I'm in. Miriam and Michael Augustine made their fortunes the old-fashioned way: by stealing them. That's all behind them now. They've long since traded their high-society con artistry and jewel thievery in for a life of idle luxury, devoted instead to each other and the finer things in life (particularly those fine things that come from a bottle). But their past isn't quite done with them. Nor they with it.
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# ? Feb 13, 2025 04:17 |
I don't think I ever got a critique ![]()
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I'm in. edit: Hector is a wharf rat. He's semi-indigent, crashing where he can, and he worries constantly about making ends meet. Recently he's gotten into trouble with some dangerous people, and now he just wants to get as far away from Los Grano D'Oro as possible. Grizzled Patriarch fucked around with this message at 13:13 on Jul 1, 2014 |
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In with ![]() Alex Lecosto has her fingers everywhere in the Los Grano D'oro art scene. Poetry, galleries, theater, her words and her money make her influence known to all and sundry. She enjoys the control that she asserts, the power and influence she reaps, and the shoulders that she rubs with. But her end game is a mystery to everyone but herself. She's androgynous, pale, tall, and sharply-featured, and flaunts her asexuality. Her weapon of choice is her wits and her words, with her web of favors as a back-up if she really needs it.
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Benny's crit You don't have to do this, but I would appreciate it if you paid this forward, too.
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In. Elle FR Velez, late night DJ. Elle's show is the sounding board for half a hundred crazies, advertisements for quote-unquote massage parlors, and the very best music in the world. Somebody broke Elle's heart in her youth and she never got over it.
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Toaster Beef posted:I don't think I ever got a critique The last I heard, the Week 98 judges were all planning on crits, but I know that my own will be very late. I apologize; I'd rather be prompt, but life is interfering. They will be posted eventually.
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In. Alabama Eriksson is a renegade archaeologist who lost his prestigious lecturing gig after he confused two types of pottery that six people on Earth give a poo poo about. Shunned by his peers, he makes ends meet appraising idols looted from lost temples and drafting up fakes to go with them. He has really great jokes about the Neolithic that his new associates just don't get, but one day he's gonna make it back to the big leagues and this time he's gettin' tenure.
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Every shady alley way of IN.
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Yvonne, 20. Short, lots of dark curly hair, heavily pregnant. Perpetual scowl. Baseball cap, brim pulled down low. Was the only girl on her high school football team. Just dropped out of St. John's great books program to come back to the LGD, and she is not happy about it. She really thought she'd gotten out of this place, but Fate has a funny way of kicking you in the dick sometimes.
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Shannon is visiting Los Grano D'oro to see the festival held there every year. She's a twenty-something year old whose spending her youth (and the rest of her parent's money) traveling the world, and she's already been to a good amount of places. She's young, but cautious, and tries her best to blend in with the crowd. She'd rather watch something from afar instead of getting involved.
flerp fucked around with this message at 06:24 on Jul 2, 2014 |
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Kaishai posted:The last I heard, the Week 98 judges were all planning on crits, but I know that my own will be very late. I apologize; I'd rather be prompt, but life is interfering. They will be posted eventually. No big deal, I know how getting busy as hell goes. Thanks for the update ![]()
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I'm in.
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In. * Mr. G is a former high school biology teacher in his early thirties who was forced into desperate measures (gov't cut funding, salaries got worse, society got worse). He now lives in a dingy two-room apartment growing transgenic marijuana (Shady Employer of Your Choice supplied him with a stolen gene gun, plus eventual maintenance). Said marijuana has a lot of THC (20% in the unprocessed plant), though it's flipsided by potential side-effects such as nearly fatal, minutes-long convulsive laughter episodes, or a 'lude-like laxing of bodily functions that's quite impossibilitating. Effects vary among users. Mr. G is a frail, very attentive, very nervous man, especially in the vicinity of Shady Employer's enforcers or other related crooks. He's paranoid of Shady Employer's activies and what they might mean to his own future. D.O.G.O.G.B.Y.N. fucked around with this message at 18:57 on Jul 1, 2014 |
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Signing up! *** Taj "Coyotaje" Clinton is a tall, thin, and handsome man who is never caught without his Australian outback hat and aviator shades. When he was six, Taj started his smuggling career under the tutelage of his father. For the next twenty years, he smuggled narcotics and people across the Mexican boarder for the Los Zetas cartel. He eventually started using what he was smuggling, taking a cut here or there where the Zetas wouldn't notice. Someone did, because the last thing Taj remembers about his smuggling career is that night that when he was hauling cocaine and migrants through South Texas. The slapjack to the head. Waking up in the desert. Everything gone. Taj knew that the Zetas would be looking for him, so he went into hiding and got sober, except for the two packs of cigarettes he smoked daily. He had a kid of his own, Melinda, and although the marriage was short, Taj was happy. That was thirteen years ago. Thirteen days ago, Taj received a call from a voice he knew, but didn't know. The Los Zetas have Melinda, but promised to keep her safe for fourteen days. They'd even forgive his debt, but after that, "there are no promises anymore." The only way Taj will ever see his daughter again is by apprehending the man known only as Domingo Silver and returning him to the Zetas. He's tracked Silver to Los Grano D'oro. "Person for person," they promised, "on our honor." He'll hold them to it. *** (I am also looking for one or two people for character crossovers. Or, if someone even wants to write Domingo Silver, that would be quite fun. Lastly, I would love to kill your character, so hit me up via PM or in IRC if any of those interest you.)
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Just so you all know, it's my birthday on Thursday (i.e. the day before submissions close), so I am therefore going to assume that all of your submissions are, in fact, birthday gifts to me. So they better measure up or my ENTIRE YEAR will be ruined <![]()
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I am in this so hard
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In. This sounds like it could be spectacularly awesome (or a spectacular failure, but either way it's sure to be interesting)! *** Madame Hyacinth, real name Harriet Dorsey, runs Madame Hyacinth's Cure-Alls and Curios, a squat little new-age store on one of the million street corners in Los Grano D'Oro. Now in her mid-fifties, she didn't come of age during the hippie-dippy era but still welcomes its spirit into almost every aspect of her life. That's not to say she's blissfully naive; her ex-husband is locked away and serving a life sentence, and she's had to run her shop alone as a result. When her store seemed to be bleeding money, she made a decision: she'd have to offer something more than incense sticks and chakra stones. Now, Cure-Alls and Curios doubles as a safe house where, for a reasonable fee, mobsters can hide drug stashes, weapons, and all manner of other criminal paraphernalia. Despite the risk involved, Hyacinth has been crafty enough to avoid detection so far. Of course, the fact that her twin brother is a police lieutenant probably means she could sweet-talk her way out of a bust if necessary. I'm also open to collabs, so email me at nikaerd at gmail or catch me in irc if you want to plan something special!
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In like Flynn and with a character: Todd Templeton, age 43. Profession: professional gambler. Which is just a euphemism for "Compulsive gambler with enough skill to keep himself out of bankruptcy". Losing at the blackjack tables at the El Diablito casino, Todd one day has a chance encounter with a lady in a red dress and a mysterious Benny the Snake fucked around with this message at 21:20 on Jul 1, 2014 |
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In! Rose is an African-American woman in her late twenties, about 5'9 and in excellent physical condition. She has been staying in Los Grano D'oro for about a month at the behest of her employer, an infuriatingly cryptic organization known as "The Vermilion Moth". Rose's mission is to thwart the goals of her employer's rival, the similarly cryptic and presumably infuriating "The Turquoise Mantis". This takes the form of many things, whether that be moving a particular table in a particular cafe a couple inches to the right, or assassinating certain inconvenient people. Rose prides herself on her professionalism, maintaining a calm and polite attitude whenever she's on the job. Off the clock, she tends to keep to herself. Lately, she has been having doubts about her line of work.
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Kaishai posted:The last I heard, the Week 98 judges were all planning on crits, but I know that my own will be very late. I apologize; I'd rather be prompt, but life is interfering. They will be posted eventually. Here is a special preview of what mine might look like: What you have done here is write a bad story. Your story? It is bad. Also dumb. And that's what we've ended up with, is a bad and dumb story.
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I'm looking for someone who wants to see their character get beaten to death with the briefcase at the end of my story. (Also, if you want to find the thing sitting next to a dead body in a high rise office building.) Also, I'm seeking a reluctant baby daddy (for my character.)
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God Over Djinn posted:
Everybody plz post your story/character requests in the form of personal ads from now on kthx.
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Fanky Malloons posted:Everybody plz post your story/character requests in the form of personal ads from now on kthx. quote:
--------------- Like leftover Chinese food left forgotten in the back of the fridge, I make my reappearance. IN
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Bad Seafood posted:
Subj: F seeking M/F/? ![]() Goldie Lockeless is just one of the many names the mysterious dame with an agenda goes by. She can be whoever and whatever it takes to secure the future of the briefcase. Her motives may be noble, they may be sinister; the only certainty is that they are inscrutable. She seems to have an aversion to controlling the case herself, preferring to manipulate others into doing the dirty work of passing it from hand to hand. Her contacts range from the dregs of the criminal underworld to the pinnacles of the political elite. It is rumored that she has a history of looting the collections of rich, eclectic hoarders, but that's probably just hearsay. She enjoys long conversations in dingy locations, furtive looks, and veiled implications. She's got legs for days and often favors some variety of short skirt/long jacket combo. She's a blond bombshell, when she's not busy playing the smoldering redhead or the seductive brunette. Currently, she's seeking an accomplice to her schemes. Must be willing to get double crossed, betrayed, abandoned, titillated. Must be willing to exposit via pillow talk. Preferably, they would brood over her long after she's slipped out of their life and back into the shadows from whence she came. It's very likely that anyone involved with the briefcase will become involved with Goldie, AKA whoever. More judge characters to follow. Sitting Here fucked around with this message at 06:18 on Jul 2, 2014 |
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does the case lock? with a combo or a key? PM me if you want a starting/ending location for the case, as I have both picked out and we could tie our stories together that way. crabrock fucked around with this message at 00:41 on Jul 2, 2014 |
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^^^ I'm going to go out on a limb and say it has a combination. But Bad Seafood is more than welcome to contradict me on that. Some artistic 'domers have done artistic renderings of some of their characters. We here in TD don't give many nods to the finer arts so I'm gonna go ahead and say people should do more of this at the risk of earning my fellow judges' chagrin. ![]() God Over Djinn posted:I'm looking for someone who wants to see their character get beaten to death with the briefcase at the end of my story. (Also, if you want to find the thing sitting next to a dead body in a high rise office building.) ![]() Thalamas posted:In.
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Sitting Here posted:Subj: F seeking M/F/? Claimed. Molly is a girl in need of a role-model. ![]()
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Sitting Here posted:Goldie Lockeless I rather like her. Claimed.
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In. Bran Brahms (may or may not be his real name) is a fifty-something man who hangs out by the docks, teaching medieval weapon-fighting to a small community of LARPers. Carries a wooden sword, dispensing his own brand of justice on rowdy drunks at night. Dresses like it's a Renaissance Fair everyday. May or may not be right in the head, but he'll have your back. I've already worked out how he gains and loses the case. PM/IRC me if you want to collab!
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Issa Brückenau is a larger than life (in every sense) film magnate. He struck gold with a series of hits back in the 70s, before some high-profile flops in the 80s nearly shut him down. Though the studio subsists today by relentlessly exploiting its properties, Issa still sees entry to the big galas in town, usually showing up an hour late and already buzzed. He's somehow survived all this time without dying of a heart attack or alcohol poisoning; though he likes to play the fat bumbling oaf, his few friends know he has a kind of vicious cunning when he sees something he wants. I am looking for ex-wive(s)! Interested parties please inquire PM within!
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crabrock posted:does the case lock? with a combo or a key? Also, if you've already signed up but haven't posted your character, don't go back and edit them into your sign up post, just give them their own.
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I've also come up with a way how Todd loses the case. PM me if you want to collaborate! Also, mind if I borrow Goldie, Sitting here?
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I'd also like to put a claim on Goldie.
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Benny the Snake posted:I've also come up with a way how Todd loses the case. PM me if you want to collaborate! Also, mind if I borrow Goldie, Sitting here? DuckyB posted:I'd also like to put a claim on Goldie. Alright, that means one more lucky 'domer gets a date with Goldie.
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Sitting Here posted:Alright, that means one more lucky 'domer gets a date with Goldie. I'd like to take it.
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Broenheim posted:I'd like to take it. aaaaaaaaaaaand she's yours. Or you're hers ![]()
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# ? Feb 13, 2025 04:17 |
Fanky Malloons posted:Everybody plz post your story/character requests in the form of personal ads from now on kthx. Sitting Here posted:Alright, that means one more lucky 'domer gets a date with Goldie. Benny the Snake fucked around with this message at 06:46 on Jul 2, 2014 |
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