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Jun 6, 2011

seems like you would test the propellers first


Feb 29, 2012

So what do you want to be called?

blablablabla posted:

seems like you would test the propellers first

If the Americans are doing it, it must be right!
-Soviet scientists

See also: Buran

Jun 6, 2011

yay i was right

Apr 4, 2009

Fun scary

CBJSprague24 posted:

E- Reagan's a monster because his people made fake sub plans your government wanted to steal to bolster their own Navy? Is that what Elizabeth was getting at? Because shut the gently caress up if it is.

She was probably referring to Nicaragua, which she would feel especially angry about considering what just happened

Dec 5, 2010
Av blanked by Admin request.

DarklyDreaming posted:

She was probably referring to Nicaragua, which she would feel especially angry about considering what just happened

Thanks. Didn't know if she was talking the sub accident or something else.

Jun 6, 2011

Soviets have a long history of blaming technical misshaps on espionage.

Grinning Goblin
Oct 11, 2004

blablablabla posted:

Soviets have a long history of blaming technical misshaps on espionage.

"Our spies stole the wrong plans"

edit: Just seems like the most bizarre way of explaining this to anyone who wanted to really understand what happened.

Grinning Goblin fucked around with this message at 04:42 on Apr 17, 2014

Zero One
Dec 30, 2004

That was a really good episode.

DarklyDreaming posted:

She was probably referring to Nicaragua, which she would feel especially angry about considering what just happened

I think Elizabeth has always had a deep hatred of Reagan. It came up last season too.

Hand of the King
May 11, 2012
Phillip is a softie now.

Jun 6, 2011

Grinning Goblin posted:

"Our spies stole the wrong plans"

edit: Just seems like the most bizarre way of explaining this to anyone who wanted to really understand what happened.

Not if your responsible for 160 sailors deaths. "Hey I put this propeller on a ship 2/3x the size its supposed to be on and everybody died whoops" or blame the spies.

Seems way over the CIA's competency level to pull that off to begin with.

Fetus Tree
Feb 2, 2003
Can't post for 2 years!
About half way through the episode in the FBI office stan over hears two of his coworkers talking about some dude that was in MI5 and was a soviet spy or something. Who were they talking about? At first I thought it was kim philby but that poo poo broke way earlier than the 80s

Dec 4, 2001
Oven Wrangler

Fetus Tree posted:

About half way through the episode in the FBI office stan over hears two of his coworkers talking about some dude that was in MI5 and was a soviet spy or something. Who were they talking about? At first I thought it was kim philby but that poo poo broke way earlier than the 80s

It sounded like Peter 'Spycatcher' Wright but that book came out in 1987. Maybe it was already known he was going to write his memoirs 5 years earlier.

Fetus Tree
Feb 2, 2003
Can't post for 2 years!

CeeJee posted:

It sounded like Peter 'Spycatcher' Wright but that book came out in 1987. Maybe it was already known he was going to write his memoirs 5 years earlier.

Yeah, thats exactly what I thought it was all about. I read that book when I was a kid, and admittedly its pretty much the only exposure I have to the subject

Dec 4, 2001
Oven Wrangler
Nina and Oleg did not properly understand how you play Paratrooper, you shoot the parachutes off the men they drop so they fall and crush the ones who already landed.

Dec 16, 2003

Mein Fuhrer! THEY WON!

We code-named the Soviet Akula class the Typhoon. It is a ballistic missile sub with two propeller shafts. Most famously, it was used as the basis for the Red October. And there is no record of one ever being lost. Later, they built an attack sub class we code named Akula.


Fill Baptismal
Dec 15, 2008
I really like the Navy SEAL guy. It's about time they crossed paths with someone as dangerous as they are that they can't run circles around.

May 6, 2006

CBJSprague24 posted:

Is the "fake sub plans" story real? Because holy poo poo if it is. It's a twisted mix of :cawg: and "Oh man, that sucks..."

E- Reagan's a monster because his people made fake sub plans your government wanted to steal to bolster their own Navy? Is that what Elizabeth was getting at? Because shut the gently caress up if it is.

Not sure about the sub but the US did set them up with fake plans which IIRC came to a head when the software they used to control some gas pipelines blew them up.

Dec 5, 2004
Fun Shoe

geeves posted:

I binged this show over the last week to get caught up and have one nagging question. Why is it always winter?

Its the 'cold war' duh.

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"
Minor quibble, but being Virginia residents, having that "Camaro" front plate would've gotten Philip pulled over. Virginia mandates front and rear plates for all vehicles.

But whatever. I actually kind of like the Camaro as a plot device. If anything, it's the last car you'd expect a Soviet sleeper agent to drive because of its decadent capitalist subtext. I'd be more suspicious of a guy talking about how great his loving Yugo is.

I was also surprised that Beecher the SEAL didn't break Miss Nicaragua's neck - that's usually the cliche writers fall back on in situations like that to make a situation seem edgier.

BIG HEADLINE fucked around with this message at 10:48 on Apr 17, 2014

Dec 22, 2009

"Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?"

themrguy posted:

I really like the Navy SEAL guy. It's about time they crossed paths with someone as dangerous as they are that they can't run circles around.

He's Chett from the Weird Science tv series. Also, Tobias Beecher from Oz.

Jan 31, 2003

"I don't know why I know that; I took four years of Spanish."
I give The Americans credit for attempting to accurately portray tranquilizer darts. So many movies/tv shows will have the person pass out almost instantly when they get shot. That's some fast acting stuff! At least here there was a struggle before it kicked in.

Dec 16, 2003

Mein Fuhrer! THEY WON!


But whatever. I actually kind of like the Camaro as a plot device. If anything, it's the last car you'd expect a Soviet sleeper agent to drive because of its decadent capitalist subtext. I'd be more suspicious of a guy talking about how great his loving Yugo is.

He's going all James Bond.

Sep 16, 2004

blablablabla posted:

Soviets have a long history of blaming technical misshaps on espionage.

Ahhh, the Bolshevik incompetence and paranoia that steamrolled any chance of it being done properly. Then arresting and blaming the factory workers for it.


Also, Tobias Beecher from Oz

I just couldn't place it.

Sep 11, 2001

The Americans: I'm not a bad person, you know that!

Dec 4, 2001
Oven Wrangler


The Americans: I'm not a bad person, you know that!

Breaking and entering, beating up kidnappers, turning an interrogation around, Henry will be a superspy by the time he's 18.

Jan 31, 2003

"I don't know why I know that; I took four years of Spanish."
No Paige this episode, huh?

Dec 5, 2010
Av blanked by Admin request.

Gonz posted:

He's Chett from the Weird Science tv series. Also, Tobias Beecher from Oz.

He's the embedded reporter in Generation Kill.

God drat that series was amazing.

He was also in Red Tails but, eh...I won't go there.

Jun 28, 2006

Nobody likes you.
Everybody hates you.
You're gonna lose.

Smile, you fuck.
Oh my God. Oliver North shares a "Story By" credit on the next episode, "Martial Eagle."

May 30, 2009
That's pretty hosed up.

Jun 28, 2006

Nobody likes you.
Everybody hates you.
You're gonna lose.

Smile, you fuck.
The details:


When the producers of the FX series The Americans, an espionage thriller set in the early 1980s, began preparing a storyline about the government’s covert efforts to help Contra rebels in Nicaragua, they wanted to consult with someone well-versed in the situation.

They reached out to colleagues within Fox, the parent company of FX, and were soon connected to an expert: Oliver North, a former Marine Corps lieutenant colonel and National Security Council aide, and a central figure in the Iran-Contra scandal.

North provided the producers of The Americans with so much detail for the episode — to be shown on Wednesday — that he was given a story credit.


With North’s involvement comes the potential for a whirlwind of controversy; questions about why he should be allowed to benefit from his part in the scandal; and the possibility of opening old political wounds.

“Look, I’m a right-wing goon — everybody knows it, right?” the 70-year-old said through a broad smile during an interview at the production offices of The Americans.

When he participates in such creative projects, North said, he expects that “There’s going to be some people who just don’t like Ollie North.”

Jun 5, 2011
Jews fleeing the Holocaust are not in any way comparable to North Africans, who don't flee genocide but want to enjoy the social welfare systems of Northern Europe.

DivisionPost posted:

Oh my God. Oliver North shares a "Story By" credit on the next episode, "Martial Eagle."

The nice thing is that its Feburary of 1982 in the show (they showed Reagans speach at the 3rd CPAC on the TV) so we can be pretty sure that the Iran-Contra story wont break soon.

Zero One
Dec 30, 2004

That was all before I was born but... doesn't Congress cut off direct funding for the Contras (what is happening in the show now) first and only after that does North start selling to Iran.

Dec 16, 2003

Mein Fuhrer! THEY WON!

Zero One posted:

That was all before I was born but... doesn't Congress cut off direct funding for the Contras (what is happening in the show now) first and only after that does North start selling to Iran.

The Boland Amendment killed Contra funding by 1984. The arms sales to Iran started in 1985.

Bill and Lance had to find alternate funding, you know.

Dec 12, 2005

goggle-eyed freak

I had a liberal co-worker that loving loved Oliver North for some reason. V:shobon:V

Jan 31, 2003

"I don't know why I know that; I took four years of Spanish."

gret posted:

I had a liberal co-worker that loving loved Oliver North for some reason. V:shobon:V

It's hard to hate somebody named Oliver.

Dec 1, 2011

No man has need of candles when the Sun awaits him.

DivisionPost posted:

I think we're building up to a reckoning too. Paige may not be snooping around anymore, but between her previous concerns, Henry dabbling in B&E, and Phillip and Elizabeth being repeatedly confronted with the physical and spiritual cost of what they do, something's going to give.

Cthulhu is coming. Mark my words.

Alec Bald Snatch
Sep 12, 2012

by exmarx

ufarn posted:

That's pretty hosed up.

To be fair there's few people with more direct knowledge of the subject.

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"

TheAngryDrunk posted:

I give The Americans credit for attempting to accurately portray tranquilizer darts. So many movies/tv shows will have the person pass out almost instantly when they get shot. That's some fast acting stuff! At least here there was a struggle before it kicked in.

I also like how they paid enough attention to detail that she was out longer because the darts were obviously filled with enough to take down a guy twice her size.

And if she'd hit him with a second she'd probably have killed him.

BIG HEADLINE fucked around with this message at 23:48 on Apr 17, 2014

Aug 9, 2009

Which would be a problem for her how? To be fair I don't really get what her plan was anyway.

Also I like to think that the whole honey pot propeller thing was written to pacify assholes like me who are still upset about how easily the factory worker folded. Now it makes perfect sense, he was FBI and deliberately guided them towards the fake plans!


banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

And his kids were really just the pictures that came with the wallet.

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