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Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Kirk posted:

what is best in life

to pet kitties, to scratch them behind the ear, and to hear the yowling of their butts being paddled



Jun 23, 2009

by Ozmaugh

Kirk posted:

what is best in life

to pet kitties, to scratch them behind the ear, and to hear the yowling of their butts being paddled

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Kirk posted:

what is best in life

to pet kitties, to scratch them behind the ear, and to hear the yowling of their butts being paddled

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

those own, but CB absolutely loves when you scratch his chin, he'll stretch his neck out and go absolutely nuts for it :3:

Aug 10, 2004

by Ozma

Casao posted:

those own, but CB absolutely loves when you scratch his chin, he'll stretch his neck out and go absolutely nuts for it :3:
My grouchy bad attitude Isabelle loves the chin scratch too. For just a couple minutes then she hates everyone again.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer

cat is a tactical genius

A Wheezy Steampunk
Jul 16, 2006

High School Grads Eligible!

Trig Discipline posted:

cat is a tactical genius

holy cow

Binary Badger
Oct 11, 2005

Trolling Link for a decade

there is a GIF version somewhere but basically the same thing just skip to 00:25

cat swats dog then nonchalantly licks its paw

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer
dog's lucky he didn't run up against the DOUBLE CATVASE

unleash the unicorn
Dec 23, 2004

If this boat were sinking, I'd give my life to save you. Only because I like you, for reasons and standards of my own. But I couldn't and wouldn't live for you.
I too love getting high with my cat dog and son

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

unleash the unicorn posted:

I too love getting high with my cat dog and son

ugh, this

talk show ghost
Mar 2, 2006

by Ozma
futurama is back you nerds

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer

talk show ghost posted:

futurama is back you nerds

not for a few hours yet

Mar 20, 2009

by XyloJW

talk show ghost posted:

futurama is back you nerds

"The poop-eradication is but one aspect of your importance."

Jun 11, 2006

FFE or die trying

cat gets feet cut off, gets new bionic ones made :3:

Oct 13, 2005

agg stop posting
College Slice
That owns bones

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
that's cool and everything and i'm happy for the cat but I think we've let our expectations of what we see associated with the word "bionic" to slide more that just a little bit.

got dat wmd
Apr 28, 2009
Surgical high-five dude! :c00l:

nothing much "bionic" about it, but aren't they concerned that the metal sticking out won't pose a problem in the future? isn't that why they don't do that directly for people?

Edit: they coulda at least painted the stumps instead of just using tape. :(

z0rge Costanza
Jul 30, 2006

My's shit Jerry! Shit!

rotor posted:

that's cool and everything and i'm happy for the cat but I think we've let our expectations of what we see associated with the word "bionic" to slide more that just a little bit.

hurf durf imma professor of bioflurglurburgel lemme duct tape this poo poo i got this man :cmon:

z0rge Costanza
Jul 30, 2006

My's shit Jerry! Shit!
i LITERALLY said out loud "are you loving kidding me?" when i saw the "bionic" feet

Jun 11, 2006

FFE or die trying

rotor posted:

that's cool and everything and i'm happy for the cat but I think we've let our expectations of what we see associated with the word "bionic" to slide more that just a little bit.

Yeah i didn't know what to use but it said bionic in the headline so it must be true i figured.

also i could do with one of them for my cat:

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
i enjoyed sitting through an "advert" on the "telly" though, it was kind of an anglo moment for me so woot

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

0staf posted:

Yeah i didn't know what to use but it said bionic in the headline so it must be true i figured.

also i could do with one of them for my cat:

yo cat got no tai ... oh

Aug 8, 2005

What wozatar?

rotor posted:


Apr 26, 2006

Kirk posted:

what is best in life

to pet kitties, to scratch them behind the ear, and to hear the yowling of their butts being paddled

cattes own. gotta pet dem all.

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

z0ratio hornblower posted:

i LITERALLY said out loud "are you loving kidding me?" when i saw the "bionic" feet

*attaches something non organic onto something organic*


*old person smiles as they read the feelgood article*

Binary Badger
Oct 11, 2005

Trolling Link for a decade

heres a non flash version if you hate flash or are on an iphoneypaddy device

here da bionical cat, he is pulling a Buick LeSabre attached by string to his front paw:

Binary Badger fucked around with this message at 14:15 on Jun 25, 2010

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

0staf posted:

Yeah i didn't know what to use but it said bionic in the headline so it must be true i figured.

also i could do with one of them for my cat:

3 legged animals, though a little :smith:, own bones, this is a yosfact

Boner Buffet
Feb 16, 2006

talk show ghost posted:

futurama is back you nerds

it is?

A Wheezy Steampunk
Jul 16, 2006

High School Grads Eligible!

InferiorWang posted:

it is?

A Wheezy Steampunk
Jul 16, 2006

High School Grads Eligible!
seriously though the movies were garbage so i'm waiting for other people to tell me the if the new show is any good

A Wheezy Steampunk
Jul 16, 2006

High School Grads Eligible!
it's me the guy who relies on other people to make television decisions

Mar 20, 2009

by XyloJW

clockwork sundial posted:

seriously though the movies were garbage so i'm waiting for other people to tell me the if the new show is any good

the movies were not very funny

the new episodes were very funny

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer

LT.CrownRoast posted:

the movies were not very funny

the new episodes were very funny

yeah, pretty much

i thought the pacing was off on the first three movies. i didn't think they were awful, but i didn't like them as much as the show. the new eps were much more like the old show, which is awesome

Jun 23, 2009

by Ozmaugh

LT.CrownRoast posted:

the movies were not very funny

the new episodes were very funny

first one wasnt as good imo

second ep tho...holy poo poo

A Wheezy Steampunk
Jul 16, 2006

High School Grads Eligible!
well that's good to know :unsmith:

Boner Buffet
Feb 16, 2006

unleash the unicorn
Dec 23, 2004

If this boat were sinking, I'd give my life to save you. Only because I like you, for reasons and standards of my own. But I couldn't and wouldn't live for you.
they replaced funny with sex imo

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

unleash the unicorn posted:

they replaced funny with sex imo

gently caress, i gotta get cable


Aug 22, 2002

Kirk posted:

what is best in life

to pet kitties, to scratch them behind the ear, and to hear the yowling of their butts being paddled

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