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Dead Ken
May 29, 2009

by Fistgrrl
dubstep loving owns idiot



Dead Ken
May 29, 2009

by Fistgrrl
literally everyone loves dubstep except for old people posh people and shutins

Jun 19, 2004

Finally Living Rent Free
No, I'm sorry, you know those "sperglord human being nerds" you constantly rally against? Those are the only people who listen to, or even know what dubstep is.

Dead Ken
May 29, 2009

by Fistgrrl
lmao where do you live.

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong
please tell us more about scrubstep dead ken

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
dubstep another type of techno

attempting to subcategorize lovely electronic music is a fruitless endeavor as techno's only real valid place is a gay club or any party where people are on ecstasy

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!


Dubstep, the last trend in terrible nerd music.

this is how i read this, and i got really excited, then i realized i'd misread and got said

Feb 13, 2006

by Ozmaugh

krylex posted:

dubstep another type of techno

attempting to subcategorize lovely electronic music is a fruitless endeavor as techno's only real valid place is a gay club or any party where people are on ecstasy

May 29, 2007

Dubstep is pretty gay and I say this as a man in underwear browsing a forum thread about cat pictures on a Sunday morning

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
yes, let's all let ourselves be trolled by deadken

May 29, 2007

rotor posted:

yes, let's all let ourselves be trolled by deadken

Yospos was a subforum which could start from an off-topic discussion and shift to a nerd rage-filled serious discussion in half a page to begin with. With or without dead ken anyway.

Apr 26, 2004

my cat is dumb and kept eatin crumbs off the kitchen floor while I was cleaning out my fridge

then she barfed on the kitchen floor which is OK because I was about to mop after that anyway. good kitty

Sep 24, 2003

clown is watching you sleep

MononcQc posted:

Yospos was a subforum which could start from an off-topic discussion and shift to a nerd rage-filled serious discussion in half a page to begin with. With or without dead ken anyway.

god i'm so fuckin angry about dubstep

Jan 24, 2005

Soiled Meat

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

Jo posted:

Aug 22, 2002

Jo posted:

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal

Jo posted:

Sep 24, 2003

clown is watching you sleep
sunlight is like kryptonite for cats

Only registered members can see post attachments!

May 29, 2007

8ender posted:

god i'm so fuckin angry about dubstep

im literally sweating with anger

Dead Ken
May 29, 2009

by Fistgrrl

krylex posted:

dubstep another type of techno

attempting to subcategorize lovely electronic music is a fruitless endeavor as techno's only real valid place is a gay club or any party where people are on ecstasy

why would you so proudly proclaim your ignorance

Dead Ken
May 29, 2009

by Fistgrrl

fishmech posted:

please tell us more about scrubstep dead ken

you have asperger's syndrome. lmao

Richard M. Nixon
Jun 7, 2006

Don't get the impression that you arouse my anger. You see, one can only be angry with those he respects.
Ken I know you love to trawl yospos but please, this is a cat thread and I'm placing it under my protection

Dead Ken
May 29, 2009

by Fistgrrl
dubstep goes best w/ ket imo not e

Dead Ken
May 29, 2009

by Fistgrrl

Richard M. Nixon posted:

Ken I know you love to trawl yospos but please, this is a cat thread and I'm placing it under my protection

it can be about cats and dubstep.

Richard M. Nixon
Jun 7, 2006

Don't get the impression that you arouse my anger. You see, one can only be angry with those he respects.

Dead Ken posted:

it can be about cats and dubstep.

Dead Ken
May 29, 2009

by Fistgrrl

Richard M. Nixon posted:

Dead Ken
May 29, 2009

by Fistgrrl
where is ~ these days anyway

Richard M. Nixon
Jun 7, 2006

Don't get the impression that you arouse my anger. You see, one can only be angry with those he respects.
he's got an alt

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

CB chillin on the sun porch.

Oct 13, 2005

agg stop posting
College Slice
cross eyed cat owns

Tom Collins
Aug 25, 2000

crouton is a lump

Only registered members can see post attachments!

z0rge Costanza
Jul 30, 2006

My's shit Jerry! Shit!

Jo posted:

Blotto Skorzany
Nov 7, 2008

He's a PSoC, loose and runnin'
came the whisper from each lip
And he's here to do some business with
the bad ADC on his chip
bad ADC on his chiiiiip

Tom Collins posted:

crouton is a lump

post crouton kitten pics again tia

Tom Collins
Aug 25, 2000

Otto Skorzeny posted:

post crouton kitten pics again tia

you could probly just go back to the beginning of the thread

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

Tom Collins posted:

you could probly just go back to the beginning of the thread

i don't think i can do that tom

Blotto Skorzany
Nov 7, 2008

He's a PSoC, loose and runnin'
came the whisper from each lip
And he's here to do some business with
the bad ADC on his chip
bad ADC on his chiiiiip
i just clicked the question mark on toms name instead

Tom Collins posted:

ok. hopefully no reposts.

some more of him from last year as a kitten:

he likes the smell of sushi but not the taste

he likes my plasma but now he is too big so i don't let him up there anymore

this is maybe six months old then so he started getting even fluffier

he liked to go outside in the summer.

on canada day (july 1) he went up on the railing:

...and then somehow fell off! I was out of the house at the time but the wife was home and she was about to leave when she got a strange feeling and went to check around for him and couldn't find him. so then I went on a mad cat hunt to look for him. but he was a smart little boy and hid on one of the patios directly beneath my deck (only second floor). I didn't find him for about half an hour because he was really well hidden, but he was okay. He still goes on the railing; I figure if he ever falls again he'll go to the same place so it's not that big of a deal.


Panty Saluter
Jan 17, 2004

Making learning fun!

just poastin morph ball cat itt

Aw fuck.
Jun 30, 2007

Using Ubuntu
is awesome
My cat is doin p well on kittenwar

Oct 13, 2005

agg stop posting
College Slice


Jan 1, 2005

hah did they gently caress up the carpet?

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