CAT rear end now!!! posted:Equipment used: MFB Nanozwerg, Korg DS-10, KaossPad 3. Man I wish I could get my hands on a Nanozwerg without having to order from the EU. Listening to the EP now. Some pretty raw analogue soundscapes you got going. the KP3 works wonders doesn't it? on another note: pumped for ohgr's december 2nd show. looking forward to seeing all the creeps that always linger around the Hawthorne.
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# ? Feb 12, 2025 18:15 |
spider_ross.avi posted:Man I wish I could get my hands on a Nanozwerg without having to order from the EU. Listening to the EP now. Some pretty raw analogue soundscapes you got going. the KP3 works wonders doesn't it? Thanks for listening ![]()
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Hmm, I knew of a few other Portland goons into the industrial scene but this is looking to be something of an event. I might actually have to get off my rear end and go, instead of just threatening. Also, where the gently caress do people go these days? Embers on Wed. used to always have like 200 people, but I can't find a night with more than 10-20 these days. I've heard something about a place called Lovecraft. Is it any good?
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No Toronto show? Not even Buffalo? Yikes this will be the 3rd OhGr show I miss. Even had the tickets for the DIMD show but ended up in the hospital that night. Swore I'd make it out to the next one.. Oh well. The NEXT one.
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So who's going to Maschinenfest next year? It's not a real bad trek for me (Denmark), and I'd love to actually meet another goon in real life, particularly if they're anything like MF regulars ![]()
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Tias posted:So who's going to Maschinenfest next year? It's not a real bad trek for me (Denmark), and I'd love to actually meet another goon in real life, particularly if they're anything like MF regulars If I can persuade some buddies, then I might be there. This year none of my friends could go, and I didn't want to head solo.
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If I go, I'll probably find lodgings together with my friends, but I wouldn't mind hanging out with you as much as possible. Let me know come the time ![]()
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That Volt 9000 band that one of you scumbags posted (or is in) is drat awesome. Been rocking that poo poo hardcore lately.
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speaking of shows, do electo-industrial performances vary much from any other regular performance? I'm planning to see VNV Nation in Chicago on the 29th, but I've never went to see anything live from this scene. I just have this inexplicable feeling im going to be sandwiched between a whole ton of 30 somethings, I'm going solo so I'm already not entirely keen about it, but then again I really want to see VNV Nation live.
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The quality of electro-industrial shows varies greatly. VNV Nation is somehow a huge crowd pleaser, so despite it mostly being about a sweaty breathless fat man prancing around the stage singing out of key, the audience goes nuts. At least in Toronto. They do try harder than most though, and have some nice visuals. They do a bit that's getting a little old with the "other guy" playing midi drums as a silhouette at the back of the stage. Piles of bands do little more than dick around in Ableton and aren't at all interesting. Some have pretty great visuals. My favourites are the ones that put in a lot of live instrumentation. Apoptygma Berzerk is pretty great for that despite their lovely late career. Some have such incredible energy. One of my favourite shows was Cesium 137 with the most ghetto set up ever. One keyboard player with a single device and one fat guy singing. Yet they were so loving fun. (and sounded outstanding.) I feel Assemblage 23 does VNV Nation than VNV Nation, though Tom Shear looks a lot like a shorter version of Ronan.
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Generally at VNV gigs, you'll get a bunch of people who are really into it, and a snooty bunch who are all "heh, VNV, yeah they're so lame these days" but about halfway through, a song will get played that reminds the snooty ones how much they liked them back in the day and then suddenly everyone is having fun until the last track is done. As far as sweaty breathless fat men go, he's one of the better ones. (And, liking this kind of music, I've seen a lot)
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Sweaty fat man or no, Ronan is into what he does. There really is a positive air in their shows -- basically if there was going to be PLUR in electoindustrial, it'd start with VNV Nation.
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Dunno about American audiences or VNV in particular, but different bands seem to have very different audiences in Europe in any case. In my experience, the most usual kind of audience for these kind of shows would be if you imagine a metal gig audience where the people moshing would be dancing and/or just generally jumping around instead. There are special cases, though, like Project Pitchfork, who seem to cause an insane, chaotic moshpit everywhere in the immediate vicinity of the stage, at least in Germany, that is. I guess a lot will depend on how many people there are around? I guess what I want to say is you should go see for yourself and have fun!
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Danger - Octopus! posted:Generally at VNV gigs, you'll get a bunch of people who are really into it, and a snooty bunch who are all "heh, VNV, yeah they're so lame these days" but about halfway through, a song will get played that reminds the snooty ones how much they liked them back in the day and then suddenly everyone is having fun until the last track is done. This is a really good description of their live gigs.
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Danger - Octopus! posted:Generally at VNV gigs, you'll get a bunch of people who are really into it, and a snooty bunch who are all "heh, VNV, yeah they're so lame these days" but about halfway through, a song will get played that reminds the snooty ones how much they liked them back in the day and then suddenly everyone is having fun until the last track is done. He means Electronaut.
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Furret Basket posted:He means Electronaut. That's a funny way of spelling Chrome.
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Pope Guilty posted:That's a funny way of spelling Chrome. I was talking about Standing or Further, but basically the moral is that there's a VNV song for everyone.
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Got my VNV ticket.. how's Strantanz? I listened a bit, and they just sound really angry.. I'm no longer filled with teenage angst. Are they worth watching?
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teethgrinder posted:The quality of electro-industrial shows varies greatly. VNV Nation is somehow a huge crowd pleaser, so despite it mostly being about a sweaty breathless fat man prancing around the stage singing out of key, the audience goes nuts. At least in Toronto. I can't remember what band it was, but I remember hearing one guy would just hit play on the song on his laptop and then just rock out to solitaire while he pretended to be actually doing stuff.
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I can't recall seeing this here. Not a huge fan of the song, but this video is loving amazing: https://vimeo.com/31836365 (And quite NSFW)
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I just ordered my Rammstein floor ticket! $101 for the loving Denver Coliseum. So pumped though.
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Seeing Angelspit live is weird. I mostly stick to the hardcore/metal/mosh pit scene but they've been my favorite band for the last few years. Every time I see them they're playing to a sell-out crowd in front of a dance floor, usually headlining, so I always think "hell yeah, fat synths? Massive techno beats? Superbitch vocals? This is gonna be a sweet dance party!" Then it's me dancing in front singing the words with a couple hundred goth kids behind me silently bobbing their heads. The band always has a ton of energy and rocks out, but the crowd is just a bunch of bummer goth kids. And me.
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DaveSpillings posted:Seeing Angelspit live is weird. I mostly stick to the hardcore/metal/mosh pit scene but they've been my favorite band for the last few years. Every time I see them they're playing to a sell-out crowd in front of a dance floor, usually headlining, so I always think "hell yeah, fat synths? Massive techno beats? Superbitch vocals? This is gonna be a sweet dance party!" Then it's me dancing in front singing the words with a couple hundred goth kids behind me silently bobbing their heads. The band always has a ton of energy and rocks out, but the crowd is just a bunch of bummer goth kids. And me. And the teenybopper scene kids there to see Blood On the Dancefloor!
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Pope Guilty posted:And the teenybopper scene kids there to see Blood On the Dancefloor! Seeing Angelspit twice this spring, once playing a punk-as-gently caress set in a tiny basement bar in Cambridge MA and then at a two-story nightclub in Philly, those were both sold out headlining shows and both crowds were bummer goth kids except me. They're a secretly nice crowd I guess though, a lot of people at the bar offered to help me and my friend get where we were going, assuming we were looking for a different show. But yeah, this last tour was definitely an all-time low. A hundred or so five foot tall teenage girls screaming at me and pulling at my clothes because I'm trying to get in the front and they think I'm trying to steal their spot to see their "screamo" band. (Yes, they're calling Blood on the Dancefloor "screamo".) The silver lining of that night was that no one gave a gently caress about Angelspit except for me, so I got to spend a good couple hours talking about making music with all the band members. One of the best things about them is that if they're not swamped with kids taking pictures and getting autographs, the band members will probably treat you like a peer and talk music with you until the lights come on.
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Zyklon B Zombie posted:I can't remember what band it was, but I remember hearing one guy would just hit play on the song on his laptop and then just rock out to solitaire while he pretended to be actually doing stuff. When I saw Covenant recently, Daniel Myer looked bored out of his skull behind a laptop, like he was doing online banking or something. Admittedly, Covenant at least generally give up the pretence that they're actually really playing any of the music live towards the end of the night each time I've seen them, and just start dancing around the stage goofing around. If people want to just sing over a backing track, like Dive, that's fine with me... but I'd kinda rather they didn't pretend they were really playing or (worse) bring extra guys on stage with them to try and heighten the illusion. Pretty certain someone got caught actually miming and not even loving singing at Infest a few years ago, like they were some kind of big pop star or whatever. Can't remember who it was, but I'm sure it was someone's dodgy side project.
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I've seen Covenant three times and that's not my experience at all. The second time was loving strange though. The guy that quit, Clas, clearly was hosed up. He wasn't playing anything, and periodically danced like an ape at the front of the stage. His keyboard wasn't plugged in, and they at least made a show of trying to fix it. They never did. The last time was with Daniel Myers. He seemed wholly into it, and would periodically bang on a pair of giant drums for an awesome effect. Later in the show there was equipment failure with Joakim's keyboards and backup vocals and Myers hysterically covered for them. You could see them trying to adapt, and Eskil was surprised when Myers' voice blared over everything.
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It is my duty to pimp this to any of you West Coast lot interested in catching ohGr on his short list of dates in support of unDeveloped. VIP Packages. The downside is that this is a fee additional to the ticket price. The upside is that you get to meet the man, the myth, and the legend (I won't go post another photo of the guy since that strays close to a man crush zone), witness the sound check (Puppy and ohGr sound checks are typically closed), and get some other geegaws. Also, you have a chance to win a prop from the Last Rights tour. The optimist in me says this is an awesome service to the fans. The pessimist in me says this is a cash grab to nab more money in hopes of being able to support bigger dates in the future. Still, I'll probably end up caving and getting a VIP pass. I'm already dropping cash for Round trip Denver air fare. Might as well make it worth every penny.
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I really liked seeing Covenant. Their setlist wasn't up to it, but they seemed totally into it, were really good and constantly interacting with the crowd. That was a few years ago.
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My only complaint is that I've never seen them play Monochrome. Up there as one of my all-time favourite songs.
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hatelull posted:It is my duty to pimp this to any of you West Coast lot interested in catching ohGr on his short list of dates in support of unDeveloped. I wish.
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FYI Ronan is wearing a Sonic the Hedgehog cap. Edit : Jesus that Irish madman can move. boo_radley fucked around with this message at 06:29 on Nov 27, 2011 |
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Not sure if anyone else has mentioned it or i just missed it, but Haujobb released a new album this month.![]() Havent listened to the whole album yet, but "Dead Market" is a massive step forward for Myer imo. the music video can be seen here.
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spider_ross.avi posted:Haujobb released a new album this month. I liked it, lots of old school references and sounds. I saw "new hardware sound" or something mentioned somewhere, anyone have a link for a gearlist/interview. My inner gearslut was piqued.
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boo_radley posted:FYI Ronan is wearing a Sonic the Hedgehog cap. HAHA I was totally there. Awesome show.
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spider_ross.avi posted:Not sure if anyone else has mentioned it or i just missed it, but Haujobb released a new album this month.
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spider_ross.avi posted:
That track kinda reminds me of Nine Inch Nails, actually.
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That's really cool. I was really hoping Myers in Covenant would mean those sorts of sounds but ... faster tempo. What disappointments that, and the previous album, have been.
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A few pics from the Straftanz/ VNV Nation show on Saturday. Never heard of Straftanz before the show, but they were totally manic performers, jumping up and down, leading the crowd in chants & clapping, miming to the music, etc. They were pretty Here's their song Turbo, which I quite liked. ![]() The skull is made of popcorn, there's popcorn hand-grenades on the side banners. Slick graphics. ![]() VNV had this superslick LED board up and running throughout the show. ![]() "If a man my size can move like this, then all of you can do it, too!" ![]() This was a real thing that occurred -- he got a couple shout outs from Ronan ("are you tweaking right now, mister... Pokemon? Sonic?") and wound up throwing the cap at Ronan, who put it on for a bit. By then I'd retreated to the bar and didn't get a picture of it. A++ would see again.
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teethgrinder posted:That's really cool. I dunno man. i'm kind of digging the overall easy-going tempo of the album. the whole thing just slurs together. it's a nice change when compared to some of Vertical Theory's 4-on-the-dance-floor pieces. it combines some the best sounds of Polarity and ninetynine, and successfully incorporates retro synths/percussion into a modern, gritty, soundscapey array of meticulous analogue construction.
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# ? Feb 12, 2025 18:15 |
spider_ross.avi posted:
Thanks for the link, love it, although the music video was bizarre. EBM set against a backdrop of two guys fixing up a lovely old car ![]()
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