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rare bird
Jun 19, 2013

April Carrion is life. What a cute lil thing :3


jai Mundi
Jun 17, 2005

Kiss my shiny metal heinie

rare bird posted:

April Carrion is life. What a cute lil thing :3

She is, but I was a little put off by her bitching about her "box of CRAAAAAAAAAAP" that LaGanja assigned to her. Gurt, you walked in the workroom in a military outfit. Is it that far of a stretch for you to think that you could also make a box full of military stuff work again.

I ain't got no time for queens whining about shade that isn't there.

Sep 23, 2005

caligulamprey posted:

I worry she's not sticking around since she doesn't really show up in the Untucked intro.

But goddamn, when she did, it loving killed me.

It might be a Tammie Brown Eh-gently caress-It situation, or a Human-Wallpaper Ivy Winters situation.

This video is spoilerific (I'm assuming it comes from a challenge) but it does contain clips of Milk's audition tape and a bunch of her looks, including the outfit that goes with that hair and makeup. And it is fabulous! All of her looks are great, really.

jai Mundi posted:

She is, but I was a little put off by her bitching about her "box of CRAAAAAAAAAAP" that LaGanja assigned to her. Gurt, you walked in the workroom in a military outfit. Is it that far of a stretch for you to think that you could also make a box full of military stuff work again.

I ain't got no time for queens whining about shade that isn't there.

This. She had the resources to do a great punk rock/tough girl look in the Vivienne Westwood mold with all that plaid; which could've easily worked for her glamorous androgyny (which I am a fan of in anybody). Though from what I saw online, she does not go for those kinds of looks. A shame; she could've done something better than her final result, which was top 2 by default really.

Sep 2, 2011

what a humorous anecdote.

jai Mundi posted:

You passed right by that bag of Sketti, and that was a mistake.

Okay but what the gently caress can you do with a bag of cooked spaghetti that's been sitting in a plastic bag for probably at least half a day, and have it remain any good quality in studio lighting (there's a reason why food in commercials isn't real food)
I've heard 3 or 4 people say that the passing up the Sketti was a mistake, but nobody's given me a solid reason why.

Mar 28, 2010


curiousTerminal posted:

Okay but what the gently caress can you do with a bag of cooked spaghetti that's been sitting in a plastic bag for probably at least half a day, and have it remain any good quality in studio lighting (there's a reason why food in commercials isn't real food)
I've heard 3 or 4 people say that the passing up the Sketti was a mistake, but nobody's given me a solid reason why.

Puking all over the stage is star quality?

Sep 2, 2011

what a humorous anecdote.

CHiRAL posted:

Puking all over the stage is star quality?

Well it works for Willam...

Sep 28, 2008

by reading this post you have agreed to form a gay socialist micronation.
You know if Alaska had gotten that box for a challenge, she would have dumped the poo poo all over her wig or held the bag and snarfed on handfuls of it the whole way down the runway.

Jun 21, 2007

"As a rule, I never touch anything more sophisticated and delicate than myself."

curiousTerminal posted:

Well it works for Willam...

That's because Willam is magical. :allears:

Sep 28, 2008

by reading this post you have agreed to form a gay socialist micronation.

PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:

This video is spoilerific (I'm assuming it comes from a challenge) but it does contain clips of Milk's audition tape and a bunch of her looks, including the outfit that goes with that hair and makeup. And it is fabulous! All of her looks are great, really.

Oh man, these are great. So excited for Milk's stuff.

I know we've had a lot of ViVacious love in this thread already, but I cannot get enough of hers. Video is once again spoilerific. She's gonna be a treat in the lip syncs, I can already tell.

I also think I'm in love with Courtney. She seems so sweet, and she's loving stunning in and out of drag.

I'm hoping these things' existence means there's gonna be another recording/possibly music video making challenge?

QuickbreathFinisher fucked around with this message at 07:15 on Mar 1, 2014

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:

This video is spoilerific (I'm assuming it comes from a challenge) but it does contain clips of Milk's audition tape and a bunch of her looks, including the outfit that goes with that hair and makeup. And it is fabulous! All of her looks are great, really.
Dear God, this Pimply Teen makeup is vile/hysterical.

Fingers crossed: Milk pulls out a truly insane Jerri Blank from Strangers with Candy for Snatch Game.

Sep 23, 2005

caligulamprey posted:

Dear God, this Pimply Teen makeup is vile/hysterical.

Fingers crossed: Milk pulls out a truly insane Jerri Blank from Strangers with Candy for Snatch Game.

I'm with you on both points; and what's extra great is you can see that behind the acne Milk has the chops to make herself really beautiful even with her kooky aesthetic.

Also, I was trying to figure out the new runway music and it's, I'm mostly sure, "sissy that walk" off Ru's new album "Born Naked". It's on Spotify! :neckbeard:

PostsYouCanDanceTo fucked around with this message at 10:06 on Mar 3, 2014

jai Mundi
Jun 17, 2005

Kiss my shiny metal heinie

curiousTerminal posted:

Okay but what the gently caress can you do with a bag of cooked spaghetti that's been sitting in a plastic bag for probably at least half a day, and have it remain any good quality in studio lighting (there's a reason why food in commercials isn't real food)
I've heard 3 or 4 people say that the passing up the Sketti was a mistake, but nobody's given me a solid reason why.

You go for the Honey Boo Boo white trash, covered in sketti, playing smell my breath. You paint on some Mother June neck wrinkles, and a deformed toe, and stomp the runway. That's what you do. You don't wrap your self up in some ugly fabric with a bow. She got lucky this time and I like Adore. I want her to stick around at least long enough to really get into it with Bianca.

QuickbreathFinisher posted:

You know if Alaska had gotten that box for a challenge, she would have dumped the poo poo all over her wig or held the bag and snarfed on handfuls of it the whole way down the runway.

And I was hoping for this...

CHiRAL posted:

Puking all over the stage is star quality?

Yes. It is. Be weird, but be cute.

I don't think the videos are technically spoilers, because all the girls made one. Kelly has one and she got the boot the first day. I think RuPaul made them make the videos, or submit them as a part of the audition tape.

I love me some Milk, but I have a feeling that Michelle Visage isn't going to like her kooky glamour. I think Michelle will tolerate Vivacious kook, because she's an O.G. Club kid, and you have to respect that.

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:
I'm dreading the reading of Milk during judging. That look was fabulous!

Eight Dollars
Nov 14, 2012

Pretty pictures in small frames
Oh no Milk :ohdear:

I loved that dang look. If she didn't have the beard they probably would have loved it. It's way better than Magnolia's generic wraparound at least (also girl always looks angry).

Speed Crazy
Nov 7, 2011
Magnolia Crawford made just about the worst possible first impression. Awful makeup, awful outfit, awful hair, awful personality.

Eight Dollars
Nov 14, 2012

Pretty pictures in small frames
That was the most one-sided lip-sync we've had in a long long time. Yeeeeesh.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

I won't be able to jump into the full episode until tomorrow, but I have watched the 10 minute preview and must say: the IHOP joke was unjustly shat upon.

Oct 24, 2004
My God, it's taking over america!
Darienne Lake was amazing. It's a shame about the outfit, but that lip synch had me gagging. Loved it.

As Speed Crazy said, Magnolia Crawford was horrendous. What a horrible human being.

Feb 18, 2011

All comedy is derived from fear.
Can we trade in these horrible Gilead HIV ads for last seasons puppet HIV commercials?

Milk is making me want to pour myself a big bowl of cereal. Bianca is funny but girl needs to be able to turn it off, or she's going to wear thin quickly. Coming in to this I had written off Trinity Bonet, but anyone giving Queen Amidala realness gets a nod of approval for me. I also don't want to hear another word about Courtney Act's sex life.

Oct 24, 2004
My God, it's taking over america!

Illuen posted:

Can we trade in these horrible Gilead HIV ads for last seasons puppet HIV commercials?

Milk is making me want to pour myself a big bowl of cereal. Bianca is funny but girl needs to be able to turn it off, or she's going to wear thin quickly. Coming in to this I had written off Trinity Bonet, but anyone giving Queen Amidala realness gets a nod of approval for me. I also don't want to hear another word about Courtney Act's sex life.

Trinity Bonet is amazing, also I love that she has fake teeth because her real grill is busted.

Sep 28, 2008

by reading this post you have agreed to form a gay socialist micronation.

Eight Dollars posted:

That was the most one-sided lip-sync we've had in a long long time. Yeeeeesh.

For real. I love Darienne, and she destroyed Magnolia. Magnolia seemed like a really insecure and not as clever version of Sharon. Her look was nothing and she had a bad attitude. Sure, any press is good press. :rolleyes:

Trinity really surprised me. I wasn't too into her from any of the pre-release stuff, but she's really funny, clever, and her look was fantastic. Thought she was gonna win, I liked the "pizza box" though. :colbert:

I'm glad the judges liked Milk's look, because it was killer. Seems like she'll be fun to watch.

The twerking scene from Untucked was awesome, as was Courtney's conversation about being "a glamorous stepping stone across the pond to homosexuality" for guys that identify as straight but still wanna sleep with her. I like her a lot.

caligulamprey posted:

I won't be able to jump into the full episode until tomorrow, but I have watched the 10 minute preview and must say: the IHOP joke was unjustly shat upon.

What was the setup? I missed the intro to it and just kept catching the punchline and the awkward laughs. Joslyn is still a big ol' blah. Seems sweet, but she's gonna have to turn something up if she wants to get somewhere.

And of course, Bianca was fantastic. She's loving hysterical.

Can't wait for them all to meet next week!

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

QuickbreathFinisher posted:

What was the setup? I missed the intro to it and just kept catching the punchline and the awkward laughs.
Something along the lines of:

"You have nice legs."
"She's a pirate, one of those is wooden."
"Well, I do like to eat at IHOP."

Sure, it takes a solid 20 seconds to get from point A to point B on that one, but it's a nice slip-under-the-radar pun.

Jun 13, 2001

Illuen posted:

Can we trade in these horrible Gilead HIV ads for last seasons puppet HIV commercials?

I really liked the one that featured a firefighter. The whole campaign is pretty good.

Oct 14, 2006

QuickbreathFinisher posted:

Can't wait for them all to meet next week!

There's a 10 min preview on the app. Gurl I am GAG-GING. It's going to be a great season, I think.

Sep 2, 2011

what a humorous anecdote.
Meanwhile I'm sitting here waiting for them to put it up on their mess of a site because my cable provider doesn't have Logo and I don't have an iDevice.
I could figure out who got eliminated if I really wanted to, since Pandora Boxx's recap of the episode AND Michelle's interview with the eliminated queen are both up... and yet the episode remains absent.
I really question Logo's priorities.

Sep 23, 2005

curiousTerminal posted:

Meanwhile I'm sitting here waiting for them to put it up on their mess of a site because my cable provider doesn't have Logo and I don't have an iDevice.
I could figure out who got eliminated if I really wanted to, since Pandora Boxx's recap of the episode AND Michelle's interview with the eliminated queen are both up... and yet the episode remains absent.
I really question Logo's priorities.

if you haven't already found it:

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
I am from Seattle.

I am ashamed that a queen THAT lack luster came from here. :colbert: I will NEVER pay to see Magnolia after that. drat.

As for everyone else~

Milk- I am lactose intolerant, and I want to eat you up. Pretty all around, and I LOVE that she is keeping to her character! YOUGOGURL

Darienne & Bianca- I am in love with both of your personalities. When I grow up, can I be like you? :allears:

Courtney- Stop relying on that BODY. I love that you are a polished queen, but do you have what it takes to get to the TOP?

Joslyn- Full of giggles. Lots of giggles.

TKB- I loved the space princess look, but something was screaming at me the whole time. I think it was the back lining on her face? It looked a little busy.

Mar 28, 2010

Joslyn is a total bimbo and for some reason I find that endearing.
I enjoyed Bianca a lot more than I expected to. Same can be said about Trinity.
Magnolia was insufferable. I was actually hoping she'll surprise for the better back when all we had were the previews. "Zomg" :byewhore:

This season is so much fun already :allears:

Jan 31, 2003

My LPth are Hot Garbage
Biscuit Hider
This season is way more solid than the last.

Joslyn will be gone in two more weeks.

Milk is amazing and I think she's going to turn out some interesting things.

Bianca is polished as hell and I love that shady bitch.

And I'm surprised how much I love Courtney Act. She's seriously polished and fabulous and that twerk, holy poo poo.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Just caught up on the second episode and I love this group even more than the first. I thought Trinity was going to be another Tyra Sanchez after her intro outfit + the Béyonce love, but girl was giving me life tonight. Did not see that coming at all - serious dark horse.

Darienne might have made the serious big girl mistake of wearing a sequined...bag...thing...that just about every big girl on this show has made, but Magnolia made the fatal mistake of being both completely unlikeable and completely unwilling to play the Drag Race game.

Oh god I'm watching Untucked now and Magnolia literally says "You really should know how to sew" about herself. "I want the exposure...for the ego." Forget the ego, someone disconnect her id from her mouth please dear God

Milk, Courtney, Bianca, all awesome queens, good people, and cute guys. :3: Still rooting for Darienne though, a big girl's gotta win it someday!

Jocelyn is a pretty traditional sorority girl kind of contestant, but she's also adorably clueless. Not going to last in the bigger pond, unfortunately, where Adore Delano has that poo poo on lock down.

Speaking of which...loved the way Bianca immediately read Gia Gunn, out of all the queens in the other group, as soon as she laid eyes on her. Shots about to be fired out of both barrels :allears:

jai Mundi
Jun 17, 2005

Kiss my shiny metal heinie
After watching episode 602 and untucked, I'm surprised how nice Bianca is. From the editing and previews, I thought that she was going to be a unreasonable bitch. When the judges didn't like her make-up, she took it like a champ. She seems to understand that she's there to play the game, and if that means blending a little more, so be it.

I don't know that her Luau dress was couture, but it was finished nicely, and fit her well. I'm hoping we get to see more of her sewing ability. As someone who can run a straight line on a sewing machine, there's no excuse on not being able to sew at all. I mean, drat. Get your dress form, and start pinning and draping. Then take that over to your machine and sew it up. You don't have to be a seamstress, but you should be able to make a tube.

Bottom line: You make it on the show, you take a sewing class at the community college.

Also, I didn't realize that Courtney could sing. Now I'm eagerly awating a show down between Adore and Courtney. I get the feeling that Courtney would win the challenge because she's more polished that Adore, and that will piss Adore-Polish-remover right off.


I really liked the one that featured a firefighter.

Firefighters are hot no matter what. It's just math.


Trinity Bonet is amazing, also I love that she has fake teeth because her real grill is busted.

drat, I missed that. I did see that her grill is comprised of what look like baby shark teeth, but I didn't notice her look on the runway. Maybe she should have let Adore borrow her flipper. (If you don't know, a flipper is a set of fake teeth for kids in pageants - it's creepy)

Jan 31, 2003

My LPth are Hot Garbage
Biscuit Hider

jai Mundi posted:

After watching episode 602 and untucked, I'm surprised how nice Bianca is. From the editing and previews, I thought that she was going to be a unreasonable bitch. When the judges didn't like her make-up, she took it like a champ. She seems to understand that she's there to play the game, and if that means blending a little more, so be it.

I don't know that her Luau dress was couture, but it was finished nicely, and fit her well. I'm hoping we get to see more of her sewing ability. As someone who can run a straight line on a sewing machine, there's no excuse on not being able to sew at all. I mean, drat. Get your dress form, and start pinning and draping. Then take that over to your machine and sew it up. You don't have to be a seamstress, but you should be able to make a tube.

Bianca's treating this like a professional, which makes sense considering she's been doing it forever.

(And with Lady Bunny, to boot. :nws:)

Man. Actually did go and see Lady Bunny this weekend. She's fabulous. But TV makeup does wonders for her.

G-Mawwwwwww fucked around with this message at 17:55 on Mar 4, 2014

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

Saw Joselyn Fox and all I could think was, "who asked Vivian Pinay to come back?"

Also, holy poo poo Magnolia was just stank. That nose was all kinds of wrong and her attitude was the worst. I can't believe she made it on the show.

jai Mundi
Jun 17, 2005

Kiss my shiny metal heinie

Fresh Like Zafo posted:

Saw Joselyn Fox and all I could think was, "who asked Vivian Pinay to come back?"

Joselyn is fishier than Vivian Pinay. She might be quite the bimbo, but already nicer than Vivian.

Tin Miss
Apr 8, 2009

Yes! This is what I'm talkin bout!

I was so disappointed after last week's lackluster bunch, but now I'm excited for Drag Race again.

Love Courtney's personality and fishiness (I'm a sucker for a fishy girl), but wasn't too impressed with her runway look.

Milk is very cute out of drag and I'm interested in seeing more of her quirky looks, so long as they're beardless. How tall is she anyway? She looked like an absolute giant standing next to the others on the runway.

I'm surprised that I actually like Bianca. She's just the right amount of cattiness without being too stank. Here's hoping she doesn't turn into a major bitch by the end of the season.

I really liked Trinity's runway look and feel like she should have won. Bianca's was pretty, but it was so simple. Trinity had some space age Yara Sofia poo poo going on there and it was amazing. I had pretty much dismissed her after hearing the "Kardashian" in her name, but now I might have to change my mind. We'll see how she goes. After all, even Coco impressed me with her look once and we all saw how that turned out.

Jun 1, 2007
I got to see Courtney and Willam live a few weeks ago, which was a blast. I hope Courtney gets to sing on the show, her voice is shockingly good. She's also a super sweet person, she thanked people in the middle of her song for every single dollar she got tipped :3:

Jul 13, 2006

He's soooo dreamy...

I feel like the only person not sold on Milk yet. Hot guy, but that beard put me right off, and not in a good or interesting way. I like weird, but not if it's just an isolated element pasted on top of an otherwise beautiful and cohesive look purely for the sake of being weird. That's not audaciousness, that's gimmickry. She's got talent, but I hope next time the weirdness is folded more fully into her overall presentation.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

I agree, I would have loved for Milk to say why she chose the beard. There were plenty of possible reasons other than "wow my style"; my favorite overly intellectual idea is that the beard was perfect because the toga party has a uniquely masculine, frat boy imagery associated with it.

Still love ya Milk!

Grape Juice Vampire
Aug 1, 2009
I'm not entirely sold on Joslyn, but I'm sort of hoping for her to become this season's Alyssa Edwards.


Jul 13, 2006

He's soooo dreamy...

Combed Thunderclap posted:

I agree, I would have loved for Milk to say why she chose the beard. There were plenty of possible reasons other than "wow my style"; my favorite overly intellectual idea is that the beard was perfect because the toga party has a uniquely masculine, frat boy imagery associated with it.

Still love ya Milk!

I think she was going for the whole Mathu Andersen thing, but it just didn't hit and felt arbitrary.

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