 4, 2009

39 perfect posts with each roll.

Cats own.

Smugdog Millionaire
Sep 14, 2002

8) Blame Icefrog

Sep 29, 2001

tried taking a picture but the little bastard kept runnin. named him Tomas, bout 4 months if the math is close. pic from the toilet was a couple 100 pages ago

Binary Badger
Oct 11, 2005

Trolling Link for a decade

so here's two cattes i havent posted in a while

ricky was a twisty little kitty, now he is fatte

he still acts like a punk

chloe has been compared to dings

she aint no dings but she's always in need of a few skritches

Dr. Despair
Nov 4, 2009

39 perfect posts with each roll.

Binary Badger posted:

chloe has been compared to dings

she aint no dings but she's always in need of a few skritches

Oh hey it's woodhouse's evil twin (or is that the other way around).

P9230195.jpg by MrDespair, on Flickr

El Gar
Apr 12, 2007

Hey Trophy...

Dec 31, 2003

"Sooner or later, every curse is a prayer."

technolizard posted:

Hello Bandit! You're enjoying the sun, I see.


What, you're going to take pictures of me? The shutter noise is scary.

But I'm sleepy.

Eh, whatever.

thanks guy who said bandit has a penis face, now I can't unsee it

Nov 4, 2009
wonderful yet strange smell

i am melting :3:

Jan 1, 1970

He lives on, thru all of us.

you will be dead soon

trophy will eat you and gain your power

Sep 11, 2007

aww, kitten teddy! :neckbeard: or cub I guess. Did he have his wonderful meow when he was little too?

Mar 11, 2001

dur please tell us you had a video camera in 2000 and you have footage of babby teddy

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

cj was cuddling with me under the covers and had the courtesy to bolt out just in time to cough up a hairball on the floor :allears:

Mar 7, 2006


Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

Dec 20, 2003

For those not following, the Critter Room/Foster Kitten Cam's Taz is some kind of scraggly-haired adorable hobo.

Dec 20, 2003

Also Penny is cute:

Sylvester is unstoppable:

Marvin is a suave soul-patched motherfucker:

And Hazel has had enough of this poo poo:

Adult Sword Owner
Jun 19, 2011

u deserve diploma for sublime comedy expertise

MikeJF posted:

For those not following, the Critter Room/Foster Kitten Cam's Taz is some kind of scraggly-haired adorable hobo.

its some kind of refurb prototype

Shifty Pony
Dec 28, 2004

Up ta somethin'

jfc those Teddy pics :kimchi:

have a live Fridangle

edit: oops, didn't realize I had knocked the camera, back to dangles.

edit2: dangles complete.

Shifty Pony fucked around with this message at 13:45 on Sep 27, 2013

the unabonger
Jun 21, 2009

Dead Inside Darwin posted:

its some kind of refurb prototype

it looks like baby giz

Panty Saluter
Jan 17, 2004

Making learning fun!

Shifty Pony posted:

jfc those Teddy pics :kimchi:

have a live Fridangle

i am watching the sadie stream when i have two cats lounging in the room with me

i am history's greatest monster

Oct 13, 2005

agg stop posting
College Slice
probably wasn't wise to try to get gizmo to meowbox first thing in the morning

Oct 18, 2005

I know you know how to do this.
Get up.

what the gently caress was that noise

Oct 13, 2005

agg stop posting
College Slice
a sick flyboi saying ow so she'd stop biting me

Adult Sword Owner
Jun 19, 2011

u deserve diploma for sublime comedy expertise

flyboi posted:

a sick flyboi saying ow so she'd stop biting me

...she actually gives a poo poo about your silly human skin?

Oct 18, 2005

I know you know how to do this.
Get up.


Shifty Pony
Dec 28, 2004

Up ta somethin'

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

fingerheartz bb

Aug 30, 2006

"Stuck in an RPG Pro-Tour"

Dead Inside Darwin posted:

its some kind of refurb prototype

But as usual they had to cut back on features for the final release

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Dead Inside Darwin posted:

its some kind of refurb prototype

the refurb 4L


Adult Sword Owner
Jun 19, 2011

u deserve diploma for sublime comedy expertise



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