But there's a remote possibility it's not racist and I will defend cops for reasons!!!!
# ? Oct 23, 2019 22:48 |
# ? Sep 9, 2024 15:50 |
East European migrants found dead in a shipping container? The writers for this season are just ripping off plots from the Wire. https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/1187108935167139840?s=19
# ? Oct 23, 2019 22:49 |
deoju posted:East European migrants found dead in a shipping container? The writers for this season are just ripping off plots from the Wire. They were Chinese nationals, it turns out. I don't know what impact that would've had on the Season 2 storyline.
# ? Oct 24, 2019 14:50 |
Whiz Palace posted:They were Chinese nationals, it turns out. I don't know what impact that would've had on the Season 2 storyline. 71.53% less screen time of Ziggy's dick and thus vastly detrimental to the show as a whole.
# ? Oct 24, 2019 16:54 |
None since on the show they never treated them as humans, just corpses. That never sat well with me. It’s like they go out of their way not to acknowledge they were living humans killed in transit as part of a human trafficking organization, just a common ho-hum mysterious shipment of dead bodies.
# ? Oct 24, 2019 16:56 |
COMPAGNIE TOMMY posted:None since on the show they never treated them as humans, just corpses. That never sat well with me. Didn’t mcnulty make a big deal about trying to identify her so that he could notify her family?
# ? Oct 24, 2019 17:00 |
COMPAGNIE TOMMY posted:None since on the show they never treated them as humans, just corpses. That never sat well with me. It's the Baltimore homicide department, I imagine it's the only way you can cope with the job especially on a scale like that, to try to distance yourself from the humanity of it. It's why they're all alcoholics too (McNulty's just the worst/hitting his bottom earlier).
# ? Oct 24, 2019 17:06 |
I get that, that in a real homicide department you'd develop all kinds of coping mechanisms for that kind of stuff. But that's the luxury of a TV show, you could maybe show someone caring, or pretending to care, or wanting to care but acknowledging that the burnout precludes them from being able to. Instead they all just basically Pete Campbell'd and went "Huh! A thing like that! What do you think they wanted to do with all these corpses??"
# ? Oct 24, 2019 22:27 |
Like my issue is they treat it solely like a smuggling operation instead of a multiple homicide.
# ? Oct 24, 2019 22:29 |
Theres plenty of terrible poo poo that happens in the show where no one, or practically no one, comments on it and its left to the viewer. Like McNulty trying to interview the women in immigration detention is a horrifically hosed up situation- they were smuggled across the sea, perhaps on false pretenses, to work in terrible conditions and the government just throws them in a cage and ships them back to whatever impoverished country they came from. But everyone just accepts this as normal and no one explicitly says anyrhing about it
# ? Oct 24, 2019 22:59 |
Yeah I think the fact they didn't do or say anything is an indictment in and of itself
# ? Oct 24, 2019 23:02 |
I've always been of the impression that the completely blasé way they treat the dead women is a large part of the point the show was making, with only Beadie ever really showing any true empathy for their plight (even then she makes the deliberate choice to go back to blissful ignorance at the end of the season) and the very deliberate shots in the final montage of more women being smuggled into the country to be forced into a life of sex slavery with the best case scenario for them being getting caught during a bust and... shipped back to the lovely country they tried to escape from in the first place.
# ? Oct 25, 2019 00:57 |
COMPAGNIE TOMMY posted:But there's a remote possibility it's not racist and I will defend cops for reasons!!!! Everyone deserves a defence for the remote possibilites. Glad to stand up for that. Though my original point was about how we cope with police being racist or violent - maybe we should focus on getting those offenders in jail. I care way much more about actual violent behavior from cops than some weird radio stuff where races are assigned to numbers on convenience. I don't want to chastise baltimore police officers for assigning numbers on a radio. I want to chastiste them if they infringe on any civil rights or are excessive violent. If we cry wolf too many times, that distract from the real issues.
# ? Oct 25, 2019 20:40 |
Whose job is it to put the offending police officers in jail? After watching this show, do you think that that actually happens? Did the show you watched not explore the role of people's attitudes and their casual dismissals in signalling the deeper rot and corruption around them, causing the institution's process to work completely contrary to its stated goals?
# ? Oct 25, 2019 20:50 |
Yes we should put all the police in jail. Defending them seems counterproductive to that though
# ? Oct 25, 2019 21:07 |
Nail Rat posted:It's the Baltimore homicide department, I imagine it's the only way you can cope with the job especially on a scale like that, to try to distance yourself from the humanity of it. It's why they're all alcoholics too (McNulty's just the worst/hitting his bottom earlier). They go into this in Homicide. There's an episode where a tourist is killed in front of her family during a botched robbery. The grieving husband (played by Robin Williams) catches the homicide detectives mocking him, and he's of course furious. The Lieutenant has to calm him down by pointing out that they have to deal with hundreds of senseless murders a year, and that its the only way they can stay sane and productive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrB1_iRDp8g&t=327s
# ? Oct 26, 2019 09:23 |
Just watched The Irishman, and I knew Herc was Fat Tony just from the voice. They really went all out changing his face.
# ? Nov 29, 2019 02:56 |
I KNEW he sounded familiar but I couldn't place it. Thanks
# ? Nov 29, 2019 03:26 |
I’m pretty sure I even saw pictures of him in makeup during filming, but the final product is crazy. I knew it was him from his voice, but other than his frame, he was almost totally unrecognizable.
# ? Nov 29, 2019 04:01 |
I only put it together after noticing that like 8/10 of the cast of Boardwalk Empire was in the movie so I kept my eye out for him.
# ? Nov 29, 2019 04:48 |
That aging/de-aging CGI in that movie is unreal
# ? Nov 30, 2019 04:00 |
Data Graham posted:That aging/de-aging CGI in that movie is unreal Some of it, like what they did with Herc, was very impressive. A couple things had me laughing a lot though. When De Niro beats up the grocer for pushing his daughter, I had a good laugh because he just looked so unsteady on his feet you could have pushed him over with a feather. This man is clearly very old and you can only hide it so well. That and the contacts he was wearing throughout the movie kept bringing to mind Stevie from Eastbound & Down.
# ? Nov 30, 2019 05:04 |
Yeah, his kicking in that scene was very unconvincing. I had heard that they brought in people to help with posture so everyone wouldn't look like 80 year olds when they were trying to play someone in their 40's, but that scene made it really obvious.
# ? Nov 30, 2019 16:56 |
Have they said why they didn't do face replacement to give everyone younger bodies? Seems like it would've really sold the final effect.
# ? Nov 30, 2019 17:53 |
I could have sworn the MC at the awards ceremony was Bob Odenkirk with face munging, but I guess not.
# ? Nov 30, 2019 18:56 |
Suxpool posted:That and the contacts he was wearing throughout the movie kept bringing to mind Stevie from Eastbound & Down. I was staring at this for like 3 minutes going "wow he does look like Stevie, but why" lol
# ? Nov 30, 2019 18:57 |
Yeah the grocer scene was really the only one that broke the illusion (the obvious CGI glass didn't help).
# ? Nov 30, 2019 19:18 |
Groovelord Neato posted:Yeah the grocer scene was really the only one that broke the illusion (the obvious CGI glass didn't help). I noticed right at the beginning when they were looking at the timing chain. I still liked the movie but only Pacino moved convincingly, mostly because he was muh more stationary and could hold on to podiums. But when the bed scenes were everyone has these big old man potbellies it was also sad.
# ? Dec 1, 2019 06:41 |
Wait, *was* Agent Koutris hiding The Greek from the FBI? I thought TG didn't pop up on the search because the detail didn't have info on him to trawl the FBI database with
# ? Dec 10, 2019 06:47 |
BrotherJayne posted:Wait, *was* Agent Koutris hiding The Greek from the FBI? I thought TG didn't pop up on the search because the detail didn't have info on him to trawl the FBI database with Not really hiding, he had The Greek openly listed as a confidential informant in the FBI database. This meant Fitzhugh's requests for information were pinging Koutris to warn him his CI was currently being looked at. He was very careful not to do anything on paper/leave a record that he was warning The Greek, and from memory was careful to never hear about any of the Greek's criminal reactions to this news, but he allowed The Greek to stay a step ahead and nobody was going to touch Koutris even once Fitzhugh figured it out, because Koutris was the golden boy after the Greek paid him back by giving him the info on a huge shipment of smuggled drugs the FBI could flaunt on the news. He is able to downplay to Fitzhugh what Spiros' involvement in a previous crime was and at the time Fitzhugh has no reason to not believe he is telling him the truth. Koutris clearly knows that Frank showing up dead after he told The Greek about Frank working with the taskforce was no coincidence, but he considers it a price worth paying and he never "officially" knows and the Greek is smart enough not to say anything directly to him about it. Fitzhugh clearly figures out what is going on but doesn't confront or tell the FBI because he knows that he couldn't prove it (beyond a reasonable doubt at least) and that the FBI's own institutional rear end-covering would just destroy his own career rather than be embarrassed or have to give up such a valuable CI.
# ? Dec 10, 2019 07:32 |
I thought Spiros and Vandos and Serge were the lookups that triggered the alert, but folks were implying back around page 40ish that he was hiding The Greek from the FBI
# ? Dec 10, 2019 17:00 |
The original triggers were those guys, yeah. It has been awhile since my last rewatch (oh look at that, an excuse for another!) but if I remember right the taskforce doesn't hear about The Greek specifically for a little while (or assume it is Spiros) and when they do it is included in the keywords Fitzhugh puts into the system which triggers another alert and Koutris makes a reaction because it's a sign of how deep the Taskforce has managed to penetrate even with him obfuscating things from them. The Greek himself as far as I know is just straight up registered as a CI with the FBI, with Koutris as his handler, but Fitzhugh's requests for info have to go through Koutris who hides them from Fitzhugh specifically. Kind of like the BPD itself where one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. Institutions
# ? Dec 10, 2019 23:46 |
Holy poo poo. I guess it's time for a rewatch. I completely missed that on my first and second time through, I just always assumed that The Greek was so far above the game that he was a complete unknown to the feds.
# ? Dec 11, 2019 09:12 |
Alright, at page 57. All this bloviating about Hamsterdam is driving me fuckin' nuts xD The policy works, crime overall is down, and HHS can concentrate on the freezones while police are freed up to do real police work (them's that ain't babysittig). And all this poo poo managed with barely any funding. Ugh. Also, it was sad to watch Carver start to grow up, and work his rear end off to make the thing work, while poo poo-heel wannabe soldier knuckle dragging and head cracking cops just gently caress around and complain about their inability to get their sadism fix. Edit: Also, what the gently caress, Avon? You knew you needed to muscle up, and were cut off from the pool of northern enforcers. So develop the goddamn local talent! It's not like Stringer ain't got the fuckin's warchest to fund it. Shiiiiieeeeeeet. BrotherJayne fucked around with this message at 16:55 on Dec 11, 2019 |
# ? Dec 11, 2019 16:50 |
BrotherJayne posted:Edit: Also, what the gently caress, Avon? You knew you needed to muscle up, and were cut off from the pool of northern enforcers. So develop the goddamn local talent! It's not like Stringer ain't got the fuckin's warchest to fund it. Shiiiiieeeeeeet. Even with his mistakes Avon was still going to win the war vs Marlo up until Stringer ratted him out. I'd say quality soldiers was far less a problem than internal strife between him and String.
# ? Dec 11, 2019 17:05 |
Ginette Reno posted:Even with his mistakes Avon was still going to win the war vs Marlo up until Stringer ratted him out. I'd say quality soldiers was far less a problem than internal strife between him and String.
# ? Dec 11, 2019 19:55 |
BrotherJayne posted:I disagree... but I'm also a hard and conservative believer in needing 3 to 1 advantage when attacking someone on their home turf, which is a rule of thumb readily ignored by many (which makes sense, given the rather hit and run nature of their conflicts) I mean when Avon got arrested he had a location on Marlo and like ten goons with heavy weapons ready to go over there and unload on him. Even with as sloppy as drug hits can be I don't see how Marlo gets out of that situation alive. If Avon had a unified camp I don't see how Marlo wins that drug war.
# ? Dec 11, 2019 20:36 |
I really love that little touch about simply knocking on Avon's door and announcing a police presence to let them know that there's no point running or resisting, and it just works. I've had at least one person insist that it wouldn't have gone down like that, but he was probably just a little sad that the grenade never got used.
# ? Dec 11, 2019 21:26 |
Someone pointed out in the Youtube comments that it's another chess game reference.... both sides can agree the game is over once the king is surrounded. Avon just smiles as if to say "checkmate, good game, I played well"...
# ? Dec 11, 2019 22:07 |
# ? Sep 9, 2024 15:50 |
Dumb Lowtax posted:Someone pointed out in the Youtube comments that it's another chess game reference.... both sides can agree the game is over once the king is surrounded. Avon just smiles as if to say "checkmate, good game, I played well"... And it's very accurate to Avon's character up to that point. I mean, they literally call it The Game. Avon is most definitely not one of those "I'd rather die than go back to prison" types, because to him prison is just an accepted part of The Game and when it's your time to go you go.
# ? Dec 11, 2019 22:23 |