IN A WORLD WHERE PEOPLE WRITE WELL ONE MAN CHOSE A DIFFERENT PATH. "Rules are meant to be broken! I get results, dammit!" DocBeard spat angrily, before blowing up a building full of critics who were also nuns. Also angrily. "IN", belched the flaming wreckage. Angrily. Oh so angrily. COMING SOON TO A THUNDERDOME THREAD NEAR YOU
# ? Mar 4, 2014 14:23 |
# ? Dec 2, 2024 20:45 |
I'm in.
# ? Mar 4, 2014 14:52 |
"In," Jager monstered. Please hit me up with a flash rule, Oxxybaby
# ? Mar 4, 2014 15:02 |
Erogenous Beef posted:
Does this apply to any form, i.e.: "he said to himself questioningly?"
# ? Mar 4, 2014 15:11 |
Jagermonster posted:"In," Jager monstered. Flash rule me as well, I can't not take this challenge.
# ? Mar 4, 2014 15:12 |
crabrock posted:Does this apply to any form, i.e.: "he said to himself questioningly?" Does "questioningly" apply to "said"? Then yes. Make it funny, awesome, or interesting. Otherwise
# ? Mar 4, 2014 15:24 |
Erogenous Beef posted:Does "questioningly" apply to "said"? Then yes. Make it funny, awesome, or interesting. Otherwise (Just clarifying for the record, because I'm going to come down hard on that poo poo). Also for the record: I am a judge this week and I hate useless adverbs and adjectives and said bookisms, SO USE THEM WISELY AND SPARINGLY.
# ? Mar 4, 2014 15:45 |
Lots of masochists this week, huh. FLASH RULES:Jagermonster posted:"In," Jager monstered. Your story must take place in the aftermath of a drinking contest. The Leper Colon V posted:That's brilliant. Your story must prominently feature archaeology.
# ? Mar 4, 2014 15:52 |
Here are additional crits. I think these are the only two who asked me for one: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QQv4Z01SgSKfNsmGZgVQSFft3nmoc8EVXk6fFmWSfiA/edit?usp=sharing angel opportunity fucked around with this message at 16:58 on Mar 4, 2014 |
# ? Mar 4, 2014 16:56 |
I asked for one, too. Unicorn Hunt, specifically how I could have better drawn the parallels about the magic of the unknown, between childhood and the past.
# ? Mar 4, 2014 17:00 |
Martello posted:the languid pause was to take a sick bong hit, just so everyone is tracking "Too true," puffed Sitting Here.
# ? Mar 4, 2014 18:16 |
Masonity breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that 'On one hand' hadn't come in last, or even received a dishonorable mention. "I really thought I was for it!" he explained. "When the early entries were posted and I quite rightly had the lowest score, I actually saved my current avatar, so I could re-buy it one day!" "But you've made money writing terrible erotica, thanks to this very website!" his conscience demanded. "You owe them better than the tripe you posted last time. You owe them a decent attempt!" "I guess you are right." Masonity grinned. "Time to get writing I guess... After I console Benny on winning a sparkly new avatar!" ps. The "console benny on winning a new avatar" idea should be reserved for Benny himself maybe?
# ? Mar 4, 2014 18:24 |
# ? Mar 4, 2014 18:35 |
Ok, we've accounted for almost everybody. Who wrote "Threadbare cloth yielded to the breeze...?" Speak up and claim your DM.
# ? Mar 4, 2014 19:40 |
systran posted:Here are additional crits. I think these are the only two who asked me for one: I'd also like one for Thomas and the Elf, specifically on how I could be more efficient with my words, and do a better job editing. literally this big fucked around with this message at 20:19 on Mar 4, 2014 |
# ? Mar 4, 2014 20:14 |
In, he pondered.
# ? Mar 4, 2014 20:17 |
Two belated line-by-lines from Thunderdome 81 (Lego week). Entenzahn Here. Sebmojo: Here.
# ? Mar 4, 2014 21:35 |
"In", he blathered, noting that some fool on the Internet has compiled a list of 325 dialogue tags as a freely downloadable ebook. "Sebmojo has proposed on IRC", he further publicised, "that we each make a random selection of several of these which we have to use in our submissions". "I have ruptured, nagged, publicized, bemoaned and barked," he conveyed. "Those wishing to join can find a random number generator here," he informed. Rusy Fischer, author of an honest-to-goodness said book posted:So, the editor had very politely, very helpfully highlighted in yellow every “said” in my book! E: fixed link Lead out in cuffs fucked around with this message at 22:00 on Mar 4, 2014 |
# ? Mar 4, 2014 21:38 |
# ? Mar 4, 2014 23:36 |
Lead out in cuffs posted:"In", he blathered, noting that some fool on the Internet has compiled a list of 325 dialogue tags as a freely downloadable ebook. "I have a convenient link for your flash rule", Ursine Asylum countered.
# ? Mar 5, 2014 00:46 |
I finished the extra crits that were requested (if I am totally dumb and still forgot someone let me know). Also if you didn't ask for a crit already, don't ask for one now, these few extra crits took me like two hours: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QQv4Z01SgSKfNsmGZgVQSFft3nmoc8EVXk6fFmWSfiA/edit
# ? Mar 5, 2014 02:23 |
I'll play your game OP. In.
# ? Mar 5, 2014 04:23 |
I've finished the Crits for the previous week. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WCTuyNLYv2Z6WCiARBxwG6IefBCTUlW4CWM7i5VVrn4/edit?usp=sharing At least one of you made me weep blood. Another one made me go "omg gently caress youuuuuuuu." And someone else had me go "Please let Kobe Bryant save our souls." But none of you, save one, made me a liar, when I told people in another thread that you were putting in a conscious effort to improve your writing. Your story was the worst, you displayed zero effort in making your writing presentable. I was scandalised and ashamed, and I hope you die like
# ? Mar 5, 2014 10:09 |
The Saddest Rhino posted:But none of you, save one, made me a liar, when I told people in another thread that you were putting in a conscious effort to improve your writing.
# ? Mar 5, 2014 13:03 |
"In, " regretted Whalley as he struggled to work out how he would submit a story with his cell phone as his only means of internetting.
# ? Mar 5, 2014 19:36 |
Whalley posted:"In, " regretted Whalley as he struggled to work out how he would submit a story with his cell phone as his only means of internetting. I've had to do this. If you have another computer, write it in a word processer, use USB to transfer it to your phone, and then open the file, copy it, and paste it into your browser as an SA reply. It's a pain in the butt, but it's better than a DQ
# ? Mar 5, 2014 20:33 |
Flash me please.
# ? Mar 5, 2014 21:01 |
Starter Wiggin posted:Flash me please. OSC is a huge douchebag with horrible views. Lets flip the status quo around a little. Your story must involve misandry.
# ? Mar 5, 2014 21:02 |
Allegiance is fluid in the Thunderdome. Starter Wiggin, we collaborated together last week, but this week we will meet on the battlefield. It's time to brawl. Just a warning: unlike your precious Kilkenny cats, there won't be any trace of you left once I am done.
# ? Mar 5, 2014 21:09 |
I'm too new to this. I need someone to give me a flash rule.
# ? Mar 5, 2014 21:32 |
Nitrousoxide posted:I'm too new to this. I need someone to give me a flash rule. Nitrous oxide is N₂O. Nitric Oxide is NO. One makes you laugh, the other gives you a boner. Your story has to involve one character doing both (laughing and getting a boner) edit: not at the same time. crabrock fucked around with this message at 21:53 on Mar 5, 2014 |
# ? Mar 5, 2014 21:51 |
Lake Jucas posted:Allegiance is fluid in the Thunderdome. Starter Wiggin, we collaborated together last week, but this week we will meet on the battlefield. It's time to brawl. I see your challenge, Lake Jucas, and I accept. Counter-warning: I facking accept.
# ? Mar 5, 2014 22:29 |
Lead out in cuffs posted:Screw you, Oxxidation, for posting the prompt literally three hours after the interprompt. Djeser posted:Thunderdome Interprompt
# ? Mar 5, 2014 22:54 |
Starter Wiggin posted:
There's nothing so tragic as seeing a family pulled apart by something as simple as a pack of wolves. You each have 72 hours to write 720 words on the theme of "Pack Mentality" NB: I was relatively polite and accommodating in the spirit of last round's collaboration theme. I shall not make the same mistake here.
# ? Mar 5, 2014 23:01 |
Erogenous Beef posted:Sebmodjinn Brawl For posterity, God Over Djinn requested a Flash Rule for this brawl. It is thus decreed: Djinn's story involves, or is very closely inspired by, the Dyatlov Pass incident, but may not be a retelling of, or direct investigation of, the incident itself.
# ? Mar 6, 2014 00:26 |
crabrock posted:Ok, we've accounted for almost everybody.
# ? Mar 6, 2014 01:06 |
EchoCian, you want to write some folklore stuff? Let's do it. Folklore brawl me.
# ? Mar 6, 2014 01:19 |
Djeser posted:Meinberg. A certain sys-someone in IRC had trouble telling us apart. The only indignity worse than not being known is being mistaken for someone else, and I want retribution. I like your style.
# ? Mar 6, 2014 01:22 |
Djeser posted:EchoCian, you want to write some folklore stuff? Let's do it. EchoDjeserBrawl Djeser and Echo Cian: you will give me 500 words of folktale, by next Thursday 11.59 pm PST. Go to this page, take your first and last initials and pick a folktale category from each letter, (so a John Smith might pick 'Love like salt' and 'The Jackal and the Farmer') then show me what happens when those two tales collide. sebmojo fucked around with this message at 02:26 on Mar 6, 2014 |
# ? Mar 6, 2014 02:22 |
# ? Dec 2, 2024 20:45 |
# ? Mar 6, 2014 20:42 |