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Mar 21, 2013
Wait, why did I get a DQ? I sent it in at 9 PM PST, and right after I sent it I saw crabrock talking about the extended deadline. Did I make a formatting mistake?

Also, that'll teach me to feel confident in my stories. :v:

In for this week.


Nov 18, 2003

I don't think you understand, Gau.
I regret sitting last week out, I had a great idea and just didn't seize it in time. Hit me.

Nov 3, 2010

Scoffing at modernity.
Everyone in so far has a season and an element. Check the prompt post to find yours!

Jul 18, 2011

great, there's two of them

Aug 2, 2002




kurona_bright posted:

Wait, why did I get a DQ? I sent it in at 9 PM PST, and right after I sent it I saw crabrock talking about the extended deadline. Did I make a formatting mistake?

Also, that'll teach me to feel confident in my stories. :v:

In for this week.

One person got a DQ for being 200 words over the limit (TRUCKS)

one person got a DQ for not signing up before submitting a story (Claire)

one person got a DQ for misreading an email address

so which were you?

May 5, 2010
In for this week.

Mar 21, 2013

crabrock posted:

One person got a DQ for being 200 words over the limit (TRUCKS)

one person got a DQ for not signing up before submitting a story (Claire)

one person got a DQ for misreading an email address

so which were you?

The second one, I guess. I honestly thought I pm'd N. Senada...
Oh, well. Sorry about that.

Ironic Twist
Aug 3, 2008

I'm bokeh, you're bokeh
In with a :toxx:.

Jan 11, 2014

Ask and ye shall receive.
In with the meanest :toxx:.

Jul 2, 2007

There's no need to rush to be an adult.

I throw my bones into the true crucible of ThunderDome for the first time. It's a mix of trepidation, anticipation, and a clenching of the buttocks.


May whatever Gods remain have mercy on my soul.

Mar 21, 2010
Are we gonna officially find out who wrote what? Does senada know?


Apr 25, 2011

I'm a suave detective with a heart of gold in hot pursuit of the malevolent, manipulative
and the deranged degenerates who only want their

Lmao I wish I wrote a story about the pumpking.

Uhh... In? Also I think I failed last time so this is a :toxx:

Your Sledgehammer
May 10, 2010

Don`t fall asleep, you gotta write for THUNDERDOME

Obliterati posted:

I will also do three line-by-lines for the first responders.

Many thanks, I'm interested in a line-by-line crit. I guess now is the time for us to reveal which story we wrote?

Aug 2, 2002




N senada knows, but he's probably clawing his eyes out after merely glimpsing those stories, so go ahead and fess up.

Your Sledgehammer
May 10, 2010

Don`t fall asleep, you gotta write for THUNDERDOME
I was the composer of Pumpking and earned my first DM. :downsgun:

Aug 2, 2002




Kaishai posted:

Year Progress: ├████┼████┼████┼████┼████┼████┼████┼████┼████┼████┼────┼────┤

Wins Progress: ├█████████┼█████████┼█████████┼█████████┼█████████┼█████████┤


ok why don't you just rub it in a little


Mar 21, 2013

Grimey Drawer

(If anyone cares, Crabrock correctly guessed that I wrote the Pirate's Assistant (thanks for the ++crit, sir), though he may not have known it was to honour the anniversary of receiving my tribal name, Slices-Babies-With-Knives)

N. Senada
May 17, 2011

My kidneys are busted
The most frequently used word - excluding poo poo like 'the' - when all texts were combined was Pumpkin with 154 occurrences.

crabrock posted:

:siren: Results Post for Week 117: Pumpkin Carving Adventures Doledrums

This is the Wall of Shame/Fame

Congrats to the latter, what the gently caress? to the former.

crabrock posted:

Winner - Pumpkin Dreams, one of the only stories that actually managed to TELL A STORY, not have some out-of-place gore insert, and bring us to a satisfying conclusion.
Obviously Kaishai

crabrock posted:

HM - A Curious Thing, a fun tale of time travel and who-dun-it that unfortunately ends too abruptly and doesn't have enough depth to be considered for the win

crabrock posted:

HM - In Memoriam - A fun, jaunty tale of some kid and his dad, which unfortunately is just that. We all agreed we'd like to read more, but in and of itself, this is not a complete story.
{b}Tyrannosaurus[/b} and I'm personally [i}very{/i] sorry about the confusion on

crabrock posted:

Loser - A Mother's Worst Fear - Holy MRA Batman. What the christ was going on in this story? It started off that one judge had this for the loss. As we discussed it more, the other two judges started frothing at the mouth and deemed that yes, this was the worst story. Not the most incomprehensible (congratulations #14), but the one that tried the most and fell flat on its face. We all hated reading this. Chicks sure are sluts, right?
Some Guy TT:toot:

crabrock posted:

DM - The Pilgrims and the Great Pumpkin - It's like somebody took a history lesson, put it into some sort of Google Translate, did that back and forth a few times and then pasted it as a story.

Tomn - Nonpartisan note 1 - this was the first submission I got and I didn't particularly dislike and it made me optimistic for the kind of insane stuff this prompt might provide.

Also, congrats Tomn on making the board your first time in TD. Stick with it, I lost, I think, my very first time (if not second).

crabrock posted:

DM - The Balad of Igor Shishkin - You typoed your title dude. I think that says enough.

JcDent - Nonpartisan Note 2 - This was the 6th story I received, and I was starting to feel less optimistic.

crabrock posted:

DM - Sclerotinia - Nobody knew what this story was trying to say or get at, even if some of the imagery is nice.

Hammer Bro

crabrock posted:

DM - Harvest Rites - Literally not one judge understood what the hell was going on here, and if this is even English.

ThirdEmperor This was story #14 :ssh:

crabrock posted:

DM - Pumpking - While this could have easily been stuck in the middle, your tactless portrayal of your side character really brought this down a level. Add in a totally unlikable main char, and you have a recipe for disaster.

Your Sledgehammer - fulfilling the :toxx: Congratulations on not getting banned!

People who signed up but did not submit this week.

Toaster Beef

Fuschia Tude

Ironic Twist


N. Senada
May 17, 2011

My kidneys are busted
Also, for the Judges, here's the names linked with the story #
1.	Tomn
2.	Jitzu the Monk
3.	Flosofl 
4.	Cacto
5.	Chairchucker
6.	Jc Dent
7.	Hammer Bro
8.	Ze Bourgeoisie
9.	Sitting Here
10.	Fumblemouse
11.	Some Guy TT
12.	Kaishai
13.	Grizzled Patriarch
14.	Third Emperor
15.	Nethilia
16.	Tyrannosaurus
17.	Your Sledgehammer (TOXX)
18.	Toaster Beef – No Entry
19.	Fuschia Tude – No Entry
20.	Ironic Twist – No Entry - Confirmed
21.	NewTestLeper – No Entry - Confirmed

N. Senada fucked around with this message at 03:23 on Nov 4, 2014

Proteus Jones
Feb 28, 2013

N. Senada posted:

Also, for the Judges, here's the names linked with the story #
1.	Tomn
2.	Jitzu the Monk
3.	Floslf
4.	Cacto
5.	Chairchucker
6.	Jc Dent
7.	Hammer Bro
8.	Ze Bourgeoisie
9.	Sitting Here
10.	Fumblemouse
11.	Some Guy TT
12.	Kaishai
13.	Grizzled Patriarch
14.	Third Emperor
15.	Nethilia
16.	Tyrannosaurus
17.	Your Sledgehammer (TOXX)
18.	Toaster Beef – No Entry
19.	Fuschia Tude – No Entry
20.	Ironic Twist – No Entry - Confirmed
21.	NewTestLeper – No Entry - Confirmed

Correction: 3. Flosofl

N. Senada
May 17, 2011

My kidneys are busted
I'll post a key for the rest of you with story titles tomorrow, but I've been dealing with a sick kid all day and am ready to pass out.

It was fun getting to help out. Sorry about formatting issues, that was probably my fault. I tried to catch it before I posted it for judging. Sorry if I still messed up!

ceaselessfuture posted:

Wait, did you guys not get my story then?

I might have sent it to the wrong email, I guess.

e: oh poo poo, NSenadaSA haha ha ha.. :suicide:

Mind if I post it anyway?

ee: gently caress i am actually upset about this, sorry dudes.

Sorry about that, hope there's somebody out there that really enjoyed reading unsolicited flash fiction with pumpkin references.

kurona_bright posted:

The second one, I guess. I honestly thought I pm'd N. Senada...
Oh, well. Sorry about that.

I double-checked my messages and emails but didn't see your entry. Sorry :(

Maybe claim it's Lowtax's fault and sue him or something.

flosofl posted:

Correction: 3. Flosofl

poo poo, sorry, I blame my tired brain and poor writing skills. Fixed

Mar 21, 2013
Don't worry about it. I've had brain errors when it comes to sending email and stuff before, so it's not exactly the biggest surprise for me. :v:

Obliterati posted:

I will also do three line-by-lines for the first responders.

ALSO ALSO, I am in.

I know my story was DQ'd, but would you be willing to do that for me? I wrote "If At First...". :downs:

May 13, 2013

Give me a rifle, one round, and point me at Berlin!
Hell, I'm in

Also, was I the overall looser this week, too?

Anathema Device
Dec 22, 2009

by Ion Helmet

Oct 17, 2012

Hullabalooza '96
Easily Depressed
Teenagers Edition

In like Flynn.

Jan 27, 2006

JcDent posted:

Also, was I the overall looser this week, too?

Nope. You survived with a DM.

Aug 7, 2013



In again, I suppose.

Nov 14, 2006

to ride eternal, shiny and chrome



May 13, 2013

Give me a rifle, one round, and point me at Berlin!

Well, that explains a lot, doesn't it? I'll just step away from they keyboard.

Nov 14, 2006

to ride eternal, shiny and chrome


JcDent posted:

Well, that explains a lot, doesn't it? I'll just step away from they keyboard.

And step towards books that you will read, and then back to the keyboard!

Jan 29, 2009
I'm in for this week.

Oct 23, 2010

Legit Cyberpunk

crabrock posted:

ok why don't you just rub it in a little


crabrock were you saying you wanted to brawl kaishai

was that what you were saying

Nov 13, 2012

Pain is inevitable.
Suffering is optional.
Thunderdome is forever.

kurona_bright posted:

Don't worry about it. I've had brain errors when it comes to sending email and stuff before, so it's not exactly the biggest surprise for me. :v:

I know my story was DQ'd, but would you be willing to do that for me? I wrote "If At First...". :downs:

Your Sledgehammer posted:

Many thanks, I'm interested in a line-by-line crit. I guess now is the time for us to reveal which story we wrote?

Two of three.

Aug 2, 2002




sebmojo posted:

crabrock were you saying you wanted to brawl kaishai

was that what you were saying

let's just fast forward to the part where neither of us submit.

Oct 23, 2010

Legit Cyberpunk

crabrock posted:

let's just fast forward to the part where neither of us submit.

So, "no," then?

Shaky Premise
Nov 10, 2007
I will launch an attack with my Blitzkrieg Army of Bunnies.
Thanks for the crits. In this week.

Jan 27, 2006

Obliterati posted:

Two of three.

I'm surprised that there's still a spot available by now. Sure, I'll claim three of three. I think I could really benefit from a line-by-line crit. Story: Whistleblowing.

Aug 2, 2002




i'm down for doing a couple too, later tonight, so speak up if you'd like one for the last week. generally i will have more to say the worse you did.

Apr 12, 2006
Hit me.


Grizzled Patriarch
Mar 27, 2014

These dentures won't stop me from tearing out jugulars in Thunderdome.

I'll take one too.

I'll also pay it forward and offer two crits for anyone that wants 'em.

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