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Sep 22, 2003
bastard cats are the best cats


Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

flyboi posted:



axolotl farmer
May 17, 2007

ᛗᚹᛊᛇᛖᛁᛃ loves you!

Kirk posted:

bastard cats are the best cats


Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
farm cats are the best cats

Dec 9, 2010

Nikolai Fuckharin posted:

sorry you live in some sort of slum housing

It's not so bad, plus the cat likes all the trash.

Sep 22, 2003

rotor posted:

farm cats are the best cats

yeah but some farm cats are too wild and won't come hang out with you

Hellsworn Barn
Apr 11, 2008


Kirk posted:

yeah but some farm cats are too wild and won't come hang out with you

feed them fish

Sep 22, 2003
they're too full of crows to care

welcome to hell
Jun 9, 2006
hey look some cats

Hellsworn Barn
Apr 11, 2008


Haarg posted:

hey look some cats

we have the hardest time getting our cats to cuddle with each other :(

Jul 15, 2005

American Jello posted:

look at dis dogge
no, thank you!

Aug 25, 2006
Where did the images thread go? The Yosposest images...

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Kire posted:

Where did the images thread go? The Yosposest images...

get out human being

vapid cutlery
Apr 17, 2007

"it's george costanza" ?>

graph posted:

get out human being

this doesn't work :)

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer

Warren G. Farting posted:

we have the hardest time getting our cats to cuddle with each other :(

just get a couple of zipties around the pair of them and wait til they get tired. they'll work it out

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

ahhh spiders posted:

this doesn't work :)

sometimes it does though is the thing

Sep 22, 2003
oi a chav fancied me kitten n nicked it

welcome to hell
Jun 9, 2006

Warren G. Farting posted:

we have the hardest time getting our cats to cuddle with each other :(
its pretty easy when they are siblings you just kind of put them near each other

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Haarg posted:

its pretty easy when they are siblings you just kind of put them near each other


Feb 6, 2003
pette all goattes

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
as a general rule i despise goats but i must admit that baby goats are cute as hell

Boner Buffet
Feb 16, 2006

rotor posted:

as a general rule i despise goats but i must admit that baby goats are cute as hell

someone brought a goat into work one day. I was sitting in my office and a tiny goat walked in. we locked eyes and from that moment on there would be peace between man and goat.

Trump Card
Jun 25, 2008


rotor posted:

farm cats are the best cats

ctz posted:

pette all goattes

Pette all farms

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
ok but just fyi my war on geese will never end, no truce, no surrender

Boner Buffet
Feb 16, 2006

rotor posted:

ok but just fyi my war on geese will never end, no truce, no surrender

yes that hate runs too deep

PuTTY riot
Nov 16, 2002

rotor posted:

ok but just fyi my war on geese will never end, no truce, no surrender

i fully support this

Nov 13, 2007

what is that man doing to his colour palette?
Grimey Drawer

rotor posted:

as a general rule i despise goats but i must admit that baby goats are cute as hell
what did a goat ever do to you

Jan 3, 2001
What kind of a name is Pizza Organ! anyway?

Warren G. Farting posted:

we have the hardest time getting our cats to cuddle with each other :(

1. Move into an apartment with wood floors
2. Procrastinate on buying a couch
3. Keep the heat relatively low

this has resulted in a substantial increase in catpile frequency for me, ymmv

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

ChiralCondensate posted:

what did a goat ever do to you

jesus have you ever spent any time with actual non-petting farm goats?

PuTTY riot
Nov 16, 2002

rotor posted:

jesus have you ever spent any time with actual non-petting farm goats?

im a goat and im gonna chew on dis

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

American Jello posted:

im a goat and im gonna chew on dis

true for all values of dis

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
people didn't just represent Satan as goat for no goddamn reason you know

PuTTY riot
Nov 16, 2002

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

American Jello posted:


Jun 23, 2009

by Ozmaugh

rotor posted:

people didn't just represent Satan as goat for no goddamn reason you know

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

rotor posted:

people didn't just represent Satan as goat for no goddamn reason you know

huh. never thought of that

Bicycle SexFucker
Aug 15, 2007

I have zero interest in marriage.

graph posted:

huh. never thought of that

Goats that dont socialize with people much really are complete assholes. They have no real natural defenses besides running/biting/kicking, which really is weak poo poo.

They eat nearly everything and make gay sounds.

gently caress goats. An ex of mine got one as a back yard pet, I wanted to punch her in the face.

axolotl farmer
May 17, 2007

ᛗᚹᛊᛇᛖᛁᛃ loves you!

rotor posted:

jesus have you ever spent any time with actual non-petting farm goatse?

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts
ionno my total life experiences with goats has been ok?

my college buddy has a few on his parents ranch. they love to hop on poo poo and stare at you and make goat noises


Oct 24, 2010

aww yeah im on this burger and shit

Winner of the PWM POTM for March 2012
my cattes are old, like kidney failure old

and when they go, I will go down to the rescue centre and get another set of cats because that is what I feel is right

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