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Danger - Octopus!
Apr 20, 2008

Nap Ghost

hatelull posted:

I mean, sure if a song like that dropped in 2024 but it was 1989 and they were thriving on samples in that period. They even did a call back to that track on Last Rights.

hell no, I still love tracks filled with movie samples (mostly cause I rock that vibe too). I kinda feel a lot of artists are afraid of copyright strikes for it tho so you don't get it much from anyone who has dreams of getting even a hint of popularity.

Edit: movie samples where it's not the same limited pool of 80s sci-fi/horror classics. I am definitely over bored of anything that uses ones I've heard a million times before, and it was wild hearing an overused Aliens sample but in some new industrial techno thing that came out last summer.

Danger - Octopus! fucked around with this message at 16:35 on Feb 6, 2024


Oct 29, 2004

I get it, I like the samples too. I just don't understand the hot take on "Rivers" being a genre parody.

Danger - Octopus!
Apr 20, 2008

Nap Ghost

hatelull posted:

I get it, I like the samples too. I just don't understand the hot take on "Rivers" being a genre parody.

Oops, I quoted you but I meant to quote Thotsky! Agreeing with you on it :v:

Jun 7, 2005

hot to trot
I do like the track, it's just funny.

May 26, 2001


Danger - Octopus! posted:

hell no, I still love tracks filled with movie samples (mostly cause I rock that vibe too). I kinda feel a lot of artists are afraid of copyright strikes for it tho so you don't get it much from anyone who has dreams of getting even a hint of popularity.

Edit: movie samples where it's not the same limited pool of 80s sci-fi/horror classics. I am definitely over bored of anything that uses ones I've heard a million times before, and it was wild hearing an overused Aliens sample but in some new industrial techno thing that came out last summer.

I hadn't watched Aliens in years so when I watched it recently and got to "Well, I bet Casey doesn't have scary dreams" I had actually forgotten where it was from and it was just that sample from Homes and Gardens.

Artists got scared off/bored of using as many movie samples in the 90s, then we got a boatload of Bush samples in the 2000s. At least we're getting back to some creative samples again. Leaether Strip worked a bunch of new ones into his Skinny Puppy covers instead of just reusing the same ones, the new Cyberaktif has some, and a few others.

My favorite less popular samples remains the samples Clock DVA used from Something Wicked This Way Comes which are on the level of Mindphaser in just completely making a song. And then there is the "Here's to the Thrillseekers..." sample that Abscess used in Thrillseeker and I've heard in a couple other songs and have no idea where it is from.

Apr 24, 2010

Dead When I Found Her puts in a lot of samples too. Some are immediately obvious (“oh that’s Shutter Island”) but others are more obscure like The Visitor (I pointed at the screen like Leo when one character said “thank you for treating me like a normal person… but I’m not a normal person”)

Danger - Octopus!
Apr 20, 2008

Nap Ghost

david_a posted:

Dead When I Found Her puts in a lot of samples too. Some are immediately obvious (“oh that’s Shutter Island”) but others are more obscure like The Visitor (I pointed at the screen like Leo when one character said “thank you for treating me like a normal person… but I’m not a normal person”)

It's great when you're watching old black and white monster movies and suddenly one of those classic industrial samples happens

Jan 5, 2005

Exquisite Corpse

Danger - Octopus! posted:

It's great when you're watching old black and white monster movies and suddenly one of those classic industrial samples happens

Or agonizing when you recognize the line but then can't remember which song it's from and end up spending hours listening through old records trying to find it!

Pope Guilty
Nov 6, 2006

The human animal is a beautiful and terrible creature, capable of limitless compassion and unfathomable cruelty.

Danger - Octopus! posted:

It's great when you're watching old black and white monster movies and suddenly one of those classic industrial samples happens

Finally seeing Jacob's Ladder was an experience.

Sep 28, 2005

Wassup, Choom?
Ya need sumthin'?
I watched Terminator 1 and 2 again the other year after not watching in over ten and it was just sonic deja vu

Oct 9, 2002

I still need to watch Six Feet Under for the Battery Cage samples.

My main band for sample shock though is PWEI. Often caught me off guard, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest notably.

Apr 24, 2010

There used to be a site that catalogued & ranked industrial bands based on their samples. It sadly died like 15+ years ago. There was a points system involved, something like 3 points for a recognizable vocal sample, 1 point for a sound effect, etc. I single-handedly raised Mentallo & The Fixer from like 15th to 3rd place :ninja:

Pretty sure Skinny Puppy was #1, don’t quite recall #2. FLA was in the top five I think but I don’t think it was them.

May 27, 2004

Blessed be the tailors
The masks are cut to fit

Blessed be the woodworkers
The crosses and the gallows

Blessed be the forgers of iron
And the spikes and the barbwire

Blessed be the stone cutters
It took a quarry to bury the dreams
Can’t talk about movie samples without mentioning Velvet Acid Christ. He was so lousy about it, one poster on said something to the effect of, “congrats to VAC member Brad Pitt on the success of his new movie.” The song “Pray For Life” for example is ruined by samples from a mid thriller from the 90s called Extreme Measures, and hearing Hugh Grant in the middle of a song is so goofy.

In the last few years, I’ve been starting to use vocal phrases again, but not from movies. Reality lately has been way too wild for me to sample from movies.

Jul 22, 2007

I'm Going To Spread Saikyo All Over The World!!

Auritech posted:

In the last few years, I’ve been starting to use vocal phrases again, but not from movies. Reality lately has been way too wild for me to sample from movies.

I've always been scared of using movie samples or even educational films after what happened with Chris Vrenna and a remix he did for NIN. I always saw it as playing with fire.

Jan 5, 2005

Exquisite Corpse
My favorite as far as successfully integrating dialogue samples into music and having the samples work with the mood of the music is probably Doubting Thomas.

Nov 24, 2003


Auritech posted:

Can’t talk about movie samples without mentioning Velvet Acid Christ. He was so lousy about it, one poster on said something to the effect of, “congrats to VAC member Brad Pitt on the success of his new movie.” The song “Pray For Life” for example is ruined by samples from a mid thriller from the 90s called Extreme Measures, and hearing Hugh Grant in the middle of a song is so goofy.

In the last few years, I’ve been starting to use vocal phrases again, but not from movies. Reality lately has been way too wild for me to sample from movies.

Famous lover of blowjobs Hugh Grant????

Bayham Badger
Jan 19, 2007

Secretly force socialism, communism and imperialism types of government onto the people of the United States of America.

As an avid listener of Exile on Mainline, the first time I watched Heat I went "oh hey I recognize this hail of gunfire."

May 26, 2001


david_a posted:

Dead When I Found Her puts in a lot of samples too. Some are immediately obvious (“oh that’s Shutter Island”) but others are more obscure like The Visitor (I pointed at the screen like Leo when one character said “thank you for treating me like a normal person… but I’m not a normal person”)

I was thinking of DWIFH, specifically Curtains when I was typing that. Then I realized that song came out in 2010 and felt really old since I was thinking of it as a recent example.

Prop Wash
Jun 12, 2010

I wish we had more recent examples of DWIFH.

Sep 21, 2004

Grimey Drawer

Konstruct posted:

I've always been scared of using movie samples or even educational films after what happened with Chris Vrenna and a remix he did for NIN. I always saw it as playing with fire.

Tell me the story.

Oct 9, 2002

thotsky posted:

I will believe it when I see it.
I missed that TR/ST dropped an EP two weeks ago.

Really veering out of thread-adjacent sound though!!

Jun 7, 2005

hot to trot
It dropped right in time for Eurovision, which is appropriate. I'm happy he's not just doing the same stuff. Putting Slug on there seems out of place for the new sound.

Jun 13, 2001

I'll see you in heck!

NCC - RU486, I'm sure everyone knows the movie.

Oct 8, 2003

Catjaw is a hero of the people
Orgy and Stabbing Westward seem to be touring this year too. Add that to Fear Factory and GWAR and Dethklok and it's a packed first half of the year.

Apr 6, 2009

Stabbing Westward will be fun, but def skipping on the Orgy cover band.

Oct 8, 2003

Catjaw is a hero of the people

Photex posted:

Stabbing Westward will be fun, but def skipping on the Orgy cover band.

The last time I saw Orgy it was the worst show of my entire life. Julien-K slaps, though. Still the ticket was cheap so why not?

a cyborg mug
Mar 8, 2010

Fear Factory was super boring while their support acts killed it when I saw em a few months ago. I’m sure your mileage will vary depending on your enjoyment of FF in general, I’ve never really listened to them but wanted to tick that box anyway

May 26, 2001


a cyborg mug posted:

Fear Factory was super boring while their support acts killed it when I saw em a few months ago. I’m sure your mileage will vary depending on your enjoyment of FF in general, I’ve never really listened to them but wanted to tick that box anyway

Seeing Fear Factory without Burton C Bell seems pointless.

Jul 22, 2007

I'm Going To Spread Saikyo All Over The World!!

obeyasia posted:

Tell me the story.

Chris Vrenna did a remix for Fixed that sampled some educational film. They got sued and ended up having to pay several grand for a few seconds of an audio sample.

Sep 21, 2004

Grimey Drawer

Konstruct posted:

Chris Vrenna did a remix for Fixed that sampled some educational film. They got sued and ended up having to pay several grand for a few seconds of an audio sample.

Is it that "I hope you/we will someday" sample?

Oct 9, 2002

I like

May 26, 2001


By the end of the year every track on Airmech will have a remix.

Oct 9, 2002

edit: embed doesn't seem to be working. "If Rammstein wrote 'The Bad Touch'"

Jun 13, 2001

I'll see you in heck!

teethgrinder posted:

edit: embed doesn't seem to be working. "If Rammstein wrote 'The Bad Touch'"

I thought Till already wrote the book on bad touch ?

Prop Wash
Jun 12, 2010

deong posted:

I thought Till already wrote the book on bad touch ?

Nah, he just performed it. Writing credit on that one goes to Joe Letz.

Oct 8, 2003

Catjaw is a hero of the people
Well, it had to happen sometime

Jan 5, 2005

Exquisite Corpse

He's said this before, but moreover what's to break up, Al's the only permanent member.

Whoa, Paul Barker is returning- now that's the real news I'd say. Also going to take with a huge grain of salt.

Jan 9, 2004

outlive your enemies

It really must suck to be a person named al on the same internet that loves AI and San-serif fonts as a browser's default.

They have to stop making records at some point. Hope the last one slaps!

May 26, 2001



Jourgensen continued, "There comes a point in time musically when anything from here is going to be downhill. I see so many bands do that. I don't need the money. I don't need the whatever."

Listening to some recent Ministry and wondering how it could ever go downhill.


May 15, 2012

down1nit posted:

It really must suck to be a person named al on the same internet that loves AI and San-serif fonts as a browser's default.

They have to stop making records at some point. Hope the last one slaps!

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