Hey, I'm in.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 02:03 |
# ? Dec 12, 2024 05:17 |
Gau writes really depressing poo poo, so he's in.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 02:11 |
Every entrant to date has been assigned a number! Check the prompt post to learn yours.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 02:27 |
As the small-town kid who spent days off school haunting the big county library one town over, how can I resist? In.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 02:35 |
I saw the word upbeat. I'm in.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 02:39 |
Am trapped in local library until Sunday night please send hel--gently caress it, in.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 03:32 |
Cool prompt. In. While I'm at it, gonna so I don't wimp out. I will murder you all with kindness.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 03:33 |
docbeard, Phobia, Ironic Twist, and JuniperCake, you all have numbers too.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 03:41 |
I'm in.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 03:54 |
Gimme something opaque, Kaishine.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 04:03 |
Done and done.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 04:14 |
You seem to have conveniently missed me twice, chief
# ? Aug 26, 2014 04:50 |
Pseudoscorpion posted:You seem to have conveniently missed me twice, chief You're right. I missed copying you over from the offline list. You've been added in your rightful place between CommissarMega and Hammer Bro.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 04:58 |
Yes this is my entry, and yes it's true. I'll type it up and count the words later, but it's important that I post this now. (Jeez that was difficult. Back much later.)
# ? Aug 26, 2014 06:05 |
I didn't think I would have to specify that entries should be fiction, but here we are. All entries must be fiction. I will adjust the prompt post accordingly and remind entrants not to write fanfiction or erotica while I'm at it.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 06:20 |
# ? Aug 26, 2014 06:39 |
# ? Aug 26, 2014 06:40 |
# ? Aug 26, 2014 06:47 |
I'm in. I'll actually get something submitted this time, hopefully.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 06:48 |
cargohills posted:I'm in. I'll actually get something submitted this time, hopefully. Was that a i heard?
# ? Aug 26, 2014 06:53 |
Numbers are up for Entenzahn, God Over Djinn, and cargohills.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 07:02 |
# ? Aug 26, 2014 07:32 |
Hammer Bro. posted:Yes this is my entry, and yes it's true. I'll type it up and count the words later, but it's important that I post this now. Whoa, stiff competition here. It's going to be quite hard for anyone else to win, I think.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 07:40 |
Okay, I'm going to ask for some help here- I don't know anything about Judaism apart from pop culture. Can I have a flash rule or something to give me somewhere to start with? Or is it okay if I don't go in-depth with Jewish stuff? Because I have an idea for a story, but it only features Jews as major characters.
CommissarMega fucked around with this message at 08:19 on Aug 26, 2014 |
# ? Aug 26, 2014 08:07 |
CommissarMega posted:Okay, I'm going to ask for some help here- I don't know anything about Judaism apart from pop culture. Can I have a flash rule or something to give me somewhere to start with? Or is it okay if I don't go in-depth with Jewish stuff? Because I have an idea, but it only features Jews as major characters. Flash Rule: At least part of your story takes place during a holiday; whether a Jewish holiday or a holiday of another faith is up to you. Your decimal class should matter in the story and not be an incidental detail pasted on, but you don't have to go into great depth about the subject, and that goes for everybody.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 08:25 |
I've been lurking for a while and I think I finally want in. Also because I'm a dumb, can someone explain ? I've seen it mentioned a few times and it's apparently bad but that's all I know.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 08:32 |
A Toxx clause means that if you fail to deliver, you're gonna be banned. The backstory of the term can be found in the SAclopedia
# ? Aug 26, 2014 08:38 |
Meeple and Skwid have the last numbers for tonight.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 08:48 |
Libraries! Yay! In!
# ? Aug 26, 2014 12:40 |
I haven't done one of these before, can I play?
# ? Aug 26, 2014 14:11 |
Ditto to Mons Hubris, I haven't written fiction in years but this sounds fun.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 14:25 |
Mons Hubris posted:I haven't done one of these before, can I play? This ain't no Writers Club soldier. You die in the dome you die for real. Phobia fucked around with this message at 16:10 on Aug 26, 2014 |
# ? Aug 26, 2014 16:07 |
A new day brings new numbers for HopperUK, Mons Hubris, and Dirtbag Diva.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 17:44 |
Thanks for the crits doc and Hammer Bro!docbeard posted:Schneider, I'll give yours a line-by-line in the next day or two. Haha let's give Schneider two line-by-lines then. Schneider Heim posted:Phantasmagoria Athenea C-Tier You have an idea for a universe. It's really cool. You also have a likable character. That's cool too. And there are some really good parts in this entry. That's even cooler. But it's not a story. What you have here is a collection of interesting ideas and scenes with weak pieces of string connecting them all. It's like Ballroom Dancing; the audience knows you're supposed to be hitting certain marks. If they can point out the moment where you hit said marks, chances are something's wrong. You do pull out a few interesting tricks that kept me engaged, and I ended up liking Clarice, sickly!Clarice aside. I want to check out your revised copy once you go back and revise it. My advice would be to rewrite it top to bottom, maybe glance at this draft for reference but scrap what you have here. In the state that it's in now, Phantasmagoria Athenea feels sloppy and rushed. Part of me wishes docbeard set the word count much higher than he did. A lot of these problems could have been solved if you had more room to breathe. ... oh, uhh, if you want you could crit my Week 105 story? Just thought I'd get my crit engine running again before I tackle the mountain of overdue ones.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 18:03 |
Alright, I want in.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 18:59 |
All ya fuckin' crit slackers have a new shame chart. http://writocracy.com/thunderdome/critcounts.php *looks at score* Holy 57%. I better shut up and start critting. As always, Kaishai did all the work, I just spent a few minutes throwing the code together.
# ? Aug 26, 2014 23:10 |
Phobia posted:... oh, uhh, if you want you could crit my Week 105 story? Just thought I'd get my crit engine running again before I tackle the mountain of overdue ones. Thanks Phobia. Here's your crit for your story.
# ? Aug 27, 2014 06:28 |
1 Entry, 0 Losses. I'm on a roll. (thanks for the crit Muffin) Anyway, great prompt. Count me in please.
# ? Aug 27, 2014 06:36 |
Welcome to the book club, Swarm and the wildest turkey. You have numbers.
# ? Aug 27, 2014 07:09 |
# ? Dec 12, 2024 05:17 |
Okay. I'm in and failed last week so I guess that's a
# ? Aug 27, 2014 12:34 |