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the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

all the queens left over are pretty interesting so it'll be a small mourning period for me with each elimination :(

anyone else noticing how Ru is already pushing for queens to apply for S7?


Mar 28, 2010

Well it was already green lighted so why not? :)

Chaotic Flame
May 31, 2009


This is my first season of Drag Race and I'm so excited to be in the loop and understand the references I hear.

Loving me some Bianca and Ben de la Creme, but I just like funny queens.

PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:

Everyone on the internet is gagging over Courtney, but I'm not fully convinced yet. She's beautiful and charming, but the look was dull (and Republican Party had so much promise!), and her body is not that feminine. She really needs a dress to sell me on her fishiness.

Bolded part is my only issue with Courtney. You can't rely on your body for your look if you look like a box without clothes! Other than that, she seems like a class Act. :rimshot:

Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.

The mini-challenge is going to be the source of many wonderful :gonk: gifs...

Oct 24, 2004
My God, it's taking over america!
I finally got me and my partner's rucap of Episode 1 & 2 up. Appreciate if you all check it out

This week's mini-challenge was amazing.

Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.

Vivacious... :drat:

Oct 24, 2004
My God, it's taking over america!
Holy poo poo that runway was amazing. Leganja, April, Darienne, Bianca, Milk, even Adore looked good. That was... Unreal.

Maera Sior
Jan 5, 2012

Argh, I can't keep away from this thread even though I won't be able to watch the episode until it's uploaded.

Oct 24, 2004
My God, it's taking over america!
Adore should have been on the bottom. That was a drat good lip sync.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

I want an entire TV network of nothing but Bianca. I could watch that bitch eating Cheerios and reading the paper and be entertained.

Feb 21, 2006



Holy poo poo that runway was amazing. Leganja, April, Darienne, Bianca, Milk, even Adore looked good. That was... Unreal.

I feel like this is the first season in a while where everyone left this early is still so strong. I can't begin to imagine how they'll have to step up their game after runway tonight. RuPaul's look during the judging may be my favorite ever.

I agree Adore should have been on the bottom. I think her being more into the challenge saved her, despite lack of leadership, planning, and cinched waist. Also I did not want to put up with another PhiPhi this season but Gia had that crooked eyelash and WELP.

Jan 31, 2003

My LPth are Hot Garbage
Biscuit Hider

spite house posted:

I want an entire TV network of nothing but Bianca. I could watch that bitch eating Cheerios and reading the paper and be entertained.

Only if Milk is on the show, too. She's just so goddamn adorable and happy and weird. Watching her and adore do the mini challenge was amazing.

Nov 21, 2007

Just as some things can be right and useless at the same time, can't something be wrong and priceless?
I desperately want to like Adore but she needs to bring it, she's got talent but she needs to shine that poo poo up fast to keep up with the others.

Milk continues to be fun and incredible, Bianca's precision bitchbombs hurt so good and even though she's not that impressive skill-wise so far I think Joslyn is just so bright and cute.

I am already really tired of Gia. She is so nasty and not in a fun Bianca way, just an unpleasant person all around. I don't like her style or her presentation skills. :/

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Sparda219 posted:

I desperately want to like Adore but she needs to bring it, she's got talent but she needs to shine that poo poo up fast to keep up with the others.

Milk continues to be fun and incredible, Bianca's precision bitchbombs hurt so good and even though she's not that impressive skill-wise so far I think Joslyn is just so bright and cute.

I am already really tired of Gia. She is so nasty and not in a fun Bianca way, just an unpleasant person all around. I don't like her style or her presentation skills. :/

Been over Adore from the beginning, I just don't get the attention paid to her. I guess she's good enough to be interesting, but her loudmouthed celebrity act only ends up setting the bar too high for her to clear. And in another great example of the importance of expectations, Joslyn's (relative) quietness is only highlighted her surprisingly good work on the challenge and her super cute look on the runway. She might really be the black horse of the competition. :allears:

Now, Gia, I actually like — because she's owning the role of this season's villain. And unlike Miss Phi Phi, who was just a big ol' ball of sad, angry passive-aggressive, Gia is just aggressive. I can work with that.

Nov 21, 2007

Just as some things can be right and useless at the same time, can't something be wrong and priceless?

Combed Thunderclap posted:

Been over Adore from the beginning, I just don't get the attention paid to her. I guess she's good enough to be interesting, but her loudmouthed celebrity act only ends up setting the bar too high for her to clear. And in another great example of the importance of expectations, Joslyn's (relative) quietness is only highlighted her surprisingly good work on the challenge and her super cute look on the runway. She might really be the black horse of the competition. :allears:

Now, Gia, I actually like — because she's owning the role of this season's villain. And unlike Miss Phi Phi, who was just a big ol' ball of sad, angry passive-aggressive, Gia is just aggressive. I can work with that.

Gia is leagues above Phi Phi, definitely agree there. If Adore can't bring it I'll be with you in dropping interest. :/ Cute and loud can only go so far. (Even if I think she's freaking adorable out of drag.)

Seeing Joslyn come from behind would be AMAZING. Now I'm praying for this. (Ride that black stallion even if you can't say it right, girl.)

I am loving how they show the gently caress-ups during the confessional segments by the way, it shows their blind spots and is funny as hell.

Also: Interviewer: "Wasn't theirs was black and white because it was the 60's?" *Long pause* Gia: "...No."

Sparda219 fucked around with this message at 07:05 on Mar 11, 2014

Sep 23, 2005

Okay, first things first: Darienne!! :neckbeard:

Second things second: Vivacious! :argh: Seriously, why wasn't Adore in the bottom 2? Send that bitch packin' if someone's gotta go. Ah well, c'est la vie.

This was a killer episode. Loved the mini challenge (and Joslyn's pelvic tattoo made me rewind to see if he was letting his pubes breathe, which made me feel only slightly more pervy than normal). And the final products in the main challenge weren't bad! Usually the queens, bless their hearts, are working with some... less than stellar material. But how long are these scripts? The final product can't be that much longer than the videos we see at home and those are like, two minutes. So many of the girls can't remember their lines and all I can think is "really?"

Ru and Michelle, however, couldn't have been more on point with their acting/directing. They were legit hilarious. Also, props to whoever was throwing shade with that background music.

Best runway ever? I think it's a contender. I didn't gag on the eleganza; I choked, died, and came back to choke again. But of course RuPaul's the one to beat; her look GAVE ME LIFE! That was my favorite wig she's ever worn. And I would rock the hell outta that blue suit!

CaptainScraps posted:

Only if Milk is on the show, too. She's just so goddamn adorable and happy and weird. Watching her and adore do the mini challenge was amazing.

Milk can be the ditzy neighbor; the "Vivian" to Bianca's "Maude"

PostsYouCanDanceTo fucked around with this message at 09:37 on Mar 11, 2014

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Why didn't Gia or Adore go home? :argh:

Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.

It was a brilliant decision to have the girls bring out their Best Drag for their second runway. Have they done this before?

Mar 28, 2010

Adore, Please, for the love of god, put some work into it! :argh:
I think she has a lot to offer but she isn't taking this seriously enough and it might cost her her place in this competition. I totally fell for her charms back in the promo days so I'm hoping she brings it before it's too late

At this point the only person I'd love to see go home is Gia. All of the queens are so great and I was genuinely sad when Ru announced the bottom two. I get the feeling this will happen on every episode from now on :ohdear:

PS Bianca is life I did not expect to like her at all and she is fast becoming my favorite

Edit: This just in: Episode 4 is a musical challenge! :woop:

CHiRAL fucked around with this message at 11:55 on Mar 11, 2014

Sep 28, 2008

by reading this post you have agreed to form a gay socialist micronation.

Pinwiz11 posted:

It was a brilliant decision to have the girls bring out their Best Drag for their second runway. Have they done this before?

I don't think so. Here's hoping it sets the runway bar high, since everyone looked fantastic last night and I wanna see more! Gia's look was surprising, namely since there was nothing sexy or very "her" about it from what I could tell. She looked like if Nicolas Winding Refn directed a Willy Wonka remake. I don't really get her personality, and she seems to be doing "funny/campy" looks without getting what makes them funny. I liked her intro look with the huge purse because it was so over the top Kardashian. And not knowing what a DeLorean is? Is she being purposefully stupid to get the other girls to write her off? Also, her makeup was unintentionally creepy as poo poo in the video. At one point she just had straight up black eyes. :gonk:

This season, though. :allears: Darrienne destroyed that challenge, and I was eating her on the runway. God she's great.

Also yeah Adore shoulda been in the bottom.

Sep 7, 2007

She was a terrible creature and did not deserve our love
I literally yelled at my computer when Adore wasn't in the bottom 2. I suppose she did better in the challenge than April, but she really did a HORRID job casting. I was also super bummed to see Vivacious go, though I had a feeling it was going to be her instead of April even with the killer lipsync. Really wanted to see more Vivacious. They keep getting rid of the ones I like :(

Though I was pumped to see Darienne win this one. She did an EXCELLENT job as that head and looked great on the run way. Hell, everyone did for once.

Edit: Jesus Bianca just don't STOP. She's magic :allears:

Bremma fucked around with this message at 15:42 on Mar 11, 2014

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

QuickbreathFinisher posted:

She looked like if Nicolas Winding Refn directed a Willy Wonka remake.
It makes me absolutely furious I'm here at work for another 4 hours before I can see this.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Pinwiz11 posted:

It was a brilliant decision to have the girls bring out their Best Drag for their second runway. Have they done this before?

I think they've done this before, but I remember it being relatively later in the season. Doing it this early on is a great way for the girls who want to make their mark to really make their mark, setting up a good baseline to judge their creative flexibility against.

Bremma posted:

I was also super bummed to see Vivacious go, though I had a feeling it was going to be her instead of April even with the killer lipsync. Really wanted to see more Vivacious. They keep getting rid of the ones I like :(

I too loved Vivacious, and would now go to one of her shows in a heartbeat, but I'm glad she's gone a little early. While having her drag be rough around the edges was definitely part of her charm, under the camera lens it just started to seem increasingly threadbare. Glad she got to go before things started to really unravel.

Still would have much preferred to see Adore sent packing, though. :sigh:

EDIT: Oh, singing challenge next week? No wonder she got saved from the bottom 2, they wanted to keep her on for at least one more episode.

Combed Thunderclap fucked around with this message at 17:54 on Mar 11, 2014

Tin Miss
Apr 8, 2009

Wow, there are so many gorgeous girls I'm having a hard time picking my favourite.

I am in love with Milk's body, she's just so tall and graceful looking. I mean Alaska was tall and skinny and I loved her, but more in a "weird awkward creature" kind of way whereas Milk just looks so elegant, even when she's sporting a beard or Pinocchio nose. And she seems really down to earth and nice. I really hope she doesn't get caught up in some bitchy Rolaskatox crap. If she did start an "alliance" I'm hoping it would be with like minded nice girls Courtney and Ben. They could be the Anti-Heathers!

April is soooo pretty and she absolutely killed that lip synch. I just wish she could have done better in the challenge. I mean she got screwed over with the Duck Dynasty box and she turned it out, so why couldn't she do it with the lovely part she was given this time? I better not see you in the bottom two again, April, you're much better than that!

I thought I would hate Bianca, but I actually find her pretty entertaining, especially when she's putting Gia in her place. Bianca is funny and on point whereas Gia is just dumb and bitchy. I hope they're both around for the Snatch game as I'm sure there'll be a catfight. And I'm also certain that Gia will pull out some boring Kimora Lee/Kardashian look and be flatter than Coco's Janet Jackson. Just you wait.

I still don't understand all the love for Adore and I feel like she should have been in the bottom 2. She was the team captain, she gave April the sucky part and her runway look was not as good as April's. I don't know where the judges are getting "charming" from because all I see from her is screechy and immature.

At the moment Milk, Courtney, Ben, April and Bianca are at the top of my list and Gia, Adore and Laganja are at the bottom. I have a feeling Adore will be sticking around, but Laganja feels a bit like cannon fodder.

Mar 28, 2010

Well, if this doesn't work out for Courtney she already has a Plan B.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Okay, now I take back taking back (not) making fun of Josyln Fox, she clearly knew what she was doing during that challenge and was awesome. I think. I now have absolutely no idea what her mental state is. Gia Gunn's "WHY'S IT IN BLACK AND WHITE" moment might top Joslyn's Black Horse comment.

I love that they managed to throw in a quick Evil Dead 2 zoom-into-a-deerhead shot.

BenDeLaCreme went into full Tammie Brown mode, and stayed in character the entire time. Love it. Love everything about it.

Milk: distinct style, seems to work great with others, giant crank in the minichallenge, then kills me with the nose deep throat gag in the end credits. It's now gone from fascination to obsession.

Like everyone else says: Adore not being bottom 2 is a CRIME. Vivacious definitely blew the competition, but man, she entertains me. Also: the misquotings were amazing (they threw me on to the bus/bring the Kraken) and I'm sad I won't hear more of those. While I think April was great at the Lip Sync, somewhere in the back of my mind I was thinking "Clearly somebody read that insanely detailed lip sync breakdown and decided to send Vivacious packing."

Gonna miss her.

Sep 23, 2005

Everyone needs to stop everything to watch Drag Goddess Coco Peru play GTA V.

Everyone needs to watch every video with Coco Peru on youtube.

Coco Peru needs to be a guest judge on Drag Race.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

I seriously just found out, like, five seconds ago that Milk's doing a show in Portland not five miles from my house, and tickets are sold out. :cripes:

However, I did meet Lloyd Kaufman tonight at a screening of Return to Nuke 'Em High so this week hasn't been a complete failure.

Jun 21, 2007

"As a rule, I never touch anything more sophisticated and delicate than myself."
Allow me to preface this as I did most of my posts last season (and maybe the season before that):

Why is Santino there?

Lena Headly's reaction following Team Adore's video absolutely cracked me up. :allears:

I'm really puzzled as to what they see in Adore that I'm missing. In any other season any other queen would be called out for not taking the proceedings seriously and coasting on her looks yet somehow Adore gets a pass? She didn't even know her lines! She failed on everything from leadership on down and she turns on the waterworks and gets a pass? Psh. It's just insulting to all the other queens who are there.

The film being in black and white definitely was an advantage for Milk's Team. They ended up blowing the other team out of the water, so ultimately it's irrelevant, but it wasn't a level playing field.

I really would've liked to have seen Vivacious stick around, but she didn't seem entirely comfortable. I think she came off as more of a symbol or an ideal than a well-rounded queen and when she was put into situations that took her out of that (which is virtually every challenge) there just wasn't much for her to stand on.

Edit: Also, this:

Ghostpilot fucked around with this message at 14:53 on Mar 12, 2014

Jul 13, 2006

He's soooo dreamy...

I feel like they kept Adore around because even though she was a terrible team leader and a mess on set, her best takes were actually quite good (even if the character was right in line with what she normally does anyway). April's issues weren't entirely her own fault, but she still looked far worse in the final product than Adore did.

Sep 13, 2010

Oh look, the consequences of my prior actions are finally catching up to me.
I'm rooting for Bianca and Milk right now. Milk is fantastic and Bianca is so sharp. I hope they make it to the top 2.

Jan 31, 2003

My LPth are Hot Garbage
Biscuit Hider
They're not going to get rid of Adore before the Idol battle. You know that.

Luckily they're booking next week as the Idol battle.

Although drat it, I had hope when Adore was having fun in the mini-challenge. I hope this season goes for the sisterhood vibe of Season 4 instead of the garbage drama of season 5.

Courtney, Milk and Bianca for top 3.

Mar 23, 2004

As in her big fat ass.
PogDesign spoilers for the next two episodes:

Ep 4: The Ru-sical. Singing episode.
Ep 5: Snatch Game.

Oct 14, 2006

angerbeet posted:

PogDesign spoilers for the next two episodes:

Ep 4: The Ru-sical. Singing episode.
Ep 5: Snatch Game.

The titles of all the episodes are up on the TV guide-ish websites.

As much as I would LOVE Milk to be in the top 3 I just don't see it happening. Honestly it's hard for me to pick but I'd say it is between Ben, Adore(they seem to love her), Courtney, Bianca and maybe Darienne.

Sep 28, 2008

by reading this post you have agreed to form a gay socialist micronation.

Elucidarius posted:

The titles of all the episodes are up on the TV guide-ish websites.

As much as I would LOVE Milk to be in the top 3 I just don't see it happening. Honestly it's hard for me to pick but I'd say it is between Ben, Adore(they seem to love her), Courtney, Bianca and maybe Darienne.

I dunno, I think all it'll take is one uber-glamour look from Milk for the judges to shut the gently caress up about her only being a club kid or whatever their current complaint is. They pick one queen every season to have this type of problem with, and it's usually the ones they have few other complaints about. The last two seasons it was Sharon and Jinkx, so... v:shobon:v

Speed Crazy
Nov 7, 2011
I REALLY want to join in on the Milk train because I love her style, but so far her personality has been so flat for me.

Jun 21, 2007

"As a rule, I never touch anything more sophisticated and delicate than myself."

PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:

Everyone needs to stop everything to watch Drag Goddess Coco Peru play GTA V.

Everyone needs to watch every video with Coco Peru on youtube.

Coco Peru needs to be a guest judge on Drag Race.

My boyfriend got me to watch this and PYCDT is absolutely right: stop what you're doing and watch this. Right. Now.

Mar 23, 2004

As in her big fat ass.
I enjoyed that and Coco Peru's trip to K-Mart.

Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.

Thanks to her, I have a pavlovian response to "Panettone" or "Tension Tamer Tea". A good response.


Mar 23, 2004

As in her big fat ass.
The Tension Tamer Tea made me think of Shaye Saint John for some reason. Drip Drop Diet?

No one ever thinks of Panettonne seriously it's gross.

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