I am here to party. In.
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# ? Feb 17, 2025 10:23 |
In. I'm also interested in doing a crit swap with someone. If anyone has interest, respond to this post and I'll crit you up.
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In there like a lizard's penis at a casino bar. For both the Fear and Loathing and the Party stories.
Drunk Nerds fucked around with this message at 14:15 on Apr 15, 2014 |
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Drunk Nerds posted:In there like a lizard's penis at a casino bar. For both the Fear and Loathing and the Party stories. Heads up: the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas prompt is for a brawl between Sitting Here and God Over Djinn, and it's exclusive to them.
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Kaishai posted:Heads up: the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas prompt is for a brawl between Sitting Here and God Over Djinn, and it's exclusive to them. Thanks! My lack of reading comprehension dampers my chances. I am just in for the party story then. Drunk Nerds fucked around with this message at 14:54 on Apr 15, 2014 |
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My first attempt didn't take so here's to round 2.
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Final round of crits.crabrock posted:This guy alienates everyone by trying to plant a money tree. But the jokes on them, money trees are real. I really liked how you were able to set Tom up. The guys a loon, obviously, for trying to plant money trees in the first place, but when his ship comes in hes smart enough to realize that everybody still thinks hes crazy. They just want to be nice to him because hes rich. He is, in fact, exactly the kind of person who would rant about liberals, making him another good example of someone even your reader will readily acknowledge as a fool even as he's obviously doing something right. Alex is not as well thought-out. He works as the kid who Tom likes enough to put in the will, but the story suffers from making him the perspective character at the end because we just dont know the guy that well. I would have suggested keeping the prose more abstract after Tom dies, but aside from this flaw the writings fairly good. That Old Ganon posted:A woman fights a monster, or maybe its the other way around, because a fool told her to. Im assuming because this is a video game, since theres no other context. Put your main characters name in the first sentence. Dont use a pronoun. Ugh, I cant believe I actually had to specifically point that out. Your fundamentals are pretty awful too. The fool serves no purpose whatsoever that I can see- he tells Nuri to take the quest, a task that could have been accomplished by literally anyone. This story is just standard fantasy dreck with no redeeming qualities at all. I dont understand whats going on in the fight, I dont understand what Nuris relationship is with the fool, and thats all thats here. Work on motivation. And write your stories in chronological order. I would have at least had a clue what was happening if youd started out with the fool and then did the fight. Dont expect your reader to care about a brawl between two characters who dont even have names yet. RunningIntoWalls posted:A gang ofkids? Adults? Whatever, theyve made some sort of sun cult in the modern day. Except they have a king, so I guess its more like a hardcore LARP than an actual religion. Your prose is unnecessarily confusing here. Im sure you were going for oh it looks medieval but plot twist its the modern day! but the execution just makes the concept look stilted and weird. How is the sun cult supposed to make life easier for any of these people? Where are they eat? And how does a guy end up becoming the leader of a modern day LARP cult? That sounds like an interesting story. Write that story instead of some boring stuff about friendship between characters we know nothing about. And again, if your character is introduced in the first paragraph, name them in the first paragraph! Why did I have to write that advice multiple times this week! Jonked posted:Some bartender hates bums, who are stinky and annoying. He makes a drink for an antlermonger in the hopes that the guy will go away, but plot twist, the bum uses his crazy foolishness to improve business for the bartender. The concept is good here- you have a genuine modern day fool, in that bums are commonly looked down on and thought as stupid. Antler bum does snooker me in for a bit, at least long enough that I didnt realize what he was doing right away. Your narrator is a bit of a dick, though. I cant really get too excited about his business going on the up-and-up, since his only personality traits are that he dislikes bums and chain bars. Also, he doesnt sound like an old guy at all, even though the text makes him seem semi-retired. Dont use exposition to tell us the bar is in trouble. Use smaller stories within the bigger story to build up characterization. Thats stories, not random events, because whatever your payoff was supposed to be with the bum giving that one guy the antlers at the end, I didnt see it. leekster posted:An old guy goes to a boat somewhere and lies down, because he wants to commit suicide or something. Maybe he got that idea later and just wanted to take a nap at first. Have you ever watched an old person climb into a boat and then start sinking? I havent either but Im guessing its about as entertaining as it sounds, and thats all your story is. An old guy gets in a boat that sinks. Theres no context for any of this except that hes old. If you want this kind of story to have any emotional resonance at all you need to at least toss a flashback in there or something, because right now Im at a complete loss as to what your story is even supposed to be about. Yeah, he hates being old. So does everyone. Whats the difference between him and every other old bum thats trying to take a nap in a boat? docbeard posted:It turns out that the serpent didnt trick Adam and Even into eating the forbidden fruit because he was a dick. Satan was just really annoyed at the cherub who was always saying dumb stuff. Oh wait, no, that was me. You somehow managed to make Satan the sympathetic character in the story of Adam and Eve without actually giving him any sympathetic character traits. This was accomplished through the cherub, who talks in a way thats supposed to sound wise and foolish but just comes off as that annoying kid with a speech impediment from grade school who wants to be your friend but cant shut up long enough for you to want to tolerate him. This might have worked except that the story is structured like were supposed to think the cherub sure got one in over the serpent. And maybe he did, but given that your ending states pretty explicitly that no one actually learning anything from what happened, its incredibly difficult to care. Bushido Brown posted:In the modern day, a cynical investigator is trying to find the source of the latest locust plague by investigating haruspexes. He thinks this bum is crazy like all the others but plot twist, this bum really is a divine prophet. You cant toss a word like haruspex into your story and expect that anyone will know what that means. Incidentally, some entrail-reading action would have been a vast improvement over what we get here. The bum is a divine prophet? Really? In the first place we could see that coming from a mile anyway. In the second place a reasonable scientific explanation is given right there in the story so theres no reason for this plot twist to show up except for genre convention. An in the third place we know nothing about the narrator or the bum for the revelation to actually mean anything. You take an interesting idea in the most boring possible direction and dont even back it up with halfway interesting prose. If you dont have any decent ideas at least try to do it with style. Try to get a smile out of your judges and maybe they wont savage you so much. Kaishai posted:A boy has lived his life in a lemon grove so everybody hates him. Also chicks really hate guys who spend all their time hanging out in lemon groves, and its apparently a princely duty to personally hunt down rogue lemon tree bandits. You got the honorable mention on the strength of your prose. Try as I might I can think of no way to describe what happens in your story that doesnt sound totally ridiculous. Why is it so important that Limonad find a girlfriend? Why is the prince so offended by the theft of the tree? How old are these kids anyway? Theres a lot of background we dont get here and I found that irritating. Still, the dreamlike sections where Limonad hangs out with the trees are good, as are the subtle moments when the tree strikes out in a way thats obviously fantastical without being overbearing. Style isnt everything, but it means a lot in a week like this one, especially since I at least knew what was happening if your story even if I didnt really get it. Hocus Pocus posted:Somebody finds a set of brothers at the ending site of the shipwreck, one of whom is a simpleton. S/he takes them home and doesnt really know what to do. Neither did I, really. Your story was another in this weeks strange trend of stories that thought it was a good idea to wait until several paragraphs in to explain who the characters are. I know what you people are trying to do- start the story in media res to build up interest. It doesnt work unless you have very powerful attention grabbing prose so dont do it unless you have an incredibly unique, novel, and obvious concept that doesnt need explanation. This story absolutely needs explanation- I didnt even see any evidence that your fool was wise and I had to reread the story several times just to write that flippant synopsis up there. Do something to describe your characters next time. This story was infuriatingly generic. Starter Wiggin posted:Guy likes explosions. Then he gets exploded. On some level I admire how simple your story was to understand. Thats what this week has done to me, make me long for prose that was just clear and comprehensible. The trouble is that outside of the basic concept theres not much point to your story. I take it you like Joey Comeau- try going into more detail on that quote and why the character identifies with it so much, get some backstory. Discuss his friends, since you went to such an extreme effort to establish that he has friends even though hes a crazy person. Theres only so much you can do with explosions alone, and your prose just isnt exciting enough for that to sustain interest here. WeLandedOnTheMoon! posted:The ball park is going to kill disco and the team mascot is sad. Also hes being fired after twenty years which is also sad. Then he gets exploded. Why twenty years? Andy seems to have a strong affinity for disco so itd make a lot more sense if his career spanned ten years. That way by symbolically killing disco theyre also symbolically killing him. Its weird that you go to such effort to establish antipathy toward Andy at the beginning of the story and then it just kind of fizzles out. You do a better job building up sympathy for vinyl disco records than you do for Andy, and that makes for a story thats fairly difficult to process. Again, its more important that we know who your character is than that we know what the story is technically about. kurona_bright posted:A student at a boarding school/high school/college finishes his final exam, has jitters about it, and wonders why one silly student in class always insists on answering questions she doesnt know the answer to. Then she tells him. Your first problem is failing to establish how old your characters are. They have GPAs, are scared of their parents taking away games, have enough free time to have dinner together, and work in the quarter system? Im not sure how you managed to get all those contradictory details in there at once. The structure is also fairly odd- Chris notices Penny is weird, then she just straight up offers to tell him why. Thats a bit of an odd mystery, since all you ever write here is just exposition. No one actually does anything. Fortunately your story isnt bad in any real explicit ways- you do keep using weird words instead of said. Dont do that. Its needlessly distracting. Beyond that this is passable enough writing. Just work better on concept and keeping the proceedings exciting and you should be able to make steady improvement. Benny the Snake posted:The King is bad at his job and is also a cuckold, so he brings the jester in to cheer him up. The jester makes a few jokes, the king laughs, and then the king gets assassinated. Theres a name for the plot twist you use here- colloquially its called the butler did it. Basically, youre not supposed to make a low class person the killer in an unprecedented plot twist because in a real life situation these would be the first people to come under heavy suspicion. The trope is somewhat famous for almost never actually being used, because early genre writers (in the much less egalitarian world of our forefathers) quickly realized that this was cheating. And you managed to use it in your story unironically. Luckily your prose is decent enough here, such that I was expecting a much better twist, but the astonishingly bad quality of your ending is such that its impossible to see it any other way. Consider yourself lucky that everyone elses bad writing as much more well-rounded. Sitting Here posted:This guy was fated to be a vagabond, then his village is burned down so he becomes one. He gets hungry and finds the Kings orchard, leads a minor rebellion to get the food, then the King pardons him after losing a making GBS threads contest. So, we got the grimdark tone of a whole village being murdered, then a populist turn as Tarok finds the fruit and starts eating it, then a fable as the King decides to have a making GBS threads contest to prove some sort of moral point. You can have one. Id go for comedy (which you didnt do) simply because the concept of a making GBS threads contest is an inherently absurd one that could have really been a good use of the prompt. Forget this boring crap about kings and rebellion and ethnic tension just give me a making GBS threads contest. You describe all this stuff happening but never take the time to savor it in your writing. Plot twist- you, yourself are the king who is making GBS threads out words without actually enjoying the creative process. Grandmaster.flv posted:A long story that ends with a dumb meme. If you want to make it in on time next time, just chop off every other paragraph indiscriminately. Almost nothing you write has anything to do with the (stupid) point youre trying to make. Its all fluff. Id give you more detail but you were late and your story was bad and long and I didnt have to read it so gently caress you.
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Some Guy TT posted:your story was bad and long and I didnt have to read it so gently caress you. change thread title
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Wounds licked, semester finished, beers cracked. In.
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Some Guy TT posted:Final round of crits. Oh god it's true ![]() Okay for my Thunderbrawl with Djinn: Jeza posted:I will crit whoever chooses one of my favourite lines of fiction. Either one, both, or I guess none. But you'd be missing out on a great line. (The best line) Hunter Thompson posted:Now they looked like somebody had just sprayed their table with poo poo-mist. Since Djinn STOLE MY LINE I'm gonna take the Jeza challenge. My unlikely emotion is heartache.
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I said I'd crit your work as thanks, and here it is! I hope what I wrote makes sense and isn't too nitpicky. ![]() Kalyco posted:Ace of Fools I like all the little touches reinforcing that what Jess sees, hears, and feels are entirely unnoticed by those around her. I also feel like you've managed to convey the 'other world' that Jess is connected to pretty well - it feels complex and much bigger than just the bits mentioned in the text to me. The length of the timeskip is important, though. I thought it was a couple of hours on my first read, and so the ending didn't really make sense. But if the timeskip was a week, and she flaked out on the paper, then the ending makes a lot more sense. Maybe I'm just a really inattentive reader, but I think you could make these cues a little more obvious. I guess the comment Some Guy made about Jess having no personality is true. I could relate, a little, but I'm in college at the moment so whatever.
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As penance I'll do crits for the next two people to ask for one.
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Like the immortal Andrew WK, or the drag queen Adore Delano would say, "party." I'm in.
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I'm in.
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Since I hosed off last week, I'm in with a ![]() As a penance, I will crit the first two takers.
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Gau posted:As a penance, I will crit the first two takers. I'll take a crit.
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I'm not in this week. I'll provide three line-by-lines to any takers.
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I'll take a crit from whoever wants to do one. I'm seeing loads of people have offered so just whoever happens to do it first; I'll do one for you in return.
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ZorajitZorajit posted:I'm not in this week. I'll provide three line-by-lines to any takers.
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God Over Djinn posted:I'll take a crit from whoever wants to do one. I'm seeing loads of people have offered so just whoever happens to do it first; I'll do one for you in return. I'll crit you. Give me to the end of the day. Edit: Don't worry about giving me a crit. This story was a non sequitur mess and it isn't worth the effort to try and fix. leekster fucked around with this message at 08:51 on Apr 16, 2014 |
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leekster posted:I'll crit you. Give me to the end of the day. The gently caress is this? Don't edit out your story. Let me break it down for you: 1) You edited it out because you were embarrassed about the quality because you think you can do better. Doing so is a loving dick move on those who put forth and is a blatant attempt to avoid "losing". or; 2) You edited it out because you think the story is bad and you aren't good enough. Believe me TD has seen worse. And you'll never improve by being afraid of judgement. Everybody starts somewhere unless they don't start. Neither look good to me. Put the story back in - if you edit it from the original submission you can still submit but you will be disqualified.
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Jeza posted:Meaningful words
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leekster posted:I meant the prior week's story. I didn't edit anything out. That was an addition to my post. Sorry for the confusion. Thank you though for the advice. I regret nothing.
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Deal's a deal. I did your grammar almost exclusively because you make some really interesting mistakes here; I'm sure mojo or Fumblemouse will have A Thing To Say about your plot problems too.quote:crit for Against the Tide by leekster
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crittin' timeBenny the Snake posted:May I have one? Thanks! Benny the Snake posted:Long Live the King and... the end. Ok, first things first: where was the motivation in this? Your character's didn't seem to have any goals/thoughts outside of the very narrow window we see them in. Why did the jester want to murder the king? for his own profit? as part of the revolt? that seems like a big risk, and now they've SEEN him murder the king, and he's not worried at all? Why did the people want to revolt? what was the king doing that pissed them off so much? you can't rely on the reader to just fill that stuff in for themselves. So take a step back and think about this story. It's a king that for some reason is losing everything. But we don't know why, and you don't give us enough to CARE about him losing everything. Like he died, so what? What do i care? you didn't make him likable or sympathetic or even make me hate him. i just don't care if he lives or dies at this point, which means you've already lost half the battle. then your other character, the jester... i don't know anything about him. your POV starts with the king and ends with the jester. why not just make it from the jester the whole time? this is where you lost the second half of your battle. in the end you have a cliche story (that's been done before, so nothing new) with two characters that I don't understand nor care about. the good things are that you legit wrote a few interesting lines (but failed to capitalize on them), and that your grammar wasn't atrocious. you still use a few weird words/concepts/phrases, and you still seem like you're just writing the first idea that pops into your head rather than writing PURPOSEFULLY. Like the "choked and hyperventilated" line. Did you seriously sit there for a few minutes and think "this is the best possible way I can frame his death."? Every line in your story should be there FOR A REASON, which means you need to think about EVERY SINGLE LINE and think if there's a better way to say it. Think: Can i show a detail here and say the same thing? Can I turn this question into a statement ("TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW" rather than "WHAT DO YOU THINK?"). When I read this line out loud, does it sound good or clunky/awkward? If I take this line out of my story, does the story still say the same thing? Can I cut this line to make my piece tighter? EVERY.SINGLE.LINE. EVERY.SINGLE.WORD. You are the author, YOU control your story. Every sentence, every word works for YOU. Don't trust your unconscious to come up with phrases, make the writer part of your brain defend those choices. Don't just include a phrase you heard a few times and think sounds good (a hair away? did you stop and consider how silly that sounds?). Understand what you're putting down. Most of the time you want to AVOID saying things how others have said them, so you want to go through your story looking for those cliches and idioms that are a part of our lexicon, but shouldn't be in your story. Anyway, keep trying. crabrock fucked around with this message at 19:19 on Apr 16, 2014 |
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Thanks for the brutally honest criticism. I appreciate it.
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[almost] any time.
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Benny the Snake posted:Thanks for the brutally honest criticism. I appreciate it. ![]() if your next story shows signs that you haven't read and applied those crits, expect this
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Count me in for real this time.
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crabock Crit:crabrock posted:Get Whats Coming Weakest Link: All these people are talking and while I know they're Tom's family after he kicked it, they could use some tags on who's chattering over who. If you were going for chatter/faceless family mass/cacophony, it didn't come through and more came off like confusing. There is a lot of mystery "they" doing stuff. The last lines are also sort of "...and that's it?" He drove back home. ....and? And what after that? The last line sort of meanders towards nothing. Strongest Chain: Love the descriptions of the tree especially the wrecked bills. Loving the part where Alex knew more about how Tom wouldn't have died from leaving a smoked cigarette to burn, though the "and smiled" wasn't needed. Definitely conveys that Alex knows more about Tom than anyone in his family. Picky Bitch poo poo: My eye gets twitchy when numbers under one hundred aren't typed out. Same with things being explained out that aren't needed for a short story. We've only got so many words; there's ways to tighten up explanations of sliced apples and why the lemon tree is short. Use contractions: for example, "I am thankful for the time I spent with him, and for the gifts he has already given me." reads really stiff and formal. Alex comes in a touch late for the story shifting to him as the focus character. I would've rather seen it all from Alex's side and maybe have Tom's part of how the tree grew and all that told while they processed the money. Speaking of the money, does it grow any other denominations of money? Overall: There have been many a story about growing money from trees, but I liked this one more than most I've read--I was grabbed from the first line even though I could see that the money was going to grow into trees. Solid, but could use some precision in spots and really be tighter in others. I think a better ending line would be moving the part about processing the bills ("None of them had ever been present to watch Tom process the bills.") to be the last line. That would more convey that Alex knew that the growing money would be worthless to anyone without knowing what to do to it, and add a punch.
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God Over Djinn posted:crit for Thank you very much for the crit. Edit: I was on mobile and my thumbs hurt by the end so I'll bold my words next time. I just wanted to finish your crit today like I said I would. leekster fucked around with this message at 04:20 on Apr 17, 2014 |
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Nobody should crit crabrock until he goes back to crit me and Mojo's brawl.
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Also he gets back to writing his novel about a giant happy tortoise and some magic poo poo also.
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SurreptitiousMuffin posted:Also he gets back to writing his novel about a giant happy tortoise and some magic poo poo also. Empty quoting this
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crabrock posted:Its growth crabby nooooo
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Awright crits so me an fumblmouse are going to work from opposite ends so sorry people in the middle you shouldn't have been that wayGrandmaster.flv posted:
quote:Sitting Here sebmojo fucked around with this message at 12:36 on Apr 17, 2014 |
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Pile on Grandmaster.flv time, I guess. Now with added Turtlicious!Grandmaster.flv posted:fuckin' lol next time I'm not writing scifi because I spent too loving long worldbuilding. Also this is my first entry ever and I am garbage at writing dialogue but no excuses. They sound a lot like excuses to me. No excuses. Just stories. It's an evocative - if familiar - world, but oh my lord is this not a story. Some people get hired to do a job, you flashback to tell us everything about the set up of the job, and then finally we get back to the job and don't even get a proper ending. That's not a story, that's some crap that happened. Plus you shift between first and third person for no discernable reason and have some really horrendously cliched dialogue amidst some bits that are actually quite inspired. You've got potential, kid, you just need to wrestle it down and make it accord to some sort of structure and to be a bit more original and not do run-on sentences like this from time to time. Cut it down as much as you can, read your dialogue out loud to see if it sounds hammy, cut some more, make sure you're telling a complete story, cut cut cut. Turtlicious posted:Here is my Yeah this is...okay? The difference between ATH's online persona and his terrible home life is pretty good, and it's "heartwarming" in the way that e/n threads rarely are. There's a few things that are awkward, from the use of internet handle throughout (and the acronym) to the way that you have sympathy for the character at times when at others he's a gross stereotype that you're pointing at and laughing. This started out feeling like it was gonna be a ham-fisted hambeast parody thing and took a very different turn, and there's nothing wrong with pulling the rug out from people, but I think if you had a little more nuance and a little less caricature at the start it wouldn't put people off like it might do now. A happy ending in Thunderdome, who would've thunk it? tenniseveryone fucked around with this message at 14:19 on Apr 17, 2014 |
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# ? Feb 17, 2025 10:23 |
SurreptitiousMuffin posted:Nobody should crit crabrock until he goes back to crit me and Mojo's brawl. Sitting Here posted:Empty quoting this SHUT UP MOM AND DAD, I HATE YOU Martello posted:crabby nooooo ...and you too, weird uncle
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