Tasoth posted:With Spyglass and the whole 'WE TRAIN DISHONEST MOTHER FUCKERS' is going to lead to the Prisoner's Dilemma where depending on how well lying pays off and how many dishonest fucks are running around the system, you're going to get a whole lot of people who do not do honest business. I can't imagine that'd actually be good for nations that are corporations. But if everyone lies, then you can shoot anyone and be totally exonerated because they were a liar. Once again, the solution is guns.
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# ? Feb 15, 2025 20:06 |
Carrasco posted:Once again, the solution is guns. ![]()
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Evil Mastermind posted:]Part 10: Keep on rocking in the Still World.[/b] Tasoth posted:So what's the origin of the Libertarian view that if you remove government, business is a benevolent entity run by benevolent people? Because that poo poo is divorced from the reality that people are still animals that feel animal instincts and overcoming them requires some considerable effort. Edit: VVV A Pulp Mad Scientist Pharaoh energy drink would be pretty cool. He can call it Jackyl Juice or something. Halloween Jack fucked around with this message at 01:22 on Jan 13, 2015 |
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Halloween Jack posted:I get that the Gaunt Man cooked up this gadget because the energy was the last thing he needed to become the Torg. But what about Mobius? If he steals the device, is he going to use it to wreck the planet he's standing on for a different flavour of Unobtainium? Also, I know that this book is old, but if your campaign shares major plot points with Southland Tales then something is very very wrong. Apparently, Mobius is just stealing the energy because otherwise there's no adventure. It doesn't say what he's planning on doing with the energy.
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That TORG adventure reminds me of a less creepy Cthulhutech adventure. You are taken through a scene from it, and you must keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. Be good and you'll get a cookie! If you want your RPG to act as a springboard for a big franchise, you need to make sure people want to play it first.
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In what language is the title for that liberfurry game written in?
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From what I remember, the reason for Mobius to stop the earth was because he has an artificial sun and plans to corner the market on light on the dark side of the planet. Which is just a dumb enough pulp villain scheme that I forgave it.
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Azran posted:In what language is the title for that liberfurry game written in? People called Furries go to the House.
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Azran posted:In what language is the title for that liberfurry game written in? Latin. Actual-factual Virgilese doesn't have J or U characters because it's hard as gently caress to draw those particular curves with a chisel into stone, and slightly less difficult to do so with a stylus into a wax tablet. Even classicists don't write out inscriptions that way, because we have digital typesetting technology, and also that printing press thing I guess. "Here be dragons," although I'm 90% sure that's anachronistic. What I'm getting at is that this is both pretentious and incorrect in equal measures.
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It's also wrong - it's 'hic', not 'hc' - and it is totally anachronistic for Rome, yes.
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unseenlibrarian posted:From what I remember, the reason for Mobius to stop the earth was because he has an artificial sun and plans to corner the market on light on the dark side of the planet. Which is just a dumb enough pulp villain scheme that I forgave it. Mobius does indeed have an artificial sun, but a) that won't help the rest of the world because it's attached to the top of his palace, and b) he'd still need the ton of Possibility energy to become Torg. Evil Mastermind fucked around with this message at 02:06 on Jan 13, 2015 |
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The HC totally threw me off, while I had never seen the word dragon in Latin, so it looked slightly portuguese to me. If it's latin then ![]()
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You can use "hc" instead of "hic" if you're a vulgate None of which touches on naming your transhumanist speculative-fiction RPG after a medieval scribe's version of "I don't know, just make some poo poo up."
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Evil Mastermind posted:Mobius does indeed have an artificial sun, but a) that won't help the rest of the world because it's attached to the top of his palace, and b) he'd still need the ton of Possibility energy to become Torg. That is just dumb as hell, but if a pulp mad scientist turned pharaoh can't have an artificial sun, who can?
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grassy gnoll posted:None of which touches on naming your transhumanist speculative-fiction RPG after a medieval scribe's version of "I don't know, just make some poo poo up." I dunno, it does seem to be their most common methodology, so it's pretty accurate.
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Halloween Jack posted:That is just dumb as hell, but if a pulp mad scientist turned pharaoh can't have an artificial sun, who can? Mobius even has a time machine! It's not really a time machine; it's a disintegration chamber he lures Storm Knights into it with rumors of a working time machine and some expendable body doubles. Mobius loves loving with his enemies.
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Evil Mastermind posted:And you know what the funniest part is? This isn't the worst published adventure by a long shot. Didn't you say earlier that that would average about 14 rounds to pull all the right cards? When the total time limit here is 20 rounds?
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grassy gnoll posted:You can use "hc" instead of "hic" if you're a vulgate "HC SVNT DRACONES" is the way the phrase is written on the Hunt-Lenox Globe (where it has been theorized to refer to Komodo dragons), which popularized the phrase. The meaning of the phrase is alternately claimed to be "didn't go here, make poo poo up" or "here be dangerous things". HSD probably refers to the second one, playing on how the Solar System is a dangerous place full of unknown mysteries, like the Hydra and the owls. Or possibly because you can play a dragon. Who knows. HSD kinda makes me want to review Nova Praxis. It's another Eclipse Phase ripoff, but instead of anarcho-capitalism it preaches the gold standard, and in place of furries it has incredible levels of pretentiousness. And actual plagiarism from GURPS Ultra Tech. It's kind of funny how there are not one but two Eclipse Phase ripoffs, each with their own, glaring problems. EP has some issues, but seeing others try to ape it it stands out like a shining beacon of good writing. It, at least, had the decency to wait three sourcebooks before it opened the floodgates on its radical politics and utopian proselytizing. :V
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Zereth posted:Hm. How many steps in dramatic resolution does it take? Is it full ABCD? quote:Didn't you say earlier that that would average about 14 rounds to pull all the right cards? When the total time limit here is 20 rounds?
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Have this great sidebar I came across in the Orrorsh book.![]() 90sGMingTheory.png
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![]() Feats! There's a quick skills section before the feats but it's not really necessary since it mostly repeats information explained in the races section, The only really big changes that stand out are the Pick Lock, Language, and Use Technological Device changes. Pick Lock: "Doors in Warcraft resemble bank vaults, and lock picks provide no assistance in opening them" Uhh... what? We have that capability in the real world and that's not the case. Did a rogue with masterwork thieves tools ruin your game one time, mister designer? Speak Language: "Gnomes are little known among the residents of Kalimdor, and many assume they are nothing more than myth. As such, anyone claiming to speak the language of gnomes is dismissed as a drunken lout." Yes, apparently in the 20 some years since the 2nd war people have just decided that Gnomes don't exist anymore. Use Technological Device: Is basically use magic device by a different name and a different key ability(int). The rules are set by the device but it's just an roll allow the objects to function... with MALFUNCTIONS IF YOU FAIL! YAY! Feats for real! Bash: (Str 13, BAB+4, Power Attack) When doing a full attack action with a bludgeoning weapon you can sacrifice one of your attacks to Bash. you roll damage but don't actually deal any. Instead they have to make a fort save against dc 10+damage or they're stunned for one round. You could basically stunlock someone like this but you can only do it once per round, once per character level per day, and it only works on things vulnerable to critical hits. Storm Bolt:(Str 13, Bash, Power attack, BAB+4) You can use Bash at Range with a "ranged bludgeoning weapon" which I guess means you could use this with boxing glove arrows. I now choose to believe this feat requires the use of boxing glove arrows. Battle Cry: (Cha 13, Ability to Rage) While raging you can spend a move action to inflict a -2 penalty to attack rolls, will saves, and ac for one round to all enemies that can hear you if they fail a cha-based Will save. The downsides, of course, are that Cha isn't really a priority stat for barbarians, you're giving up your full attack progression to pull this off, and you have to spend an extra round of rage to use the feat. Unless you're an orc, then you can just use it whenever. This leads to our first Leadership feat Collective Fury: (Battle Cry, Leadership) ![]() When a character with collective fury rages, all other characters in 30 feet that have the ability to rage gain the benefits of Battle Cry. Special: When an orc with collective fury rages, all orcs within 30 feet gain a +3 enhancement bonus to strength as well. Just a hint: If you're trying to show how the Orcs aren't bad guys anymore, maybe don't use the old WC1 artwork and give them feats that only properly work for them because they're so bugfuck crazy. This is also the only Leadership feat that can actually affect your party member and non-followers in general. Battle Language: (Bluff 3) In combat you can use "aid another" at a range of up to 100 feet with anyone else who has this feat by making a dc 15 bluff check. This seems... not... useful? At least not worth a feat. Brilliant Leadership:(Leadership, cast 3rd level spells) Your followers who are spellcasters get 1 extra spell slot of every level up to 2 levels below the highest level spell you can cast. Before you start salivating it's only your followers, not your cohort. So unless you've got your entire entourage following you around everywhere you aren't getting much out of this feat, and the highest level followers you can get are 6th level so... I mean,yes, once we break out the mass combat rules from the Alliance and Horde compendium you just gave your army of wizards 18 more fireballs and 60 more Scorching Rays. But for the average adventuring party this isn't that great a feat. Build (X) Firearms, Siege Weapons, Small Devices, Vehicles. These give you a +2 bonus on your craft checks when building these various objects and increase your technological limit for those items by 2. Each also gives another benefit. Firearms lets you declare one attack an automatic confirmed critical hit once per week with a firearm that you have built. Siege Weapons lets you sabotage any technological device larger than medium by beating it's craft DC. Small Devices let you build items that are disguised as other items... and it doesn't give an upper limit to size. And Vehicle lets you double the speed of a vehicle for 1d6 minutes once per day. Build Teamwork:(Leadership, 2 other technology feats) When you are assisted in a craft check by at least 3 other people who have at least 1 rank in a Craft Skill, the result of a successful craft check is doubled. So yeah I guess if you're a tinker and have nothing else to spend feats on cutting the time spent crafting things in more than half isn't bad. Close Shot:(Dex 13, Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, BAB+4) You can fire a ranged weapon without provoking attacks of opportunity. So for those few times when you can't make a 5 foot step go ahead and spend 2 feats on being able to fire into melee because what archer worth their poo poo is taking dodge? Defend:(Shield proficiency, BAB+2) When using a shield any ally within 5 feet without a shield gets your shield's bonus to AC. Any ally with a shield gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC. This is another total minion fodder feat, a pile of level 2 fighters with plate armor and heavy steel shields are basically impervious with this feat. Delay Malfunction: When a device malfunctions you can make a dc15 craft(tech) check to delay it for 1d3 rounds. If you roll a nat 20 (or 19-20 if you're a goblin) You fix the problem completely. You can only use this once per malfunction. This leads to Emergency Repair:(Wis 13, Delay malfunction) As a full round action you can make a dc20 craft.... mechanical object? .... are you sure you didn't mean Technological Device game? anyways, if you succeed you stop the malfunction and it continues working for 1 hour at which point it needs to stop and get normal repairs. again, you can crit this for a full fix. Devoted Leadership:(Cha 13, Wis 13, Leadership) You followers receive a +2 morale bonus to AC, as well as a +1 Morale bonus to all saves... as long as they're within 5 X Cha mod feet and only for a number of rounds per day equal to your character level that don't have to be consecutive. Again, only to followers. Drums of Courage:(Perform percussion 5) Make a dc 20 perform check, if successful all warriors of your tribe who hear your war drums get a +1 morale boost to attack and damage rolls and to will saves for as long as you perform and 5 rounds afterwards. But playing is a standard action, every round. This feat doesn't say "Orc Only" but only orcs use war drums and only orcs have tribes. Behold what the bard has become. Enduring Leadership:(Endurance, Leadership) Once per day before combat you can give your followers a +4 morale bonus to their initiative and a +10 bonus to speed, also if any of your followers rage they're not fatigued when it ends. Exotic weapon proficiency: Thorium:(Proficiency with the non-thorium version of the weapon) If you're proficient in a Thorium weapon, in addition to not taking a -4 penalty on attack rolls with it, you can add 1.5X your strength to damage with it(2x if it's 2 handed) Expert Rider:(Dex 13, ride skill) The DC for the pile of pointless ride tricks from the skill section that I omitted is reduced by 2, and you can take a 10 on ride checks to perform them. Mounted Sharpshooter:(Dex 13, Ride Skill, Expert Rider) You do not suffer any penalty while making firearms attacks while mounted, but you still need to make a ride check to avoid your mount freaking the gently caress out from shooting a gun while riding it. No there's no rules to gun-train your mount. Follower of the Totem:(wis 13, Orc or Tauren) Once per day as a free action you can gain a +2 sacred bonus to an ability score for 1d6+1 rounds. Also tauren with this feet are proficient in Tauren Totems. ![]() Pulverize:(Tauren, Wis 13, Follower of the Totem) Once per round as an attack in a full attack action you can strike the ground and do no damage, instead creatures within 20 feet of you must make a reflex save of 10+damage rolled or fall prone. You can only use this once per round and no more than 1+wis mod times per day There's one more feat in this tree but it's about the worst feat they've made so far so it'll get shown at the end. Look forward to it. ![]() Lightning Reload:(Dex 13, proficiency in firearms) If your firearm takes a standard action to reload it now takes a move, if it takes more than one round to reload it's cut in half. Magic Energy Control:(Iron Will) Hoo boy, here we go, the longest feat chain in the book, and it's a caster chain. Also all of these feats are classified as "Metamagic" even though none of them actually modify a spell in the usual way. anyways, MEC lets you prepare spells in half the normal time. and High Elves can instead ignore their magical addiction. That's it. But trust me if you're an arcane caster you want to take this feat Mirror Spell:(Iron Will, MEC, CL 3rd) When you cast an arcane spell, you an expend a spell slot of equal or greater level to instead cast the spell twice. In the same action. Yes. No it doesn't say how wizards or healers use this since it says 'spell slot', in fact all of these feats use spell slot when they should say 'spell slot or prepared spell' unless this is the sorcerer's only club. But even if that's the case who loving cares? Goodbye action economy, hello magical Christmas caster land. You'll probably want to ignore the rest of this feat tree though, unless you're a masochist. Block Spell:(Iron Will, MEC, CL5) When you are the target of a spell, you may disrupt the casting and counter it's effects, Spellcraft dc 15+spell level to identify then you just spend a spell slot at least 1 level higher to disrupt it. But it doesn't say you have to be the only target, or what happens if you wander into a fireball. Reflect Spell:(Block Spell, Iron Will, Magic Energy Control, Mirror Spell, CL7) When you are the target of a spell and successfully counter it, then you can reflect the spell back on the caster. Again, what happens to a fireball, or the spells other targets? Pistol Whip: You can use a firearm as an improvised weapon without it breaking. small firearms are light hammers, medium firearms are clubs, and large firearms are warhammers. without this feat using a gun as a club even once renders it inoperable. Precision Leadership:(Leadership, point blank shot) When making a ranged attack, each of your followers gains a +1 bonus to the attack roll for every 5 followers attacking at the same time. As long as all of them are in a radius of 10 X Cha bonus feet and are attacking with the same kind of weapon at the same target within 100 feet of you. Also you and everyone else add up all the damage into one total before any DR is applied. So if you have 18 charisma and just surround yourself with level 1 rangers that's 144 squares that aren't you. meaning each of them would get +29 to hit with their 1d8 longbows. Meaning you're dealing (let's be generous and assume they all have 16 dex) 144d8+432 damage if they all hit. They really did not think this through. Ride Bareback:(Possession of the ride skill) You don't need a saddle to ride a mount. This feat exists solely because apparently Night elves always ride bareback. Somewhere in 2003 there is a 18 year playtester giggling in his mother's basement. Scavenge Materials:(Craft 8) You can build an item using raw materials equal to only 1/10th it's market value if you increase the craft dc by 10. I assume they meant for this to only apply to technological devices but RAW you can craft an adamantium warhammer by scavenging scraps off the streets. That's fantastic. Sunder Armor(Str 13, Power attack) Using a slashing or bludgeoning weapon you can sunder your opponents armor. Unfortunately it's confusingly worded. If you score a critical hit while targeting your opponents armor roll damage normally and make a strength check dc 15+the targeted armor's armor bonus, if your damage surpasses the hardness and your strength check succeeds....reduce it's bonus by 1. This will rarely come up but when it does I guess hooray? Trickshot:(Dex 13) You can bounce a shot or thrown weapon off a wall or other convenient surface to bypass cover or other forms of directional protection. Even if the laws of physics and geometry say otherwise, as long as you only bounce it once. Moonglaves can bounce twice. But you suffer a 50% miss chance against a target you can't see. Vehicle Proficiency: Choose land, air, or sea. You can pilot vehicles of that type. Without this feat you take a -4 penalty. And finally the feat that I can't reasonably see anyone take. ![]() War Stomp:(Cha 13, Wis 13, Tauren, Follower of the totem, Pulverize, BAB+8) As an attack in a full attack action with a tauren totem that provokes attacks of opportunity you can stomp the ground with your totem. Choose a number of targets equal to 1+your wisdom bonus and roll 1d6+ your strength. They each take that much damage and must make a fort save (DC10+the damage you just rolled) or be dazed for 1 round, which means they can take no actions but don't take a penalty to AC. You may use war stomp only once per round and no more than 1+cha mod times per day So yes, to use this feat you need a very high strength score(which I guess you have, you're a tauren) a good wisdom score, and a good charisma score. And even then you need to not actually be in melee with anyone because it provokes an attack of opportunity. I'd like to point out again that there are 5 feats that require you to be a member of the horde to function properly. Next up: Weapons and Mechanical Item Creation
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Evil Mastermind posted:Mobius even has a time machine! Heh, that's great. Of all the ideas from Torg I want to cannibalize for something better, this is the one that could go anywhere.
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Carrasco posted:Heh, that's great. Of all the ideas from Torg I want to cannibalize for something better, this is the one that could go anywhere. Mobius is a great villain because he's absolutely nuts, is totally aware of this fact, and loves loving with people just because he's a supervillain and he can. He even has a superheroic identity ("Deathhawk") he uses to screw with his lieutenants' operations and get in good with actual heroes so he can betray them later. He also poses as one of his own lieutenants so he can easily learn of their schemes against himself.
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Evil Mastermind posted:Yup! Also Dr. Mobius sounds awesome. EDIT: Hell, that's an average time, with a bit of bad luck on the draw, even if the PCs don't have to deal with the skeleton and it activates while they're in reach to being the process that round, and somehow know what to do already, they could just fail to draw a D after completing the first three steps. SORRY, EARTH! Zereth fucked around with this message at 06:53 on Jan 13, 2015 |
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The time-machine-disintegration-chamber sounds like one of those Grimtooth's Traps that's quietly amusing to read about but if you actually pulled it on a player would be nothing but a huge wet fart. "You set the coordinates of the time machine you've fought so hard to reach, intent on maybe keeping the world from becoming a ravaged jigsaw puzzle being fought over by cosmic TVTropers, pull the lever...and are disintegrated instantly, no save. Wah-wahhhhhhh. That Dr. Mobius sure is a card, ain't he?" The pretending to be a superhero thing is admittedly a genuinely cool plot hook with a lot of potential.
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A better way to do that would be to have the disintegration chamber have a secret exit that the first set of body doubles leave through when it's activated, which is extremely easy to find for PCs. Hell, I don't think you even need to invoke OOC reasons for the easy escape, he's a pulp villain who has trapped the heroes in a deathtrap, of course they manage to escape!
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Zereth posted:A better way to do that would be to have the disintegration chamber have a secret exit that the first set of body doubles leave through when it's activated, which is extremely easy to find for PCs. Hell, I don't think you even need to invoke OOC reasons for the easy escape, he's a pulp villain who has trapped the heroes in a deathtrap, of course they manage to escape! Sure, but it's TORG so you know that finding the secret exit would be a five step process with points of potential failure all along the way and maybe something to do with cards or axiom levels, who even knows anymore.
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Does HSD provide any support for going all Red Faction / Smash The Lack-of-state ?
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To be fair to warstomp daze is a really powerful condition, mainly due to bypassing the immunities to status effects creatures have. For one reason or another one of the unwritten rules of d20 is that nothing has immunity to daze. Undead, plant, ooze, construct, all can be dazed despite immunity to all similar status effects like stun. For some reason this is never communicated in any formal way though. As a result daze is valued super highly because it bypasses all the blanket immunities possessed by a startling number creatures. Edit: Come to think of it this would be a good feat for a paladin, if the game hadn't banned that class. Terrible Opinions fucked around with this message at 13:26 on Jan 13, 2015 |
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Kai Tave posted:The time-machine-disintegration-chamber sounds like one of those Grimtooth's Traps that's quietly amusing to read about but if you actually pulled it on a player would be nothing but a huge wet fart. "You set the coordinates of the time machine you've fought so hard to reach, intent on maybe keeping the world from becoming a ravaged jigsaw puzzle being fought over by cosmic TVTropers, pull the lever...and are disintegrated instantly, no save. Wah-wahhhhhhh. That Dr. Mobius sure is a card, ain't he?" To be fair, it's not part of an adventure; it's just given as part of the overall timeline and one fo those things Mobius does to other groups. The whole description is basically "Mobius lures a dozen Storm Knight groups into his fake time machine before being stopped by another group."
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Kurieg posted:Pick Lock: "Doors in Warcraft resemble bank vaults, and lock picks provide no assistance in opening them" It's more like the only things WITH doors in Warcraft are bank vaults. Half the people live in tents, huts, or trees.
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PresidentBeard posted:To be fair to warstomp daze is a really powerful condition, mainly due to bypassing the immunities to status effects creatures have. For one reason or another one of the unwritten rules of d20 is that nothing has immunity to daze. Undead, plant, ooze, construct, all can be dazed despite immunity to all similar status effects like stun. For some reason this is never communicated in any formal way though. As a result daze is valued super highly because it bypasses all the blanket immunities possessed by a startling number creatures. Yes, and if Paladin were open I probably would have valuated the feat more highly. But it's not and even in WoW RPG Tauren don't get paladins (The game never advanced to Burning Crusade in full, not to mention Cataclysm). The thing is, I don't think they realized how powerful Daze is, just look at Mirror spell to see what their idea of a balanced feat is. In their world where everyone has an 18 in every stat, especially charisma, this feat is powerful but in the game they actually wrote it's sort of not. The best you can hope for is a Tauren Hunter and then you're only almost completely throwing away Charisma, rather than Charisma and Wisdom. They "fixed" War stomp in WoW RPG by making it just knock down on a failed balance check but letting you use it as often as you want. Evil Mastermind posted:To be fair, it's not part of an adventure; it's just given as part of the overall timeline and one fo those things Mobius does to other groups. The whole description is basically "Mobius lures a dozen Storm Knight groups into his fake time machine before being stopped by another group." And even then it sort of fits with the idea of the living land as a pulp fantasy zone. If it were an obvious death trap, and the heroes were aware that it was a death trap, then an opportunity to escape would of course present itself. But the time-machine thing is a secret test of character sort of plot hook. A time machine that lets you go into the past and change history is the sort of thing that the plucky-sidekick without moral fiber rushes to as a way to bring his parents back from the dead but FOOLED YOU it's actually a death trap and now the Hero's resolve is steeled. If the players fall for it then they obviously weren't the real heroes.
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Mobius is the Nile Empire, not Living Land. But that segues nicely into this... The storm has a name... - Let's Vote About TORG ![]() Okay, so now it's time for a vote! There are six cosms invading Core Earth, and each one got a book detailing all the mechanics needed to do stuff there, and occasionally some stuff about what the realm is like. So now I ask you, the FATAL and Friends viewers, which cosm you'd like to hear about first! So what'll it be?
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The Living Land sounds the most interesting.
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I vote Nippon Tech, since that might be the most racist and awful. I'd also like to suggest, for others, that you refrain from voting for Cyberpapacy until the very end, because that seems like it should be the "play us out" bugfuck weirdness.
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Heliotrope posted:The Living Land sounds the most interesting. You're adorable. ![]()
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Why are there other options when we could be talking about The Cyber Papacy? It's the one really really unique Torg setting and so we should hit it as quickly as posible
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The Nile Empire, duh. Gotta find out what Dr. Mobius is up to.
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Zereth posted:The Nile Empire, duh. Gotta find out what Dr. Mobius is up to. ![]()
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# ? Feb 15, 2025 20:06 |
Mr. Maltose posted:Why are there other options when we could be talking about The Cyber Papacy? It's the one really really unique Torg setting and so we should hit it as quickly as posible All I know is, two years ago at Origins I saw a book called THE CYBERPAPACY and I had to buy it despite knowing nothing about it because it was a book called THE CYBERPAPACY.
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