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OwlBot 2000
Jun 1, 2009
There are tons of "Sisters Clones" out there, but one that I feel gets overlooked a lot is The Merry Thoughts. Yeah, the vocal style is very similar to Eldritch's, but I think the instrumentation is quite a bit different and sounds more like a later 2nd wave act like Rosetta Stone than Sisters.

Anyway, I think they're pretty cool. Cliche lyrics, etc. but I think it works pretty well:

And another:

edit: Gothsnipe


Mar 14, 2007

CAT rear end now!!! posted:

Apparently Stefan Ackermann of Das Ich is seriously sick and hospitalized, and they don't know if he'll be able to recover fully. That guy's never had it easy :smith:

I guess The Lord decided to finally punish him for worshiping Satan so much.

Can't beat God...

a cyborg mug
Mar 8, 2010

In better news Project Pitchfork is working on a new album that'll be released at the end of summer and will be titled Quantum Mechanics. Also another Santa Hates You album for us Spilles-obsessed bastards.

Goddamn, if Quantum Mechanics turns out to be anywhere close as good as Continuum Ride I'll probably just poo poo my loving pants. Continuum Ride was gooooooooood.

Oct 11, 2004

You might surprise yourself.
These versions of these songs are for Doom specifically, but its by my fake band I'm gonna make a thread about soon:

Pope Guilty
Nov 6, 2006

The human animal is a beautiful and terrible creature, capable of limitless compassion and unfathomable cruelty.

Quirk posted:

These versions of these songs are for Doom specifically, but its by my fake band I'm gonna make a thread about soon:

Aw man, I can't wait to give you money.

Apr 25, 2003

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.

Quirk posted:

These versions of these songs are for Doom specifically, but its by my fake band I'm gonna make a thread about soon:

Wow, this rules. Better than coffee at 7am.

Edit: Wow,even better and better!

This single-handedly made a lovely morning into an awesome one

Sloppy fucked around with this message at 14:33 on Jun 21, 2011

May 25, 2010

The new Skinny Puppy is done and is called hanDover

The title sounds very OhGr-ish like everything else these days.

On the brighter side Ogre and Rave are back on good terms even if cEvin and Rave might not be.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
I've been a fan of all of Quirk's stuff.

Except his trolling for boobs on forums.

Nov 11, 2003

King of Suck!
I've been a fan of all of Quirk's stuff except for the part where he doesn't tell anyone how he made those sounds sound so good. All the other parts are great.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
I hate that Quirk makes me rape Youtube with constant playing.

Jun 6, 2004

~cant take my eyes off u~

Twiin posted:

Ladies and sirs of SA, I present to you my greatest work:

I had to pretend to be my friend's husband to get a very drunk Eskil from Covenant to stop hitting on her. It didn't really work. Instead, he challenged me to a duel. A chess duel.

Are you an AZ local? So crazy to be browsing the SA industrial thread looking for random new music and seeing a picture of Colleen! Small world.

Dickbutt Ouroboros
Nov 13, 2002

Son of a bitch!

Zaiquiri, did you ever find anything good in Portland?

Also, this thread needs more noize:

Nov 11, 2003

King of Suck!

Hexas posted:

Are you an AZ local? So crazy to be browsing the SA industrial thread looking for random new music and seeing a picture of Colleen! Small world.

Nope, I'm Canadian. But I played a show in AZ in the fall, and Colleen was DJing. So now she's my buddy and occasional fake girlfriend.

Mar 14, 2007

handbandit posted:

Zaiquiri, did you ever find anything good in Portland?

Dead When I Found Her is pretty good, as well as 16Volt of course. Dead Animal Assembly plant wasn't bad, reminded me somewhat of Angelspit. There is this one 40-year-old goth dude in Portland who does really, really terrible industrial music and in his videos he drinks blood with his girlfriend, if you want a laugh.

Dickbutt Ouroboros
Nov 13, 2002

Son of a bitch!

I NEED a link to that.

Apparently The Lovecraft is where it all happens these days. All the other ind/goth nights in town are dead from what I've seen lately.

Pope Guilty
Nov 6, 2006

The human animal is a beautiful and terrible creature, capable of limitless compassion and unfathomable cruelty.
I saw the Lovecraft's website, it looks like a really awesome bar.

Oct 11, 2004

You might surprise yourself.

Godmachine posted:

I've been a fan of all of Quirk's stuff.

Except his trolling for boobs on forums.

Canni is this you here? I couldn't remember if you were a goon or not.

Twiin posted:

I've been a fan of all of Quirk's stuff except for the part where he doesn't tell anyone how he made those sounds sound so good. All the other parts are great.

Its all FLstudio. I played Mario Paint alot. It's just taken an eternity to figure out how to not make it sound like it. Also my computers are never really powerful so I have to work within a bunch of limitations.

Edit - also Dean Garcia helped with the songwriting so they might have sucked without him

Quirk fucked around with this message at 20:40 on Jun 24, 2011

Oct 9, 2002

Dean Garcia ... of Curve? :swoon:

Oct 11, 2004

You might surprise yourself.
Yep. Been helping here and there for the last couple years. I've met a lot of people in the scene that were really influential in shaping my sound growing up, some said they might be down to help finish this album, I feel very privileged :)

Speaking of, I'm working on the youtube art. It's coming along nicley, but they still scream "generic industrial band" so I got a few ideas to tinker with. All the empty space is reserved for a background photo of me cosplaying some anime catboy thing with a guitar. Spent all drat night on these, might as well show them before I throw them out:

Quirk fucked around with this message at 05:57 on Jun 25, 2011

Mar 14, 2007

handbandit posted:

I NEED a link to that.

Apparently The Lovecraft is where it all happens these days. All the other ind/goth nights in town are dead from what I've seen lately.

The Fez and Plan B have ok goth nights I guess. I'm not really into dressing goth and poo poo so I'm not super experienced in the scene.

And I can't remember the guy's name at the moment. It was something super ridiculous like Azreal Stein or whatever. I'll ask my friend who remixed some of his awful songs (and made them tolerable) what he is called. He covered Einstürzende Neubauten and it's so, so bad.

May 6, 2007

Do as I say, not as I do.

Quirk posted:

"The Matrix"

Quirk posted:

"Ghost in a Shell meets Final Fantasy"

Quirk posted:

"KMFDM Symbols"
Keep this one.

Also, don't do the anime cat boy thing. If you must have some anime reference get something from the 80's, or something in the 90's that still took itself seriously.

Nov 5, 2008

I've got tiiits that swingle dangle dingle

The first one was overwhelmingly "Resident Evil" for me. That font just has too strong of connotations for people (be it Matrix or RE or whatever). I like the last one.

Oct 11, 2004

You might surprise yourself.

13Pandora13 posted:

The first one was overwhelmingly "Resident Evil" for me. That font just has too strong of connotations for people (be it Matrix or RE or whatever). I like the last one.

yea I know but I just had so much fun with that one.

P.M.F. posted:

"The Matrix"

"Ghost in a Shell meets Final Fantasy"

"KMFDM Symbols"
Keep this one.

Also, don't do the anime cat boy thing. If you must have some anime reference get something from the 80's, or something in the 90's that still took itself seriously.

Those are the old symbols I just had them on hand. The symbols are now currently the 8 Bit ones. My fake band needs that extra layer of weird so I spent the last year making a fanime charecter. I won't do anything unless I know for sure I can without it looking stupid, I made a hilariously bad music video a few years ago that will forever remind me how not to do something.

Quirk fucked around with this message at 16:55 on Jun 25, 2011

Jul 31, 2007

"I'll just get a glass of orange juice." "no no no NO NO!!!"
I'm not saying this just because I want you to resample the whole song again, but I liked the original orchestra hits a lot more!

Nov 11, 2003

King of Suck!

13Pandora13 posted:

The first one was overwhelmingly "Resident Evil" for me. That font just has too strong of connotations for people (be it Matrix or RE or whatever).

Same here. I can really only see RE when I look at it.

May 6, 2007

Do as I say, not as I do.

Quirk posted:

...I won't do anything unless I know for sure I can without it looking stupid...

Understood, looking forward to your success.

Oct 11, 2004

You might surprise yourself.
I've done so many remakes I have no idea whats the original you're referring to but nothings finalized I can just tweak something. Thanks for the feedback, I'm going to be treading some dangerous ground but I like it so:


Just now noticed, no it wasn't intentional. God drat that's embarrassing. Ooh and I got some more ideas.

Edit 2, now it's getting there. It's doing that thing where it makes me feel uneasy looking at it like it's hipster bullshit, so I know I'm doing this right. I don't suppose anyone knows where to find some good emo textures?

Quirk fucked around with this message at 02:27 on Jun 28, 2011

Apr 25, 2003

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.

Misspelled 'violent' there, unless it was on purpose :v:

Nov 11, 2003

King of Suck!

handbandit posted:

Zaiquiri, did you ever find anything good in Portland?

Portland crew: Corrosion Records is closing. From the FB page:


The shop is closing! so come on down and enjoy 30% off new cds and 60% off used cds! this sale only applies to 2010 stock and below! we will resort to vending and selling online after this! we are open till 9pm tonight! final day is weds!

That sucks hard. I loved that little place. You should go go go and buy everything.

Mar 14, 2007

Twiin posted:

Portland crew: Corrosion Records is closing. From the FB page:

That sucks hard. I loved that little place. You should go go go and buy everything.

Agghhhh I'm hella broke. Like I have to pay all my bills and poo poo to pay and my next payday is next Thurdsay. awesome timing

Dickbutt Ouroboros
Nov 13, 2002

Son of a bitch!

Laaaaame! If I wasn't puking all over the place with the flu I'd go.

Oct 11, 2004

You might surprise yourself.
I need to know one last thing from you guys: how viscerally angry or disgusted does this image style make you? This is important. The emo is not me.

Dec 30, 2005

Politeness costs nothing

Quirk posted:

I need to know one last thing from you guys: how viscerally angry or disgusted does this image style make you? This is important. The emo is not me.

Still can't believe you're sticking with the RE font. You might as well name your band NarutoXxXSephiroth for the social cues that image gives. (unless that's the post ironic point)

Nov 11, 2003

King of Suck!
It has kind of crossed some weird too-ridiculous uncanny valley so that it isn't aesthetically offensive anymore. Now it's like a good GBS 'photoshop fake jpop album covers' post.

Oct 11, 2004

You might surprise yourself.

Twiin posted:

It has kind of crossed some weird too-ridiculous uncanny valley so that it isn't aesthetically offensive anymore. Now it's like a good GBS 'photoshop fake jpop album covers' post.

boo_radley posted:

Still can't believe you're sticking with the RE font. You might as well name your band NarutoXxXSephiroth for the social cues that image gives. (unless that's the post ironic point)

Dec 30, 2005

Politeness costs nothing
Welp, I guess this means I'm old.

edit: electrollpop?

Sep 22, 2009

Nightly dance
of bleeding swords

It looks like you are starting a Deadsy tribute band.

Doctor Zero
Sep 21, 2002

Would you like a jelly baby?
It's been in my pocket through 4 regenerations,
but it's still good.

Quirk posted:

I need to know one last thing from you guys: how viscerally angry or disgusted does this image style make you? This is important. The emo is not me.

Should be "Hyper-Violent Porno Cartoon." Unless you really do mean that it's hyper and violent like some kind of ADD psychopath.

Jose Mengelez
Sep 11, 2001

by Azathoth

Quirk posted:

I need to know one last thing from you guys: how viscerally angry or disgusted does this image style make you? This is important. The emo is not me.

That's loving vile. I love it.


May 25, 2010

Quirk posted:

I need to know one last thing from you guys: how viscerally angry or disgusted does this image style make you? This is important. The emo is not me.

It doesn't me mad, persay, but it definitely communicates that whatever it's stamped on is not something I'd be interested in.

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