Thunderdome LXXVII Results I tried to squeeze a few drops of 'interesting' out of your dessicated brains. Instead, we got scene after scene of Generic People Uninspiringly Discussing Fascinating Things, with an occasional detour into complete incomprehensibility. You had all the awesomely fucknuts/badass/ridiculous material in the world, and that's what you came up with? I'm ashamed of you, Thunderdome. Go to your room. No, you can't have dessert. Be aware that not getting a bad mention here doesn't mean your story wasn't awful. Some of you (even regulars!) got away with some fairly atrocious stuff, just because there were a handful that stood out like giant heaps of poo (in a field full of slightly smaller heaps of poo). Loser: Paladinus. If you just really wanted to write about vampires, I'm sure there were some much vampier options in those hundreds of articles. Nice job shoehorning in LOL I AM WOMAN, ARE YOU? in the most ham-fisted way possible, too. Dishonorable Mentions: Phobia, JayO, Mr_Wolf Special dishonorable mention for being the first idiot to straight-up plagiarize an entry to No-Stakes Internet Comedy Forum Flash Fiction Contest: tankadillo Fortunately there were a few lights in the darkness. Some of you, for instance, managed to actually write about the content of the article you chose! Some of you even did it marginally competently! And a few of you made me feel things! Winner: Tyrannosaurus. This was competently written, sweet, meaningful, and believable while still holding interest. Nice work. Honorable Mentions: crabrock, SurreptitiousMuffin. My crits will be up tonight.
# ? Jan 27, 2014 17:29 |
# ? Jan 16, 2025 06:32 |
Questionable Content 150 words “Okay, so there’s this little boy who sucks his thumbs, right? And his mother says: ‘Son, don’t suck your thumbs. You’re no baby anymore!’ But he keeps doing it, and then… oh boy, I love this part,” full of excitement, Mr. Hoffmann starts narrating with his hands, “then a lunatic tailor runs in and cuts off the boy’s thumbs with giant scissors!” He makes an exaggerated cutting motion and bellows laughter. The editor regards him with an impassive stare. “Because he kept sucking ‘em, you see.” The editor does not react. The smile fades from Mr. Hoffmann’s face. “And, uh… we’ll have creepy illustrations, with blood and stuff…” The editor looks down at his notes, back up. “This is going to be a kid’s book, you say?” For a moment, Mr. Hoffmann is silent. He draws another sheet from his binder. “Okay, so there’s this little boy who slowly starves…”
# ? Jan 27, 2014 17:34 |
ReptileChillock posted:Miss Robinson 900 turds This cracked me up irl
# ? Jan 27, 2014 17:35 |
SurreptitiousMuffin posted:Space Filler Elegance Challenge #2 Babushkina Skazka. (150 slov) ‘Once upon a time there lived an old man and his old wife. They were very poor and didn’t have children…’ ‘Babushka, I know this one already. Can I just watch telly?’ little Ian interrupted his grandmother. Eight years old, but he knew exactly what he wanted. ‘Of course, vnuchek. But give baba Vera just one more chance, alright?’ Vera Mikhailovna adjusted her kerchief and looked at her grandson with a smile. ‘Fine. But make it interesting!’ ‘Once upon a time a lion fell in love with a she-bear. So she took her cub and she took her honey, and raspberries, and fish and she went to live among lions. And lions were kind to them. But one starry night the Great Bear decided to see if her subjects are well in foreign lands. So she looked from above into every corner of lions’ domain and she found no bears.’
# ? Jan 27, 2014 19:07 |
Consequences 150 words Chester was making his rounds as hall monitor when he espied two kids in black clothing dip into the restroom. He chased after them and opened the door onto the ritualistic rolling of a D20. “Yo, you just messed up my roll.” “Oh, I’m terribly sorry. I thought maybe you were using drugs. What sort of tomfoolery is this?” The kid with a dragon shirt snorted. “Dungeons and Dragons. It’s a game. The best game.” “I have not heard of this leisure-time activity.” “Well why don’t you join us on this mission to kill the dragon. I can lend you a sword.” Chester tugged at the neck of his sweatervest. He should run back and tell the teacher. But he’d never slayed a dragon before. “Ok, just one quick jaunt shouldn’t do any harm.” After school, Chester went into the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and murdered his parents. Shortcuts 150 words Javier knew Ned stole the answers to the algebra test and used them to get the highest marks. Javier’s mother assured him that fate would catch up. Ned landed a full-ride scholarship while Javier had to work the night shift as a janitor. Everybody knew Ned paid for his essays online. Ned landed a job as a bank manager right out of college and bought a condo while Javier lived at home to pay off his student loans. Sometimes Javier would be jealous, but he’d remember his mother's words. Ned was high on cocaine, getting sucked off by a model, and racing down the street in his brand new convertible when he struck Javier’s mother and killed her. He got 150 hours of community service. When a thick envelope from Ned arrived, Javier thought maybe it was the apology he’d been waiting for. It was a notice of foreclosure. crabrock fucked around with this message at 20:32 on Jan 27, 2014 |
# ? Jan 27, 2014 20:07 |
THUNDERDOME WEEK LXXVIII: Past Glories There is always conflict. In our stories. In our lives. However, I’m flush with victory right now and I’d like to ride that feeling for a while. So, this week I would like you to make sure you include the resolution of some conflict and I would like this resolution to be a triumph. Perhaps its something quiet and personal. Maybe its something more grand. I don’t particularly care. You pick the triumph. You pick the genre. And, when you sign up, you also pick a decade. 20s. 30s. 40s. 70s. 90s. Etc. Etc. Etc. Take your pick. That’s your setting. You can share years with someone else as long as you beat them. Just know I’m not in the mood to suffer losers. Make sure you include your choice of decade when you sign up. Word Count: 1001 Signup Deadline: 10:00 PM on Friday the 31st, EST Submission Deadline: 10:00 PM on Sunday the 2nd, EST Co-Judges Tyrannosaurus ReptileChillock Bad Seafood Entrants 3140s: Chairchucker 2130S: WeLandedOnTheMoon! 2090s: monkeyboydc 2050s: Jagermonster 2040s: Martello 2020s: Opposing Farce 2000s: Mr_Wolf, The Leper Colon V (Flash rule: Daryoush Ayyoubi) 1990s: Meinberg, No Longer Flaky, crabrock 1980s: Jay O, Black Griffon, Kaishai 1970s: Nikaer Drekin (Flash rule: What happened to Eddie Akau?) 1960s: DreamingofRoses , Jonked 1940s: Quidnose 1930s: curlingiron 1920s: God Over Djinn 1910s: Baudolino, elfdude 1900s: Little Mac 1860s: Whalley (Flash rule: Dinosaurs!) 1890s: Nika 1810s: Noah (Flash rule: someone related to the protagonist must die) 1770s: Danger408 1470s: Lake Jucas 1420s: Etenzahn (Flash rule: third person, different time period, War on Drugs allegory) 1050s: Paladinus 0030s: Mercedes Toxx yourselves next time or feel free to stay gone Useless Sacks of poo poo 1950s: poopkitty 2010s: Djeser (32) Tyrannosaurus fucked around with this message at 19:39 on Feb 2, 2014 |
# ? Jan 27, 2014 21:08 |
I'm in with 50's
# ? Jan 27, 2014 21:14 |
in. 1920s
# ? Jan 27, 2014 21:19 |
In for the 1930s! e: More Mystery crits? curlingiron fucked around with this message at 21:45 on Jan 27, 2014 |
# ? Jan 27, 2014 21:43 |
In with the 1960s and a .
# ? Jan 27, 2014 21:59 |
In with the 1940s!
# ? Jan 27, 2014 22:00 |
I have been greatly dishonored! Erm. Not-so-greatly dishonored. Dishonored by submitting a half-baked story-fetus. Not a terrible way to enter Thunderdome, I guess. I'm in again, gimme dem 80's.
# ? Jan 27, 2014 22:14 |
In, with the faded and halcyon glories of the 1990s.
# ? Jan 27, 2014 22:22 |
Djeser fucked around with this message at 23:35 on Jan 27, 2014 |
# ? Jan 27, 2014 22:32 |
Early sign up? Sure, why not. In with 30 AD
# ? Jan 27, 2014 22:34 |
In, with the 00s. Or the "Noughties" if you plan on never being my friend.
# ? Jan 27, 2014 23:05 |
Well, that round was certainly a thing. I've judged a lot of Thunderdome rounds now, and this one was certainly had, on average, the worst loving stories. Quick point - I didn't read a single one of your wikipedia entries. If I have to read a wikipedia article to get the gist or tension in your piece, your writing loving sucks. But what's worse is that a non-insignificant number of you decided that, sure, no problem, if you don't read the Wikipedia article, I'll just loving copy and paste it straight into my story and dress it up as a character's ruminations or dialogue. If you did that, you're even loving worse than the people who buried their tension too deep. Before we get into the crits proper, most of you made the same god-damned mistakes over and over and over. And, as you're not only bad writers, but also impatient cunts who will skip straight to their crit and not read anyone else’s, I’m going to put all the basic advice up here and cite it. Repeatedly. POINT #1: STOP WRITING LIKE YOU'RE TRYING TO IMPRESS ME This a really common mistake with new writers - instead of trying to express ideas in the clearest, tightest way possible, you dress up your prose. Your sentences grow fat on adjectives, similes, metaphors and the trans-fats of language: adverbs. This isn't a poetry competition, this isn't a place to show off your vocabulary. Choose the best word for the job, not the fanciest, longest or rarest. And the job is... POINT #2: YOUR FIRST JOB IS CLARITY I repeat this every time I crit. Your absolute first job as a writer, and the hardest one you'll tackle, is conveying what you're trying to say in a cogent, clear manner. This means not dressing up your language (see point #1), but also in structuring your story and action well. Reaction follows action - several of you put reactions before you showed us the inciting action. Here's a very formulaic, but insightful article on this very topic. Show us something happening (motivation), then show us how characters respond (reaction). Repeat over and over. POINT #3: AN INFO DUMP IS NOT A STORY Effectively, the old saw "show, don't tell". It's easy to misunderstand. What it means is that you should be putting down the actions and dialogue important to your story. Every single sentence needs to do one of two things: (a) establish/deepen characterization OR (b) advance the plot. A good story has characters struggling with obstacles. "Characterization" is how a character reacts to an obstacle. That's it. If you're writing a summary of the wars between King Shitlord and Duke Turdpants, write about those loving people, don't just tell me "the king and duke sent armies at each other and the armies fought and Shitlord won and celebrated." Write narrative passages covering those important plot beats - that's "showing". (Don't go overboard, see point #4, Televisionitis.) This also as two sub-points. POINT #3A: NO ONE LIKES READING ABOUT TWO HEADS TALKING A point made often by our own SurreptitiousMuffin - you cannot hang a story on dialogue alone. Many of you either started your story with two nondescript characters talking in a nondescript place or, worse, transitioning into this. If more than 50% of your story is dialogue, think very very hard about what you're doing. Just because two characters are talking doesn't excuse you from the general rule of showing us things instead of telling us about them. "As you know, Bob, IMPORTANT PLOT INFORMATION," is just as bad as sticking IMPORTANT PLOT INFORMATION in exposition. In fact, it's worse because it's wordier and more tedious to read. See this article. It's not amazing, but it has some decent examples of bad writing. POINT #3B: SAME GOES FOR A CHARACTER SITTING AROUND AND THINKING ABOUT THINGS This is just internal dialogue. Infodumping via thought is just as bad as exposition or dialogue. Enough said. POINT #4: TELEVISIONITIS You can go too far trying to follow the "show, don't tell" rule. If your story reads like a transcript of a television camera pointed at your character(s), you've gone too far. The entire point of the rule is to show us interesting and meaningful details. Cut everything else. POINT #5: A BASIC PLOT, PLEASE Many of you had no character arcs whatsoever. A character was in a situation, then they weren't, generally through no action of their own. Worse, you tried to portray a "slice of life" in which nothing of import or interest occurs. Here's a really stupidly basic plot outline. This works for every single god-damned character arc out there. Truly. (Character) wants (a thing). (Character) cannot have (a thing) because of (a reason - preferably a character trait or flaw). Ultimately, (character) (does/does not) get (a thing), because (character) grappled with (reason/trait/flaw) and (made a choice/decision) which led to (victory/downfall). Plug in the blanks, make sure they logically connect. It's really not that difficult. With that out of the way, pour yourself a tall glass of Go gently caress Yourself and settle in. TD CRITS Mr_Wolf: Tonight I seriously have no idea what’s going on here. A person wakes up. They tell us they’re broken and battered. They muse writerishly for a long loving time, accomplishing loving nothing, and then they seem to kill someone else who gives them psychotic flashbacks to murders committed in previous lives. Stop trying to impress the reader with how clever and metaphorical and Good-Writer you are and start trying to tell a story. See points #1, #2, #3B. Verdict: Bad. Elfdude: Untitled This is execrable. You overwrote everything. It takes five paragraphs for a woman to (apparently) get hit on. You’ve laden your prose so heavily with deadly-dull ruminations, it feels like I’m watching a stop-motion film at a single frame per second. Great, so she’s an obsessive-compulsive mental patient. Nothing’s changed at the end. This story is pointless. Save your goony philosophizing about the meaning of life for people who care (hint: no one), and write a plot next time. See points #1, #2, #3A, #3B, #5. Verdict: Bad. Poopkitty: The Turning of the Heavens A character thinking about their own past is a terrible way to open a story. It’s horribly boring, and it does nothing to introduce the tension or action. You only have nine hundred words, get to the loving point. Worse, I don’t even know where this character is while he’s sitting there dinking about in his own thoughts. The only time it’s mentioned, you use an acronym, DSV, which I’m unfamiliar with. I’m going to pretend it means "Demon poo poo Vacuum". Henceforth, in my mind, he’s riding in the thing Satan uses to swab out Hell’s septic tank. Which, coincidently, is where this story belongs. Don’t use acronyms in fiction prose. If you absolutely must, then make sure to introduce the thing to which the acronym refers by spelling it out in full at least once. Preferably the first time it’s mentioned. Also, this isn’t technical writing, so you cannot use shorthand like "100m". That should be written out as "one hundred meters". You may get away with strings of digits for stuff like phone numbers, but ask yourself - are the specifics really necessary? They probably aren't. "A meter above the silt in the Philippine trench" - I originally read that as 'slit' and thought he was a sex tourist. There's no loving reason to have a bunch of random Japanese in this story. The characters understand each other, so just slap it out in English. If the fact that they’re talking in a foreign language is important (in this case, it isn’t), then note it somehow. Anyway, this is boring. Nothing happens. Write a story about something happening next time. See points #1, #2, #3B, #5. Verdict: Bad. Paladinus: A True Vampire Your mechanics need work. Go read up on how to use punctuation. quote:"Professor Terry Dodgeson." says the bronze nameplate. "Dialogue," says person. Grammar issue aside, what is this, Alice in loving Wonderland? quote:"Do not disturb." say clearly disturbed scribbles HA HA CUTE U R SUCH GUD RITER. Stop writing like you want to be congratulated on how clever you are. You're not. You're not even good enough to rate as a hack. Next time you see a little flourish like this in your writing, cut it immediately. Seriously, your plot twist was "OMG A WOMAN. WHAT AN UNEXPECTED EVENT." Where do you get such original ideas?! It's a cliche, it's not interesting, it says nothing new, it's not funny, and it hardly even makes sense in context. You have a serious, serious case of televisionitis. Your characters sit around fumbling with blouses and clicking their teeth and poo poo. Include only relevant details, not everything you can possibly imagine a character doing. In the end, nothing happens. Two nothing characters do nothing while talking about nothing and the POV character ruminates on and on about all the nothing going on. Your writing mechanics are terrible, your characters have zero personality, your plot doesn’t exist. I can’t even start on a more comprehensive critique, because you’ve given us a full, complete and perfect example of awful writing. See points #1, #2, #3, #3A, #3B, #4, #5. Verdict: Travel back in time and abort yourself for the good of humanity. Reptile Chillock: Miss Robinson You’re goddamn lucky I know the Catalina's a flying boat, or else you'd be in deep Clarity poo poo. This takes too long to get started, and once it does, it's a Thunderdome injoke. Great. The transition between locations happens too abruptly. One moment they're sitting in the cockpit before takeoff, then they're there. I want a scene break or some other indicator that time has passed. Same with the "sudden awakening" bit - as is, it reads like the entire preceding story was a dream. Anyway, not a whole lot to recommend this. It's not a great joke, and there’s no great characterization or plot. Mostly pointless, but at least the pilot didn't bang about in her own thoughts for 500 words. See point #5. Verdict: Mediocre. Baudolino: Untitled Seriously, go take a grammar class. This is filled with major errors, to the point of scrambling the meaning of your sentences. You need serious work on the fundamentals of putting a sentence together. Taking the story out of chronological order doesn't help make this any more comprehensible, nor does it improve the story. What I want here is a character study, snapshots of the life of a person with this syndrome that shows how they affect the person and their interactions with the world. You’ve attempted that, but there’s no follow-through, no change or outcome. This sort of story hinges on showing us how the character grapples with and either overcomes or is crushed by their disability. Further, plot-dumping an explanation of the syndrome at the end is just bad form. That said, you had an interesting subject and almost squeezed an interesting story out of it. This isn't as bad as many of the other entries this week, and an improvement on what I've seen from you in the past. Keep working. See point #2, #3. Verdict: Low side of mediocre. Guiness13: A Dream Vacation You have a hideous case of televisionitis. You've taken "show, don't tell" to its absurd extreme, and it hurts your writing. Omit useless details. Look at your opening two paras: quote:Jane grabbed the armrest of her seat as the train jerked into motion. She leaned toward the window, then turned and flashed a smile toward Sean. She reached out and grabbed his hand. Your second, third and fourth sentences are obviously meant to show that the character is excited, but the first sentence already accomplishes this. Cut three out of the four. Worse, behind all the tedious, mundane actions, there's no real characterization or story. None of what happens shows us anything about either character or their relationship. Two people go somewhere and can’t check into their hotel because the town doesn’t exist. Nothing happens. No struggle, neither character changes. Boring. Far too much time spent with characters yakking at each other over nothing, the backstory-dump flashback is pointless and doesn’t contribute to the story. See #3A, #3B, #4, #5. Verdict: Bad. djeser: gently caress You, Got Mine lovely opening line. Go look at the first line of 1984. That’s how you make this gimmick work. quote:It was a darkened, half-sagging ziggurat, surrounded by bare, dessicated rock twenty yards out in all directions. A ring of corrugated steel houses and plywood shacks occupied a ring around the structure, about thirty yards wide at the thickest. You don’t need all these specific dimensions in your descriptions. This isn’t a loving blueprint. I basically have no idea what’s going on in the middle of your story. You jump around too swiftly. Characters appear, belch a line and vanish. I can kind of piece it together with a few read-overs; not good. Scenes three, four and five seem almost disconnected from the rest. Your mechanics are okay, but there’s not enough Story here. Stuff happens, but it doesn’t mean a whole lot, and that may largely be because of the incomprehensible middle. Still, I’ve seen worse. Try threading some character stuff in here and it might end up decent. See #3, #5. Verdict: Mediocre. Tankadillo: Breaking Habits You lifted, wholesale, the plot, characters and situation of the piece you were "inspired by." This is nearly plagiarism. Did you get lost on the way to Fanfiction.net? Come up with your own poo poo. You get no further crit and are instantly disqualified. And, further, for being the first person in Thunderdome history to actually have the stones to try to steal someone else's story outright, a special gently caress you, you shameful worthless piece of subhuman trash, I hope you die a slow, agonizing death to explosive rear end cancer. Verdict: Die. Jonked: The Man from Beatosu Grammar issues all over the place. Go figure out how singulars and plurals work before you write anything else, ever. This is a pure nothing-happens story. We get the weird setup of "a man from somewhere that doesn’t exist", characters jabber about it for a long time, and then it’s just dropped. He disappears. No one learns anything, no character changes, no plot arc. This story is worthless, you are worthless. You also have televisionitis. Don’t write as if you’re describing what’s happening via a camera trained on the character. Describe only consequential details, not every little tic. See #3, #3A, #4, #5. Verdict: Bad. Anathema Device: Monowi Small town melodrama, competently written. Problem: It’s too cliche to have emotional impact. Not much else to say, really. Come up with something original, keep the technique. Verdict: Forgettably mediocre. Entenzahn: Futile This goes on too long, too much back and forth between the husband and wife. It’s flavorless bickering, and the language is stiff and formal, as if they’re nobility in a Jane Austen novel. The ending is a bit odd. I’d expect the orderlies to be in on the plan to slip the guy a mickey when hauling him off to the insane asylum, but the woman acts like it's all very sudden and unexpected. Clarity issue. Boring, but generally competent. I think you’re the first person so far this week to present a story that reveals character. Kudos, but not many of them. Verdict: Mediocre. No Longer Flaky: Trepanation Great, you read a wikipedia article and then had two characters barf it back at me via dialogue! This loving sucks, and you've tossed in tons of irrelevant poo poo to pad it up to wordcount. Summary? Kid goes to the doctor, who suggests cutting her head open for something that’s normally medicated. Mom’s cool with this. The mom and doc talk at each other for a while. Story over. This story manages to be boring and make no sense at the same time. Tell. A. Story. See #3, #3A, #4, #5. Verdict: Bad. Crabrock: The Sooterkin Affair Well, that was hosed up. Mindfuck aside, you go on for too long in most places; the back-and-forth between rabbit and mom doesn’t add anything, because the story completely changes gears halfway through. Also, you should’ve noted she was pregnant earlier - it comes out of nowhere, as written. The whole thing hinges on a huge non-sequitur (evil bunny threatening the baby for no apparent reason). Worse, the story changes from being some kind of supernatural horror thing to being a weird first-person account of peer pressure and public shame being applied to someone who is (apparently?) mentally ill/delusional. Really, this just doesn't work for me. Pick one of the two ideas and develop it, don't just drop one and go off in another direction entirely. Verdict: Mediocre. Schneider Helm: The Obvious Solution Relationship melodrama, as mediated by comics. The salaryman character's an ugly cliche. I think the real problem here is that we don’t see what Toaster-tan’s development means for the characters. It’s both the focus of many words, and also irrelevant to their failing marriage. I don’t get the sense of pressure building up between the two characters, so the last scene just sort of happens and it’s RAWR ANGRY WOMAN DON’T NEED NO USELESS MAN. Blah. See #5. Verdict: Mediocre. Tyrannosaurus: It Means No Worries You know, this is actually pretty okay! It's cute, it's heartwarming, and there's even a bit of tension mixed in with the macabre-yet-screwball situation. It goes on a bit too long in the middle. Given your ending, I’d like to see a bit more of a strained relationship between the sisters - the silliness of the ending would end up as a bonding moment. Other than that, there’s minor details that could be polished up. A character raises their arms, then gets shouted at and is described as raising her arms a second time. Little details make a difference now that you've written a story with solid fundamentals. Not the strongest story ever, but it's got heart, we learn stuff about the characters, and you manufactured your wiki article into an interesting situation instead of barfing it up at us. In any other week, this would be at most an honorable mention, but your competitors royally screwed the pooch. Verdict: Decent, approaching good. Noah: Astronaut Ice Cream A guy dies, his daughters divvy up the loot and fret about what they’re going to do. Then they keep fretting at each other and do some basic dressing and then more fretting. Too much talking, and I have no idea why any of this is relevant. The titular ice cream doesn’t add anything. Despite starting with a man dying, there’s dreadfully little tension and too much "oh noes, whatever shall we poor girls do" melodrama. Bo-ring. See #3A, #5. Verdict: Tedious and mediocre. WeLandedOnTheMoon!: H'Angus Man, I really want to change this story’s title to Hungus and make it about a minor character from The Big Lebowski. It’d be more entertaining that way. Anyway, I hope you’re in graduate school, because this is a Doctorate Thesis in Overwriting. Too many details, not enough details that matter or actually illustrate anything. Stop trying to write like Oh What A Writer Is Me, Oh Look At How Clever I Be! and just tell a loving story. quote:Two men rushed to her side, easily hauling the figure from the sea. Ann noticed how badly he was injured from the wreck; he hung forward languidly, hands nearly resting against the sand. Poor dear, she thought, must have hurt his back. “Tie him up to be safe,” Thomas commanded, as if he actually were a military officer and not just an assistant clerk for the bank; "we don’t know why he’s here." The men dragged the senseless figure up the beach, fastening him to a lamp post with a dripping cord. Grammar problems. Weak verbs and redundant adverbs. Stop attaching an adjective to every loving noun. Cut all your said-bookisms; they don’t contribute anything. poo poo, cut ninety percent of all of this, none of it matters to your plot! In some places, you throw so much bullshit at the reader, you trip over your own heels and contradict your own tone: quote:“He’s a child.” Anne screamed ... Look at that. Rub your goddamn nose up against the screen in those five foul loving words. The dialogue reads calmly, then you shat the word "screamed" next to it to try to impart some tension and emotive weight. Grammar aside - you end the sentence with a period when iit should be a comma - the attribution doesn’t carry weight. Use an exclamation point, cut the attribution and move right to showing up the action the character is doing. quote:Latching onto Thomas’ nose, the boy clamped his jaws like a slamming gate. More horrendous overwriting. This reads like the kid grabs the guy’s nose with his hands, then chomps down on… something? Like he’s got lockjaw or some poo poo. Keep your sentences simple, move in chronological order. Action, reaction, repeat. It’s unclear what’s at stake, why the characters are disagreeing, what they're disagreeing over, etc. This whole story irredeemably sucks, period. Any other week and you've gotten a dishonorable mention, if not a loss. Be very thankful others cocked up far worse than you did (though not by much). See #1, #2, #3, #3A, #4, #5. Verdict: Bad. Walamor: Death Coaster Live! I’ll give you one thing - the title piqued my interest, and you managed to extinguish that goodwill within six words. Your first sentence is very passive and deadly dull. It makes me go from "oh boy, a death coaster!" to "ho hum, a woman is checking out the weather-zzzzzzzzz." Cut your entire dialogue intro. Three talking heads in a white room jabbering mundane bullshit at one another is not interesting. I don’t know who these people are, and watching them go over mundane pleasantries is boring as gently caress. Were I not judging, I’d’ve skipped your story by line five. The story doesn’t make sense, and there’s no tension. No struggle. A woman goes on a roller coaster for reality TV and LOLZ IT’S A DEATH TRAP. Start with LOLZ IT’S A DEATH TRAP and write an interesting story starting from that point; everything up to there is just filler. Your mechanics need work too - too many sensing verbs and passive sentences. You try to shout the plot at us through dialogue instead of having any of the characters do anything. See #3, #3A, #4, #5. Verdict: Bad. Nikaer Drekin: Posthumous Rex Two characters jabber at one another over trivial things. No tension, no character arc, I don’t give a gently caress about any of this. It’s unclear what’s at stake until very late in the story - far too late for me to give a poo poo. Write a story where poo poo happens and you’ll get more of a crit. One good point: your mechanics (grammar, word choice) are nowhere near as bad as most of the other stories rated "bad" this week. See #3A, #5. Verdict: Bad. Quidnose: Signal Noise Cut the first half of this. The jabber and walking-into-a-trap bit is pointless and doesn’t contribute to your story. You’ve got too many passive sentences and sensing verbs pinging around; it’s like the action is happening a hundred feet away. There’s a touch of televisionitis going on here, too. Cut irrelevant details. Too much of your jargon and jabber accomplishes nothing. Don’t just inject dialogue to have the characters say things - make the sentences carry some loving water. If they don’t establish/embellish characters or deepen the plot, cut them. quote:“I f-------p, Rune.” He was breaking up. Between the static of the radio and the static of my ears I was missing every other word. “---t’s milit----de wea----devel--------il safe.” Cutting the character's dialogue off here doesn't work. Instead of adding tension, it comes off like a cheap trick. Your ending doesn’t matter. The characters die suddenly, but I don’t care about them. Nothing’s really at stake. This is basically a "stuff happens" scenario, semi-competently written. (And I’ve seen much better writing from you than this pile of words.) See #3A, #4, #5. Verdict: Mediocre. Kaishai: Some poo poo in French Oh god, you opened with a dream. All goodwill immediately spent, and you didn't dig yourself out of it at all. Summary: A guy makes sculptures. It makes him happy. Then he's done making sculptures. End of story. This is competently written, but the flowery writing doesn't go anywhere. Worse, some of your sentences are dangerously close to purple. I’m left with no emotive impact, no character arc. I’m disappointed, ‘shai. I expect better from you. See #5. Verdict: Snoozefest. Phobia: Gay Bomb something something What the gently caress. The title grabs my attention, in a bad way. I’m immediately groaning at having to read this. Your first para is horrible. It takes the entire, 50-word paragraph for someone to say one line. In fact, the first third of your story carries no weight. It’s two people jabbering inanely at one another. DEAR EVERYONE WRITING FOR THUNDERDOME, GET THIS THROUGH YOUR METER-THICK loving SKULLS: TWO PEOPLE DANCING AROUND A POINT IN DIALOGUE DOES NOT MAKE FOR FASCINATING READING. IT MAKES ME WANT TO GOUGE OUT YOUR loving poo poo-FOR-BRAINS, SMEAR IT ACROSS MY BODY AND DANCE NAKED AROUND THE BONFIRE ON WHICH I ROAST YOUR ROTTING CORPSE. You spent almost your entire story with characters telling me about stuff. Then a bomb goes off and some faceless soldiers sex each other. I seriously don’t give a gently caress. I have no connection to the characters, the situation isn't funny. It's like you farted at the dinner table and are sitting there guffawing at it while the rest of us stare at you. Write a story about characters, for gently caress's sake. See #3, #3A, #5. Verdict: Something Awful. Meinberg: Distortions First scene is pointless. We learn nothing and nothing interesting happens. No hook. Were I not judging, I’d’ve skipped this by para 3. This is overwritten. Cut more adverbs and adjectives. You’re showing us far too many irrelevant details. A bad case of televisionitis, this. Example of a completely worthless paragraph that could've been entirely cut: quote:The crowd around the cabinet jeered as she performed a quick barrel roll, before dropping a screen-clearing bomb, giving her time to bring her focus back onto the game. Her palm hammered down onto the fire button as she maneuvered through the field, laying down cover fire before she focused on avoiding another spray of bullets from the enemy fleet. Also, what the gently caress? There’s no point to this story. Some government agency abducts players of a video game, asks them if they’re Reds and then, oops, our mistake, we’ll send you home all tidy-like. Why does it matter? What’s at stake? Where’s the struggle, where does a character make a loving decision? Still, not as horrific as most of the other poo poo this week. See #4, #5. Verdict: Mediocre. Surreptitious Muffin: Crow-Marm the Librarian This is decent, but the intro is unclear. I don’t think you need the crone at all; she never reappears. Focus more on Crow and Alice, and bring up the Orc King (cute foreshadowing with ‘ork’, by the way, but it’s not working for me) earlier. Amusing, competently written, but I think you’re looking for fish-out-of-water humor - a fantasy barbarian fighting foes in a magical-realistic real world is amusing. It doesn’t totally land, but it’s getting there. Other thing is, does Alice add much to the story? She’s basically just there for Crow to jabber at. If this is a sidekick origin-story, she needs to redeem herself or prove herself somehow. Bildungsroman and other German words like that. Were this tighter and funnier, I could give it a nod. As is, #2 in the week, but it's miles behind Tyranno's. Verdict: Decent, but unpolished. Fanky Malloons: The Hum You know, this is pretty good. Deaf kid wants to hear again, gets consumed by some otherworldly auditory force. There’s some good juice in there. However, I really want this to focus more on the deaf kid’s quest for hearing; the intro is too muddled and everyday-lifey and pointless. The story gets going halfway through, which is too late for something this short. Writing itself is up to par, as expected. Flesh out the struggle for hearing, maybe give us a whiff of Something’s Not Right, so that hearing-and-petrification vs. deafness becomes a big choice for the character, and you’ll have something pretty good. #3 for this week. Verdict: Halfway decent. JayO: And I Knew You… you fictionalized an internet meme. Seriously. You took an internet meme and wrote a story based on it. It’s not a particularly good story either. You've got problems with overwriting and clarity. Worse, nothing of import happens. No tension, no choices, no plot arc, no character development. Your characters are paper thin. See #3A, #4, #5. Verdict: Bad. "The Hampster Dance" Bad. -- DONE -- I haven't done Rhino or J. Comrade's crits yet. Those are to come, but right now I have a furious urge to drink, and it cannot be denied. Erogenous Beef fucked around with this message at 23:15 on Jan 27, 2014 |
# ? Jan 27, 2014 23:11 |
All right I'm in for serious this time, with the far-future years of the 2010's.
# ? Jan 27, 2014 23:32 |
CHOOSE YOUR OWN CRITS --- page 1 Your story is incoherent. You managed to take something like this: quote:(1) Jane opened the door and stepped into the room. and turn it into this: quote:(2) She grasped the cool, firm protuberance and pushed forward, entering something entirely new. The second one also describes what’s happening - you’ve got some picture in your head, and the words you’ve written fit it, sure. But a story has readers. So you don’t get to just write words that fit what you’re envisioning; you have to write words that take the reader to what you’re envisioning. If you’re competent, you can even do this artfully, in such a way that the word choice conveys tone or subtle shades of meaning. The key word is competent. If you’re reading this now, you aren’t a strong enough writer to do ‘literary’ or ‘dramatic’ or ‘artistic’ or ‘ambiguous’ prose. You need to focus on telling a strong, ‘workmanlike’ story first, and then worry about the flourishes. --- page 2 Your story is boring. You were given your choice of loving awesome material. Dramatic deaths. Even more dramatic lives. And you chose to write about Faceless Guy and Generic Girl discussing the story. Or you gave me 300 words of some rando’s backstory instead of skipping to the awesome. Interesting doesn’t mean fucknuts crazy poo poo is happening all over the place. Interesting means that something is happening and something about your description of the characters, setting, etc has made me want to know about it. --- page 3 The emotional impact of your story is contained entirely within a Wikipedia article. And/or you made me read an additional 500 words of Wikipedia to figure out what the hell you were talking about. This is your weekly reminder that your stories are supposed to be stories, and if you couldn’t figure out a way to intimate to the reader what the hell you were writing about without going over the word count via exposition, write about something else. --- page 4 You whiffed the ‘gender’ part of the prompt. It’s all well and good to say that there’s really no difference between men and women and therefore that part of the prompt is meaningless and won’t change anything about your writing. But the truth is that men and women are, broadly speaking, socialized differently; this appears, among other places, in how men and women interact amongst themselves and with others, how they talk, the kinds of expectations people have of them, and the kinds of archetypal roles they fulfill in fiction. Of course, there’s more variation within the group of ‘men’ and the group of ‘women’ than there is between the two groups, so in many stories, gender really will be irrelevant. I didn’t dock anybody points for just not making gender significant. But the fact that I mentioned gender specifically in the prompt should reveal what I was looking for: stories that wouldn’t have the same impact if the main character was of a different gender. Where the character’s experiences take on some slightly different shade of meaning because he/she is male or female. --- page 5 Your take on gender is aggressively terrible. Women do not walk around projecting LOL I AM WOMAN, WACKY NO?. You can convey a sense that gender is relevant without having your characters discuss it (especially if it isn’t even part of the plot!). --- CRITS: The Saddest Rhino - How Louis Was Impressed, but Still Won’t Learn to Listen your article says: quote:Kopi luwak, or civet coffee, refers to the beans of coffee berries once they have been eaten and excreted by the Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). I was expecting: 900-word description of the workings of civet cat sphincters. You gave me: A sweet old-world/new-world tale with tone as a strength. Plus coffee lovingly plucked from turds. On the whole, I liked this. The writing is tight. There are a few places where your word choice is a little weird. A comment in IRC made me think more about to what extent these are just you writing in Malaysian English, and I think a lot of them probably are, but I already pointed them out so I’m leaving this here: He cried as his Converses stomped wetly into the field. - This sentence is just bad in general, ‘cried out’ or ‘whimpered’ would be better for the verb, and don’t write clothing as if it’s doing things deliberately unless you have some literary reason to, because it stands out. She yanked on Hyeon-Seo thought about it, then removed her heels and left her handbag lying beside them. You also could’ve given me more of a sense of why Hyeon-Seo was ready to have the kind of revelation that she did. That would’ve made the story more satisfying - as it stands, I can understand why she had this emotional experience, but only because I understand what her ‘type’ is from my own experiences external to the story. I would rather know more about who she is specifically and what makes her go help the little girl rather than just ignoring her in favor of keeping her shoes clean (replacing some of the cute but ultimately unnecessary bickering with Louis, who is not really a character and thus shouldn’t be given so much screen time.) I’d like to point out that you did a really nice job with the ‘gender’ requirement (and on hitting the prompt in general). It feels relevant that Hyeon-Seo is female, and she reads like a type of woman that I’ve definitely met before, but the story isn’t LOL FEMINISM. --- Mr_Wolf - Tonight your article says: quote:The term maschalismos has widened to include the customs throughout the different cultures of the world in ritually mutilating their dead to prevent their wrath from affecting the living. In the Moluccas, a woman who has died in childbirth is buried with pins stuck through the joints, and an eggunder the chin and or armpits I was expecting: Blood-soaked ancients rending their dead limb from limb as Iron Maiden plays in the background. You gave me: A story that reads like snorkeling in mud. Sorry, but this is absolutely atrocious, especially given the ridiculously crazy idea you had to work with, and I was pushing for it to lose. Does the story even depict maschalismos? Is your character male or female? I honestly have no idea. turn to page 1. turn to page 2. turn to page 3. turn to page 4. --- elfdude - Untitled your article says: quote:When toast falls out of one's hand, it does so at an angle. The toast then rotates. Given that tables are usually between two to six feet (0.7 to 2 meters), there is enough time for the toast to rotate about one-half of a turn, and thus lands upside down relative to its original position. Since the original position is usually butter-side up, the toast lands butter-side down. I was expecting: A pessimist straps toast to her cat and drops it out of a 40th-story window. you gave me: A surprisingly witty story with some nice moments, that could nonetheless have been a lot better. At least one of your other judges absolutely hated this (because of the overwrought writing style), but I think there’s something good going on here under all the dreck. I’m going to do a line-by-line for you because most of your issues are stylistic or mechanical. Also, holy mother of God learn to use a comma. --- quote:Trial five thousand, eight hundred and forty-seven, she scribbled in her carbonless notebook. ----- poopkitty - The Turning of the Heavens your article says: quote:Kaiten. The Kaiten was a manned fast torpedo, which was piloted straight into its target, which in practice was a suicide weapon. Suicide-bombing astronauts smashing human-sized craters into an alien moon. You gave me: The personal history of some guy I don’t care about, with no mention of Kaiten until the very last microsecond. Your writing isn’t awful, but the story is pointless. Why are you giving me hundreds of words on the personal/employment history of a guy who is researching Kaiten (which I didn’t even realize he was doing until one of my co-judges mentioned it?) Also, what is the drumming? If it’s supposed to spur some dramatic realization in the reader, it went right over my head (and I’m fairly forgiving of stories that take work to ‘figure out’.) Turn to page 2. Turn to page 3. --- Paladinus - A True Vampire your article says: quote:In mathematics, a vampire number (or true vampire number) is a composite natural number v, with an even number of digits n, that can be factored into two integers x and y each with n/2 digits and not both with trailing zeroes, where vcontains precisely all the digits from x and from y, in any order, counting multiplicity. x and y are called the fangs. Number theory-themed erotica. Oooh, his factors glitter in the sunlight. you gave me: I still don’t even know, and I read it twice. I don’t care about either of these people and vampire numbers aren’t mentioned in the story. You can’t reasonably expect your readers to have heard of them, so your entire last section just makes Dodgeson seem like an actual crazy person, where I think the point is that she isn’t, even though the narrator expects her to be? If I’m not right on that, then the story is even dumber than I thought because there’s nothing to justify your having written it. Also the main character is atrociously clueless and your story hinges on the improbable-to-the-point-of-lunacy fact that she, a journalist, doesn’t research her subjects thoroughly enough to know whether their bits are tucked or dangly. If you wanted to write this story - which you shouldn’t, because I read it and I still don’t know what the plot was - you should at the very least cut the entire beginning section about the interviewer’s backstory. It’s possible that interviewing crazy people for the local news is a fascinating job and leads to good stories, but you didn’t tell us one of em. Flatten and try again. Also, LOL SHE’S A WOMAN. Jesus Christ. Turn to page 2. Turn to page 3. Turn to page 5. --- ReptileChillock - Miss Robinson Yeah, I’m not gonna seriouscrit this except to say that the Pauli effect was poorly shoehorned in to your 900-word joke about Martello being gay and it’s a waste of a drat good premise. I was expecting a serious and prompt-relevant 900-word joke about Martello being gay, 0 out of 10 domestars. --- Baudolino - Weird prompt. your article says: quote:Although its rarity often leads to late diagnosis, infants with this disorder can be identified at birth by a "mask-like" lack of expression that is detectable during crying or laughing and by an inability to suck while nursing because of paresis (palsy) of the sixth and seventh cranial nerves. Also, because a person with Möbius syndrome cannot follow objects by moving their eyes from side to side, they turn their head instead. A young man dies You gave me: A surprisingly sensitive character-study-that-is-almost-a-story about a girl whose face just don’t work right. I liked the bit with her and her brother in the restaurant. It felt realistic, definitely in line with experiences people with visible disabilities have described to me in the past. The story is awfully tell-y. Also, the point just seems to be ‘life with a disfiguring disorder is tough’, without demonstrating how Moebius syndrome is uniquely interesting. These are related problems: you give us “Naturally, everyone teased her relentlessly”; what do they say to her? You give us “Sally was used to not being misunderstood”; who misunderstands her and how? As it stands she might just have an ugly birthmark or something. This would have been better if you’d focused in really tightly on one incident and how it defined or changed Sally somehow in light of her disorder. If possible, get someone to proofread your next story. You might even talk a veteran Domer into doing it. (We would be thrilled to see you in IRC, no joke.) Problem is, the mechanical and spelling problems make your work painful to read. Story-wise this is a lot better than Rural Rentboys, but it’s still impossible to take it seriously because it just reads so awkwardly. --- Guiness13 - A Dream Vacation your article says: quote:The supposed location of Argleton was just off the A59 road within the civil parish of Aughton in West Lancashire, England, which in reality is nothing more than empty fields. A Google whistleblower tries to draw attention to the abduction of an entire town by aliens, in the only way she knows how. You gave me: The last man on earth to never have heard of Snopes. This was a nice piece if a bit outside the realm of believability. My only complaint is that it both started and ended weak. You had so few words here, you needed to make them count. But “Jane grabbed the armrest of her seat as the train jerked into motion, etc” doesn’t do much to start things off with a bang. You really should’ve started with her asking if Sean is really, truly, absolutely sure that he actually made reservations - that makes the reader wonder whether she’s just being a hideous scold, or whether he’s a total incompetent, or possibly both. Same with the ending. Sean just stands there like a sad sack without trying to fix things? He’s not even going to try to save his marriage? What? --- Djeser - gently caress You, Got Mine your article says: quote:Such a structure would be composed of at least two but typically more Dyson spheres built around a star, and nested one inside another. A significant percentage of the shells would be composed of nanoscale computers (see molecular-scale computronium). These computers would be at least partly powered by the energy exchange between the star and interstellar space. I was expecting: Somebody built the ultimate Buttcoins mining rig. You gave me: Well, uh, um, I was right. You came up with a good premise and your writing, mechanically, is solid (except for a slight penchant for adjectives and overdescription that you really can’t afford, given how much you’re trying to say here). This story is not boring which gives you a huge leg up on the competition. You’re trying to say an awful lot here and your story suffers for it. I think I get why you put in the section about the guy on the ship with his weed farms (to convey why Alex finally decides that these people are horrible?) but it feels rushed (as does the entire second half) compared to the beginning, which offers some cool description but ultimately isn’t that relevant to the story. You need to have a little more faith in your readers - you could’ve dropped us straight into Alex on the spaceship and explained the buttcoin/capitalism/SPACE TECH SUPPORT thing in little bits and pieces and we would’ve not only still gotten it, we would have been more impressed by Alex’s solution to the problem because there would’ve been more room for you to provide a motivating incident(s). You don’t have to explain everything. Actually, “Alex stared into the pudgy doe-eyes of a savage captain of industry” isn’t a bad opening line. Sets the tone and theme. Should’ve started there, and let the backstory drop bit by bit so we could pick it up. Again: trust your readers, we are people and most of us have brains in our skulls. Turn to page 4. --- tankadillo - Breaking Habits I’m not going to seriouscrit this either. --- Jonked - The Man from Beatosu Your article says: quote:Beatosu and Goblu are two non-existent Ohio towns in Fulton and Lucas Counties, respectively. They were inserted into the 1978–1979 official state of Michigan map. Rabid UM fans make an en masse pilgrimage to Beatosu, get stranded when their tour bus breaks down and end up settling the town as peaceful farmers. You gave me: The entirely ambiguous tale of a man who doesn’t exist. So, this was the best so far. At the time of reading I haven’t read too many other ones yet, so don’t get complacent, okay? But it’s well done, in my opinion. Your writing is strong enough to pull off the ambiguity, so that an ending that would normally just be unsatisfying ends up feeling pleasantly unfinished. Makes you think, as it were. I don’t have much bad to say about it, so keep up the good work. Unfortunately at least one of your fellow judges hated it, so when you get his crit you’ll learn what kept you out of the HMs. Turn to page 4. Anathema Device - Monowi Your article says: quote:According to the 2010 census, it has a population of just 1 person,[5] the only incorporated municipality in the United States with such a population.[6] The last man in Monowi is forced to serve as his own surgeon when bureaucratic complications require him to go to the closest town’s hospital. You gave me: The most boring story in a week full of boring stories. There’s also a spelling error in the first sentence. The problem here is that the remarkable qualities of your topic are completely ignored in favor of a dull domestic story about a conflict that everyone’s experienced a thousand times, and you didn’t even treat it in a novel way or show us any interesting facets or quirks. I mean, yes, this is a thing that happens, and you describe it competently - kid returns from the big city, has a conflict of values with his aging parents, etc, etc, but it isn’t a story unless you go deeper and give us something more about that theme. What makes these people different from any other trio of adult child, rural parents? Why are they worth writing about? In short, this story fails to justify its own existence, and in turn the time I spent reading it, since I learned nothing from it (and I’m not talking didactic moral poo poo here, just ‘was my attention drawn to some element of human nature or human problem?’) and it wasn’t even interesting aesthetically. Turn to page 2. Turn to page 3. Turn to page 4. --- Entenzahn - Futile Your article says: quote:He is noted for his works of lenticular art, as well as for The Picture of Everything, a massive painting incorporating images of several thousand people and items, both real and imaginary. An attempt to draw a Picture of Every Possible Permutation of the Picture of Everything: The Picture of the Pictures of Everything results in the death of the artist and 24 people who just happened to be standing nearby. You gave me: There was one obvious way the story could have gone from the beginning, and you took it. The characters are a bit one-note and we don’t see much of their motivations (why did the woman stay with him for this long; why is he and not some other person painting this picture; etc?). If you tried a little bit harder to inject some surprise and wonder into it this could have had almost a Borgesian quality, but once again, we get something fascinating smothered under endless description of a dry-as-dust domestic dispute. Turn to page 2. --- No Longer Flaky - Trepanation Your article says: quote:After some time there was an ominous sounding schlurp and the sound of bubbling. I drew the trepan out and the gurgling continued. It sounded like air bubbles running under the skull as they were pressed out. I looked at the trepan and there was a bit of bone in it. At last! Somebody, you know, getting trepanned. You gave me: A story in which nobody gets trepanned. What the hell, Flaky? Here’s the problem with this story: - If the reader is supposed to be horrified by the prospect of trepanning an innocent kid, then you can’t have the doctor describe it clinically as a valid cure for ADD, or you at least need to provide some hint that we’re in bizarro-child-cruelty-world. What you’ve ended up doing is suspending my disbelief just enough that I’m like ‘okay, on my own planet trepanning is horrifying and barbaric, but apparently on this one it isn’t a big deal. Okay, what’s the story?’ - If the reader isn’t supposed to be horrified, then what is the story here? Parent has an unnecessary medical procedure performed on their kid - it’s a sad story, but it happens all the time, and you haven’t given us a new twist on it. Basically I suspect you’re trying to play on the reader’s preconceptions here, but trepanning isn’t quite awful enough, and the way you’ve described it isn’t quite intense enough, for this to work as satire. --- crabrock - The Sooterkin Affair Your article says: quote:According to a contemporary account of 9 November, over the next few days he delivered "three legs of a Cat of a Tabby Colour, and one leg of a Rabbet: the guts were as a Cat's and in them were three pieces of the Back-Bone of an Eel ... The cat's feet supposed were formed in her imagination from a cat she was fond of that slept on the bed at night." She was actually giving birth to rabbit parts, but modern medical science is just keeping the truth down, man. You gave me: A subtly eerie albeit somewhat predictable story with a distinctive voice. The opening is excellent. There’s something almost magical-realism about the matter-of-fact way she approaches the situation. Your control of the narrative voice really helps you out here, since it sounds both like something from a different time, and like something ‘fable-like’ or magical in nature. ‘Then my baby died’ is the worst kind of telling in the worst possible place. I understand what you were going for, but you stood to gain a really good dramatic moment by giving us a 1-line description of the sensation of having her baby die. Instead it just fell flat. Also, ‘thing that was attributed to magic but then later discredited actually did happen because of magic’ is disappointingly predictable; you write well enough to almost pull it off, but I was expecting a lot of this from the weaker writers this week. (How was I supposed to know they’d all decide to not even write about their drat topics?) Not so much from you. Ending feels rushed; just one or two more sentences would’ve helped, although the writing is already pretty tight, so I can’t point to anything specifically you should’ve cut. Maybe a tiny bit of the interplay between the rabbit and Toft, since it was possible to ‘get it’ with less than what you wrote. --- Schneider Heim - The Obvious Solution Your article says: quote:The characters here, usually in a kind of cosplay, are drawn to represent an inanimate object or popular consumer product. The brave adventures of Thunderdome-tan and the anthropomorphic BLOOD THRONE. You gave me: A story involving nothing startling, interesting, or remarkable. It’s just dull and sleazy from beginning to end. Sure, he kind of gets his comeuppance at the end, but not really. Nobody changes. The wife just goes along with it? Seriously? Even if you think a sane woman would actually do that, it sure doesn’t make for an interesting story. Turn to page 2. Turn to page 5. Your portrayal of gender isn’t aggressively terrible, but still, ugh. She’s just so passive, and he’s such a pig, and it’ll be that way forever and ever I guess? --- Tyrannosaurus - It Means No Worries Your article says: I was expecting: The sad tale of an alienated Tibetan vulture who just isn’t fast enough to get the best greebly bits. You gave me: The only story to succeed in depicting characters reacting to a situation, rather than the situation itself. The first paragraph is what I want to show people when they ask how to write a first paragraph on an extremely tight word limit. It sets the background, it establishes the characters, it tells us where the plot is going, it gives us the beginnings of the tone, it’s great. The sisters even seem to have distinct personalities from each other, which is remarkable in so few words. This is something you do very well in this story - writing dialogue that gives the impression, in a small amount of space, that real people are speaking it. The ending is another strength - the ‘Hakuna Matata’ bit made me giggle and then feel really sad and then feel weird that this was Thunderdome and I was feeling things, and then read your story again and be really impressed. It’s a nice example of cultural references standing in for much, much bigger ideas (in this case the idea that people in the sisters’ demographic are unwillingly forming their own cultural heritage based on consumer culture, etc.). --- Noah - Astronaut Ice Cream Your article said, I was expecting: Beatosu and Goblu again. See above. You gave me: The aftermath of the Apocalypse, if it was portrayed as a Lifetime special. This was an okay idea, but there’s too much meaningless interaction between the siblings, not enough that would give us a reason to care what happens to them. Basically they’re faceless cutouts that exist to get across the point, which I suppose is that the Apocalypse is really terrible and tragic and hope is meaningless? It might have been better if the futile hope of reaching Goblu - which you touch on, very briefly, at the end - actually changed them or somehow benefited them. For once in a story I’m left feeling like I want *more* backstory and *less* character interaction, which is atypical for the Dome but still not a good thing. Turn to page 2. Turn to page 3. Turn to page 4. --- WeLandedOnTheMoon! - H’Angus Your article said: quote:On finding the monkey, some locals decided to hold an impromptu trial on the beach; since the monkey was unable to answer their questions, and many locals were unaware of what a Frenchman may look like,[citation needed] they concluded that the monkey was in fact a French sailor. The French sailor that’s actually a monkey ironically turns out to be an unusually hairy, mute French sailor after all. Oopsies! You gave me: A story with no apparent monkey. WHERE IS THE MONKEY, MOON Why is Ann willing to attack Thomas on behalf of some random kid? monkey? she’s never interacted with? If it’s just because she feels sorry for it/him, we need to learn that as readers - we need to see her having some experience that leads her to feel this way. Writing is pretty meh too, there’s too much talking and overdescription, and I see where it’s trying to be dramatic, but the real drama is in the motivations behind the fight and its implications - neither of which you give us. Also, the really interesting thing here - that the kid may or may not be a monkey - isn’t really brought up. There’s a fine line between pulling one over on your readers (so that they feel deceived, i.e. by inadequate description of this monkey/child that any character who was present would have picked up on) and being artfully ambiguous/presenting an interesting mystery (which isn’t what you do here, because nobody seems to be interested in the kid’s species.) Turn to page 3. --- Walamor - Death Coaster Live! Your article said: quote:The Euthanasia Coaster is an art concept for a steel roller coaster designed to kill its passengers. Supervillain surreptitiously installs a euthanasia coaster at Six Flags just in time for the protagonist to arrive. You gave me: A ham-fisted satire of reality TV culture. You gotta pick one: either play it straight, or play up the ridiculous to make it parodic. Right now you’re trying to do both: you’re trying to make the reader feel this pathos of Katie’s hinted-at situation with her father and sister, and the genuine fear of the other riders; you’re also giving us the glitz and glam and trappings of reality TV in a scaled-up way. So what is this, a satire, or a heartbreaking story of self-sacrifice? I’d go with the former, after doing some serious thinking about how what you depict here is analogous to things you see IRL. The beginning is terrible: start with her walking out to the coaster, we don’t need to hear her chatting with non-characters. The ending is also amazingly unsatisfying and unnecessary to get your point across. Turn to page 4. --- Nikaer Drekin - Posthumous Rex Your article said: quote:Through sound and video, VEGMs would, in theory, make visits to graveyards an interactive experience. 900-word philosophical tract on whether Great-Grandpa is still sentient, given how terrible his audio quality is getting. You gave me: A story I didn’t want to like, but actually did, in the end. You have a really good underlying idea here, or actually a couple of them: that people might represent themselves posthumously as differently from they were in life; that if dead people can speak, they might gain economic power in spite of not being human, etc. The best moment in this is where Denise tries to call her mother out on the discrepancy between what she recommends doing, and what she actually did in life. I just wanted you to take this further - why did Denise’s mother represent herself in death differently from how she was in life? What other discrepancies are there? How does Denise feel about this? As it stands, there are hints of these interesting ideas, but they never really get explored in favor of Denise’s mom yelling at her irrelevantly. Nice choice going almost-dialogue-only, too. --- Quidnose - Signal Noise Your article said: quote:self-described sufferers of electromagnetic hypersensitivity report responding to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (or electromagnetic radiation) at intensities well below the limits permitted by international radiation safety standards. The government is using rogue Wi-fi signals to literally make peoples’ heads explode, but for some reason nobody notices. You gave me: Turn to page 2. Turn to page 4. This is an interesting idea in principle, but it’s just completely unsurprising. Girl who can detect electromagnetic radiation detects electromagnetic radiation. She finds a bomb; the bomb explodes. There’s just nothing remarkable happening here, especially since it’s set against a backdrop where people probably die all the drat time in far more remarkable ways. --- Kaishai - Une Mémoire des Rêves et de la Pierre Your article said: quote:a French postman who spent thirty-three years of his life building Le Palais idéal (the "Ideal Palace") in Hauterives. An earthquake sent by a jealous god destroys the Palais ideal the day after Cheval’s death. It’s revealed to be covering a trapdoor that leads into a secret French bunker full of nukes. You gave me: An elegantly written story that you should’ve used all the drat words to properly finish, drat you. There are lots of pretty words and emotionally evocative images here, but it’s just such a straight retelling with such a completely unsatisfying ending. And then he felt satisfied; so? Did he just spend the rest of his life looking at this nice palace? Was it weird to have completed his life’s work? Did anything change at all? What made him susceptible to this mad desire? It’s a nice telling, but you haven’t given us a lot about the guy’s inner workings, especially for a story that very much feels to exist in the guy’s head. --- Phobia - For the Last Time We Are Not Calling It a Gay Bomb! Your article says: quote:the theories involve discharging female sex pheromones over enemy forces in order to make them sexually attracted to each other. I was expecting: Diffuser-wielding terrorists in chastity belts. You gave me: Well, at least something happened, even though it was buried at the end of hundreds of words of expository dialogue. I’m not going to expound on whether this is offensive or not. It’d be fine if it was an interesting and/or well-written story, because you as the author aren’t promoting any hideously offensive opinions as far as I can tell, although some things you have your characters say made the entire IRC channel cringe. There was absolutely no need to spend paragraph after paragraph having your faceless characters, one of whom may or may not have a vagina, expound upon the origin and nature of the gay bomb. Give us a chance to figure out what the thing is and does on our own, by giving it to us in the context of a story. This was the most egregious example of ‘your story could have been exciting - maybe not great, but exciting - but you managed to make it completely dull’ this week. Also, your characters are indistinguishable from each other. Read Ty’s story if you want a lesson in how to fix this. Turn to page 2. Turn to page 4. --- Meinberg - Distortions Your article says: quote:the Tempest-style game was released to the public in 1981, and caused its players to go insane, causing them to suffer from intense stress, horrific nightmares, and even suicidal tendencies. A player of Polybius goes insane, suffers from intense stress, horrific nightmares, and even suicidal tendencies. You gave me: A really, really, really bad first line. And the rest of the story ain’t much better. Stuff just keeps happening to your protagonist. She doesn’t seem to feel about it or be affected by it whatsoever, and the hallucinations, etc. don’t even become a plot point until it’s too late for them to matter. Cut the exposition at the beginning; reveal that she’s been playing this game without spending 300 words describing it (especially since the gameplay is irrelevant to your plot). Turn to page 4. --- SurreptitiousMuffin - Crow-Marm the Librarian Your article says: quote:The presence of the archetype is explained by Christine Williams by the fact that librarianship is a traditionally female occupation, far from traditional ideas of masculinity. She writes that male librarians will often use "Conan the Librarian" cartoons to assert their masculinity and reaffirm male hegemony. Genderswapped Conan stomping some fools over late fees. You gave me: A funny story with colorful, distinctive writing and some nice references. I like the level of detail you put in; every reference feels both realistic and meaningful. Unfortunately, you may have to cut some of it to fit more character development within a word limit as tight as this. Where this story suffers is in being divided into two scenes (feels really jarring, for a number of reasons), and in that there isn’t much impact or change - it’s ‘just’ a light, silly yarn. Compared to Ty’s piece, this felt very fluffy. The story is fast-moving and actually deals with occurrences, rather than people talking, which put you on the top of the pile to begin with. You have a nice way of making each event seem to naturally follow from the previous, without dumping a bunch of exposition on top of us. Everybody who I yelled at about ‘trusting your reader’ should read this story. --- Fanky Malloons - The Hum Your article says: quote:a persistent and invasive low-frequency humming, rumbling, or droning noise not audible to all people The hum is actually just the guy in the cubicle next to me humming, like, really loud. SHUT UP STEVE You gave me: A total rush job, with the bones of a nice story. Lots of mechanical problems here, but I’m sure you’re already aware of them and would’ve corrected them if you had any time to work. The idea isn’t bad, and the telling is good, but the order that you present certain things feels a bit scrambled (probably because you were writing facts as you thought of them), and there needed to be more of a sense that the events described either 1. have occurred, or 2. have been contemplated by the characters. Right now a lot of it reads like Fanky Malloons telling us facts about Oscar; some of them need to be described and/or contextualized better. Overall though not bad, this would’ve stood a chance at least to get HM if you didn’t have to write it so fast. --- Jay O - And I Knew Your article said: quote:An odd-eyed cat is a white cat with one blue eye and one eye of either green, yellow, or brown. I was expecting: Scientists argue over how to classify a cat with three eyes: One blue, one gold, and one glowing red one in the middle of its forehead. You gave me: A ridiculously overwrought story about nerds in an everyday situation. Your 'visions based on the cat's eyes' gambit failed because there's no justification for it, either within or external to the story. It's this remarkable thing that's happening, so if the story doesn't even attempt to justify it, the characters at least need to worry about it, instead of taking it at face value. Also because it throws how quotidian the rest of the story is into stark relief. Turn to page 2. Turn to page 4. --- J. Comrade - Mary Doughal came from Cork Your article said: quote:Winchester came to believe her family and fortune were haunted by the ghosts of people who had fallen victim to Winchester rifles, and that only by moving West and continuously building them a house could she appease these spirits. I was expecting: A 900-word apology letter. Yours sincerely, Mary Winchester. You gave me: I don't even get what's happening here. Maybe I'm just tired, but seriously, what's going on in this story? Did the builder have something to do with the legend of the Winchester House, or did he just happen to be a psychopath? Wait, is the narrator even one of the builders, or just someone who sympathizes with them? If there's a connection here, I'm missing it. Give us a little more. Turn to page 1. Turn to page 4. [b] God Over Djinn fucked around with this message at 00:01 on Jan 28, 2014 |
# ? Jan 27, 2014 23:45 |
Martello posted:This cracked me up irl <3
# ? Jan 27, 2014 23:55 |
I volunteer to judge.
# ? Jan 27, 2014 23:56 |
Erogenous Beef posted:POINT #3A: NO ONE LIKES READING ABOUT TWO HEADS TALKING God Over Djinn posted:Nice choice going almost-dialogue-only, too. AAAAAGGGHHHHH I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THIIIIIINK Seriously though, thanks guys. I agree that I should have put forth the idea of Denise being financially dependent on her mother earlier on- otherwise her freakout at the end seems a bit unwarranted. Also I guess E. Beef hates all plays, good to know! (just kidding i love ya man)
# ? Jan 28, 2014 00:10 |
In with the 1910`s ( The Tenties?) You guys are rigth , my grammar is ungood. I will buy a grammar book and try to improve. It`s been a long time since high school and I have forgotten quite a lot. I know my punctuation is less then stellar to say the least. I don`t even know how to do it properly in my native language. But what other issues should I be aware of?
# ? Jan 28, 2014 00:12 |
ReptileChillock posted:I volunteer to judge. Glad to have ya
# ? Jan 28, 2014 00:41 |
Then afterward, I cried, because there isn't really a tribe of constantly engorged homosexuals named after me.
# ? Jan 28, 2014 00:52 |
Martello posted:Then afterward, I cried, because there isn't really a tribe of constantly engorged homosexuals named after me. Only because you don't have kids yet.
# ? Jan 28, 2014 01:17 |
Fanky Malloons posted:Only because you don't have kids yet.
# ? Jan 28, 2014 01:22 |
# ? Jan 28, 2014 01:24 |
Fanky Malloons posted:Only because you don't have kids yet.
# ? Jan 28, 2014 01:35 |
SurreptitiousMuffin posted:MYSTERY TIME! LET'S 'DOME IT UP IN HERE! Jagermonster posted:Rest for the Wicked Baudolino posted:How Tommie died. (993 words) terrible title tankadillo posted:Out of the Attic and into the Cellar ReptileChillock posted:A Grand Mystery 999 turds Djeser posted:By the Light of Stars Entenzahn posted:Little Monsters sebmojo fucked around with this message at 03:04 on Jan 28, 2014 |
# ? Jan 28, 2014 01:45 |
# ? Jan 28, 2014 01:59 |
curlingiron posted:e: More Mystery crits? Yeah I have been slacking on this, I've had less free time than I expected but not sufficiently less to make a decent excuse. I'll get the first set out in the next 24 hours (this is a toxx).
# ? Jan 28, 2014 01:59 |
Last one; if I missed anyone, let me know.Schneider Heim posted:A Close Call God Over Djinn posted:Helios (996 words)
# ? Jan 28, 2014 03:05 |
sebmojo posted:Last one; if I missed anyone, let me know. Um, you missed me, I think.
# ? Jan 28, 2014 03:22 |
curlingiron posted:Um, you missed me, I think. So I did. Watch this space.
# ? Jan 28, 2014 03:50 |
Ugh, gently caress, I'm in, 80's.
# ? Jan 28, 2014 03:58 |
Baudolino posted:You guys are rigth , my grammar is ungood. I will buy a grammar book and try to improve. It`s been a long time since high school and I have forgotten quite a lot. Hi there, Baudolino. I wasn't a judge for the last round, but I'm going to do a line-by-line of your piece in hopes it will help. My suggested changes and comments are in bold. Baudolino posted:Weird prompt. 759 word. My overall impression: this is infinitely stronger than "Rural Rentboys" in nearly every respect, including grammar. You've improved a lot! Or stopped using that bizarre, virus-ridden version of WordPad. Whichever, it's nice to see. But your ambition outstrips your execution. I think you were aiming for a play on the Möbius strip with your story that never ends and loops back around to its beginning after several twists, and it's kind of fascinating, honestly, but it's a gimmick that doesn't quite justify itself because the story you're telling isn't worthy of it. It could be, but the real meat of the piece--which for me would be how she transitions from one point of her life to another--is all in the gaps. How'd she find her husband? How did she get a job? What changed? What did she do? Do you see what I mean? Too much is left out. There's still some sound emotion to it, but it doesn't hold up to scrutiny. It doesn't reward the reader enough for following the shifting narrative. Aside from Dr. McWikiquote, you did a good job with both halves of the prompt, in my opinion. Your writing is rough. It's not unsalvageable. Neither is this story. If you're serious about buying a grammar book, Lynne Truss's Eats, Shoots and Leaves is a lighthearted, popular favorite. You can find a lot of information on the Internet for free, though. The Purdue Online Writing Lab is a great resource for grammar lessons, and The Grammar Girl offers many useful tips. Kaishai fucked around with this message at 01:58 on Jan 29, 2014 |
# ? Jan 28, 2014 04:01 |
Thanks for the crits. I'm going in for round two with the 1960s.
# ? Jan 28, 2014 06:31 |
sebmojo posted:So I did. Watch this space. Me too. *watches space*
# ? Jan 28, 2014 06:43 |
# ? Jan 16, 2025 06:32 |
SurreptitiousMuffin posted:Space Filler Elegance Challenge #2 Pop drove the mule cart down to Denver with all hundred fifty dollars. Plans to fix out a proper cabin for us all, doors windows and such. Buy two doors and window frames, in Denver. Making his way back from Denver (we suppose some cargo here), South of Laramie a wind caught the ash from his pipe. From here it goes: 'you knew Pop' (meaning that tattooed drunken savage drunk again as always) 'drove on hard as he could'. And the cart kindled into a blaze. No notice of danger he’d never let up on the mule (sure sounds like Pop). Finally a singe on his brim, he leaped clear of the wreck. The mule died in the blaze, cart and cargo of course lost. And so that is how Pop arrived safely back home with less-than nothing to show for all the money in the world.
# ? Jan 28, 2014 07:44 |