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fork bomb
Apr 26, 2010


Trig Discipline posted:

:3: wonder how long that cat had been chilin out with some grass on him


Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer
i wonder how he put it on himself in the first place

Lutha Mahtin
Oct 10, 2010

Your brokebrain sin is absolved...go and shitpost no more!

this has probably been posted but :effort: at reading 1000 new posts...

what a laid-back catte

Oct 13, 2005

agg stop posting
College Slice

Lutha Mahtin posted:

what a laid-back dead catte

rip flippycat

Lutha Mahtin
Oct 10, 2010

Your brokebrain sin is absolved...go and shitpost no more!

flyboi posted:

rip flippycat


then again, his legend lives on :unsmith:

Sep 22, 2003

z0rge Costanza
Jul 30, 2006

My's shit Jerry! Shit!

Trig Discipline posted:

i wonder how he put it on himself in the first place

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
so i left lil kitty alone in my house over the weekend. normally not a big deal but

well, she somehow managed to dislodge the door to her litterbox room from the jam and locked herself out. i guess at some point she really had to go so she found the two oldest runner carpets in my house and peed on one and pooped on the other. then to hide her shame she rolled them up

good catte i guess. i really don't care too much about those rugs and there were a lot worse places she could have defiled!

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer

z0ratio sexhaver posted:

of course :doh:

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Yodzilla posted:

so i left lil kitty alone in my house over the weekend. normally not a big deal but

well, she somehow managed to dislodge the door to her litterbox room from the jam and locked herself out. i guess at some point she really had to go so she found the two oldest runner carpets in my house and peed on one and pooped on the other. then to hide her shame she rolled them up

good catte i guess. i really don't care too much about those rugs and there were a lot worse places she could have defiled!

no, that's good kitty territory and she deserves treats

ours has the courtesy to leave tootsies in the tub when she madde at us, better than under the bed i guess

Jan 13, 2006

Welcome! You are just in time for dinner!

Brought the new kitty home today, he's currently in "freaked the gently caress out" mode:

(lovely cell phone, what can you do?)

His name is Gibs. I adopted him from my chef who felt he needed a quieter home. At his house he has two young kids and a territorial dog who likes to harass Gibs, so he's quite skittish right now (Though he won't put up a fight if I pick him up and pet him). He's currently trying to find the best place to hide from me and after a bit of petting to let him know I'm not a bad guy I figure I should let him hide out and calm down.

I showed him the litter box I'm worried in his state of freaked out he totally missed it and is in the process of plotting to piss everywhere. I'm keeping an eye on him.

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal

HKR posted:

His name is Gbs

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

HKR posted:

His name is Gibs.

that's ludicrous.

got dat wmd
Apr 28, 2009
look at that poor cable management

Bicycle SexFucker
Aug 15, 2007

I have zero interest in marriage.

got dat wmd posted:

look at that poor cable management

and poor catte namagement

Nov 30, 2010

<3 ginger kitties
Snowy Jones is snowy. We miss him, he was the bestest kitty ever. :smith:

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts
fat gingers :3:

Aug 13, 2003

rotor posted:

that's ludicrous.

Oct 24, 2010

aww yeah im on this burger and shit

Winner of the PWM POTM for March 2012
My ageing cat jumped down from the sofa and his back legs gave way momentarily :smith:

Oct 12, 2008

this is what happens when you take UI design away from engineers and give it to a bunch of hipster art student "designers"

Nikolai Fuckharin posted:

My ageing cat jumped down from the sofa and his back legs gave way momentarily :smith:

Go pick up and pet that cat, do it now

fork bomb
Apr 26, 2010


HKR posted:

Brought the new kitty home today, he's currently in "freaked the gently caress out" mode:

(lovely cell phone, what can you do?)

His name is Gibs. I adopted him from my chef who felt he needed a quieter home. At his house he has two young kids and a territorial dog who likes to harass Gibs, so he's quite skittish right now (Though he won't put up a fight if I pick him up and pet him). He's currently trying to find the best place to hide from me and after a bit of petting to let him know I'm not a bad guy I figure I should let him hide out and calm down.

I showed him the litter box I'm worried in his state of freaked out he totally missed it and is in the process of plotting to piss everywhere. I'm keeping an eye on him.

That's good he's letting you pick him up and give him some luvs. If you don't like the GBS name then rename him something that rhymes. That's what I did for my cat.

Jan 13, 2006

Welcome! You are just in time for dinner!

Actually boyfriend likes the name because he can say he's named after Josiah Willard Gibbs so looks like we're keeping it.

Sep 30, 2006
madness in a can

U MAD posted:

May my cats grok me in fullness. To do otherwise would be a waste of food.

I will quote this now, because it owns.

Sep 1, 2006

As good at chess as Alekhine's cat

Rmthegreat88 posted:

I will quote this now, because it owns.

The hideous neologism "grok" and any sentences containing it have never, do not, and will never "own" anything.

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
i occasionally use grok

i also daily use radical and groovy though so don't use me as the bellwether

Jun 19, 2002

I shouldn't trust the phones. They're full of gas.

Jonny 290 posted:

i occasionally use grok

i also daily use radical and groovy though so don't use me as the bellwether

i have used the word bellwether in conversation, but i'm pretty sure i'm the only one to do that.

Tom Collins
Aug 25, 2000

monoceros4 posted:

The hideous neologism "grok" and any sentences containing it have never, do not, and will never "own" anything.

Your ignorance of literature implies that you, too, will never own anything.

Dec 23, 2002

by T. Butt

U MAD posted:

Your ignorance of literature implies that you, too, will never own anything.

um, skippy, i liked stranger in a strange land as much as the next early-teens nerd, but literature it ain't

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal
couldn't get through siasl. got sick of the author self-insert

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer

haveblue posted:

couldn't get through siasl. got sick of the author self-insert

specifically, inserting himself into fictional women a third his age

Jul 15, 2005

Mr. Gru-nink, I'm getting bad vibes from you. The rest of the class groks what is going on -- why can't you?

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

nail posted:

Mr. Gru-nink, I'm getting bad vibes from you. The rest of the class groks what is going on -- why can't you?


Boner Buffet
Feb 16, 2006

rotor posted:


Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts
new pics of my catte from the parents

Sep 22, 2003
drat that cat looks like he knows how to sleep hard

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
i read that book when i was .. what, like 13 years old and thought it was terrible even then.

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Kirk posted:

drat that cat looks like he knows how to sleep hard


Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
then again, i liked the moon is a harsh mistress so ... v:geno:v


Aug 10, 2004

by Ozma

graph posted:

new pics of my catte from the parents

That's a nice shine on those wood floors.

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