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Mar 7, 2006



Sep 17, 2006

One big, stumpy family

MikeJF posted:

Although scroll down and there's a fair few comments about how your territorial bully cat is abusing your poor dog and giving it PTSD :banjo:

SilverLobo 0 points : 2 hours ago reply
You should really consider behavior therapy to stop your cat from abusing your dog. Your cat definitely has some territory issues.

RossiDSouza -2 points : 6 hours ago reply
Laugh along with a bully and you are a bully.

Burnybb 1 point : 5 hours ago reply
That dog is scared, discipline that cat.

truly, imgur houses the finest in animal behavior specialists

Apr 26, 2010

I had a beer with Stephen Harper once and now I like him.

Fun Shoe

graph posted:

baby loki ????

Nah, current loki.

Mar 30, 2009

I could let these dreamkillers kill my self esteem or use the arrogance as the steam to follow my dream

Golden-i posted:

SilverLobo 0 points : 2 hours ago reply
You should really consider behavior therapy to stop your cat from abusing your dog. Your cat definitely has some territory issues.

RossiDSouza -2 points : 6 hours ago reply
Laugh along with a bully and you are a bully.

Burnybb 1 point : 5 hours ago reply
That dog is scared, discipline that cat.

truly, imgur houses the finest in animal behavior specialists

im imagining refurb reclining on one of those therapist couches

Happy Noodle Boy
Jul 3, 2002

how does behavior therapy on a cat work?

Sep 17, 2006

One big, stumpy family

Happy Noodle Boy posted:

how does behavior therapy on a cat work?

i've had great luck in behavior therapy with cats, but instead of a therapist couch it involves a lot more running around with spray bottles and nerf guns. so it's less like therapy and more like a domestic paintball match

Nov 11, 2012

god damn it, you've got to be kind

works the same as behavior therapy with any animal, reward the good behaviour to get it to increase

Nov 4, 2009

by Fluffdaddy
just saw this via a friend of a friend -

Mar 30, 2009

I could let these dreamkillers kill my self esteem or use the arrogance as the steam to follow my dream

cant wait to kickstart a toy that my cat will ignore to instead play with the little plastic bit that comes off gallon jugs.

Oct 13, 2005

agg stop posting
College Slice

i have a little bird that when you slap it chirps and it scared gizmo so much she would run from it like it was death

Apr 28, 2012

flyboi posted:

i have a little bird that when you slap it chirps and it scared gizmo so much she would run from it like it was death


Adult Sword Owner
Jun 19, 2011

u deserve diploma for sublime comedy expertise

flyboi posted:

i have a little bird that when you slap it chirps and it scared gizmo so much she would run from it like it was death

and yet no video???

Jul 2, 2010

~ shameful ~

Soiled Meat

Oct 9, 2011

by FactsAreUseless
my cat died this morning. she was a good cat, definitely will be missed. she was afraid of cameras so i can't post pics.

Panty Saluter
Jan 17, 2004

Making learning fun!

madeupfred posted:

my cat died this morning. she was a good cat, definitely will be missed. she was afraid of cameras so i can't post pics.

rip cat :smith:

Nov 11, 2012

god damn it, you've got to be kind

madeupfred posted:

my cat died this morning. she was a good cat, definitely will be missed. she was afraid of cameras so i can't post pics.

even someone who would send mealworms as a gift doesn't deserve that :(

Oct 9, 2011

by FactsAreUseless
Grace "That/The Cat" the cat probably should not have lived as long as she did. she was under a pound when we adopted her from some jankoff farmer. she was 25 pounds in her prime but it was all length. she had eye infections almost her entire life but didn't mind it much. a good cat. she is succeeded in life by the 13 year old retard maltese.

madeupfred fucked around with this message at 02:11 on Jan 22, 2014

Happy Noodle Boy
Jul 3, 2002

madeupfred posted:

She was 25 pounds in her prime


Oct 9, 2011

by FactsAreUseless

she was a lil fat but i'm not joking she could stand on her hind legs and open shelves at chest level v. long cat.

Sep 9, 2008

shame on a kitty who try to run game on a kitty

wu buck wild wit tha trigga


Oct 18, 2005

I know you know how to do this.
Get up.

Panty Saluter
Jan 17, 2004

Making learning fun!
hi magda :3:

Adult Sword Owner
Jun 19, 2011

u deserve diploma for sublime comedy expertise

(dont send help)

Jun 1, 2011

Cats Love Me.
I submit...a Dangle.

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

magda is very soft and nice and makes good cat noises :kimchi:

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Funhilde posted:

I submit...a Dangle.

elmer mrowrs :3:

Adult Sword Owner
Jun 19, 2011

u deserve diploma for sublime comedy expertise

Funhilde posted:

I submit...a Dangle.

gently caress yes

next cat is a grey floofcat

if not itll prob be a floofcat and i will dye it grey

elmer 2.0

The Jumpoff
May 4, 2011
Your dad's in the Russian Mafia, that's the jumpoff!

quoting magda. The queen of flat-faced cats.

Dec 20, 2003

Speaking of flat-faced cats, I just went and looked for an update and discovered that one of my favourite PI cat stories, Hat, had to be transferred to a no-kill shelter (cats protection in Nottingham under the slave name 'Leo', I think) because of his fellow cats' FIV (which he didn't have).

Sadface. Any britgoons out there go steal him, he's adorably weird-looking.

MikeJF fucked around with this message at 04:48 on Jan 22, 2014

Oct 9, 2003

goddammit, baron

Adult Sword Owner
Jun 19, 2011

u deserve diploma for sublime comedy expertise

MikeJF posted:

Speaking of flat-faced cats, I just went and looked for an update and discovered that one of my favourite PI cat stories, Hat, had to be transferred to a no-kill shelter (cats protection in Nottingham under the slave name 'Leo', I think) because of his fellow cats' FIV (which he didn't have).

Sadface. Any britgoons out there go steal him, he's adorably weird-looking.



i thought hat and grumps were together BECAUSE they were FIV

but the shelter came and took him


i literally dont understand and this pisses me off

Oct 15, 2011

There he go

MikeJF posted:

Speaking of flat-faced cats, I just went and looked for an update and discovered that one of my favourite PI cat stories, Hat, had to be transferred to a no-kill shelter (cats protection in Nottingham under the slave name 'Leo', I think) because of his fellow cats' FIV (which he didn't have).

oh wow those paws :gowron:

Oct 18, 2005

I know you know how to do this.
Get up.

weird title autocorrect

Dec 20, 2003

Dead Inside Darwin posted:



i thought hat and grumps were together BECAUSE they were FIV

but the shelter came and took him


i literally dont understand and this pisses me off

No, Hat wasn't FIV. Grumps was FIV but Hat was in a Kill-shelter and in a bad state, so she took him rather than let him get put down. But now they fight too much and he's at higher risk so she had to send him away.

Farecoal posted:

oh wow those paws :gowron:

Hat's back paws are bent a bit so he thumps around on the long flats like a rabbit.

Also he exploits this to do really long bunny hops sometimes.

Feb 26, 2008

Because there's always an ending.

I thought you guys might like this picture of my rocking chair

I hope you enjoy it, its a pretty nice rocking chair

Smugdog Millionaire
Sep 14, 2002

8) Blame Icefrog

Dr. Despair
Nov 4, 2009

39 perfect posts with each roll.

this was a really depressing page so here's woodhouse curling his toes

Jul 2, 2010

~ shameful ~

Soiled Meat

MikeJF posted:

No, Hat wasn't FIV. Grumps was FIV but Hat was in a Kill-shelter and in a bad state, so she took him rather than let him get put down. But now they fight too much and he's at higher risk so she had to send him away.

cmon there has to be a brit that needs a cat

Apr 17, 2012

I look at this cat's stupid face and immediately start giggling

magda is amazing


vapid cutlery
Apr 17, 2007

"it's george costanza" ?>

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