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Tom Collins
Aug 25, 2000


Dash O Nails.


also snype :todd:


Feb 6, 2003
steak cat

Jun 19, 2004

Finally Living Rent Free

Tom Collins posted:


also snype :todd:

Tom o'Collins

Oct 12, 2008

this is what happens when you take UI design away from engineers and give it to a bunch of hipster art student "designers"

Sep 22, 2003

ctz posted:

steak cat

how did you let this happen

Oct 12, 2008

this is what happens when you take UI design away from engineers and give it to a bunch of hipster art student "designers"

Sep 22, 2003
did that cat get spayed recently

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

Janin posted:


this catte is oolong reincarnated

Aw fuck.
Jun 30, 2007

Using Ubuntu
is awesome

Janin posted:

these are the exact two (out of the three) cats that are in my house but mine absolutely hate each other. Well big one hates little one and little one hates being hissed at.

Panty Saluter
Jan 17, 2004

Making learning fun!

bamzilla posted:

Fixed again. I noticed it but didn't realize it was bush, thought it was a bikini bottom or something since it's a pinup chick!

youtube doesn't seem to care so i don't know why we would. just taking the piss v:v:v

Aw fuck.
Jun 30, 2007

Using Ubuntu
is awesome
sum cats

Bing the Noize
Dec 21, 2008

by The Finn

Lum posted:

frinkle frinkle far

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

Lum posted:

quotin this again because lol

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer

Jewish Pokemon posted:

sum cats


Fayez Butts
Aug 24, 2006

this is my cat

she name is Chesapeake. she was the runt of the litter and we found her in our next-door neighbor's back yard, two days old and tangled in her umbilical cord. Now she's about twelve years old and hasn't grown much

she doesn't care much for my antics

lump mode activated

Aw fuck.
Jun 30, 2007

Using Ubuntu
is awesome

Trig Discipline posted:


there's actually only two :ssh:

fork bomb
Apr 26, 2010


Janin posted:


basket cat is mostly happy.

Trupost: we had to put down my 15 yo Golden Retriever on Monday. :(

Since he's been gone, my catte has been weird about entering the house. Like she knows something's not kosher.

Jan 24, 2005

Soiled Meat

fork bomb posted:

basket cat is mostly happy.

Trupost: we had to put down my 15 yo Golden Retriever on Monday. :(

Since he's been gone, my catte has been weird about entering the house. Like she knows something's not kosher.

I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope you can find solace in the pastel colored tatters of memories past.

Goondolences. :smith::hf::smith:

Jo fucked around with this message at 04:48 on Jul 2, 2010

Fayez Butts
Aug 24, 2006

fork bomb posted:

basket cat is mostly happy.

Trupost: we had to put down my 15 yo Golden Retriever on Monday. :(

Since he's been gone, my catte has been weird about entering the house. Like she knows something's not kosher.

That's no fun. My step-grandmother has to put down her two cats since her husband died and she's moving into an apartment. Apparently adoptions are at an all time low and the cats are both 10 years old so it'd be tough to find a loving family.

fork bomb
Apr 26, 2010


Fayez Butts posted:

That's no fun. My step-grandmother has to put down her two cats since her husband died and she's moving into an apartment. Apparently adoptions are at an all time low and the cats are both 10 years old so it'd be tough to find a loving family.

Eh that's super sad, like make me cry sad. All critters should have a home. Both my catte and my rabbit were an adoption; critters losing their homes bc of old age is the saddest thing ever.

My old man Bo Bo Head continued to be an amazing dog up till the end. He was just old. He still loved all pets and attention.

I hope that your step-grandma put her cats into adoption agencies rather than an "end of the road" place. Old cattes are great.

fork bomb
Apr 26, 2010


Jo posted:

I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope you can find solace in the pascal colored tatters of memories past.

Goondolences. :smith::hf::smith:

thank you jo

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Jo posted:

I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope you can find solace in the pascal colored tatters of memories past.

Goondolences. :smith::hf::smith:

heh, pascal

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

fishmech posted:

heh, pascal

pascal is the kittenne on the left

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

rotor posted:

pascal is the kittenne on the left

computer joek

fork bomb
Apr 26, 2010


fishmech posted:

computer joek

cuteness softens the bwah

Mar 4, 2008


rotor posted:

pascal is the kittenne on the left

is the other one ada

tony police
Sep 22, 2006

please stop posting sad things in this thread :(

tony police
Sep 22, 2006

old but good video:

Jun 19, 2004

Finally Living Rent Free

Dash O Pepper posted:

please stop posting sad things in this thread :(

Dash O Sorrow.

Mar 28, 2004

All I needed was that fatty blunt...

King of Breakfast

Dash O Pepper posted:

old but good video:

thats a funny video but they are talking in anime speak and also subtitling in anime speak, idgi

Oct 22, 2005

I'll eat your fucking eyeballs if you're not careful

Grimey Drawer

Lum posted:


Boner Buffet
Feb 16, 2006
cidrick, please email tech support and tell them to give us byob so we can post in comic sans and have the lazy catte

Jul 15, 2005

Dash O Pepper posted:

please stop posting sad things in this thread :(
so you know that gray torti i keep posting? she had three kittens. well she had five but she was small and barely a year old so two of them died within a week. three of them made it and gave me lots of windowsill divebombs, kitty piles, and purrs and turds. and flashlight beam chasing in the night.

billygoat was the little attention whore, constantly meowing, rubbing on you, demanding pets. shes a little cat, ten years old but still basically looks and acts like a kitten. grace was the runt of the litter, even smaller and very coy. she would kind of walk up to you and demand pets and then walk back and forth under your hand purring. then there was spooky. she never likes to let any people get near her or touch her and shes totally freaked out, like, all the time. i think there is something wrong with her eyes, because they always seem dilated. so i could see if tall moving noisy things look scary, even if they dole out the food.

one day i walked into my studio and grace was sitting underneath the shelf. i looked down at her and said "hi sweetie what are you doing in here?" she stood up, came out from under the shelf, and collapsed. shes two years old. panic! i picked her up and took her to the couch. she was very lethargic. it was 7 pm. i got out the phone book and called the vet emergency place on western near belmont. they diagnosed over the phone (white gums), bring her in. ok ok. i called a friend with a car and we took grace to the hospital.

we got there and they took her in and we sat in the waiting room for, idk, half an hour. they called us to the back. there she was in a cage, the kind with the wire bottom (no loving cardboard or anything). i was too loving distraught to think right. they told me they would have to do some work or something, i should go home for now. ok. so i reached into the cage to pet her. she meowed really insistently. "its ok" i told her "everythings going to be alright." her eyes had spots of blood in them.

2 in the morning i get a phone call, they have found her body only has one third of the blood it needs (she is anemic). ok do something.

in the morning, when the sun was up, i call again or they call or i go back, i forget. grace is dead. i dont know if they didnt have any loving blood or what but on the paperwork actually beginning a transfusion is not documented. her body was so stiff and it seemed weirdly bigger.

i go out, i can take the body or they will cremate it (for an extra sixty dollars). four hundred for the treatment + 60. im honestly not sure how much money is in my bank account right now. "im not sure if this check will go through" i said. my voice was shaking, im kind of loving freaked out right now, sorry? the lady at the desk yelled at me and told me i was committing fraud. i didnt say anything that i remember, i just gave her the check but seriously? well gee you loving biTCH IM SORRY YOU DIDNT loving SAVE MY CAT AND STILL CHARGING ME A TON OF MONEY FOR NOTHING, FOR PUTTING HER IN AN UNCOMFORTABLE CAGE FOR THE LAST FEW HOURS OF HER LIFE AND DOING JACK poo poo FOR HER. SHE KNEW SHE WAS GOING TO DIE. THATS WHY SHE loving HID UNDER THE SHELF. YOU KNEW SHE WAS GOING TO DIE BUT YOU JUST WANTED loving MONEY. SHE KNEW SHE WAS GOING TO DIE AND SHE WANTED TO COME BACK HOME WITH ME BUT I WAS TOO STUPID AND I GOT loving SCAMMED BY YOU BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO FIX HER gently caress YOU who is the loving fraudulent one. and ive been up all night worrying and rightly so because you pieces of poo poo did a bad loving job

i went back home and i sat on the couch to cry some more and all the other cats came around. like a little gathering, well you know how cats do that. and they clearly knew that grace was gone. and spooky sat on my lap for the first time ever. :unsmith:

oh so the moral of the story is loving avoid chicago veterinary emergency services at all loving costs

nail fucked around with this message at 18:33 on Jul 1, 2010

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
gently caress nononononon

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal
gonna go give the office cat a hug now

Fayez Butts
Aug 24, 2006

too many sad stories here's me messing with my cat in video form watch that poo poo in hd yo

Binary Badger
Oct 11, 2005

Trolling Link for a decade

^^^ drat that cat is chill

ive learned that whenever a vet says your cat has to stay with them there's a 75% chance your cat is gonna die

just rescued a kitty off the street but pics are gonna have to wait til he gets a proper bath and worms stop dropping out of his rear end

unleash the unicorn
Dec 23, 2004

If this boat were sinking, I'd give my life to save you. Only because I like you, for reasons and standards of my own. But I couldn't and wouldn't live for you.
What are cats called that have grey and black stripes

A Wheezy Steampunk
Jul 16, 2006

High School Grads Eligible!

unleash the unicorn posted:

What are cats called that have grey and black stripes

gray and black striped cats


Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

unleash the unicorn posted:

What are cats called that have grey and black stripes

:eng101: silver american shorthairs

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