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Jan 1, 2005

want to fuzz her nosehairs *rubs finger on monitor*


mod sassinator
Dec 13, 2006
I came here to Kick Ass and Chew Bubblegum,
and I'm All out of Ass

Somebody fucked around with this message at 04:09 on Mar 10, 2011

Jun 23, 2009

by Ozmaugh
wth man :(

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

Vivian Darkbloom posted:

I found the handsomest cat in a gis for "handsome cat"

no. i posted him right up there.

rotor posted:

dont look now but its pascal

dee eight
Dec 18, 2002

The Spirit
of Maynard


Coffee Quack posted:

there are drugs that can slow some of that down you know, less shaving and maybe softer skin~

i drank 3 bottles of that rogaine stuff and nothing happened

not even a warm fuzzy feeling inside

May 12, 2010


johndis posted:

wth man :(

oh and ignore the part about the owl being sedated and at a vet

it died of respitory failure overnight

welp, cya

fork bomb
Apr 26, 2010


that's sad as gently caress, guy should be murdered

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
people who see harmless, helpless injured things and injure them further out of spite or whatever are basically broken human beings who should spend long years in some sort of forced reeducation camp.

vapid cutlery
Apr 17, 2007

"it's george costanza" ?>

that cat kinda looks like dekonim

yep it is

i am the japanese youtube cat master

vapid cutlery
Apr 17, 2007

"it's george costanza" ?>

rotor posted:

people who see harmless, helpless injured things and injure them further out of spite or whatever are basically broken human beings who should spend long years in some sort of forced reeducation camp.


Mar 28, 2004

All I needed was that fatty blunt...

King of Breakfast
seems like a footballer thing to do "get outta my field you pest we have a game going on" cant stop the clock you know

vapid cutlery
Apr 17, 2007

"it's george costanza" ?>

Sniep posted:

seems like a footballer thing to do "get outta my field you pest we have a game going on" cant stop the clock you know

teh owl is the other team's mascot

vapid cutlery
Apr 17, 2007

"it's george costanza" ?>
i guess i should say was, and change all instances of is to was on that owl's wikipedia page

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

ahhh spiders posted:

teh owl is the other team's mascot


well still though

vapid cutlery
Apr 17, 2007

"it's george costanza" ?>
owl vs cat. both animals fall asleep immediately

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
ill bet a big owl would eat a kitten

vapid cutlery
Apr 17, 2007

"it's george costanza" ?>
munchkin cat vainly swats at diving owl, its truncated limbs unable to defend it from the avian onslaught, serving only to adorify an otherwise pointless kitty death

Nov 11, 2001

unearth the posts of old
I hope so :twisted:

Quebec Bagnet
Apr 28, 2009

mess with the honk
you get the bonk
Lipstick Apathy
haven't seen this lil guy lately

Total Fat Guy posted:

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
i like it when your cats all purrin and then you squeeze him real hard right when he's breathing out and he purrs REAL LOUD LIKE AN ACCORDION on accident 'cause you squeezed him and then acts all embarrassed like he just cut one or something (which he will also sometimes do when you squeeze him)

mod sassinator
Dec 13, 2006
I came here to Kick Ass and Chew Bubblegum,
and I'm All out of Ass
i think the guy that nailed the poor thing with the ball is at fault too, i mean he's a pro soccer player and can kick a ball anywhere he pleases and that my friends was a straight shot into the owl

if it died of respiratory failure something tells me they used too many drugs on it to sedate it :(

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
too many owl drugs

Fayez Butts
Aug 24, 2006

i laughed at that owl vid cause i'm a terrible human being

and its fuckin hilarious

vapid cutlery
Apr 17, 2007

"it's george costanza" ?>

rotor posted:

i like it when your cats all purrin and then you squeeze him real hard right when he's breathing out and he purrs REAL LOUD LIKE AN ACCORDION on accident 'cause you squeezed him and then acts all embarrassed like he just cut one or something (which he will also sometimes do when you squeeze him)

do not play your cat like an accordion

Mar 28, 2004

All I needed was that fatty blunt...

King of Breakfast
ITV (in this video) i sound like im coming down with the flu and also mr. kitten tries to eat some baby back rib leftovers where i left a lot of meat on the bones

vapid cutlery
Apr 17, 2007

"it's george costanza" ?>

Sniep posted:

ITV (in this video) i sound like im coming down with the flu and also mr. kitten tries to eat some baby back rib leftovers where i left a lot of meat on the bones

now your cat has a taste for meat on bone

Mar 28, 2004

All I needed was that fatty blunt...

King of Breakfast

ahhh spiders posted:

now your cat has a taste for meat on bone

seems pretty natural to me

vapid cutlery
Apr 17, 2007

"it's george costanza" ?>

Bicycle SexFucker
Aug 15, 2007

I have zero interest in marriage.

mod sassinator posted:

yeah it's a 3mb gif, deal with it!!!

Boom headshot.

Dec 17, 2009

I am Grumpypuss

Sniep posted:

ITV (in this video) i sound like im coming down with the flu and also mr. kitten tries to eat some baby back rib leftovers where i left a lot of meat on the bones

mr. cat is all, can you believe this fat rear end? no control at all, i want some ribs too :catstare:

Oct 24, 2010

aww yeah im on this burger and shit

Winner of the PWM POTM for March 2012

Sniep posted:

ITV (in this video) i sound like im coming down with the flu and also mr. kitten tries to eat some baby back rib leftovers where i left a lot of meat on the bones

I just watched the video where mr kitten jumps off the sofa, runs around and mr cat slowly goes to investigate :3:

Jun 25, 2000


Sniep posted:

ITV (in this video) i sound like im coming down with the flu and also mr. kitten tries to eat some baby back rib leftovers where i left a lot of meat on the bones

Sniep you have my approval.

You also have been preapproved for all future Mr Cat and Mr Kitten posts!

axolotl farmer
May 17, 2007

ᛗᚹᛊᛇᛖᛁᛃ loves you!
sniep, forums poster Number-5 is ripping you off

Apr 26, 2006

mod sassinator posted:


soccer players are the ultimate gay

Somebody fucked around with this message at 04:10 on Mar 10, 2011

Boner Buffet
Feb 16, 2006
they're p. much the scum of the earth.

Apr 26, 2006
soccer players on bicycles: the worst possible things (together???

Oct 4, 2004

we have catte

Mr. Cat owns

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal

ahhh spiders posted:

do not play your cat like an accordion

axolotl farmer
May 17, 2007

ᛗᚹᛊᛇᛖᛁᛃ loves you!


Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

ahhh spiders posted:

do not play your cat like an accordion

my cat, my rules

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