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Sep 11, 2001

Don't get high Sherlock. I totally thought he was going to relapse just to get Joan to stay.

Also I look forward to Sherlock Holmes, MI6 Agent next season


Iowa Snow King
Jan 5, 2008
That was weirdly anticlimactic.

Mar 27, 2010

No one left uncured.
I got you.
I honestly don't know how I feel about this.

Maera Sior
Jan 5, 2012

Does anyone else think that's he's going to use MI6 to clean up Le Milieu for his brother? He was incredibly uncomfortable when he found out that Mycroft went back in to protect him, so I can't imagine the level of indebtedness he feels now.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost


Don't get high Sherlock. I totally thought he was going to relapse just to get Joan to stay.

They've been pretty good about actual curveballs. I liked where it went.

Who gets custody of Clyde?

Apr 1, 2010

by Fluffdaddy

Pick posted:

They've been pretty good about actual curveballs. I liked where it went.

Who gets custody of Clyde?
Would have liked this finale a lot more if Sherlock had put Clyde in his pocket instead of the heroin.

Oct 4, 2006
Lord of Sarcasm

Man...that scene with Sherlock going "I will fix this" was intense. Good stuff. Next season should be interesting.

Wish there was Clyde though.

Sep 11, 2001

Maera Sior posted:

Does anyone else think that's he's going to use MI6 to clean up Le Milieu for his brother? He was incredibly uncomfortable when he found out that Mycroft went back in to protect him, so I can't imagine the level of indebtedness he feels now.

Maybe he will team up with Moriarty to take them down :getin:

Lotus Aura
Aug 16, 2009

We still don't know anything about her mentor, there's only been one cold case touched so far, the heroin from the book is now in Sherlock's pocket, what's gonna happen to Clyde, Romulus and Remus if Sherlock's out playing secret agent and Watson's moved out?

So many things for S3 to consider doing. I wonder how many they even intend to go with, if any.

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice
I liked the way this episode played out. All the spy stuff and personal drama hit the right notes and didn't feel overdone. Mycroft explaining his fake death was the first time I felt like Joan really cared about him. It was low key, but it might have been the best episode of the season.

Not sure about all the stuff going forward based on the cliff hangers, though. Hopefully the teasers with Sherlock working for MI6 and Joan moving out are just for the first episode or two, and things are back to normal quickly. Bell and Gregson were criminally underused the second half of this season, and I'd hate to see that trend continue.

Jul 15, 2006

Smug Statement: Elementary, my dear meatbag.
Sherlock's description of Mycroft to their father was straight out of Doyle's stories, wasn't it? That sounded familiar.

Feb 24, 2006

follow the white dove

TRP Post of the Month October 2021

Scorchy posted:

Sherlock's description of Mycroft to their father was straight out of Doyle's stories, wasn't it? That sounded familiar.

Yep, I recognized it too, it's conveniently on Wikipedia so I didn't even have to search it down:

Sep 21, 2010
willfully illiterate, aggressively miserable sourpuss whose sole raison d’etre is to put other people down for liking the wrong things

Scorchy posted:

Sherlock's description of Mycroft to their father was straight out of Doyle's stories, wasn't it? That sounded familiar.

So was his "Data, data, data! I cannot make bricks without clay." to the MI6 guys right before that.

Sep 18, 2005

Take me to your Shida

Dragonatrix posted:

what's gonna happen to Clyde, Romulus and Remus if Sherlock's out playing secret agent and Watson's moved out?

Ms. Hudson will still be taking care of the place, I would imagine.

Sorry, I just marathoned the last like five episodes of the season! Season three set for September or is it going to be super delayed again?

Lotus Aura
Aug 16, 2009

I can't find anything on an air date (not for a lack of looking), but it does have some new cast members...

Opehlia Lovibond as Holmes' new assistant... Kitty Winter.

And Raza Jaffrey as Watson's (currently unnamed?) new boyfriend.

One of them certainly has my interest piqued all the more to say the least (a sort-of antagonistic character who was only in one short story (Illustrious Client; lady threw acid in a guy's face, kinda hard to spin that as a good thing to do) as Holmes' new partner is a rather curious decision) so I really can't wait to see where they go from there.

Oct 6, 2005

It just don't stop.

Dragonatrix posted:

I can't find anything on an air date (not for a lack of looking), but it does have some new cast members...

Season 3 premieres on October 30, according to Wikipedia.

EDIT: That's after CBS's turn with Thursday Night Football. That's why it's weeks into the season.

CellBlock fucked around with this message at 21:49 on Aug 20, 2014

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
I wonder if we're finally going to meet the Holmes' father. It would be kind of cool and Dr. Claw if we never do.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

I have not forgotten that SEASON THREE starts very soon. I am working on the new OP.

hollylolly fucked around with this message at 20:26 on Oct 29, 2014


Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

New thread is up -

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